Is it really possible to hear Gods voice? (believers only please)?
2014-03-29 14:42:13 UTC
I consider myself an agnostic, i don't really believe in God but then again i don't believe in nothing either. My girlfriend on the other hand is born and raised as a christian at heart. She has her doubts and questions, but she still firmly believes in the bible, Jesus, God, and etc. Ever since we have started dating she has been helping me discover what it is that i truely believe. I'd like to believe in something higher than myself, yes. But the bible and God just seem too far fetched, unrealistic, and ridiculous to me. But i still try my hardest to believe. Last night we went to Winter Jam, a christian concert, and i began to have some deep thoughts so i asked my girlfriend "I always hear people say they can hear/feel Gods presence or voice. How is that possible? I don't see anything, i havn't heard anything. Have you heard him speak?" And then she specifically told me "Last year before i went on a mission trip with my church, i really didn't want to go. But then God told me to go, and i ended up going and having the time of my life." I asked her if she was sure it wasn't her concious or her imagination, and she was 100% sure it was God actually speaking to her. She claims she has heard him many times but it just seems too hard for me to beleive her. Is this possible? Do you believers actually hear Gods voice? It seems too impossible to be true to me. I just need some real answers from real believers.
Eight answers:
2014-03-29 15:04:36 UTC
My mom has.

She has experienced being in his presence during prayer.

She has experienced "automatic writing"....

she wrote something that was NOT in her own handwriting.

The spirit came over her, and she wrote a message that told her to stop being depressed & angry.

She was once able to move her hand across a bunch of books on a shelf and she could sense without looking at them which ones had evil content.

I have a small gift from God. Sometimes he warns me via a weird sensation of impending danger or trouble.

It is sketchy though and I'd argue it requires some "calibration" as it sometimes gives me a false alarm.

My sister has a type of ESP. Although like my strange sense, It seems to come and go.

None of us take any drugs or have any mental illness of any kind. We all have one thing in common, a strong faith in God.

Take this as you will.

God is real.

God bless you. Good luck in your search.
2014-03-29 14:48:54 UTC
I never hear an audible voice if that's what you mean. I doubt that's what she means either. The voice we hear is described in scripture as a "still, small voice". Some people call it their conscience speaking. If you try it (as in "trying the spirit"), it always aligns with scripture and never contradicts the word of God. It's the subtle, quiet voice that leads you to do the right thing, to think the right thing, etc... If there's an immediate threat, the voice can be strong (directing you), but will still not be audible. I'm sure you hear it too, you just don't recognize it's source and you probably attribute it to your own thoughts. God speaks to us mostly through his written word though.

" ... and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice. So it was, when Elijah heard it, that he..." - from 1 Kings 19:11-13 when Elijah recognized the LORD was in the "still small voice" and responded to it
Disciple of Truth
2014-03-29 14:52:07 UTC
Yes it is possible. Jesus said in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

Sometimes it is hard to tell if you are hearing God, demons or yourself , but other times it is very clear (the still small/silent voice usually sounds like thoughts). Truth is recognizable, sort of like a sixth sense. Truth is also a person, Jesus (John 14:6). Therefore the better a person knows God, the better they know the difference.

Also, God can and does speak in different ways, and differently to different people.
Esoteric Order of Dagon
2014-03-29 14:59:16 UTC
No. You mean an audible voice? People that hear voices are usually mentally ill - schizophrenic for example, or demented.

This is a medical fact and it is a bit worrying that you only want to hear answers which will come from people who will say it is possible. This is called confirmation bias.
2014-03-29 14:45:16 UTC
God is mysterious. I'm skeptical at times of people who believe that God dictates every decision they make. Truly religious experiences are rare. I've had times in my own life that I ascribe to God, even as ordinary as talking to the exact needed person on the bus. Sensing the Holy Spirit is a discipline. It's like a muscle that you have to build up in the gym over time. As long as you have doubt, you won't open yourself up to the possibility of hearing God.

It differs from person to person.
2014-03-29 14:46:53 UTC
I don't have to experience God's literal voice to know that he can do it. God can do anything he wants.
2014-03-29 14:43:33 UTC
If you start hearing God's voice, you are probably having a schizophrenic episode.
Light and Truth
2014-03-29 14:57:38 UTC
See also Noise ; Sound [noun, verb]

they heard the voice of the Lord: Gen. 3:8 . ( Moses 4:14 . )

voice is Jacob’s voice, but the hands are … of Esau: Gen. 27:22 .

hearken to the voice of the Lord: Ex. 15:26 .

God answered him by a voice: Ex. 19:19 .

all the people answered with one voice: Ex. 24:3 .

Moses … heard the voice of one speaking: Num. 7:89 .

Lord hearkened to the voice of Israel: Num. 21:3 .

ye heard the voice of the words: Deut. 4:12 .

Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking: Deut. 4:33 .

heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: Deut. 5:24 .

after the fire a still small voice: 1 Kgs. 19:12 .

To day if ye will hear his voice: Ps. 95:7 . ( Heb. 3:7, 15 ; Heb. 4:7 . )

hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord: Ps. 106:25 .

fool’s voice is known by multitude of words: Eccl. 5:3 .

I heard the voice of the Lord: Isa. 6:8 .

Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard: Isa. 30:30 .

voice of him that crieth in the wilderness: Isa. 40:3 . ( Matt. 3:3 ; Mark 1:3 ; Luke 3:4 ; John 1:23 ; 2 Ne. 33:13 ; D&C 88:66 . )

his voice to be heard in the street: Isa. 42:2 . ( Matt. 12:19 . )

obeyeth the voice of his servant: Isa. 50:10 .

voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord: Isa. 66:6 .

Obey my voice: Jer. 7:23 .

voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness: Jer. 7:34 . ( Jer. 16:9 ; Jer. 25:10 ; Rev. 18:23 . )

voice was heard in Ramah: Jer. 31:15 . ( Matt. 2:18 . )

we will obey the voice of the Lord: Jer. 42:6 .

his voice was like a noise of many waters: Ezek. 43:2 . ( Rev. 1:15 ; Rev. 14:2 ; D&C 110:3 ; D&C 133:22 . )

fell a voice from heaven: Dan. 4:31 .

voice of his words like the voice of a multitude: Dan. 10:6 .

Lord shall utter his voice before his army: Joel 2:11 .

even the voice of the day of the Lord: Zeph. 1:14 .

voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son: Matt. 3:17 . ( Mark 1:11 ; Luke 3:22 . )

voice out of the cloud … This is my beloved Son: Matt. 17:5 . ( Mark 9:7 ; Luke 9:35 . )

rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: John 3:29 .

dead shall hear the voice of the Son: John 5:25 .

Ye have neither heard his voice at any time: John 5:37 .

sheep hear his voice: John 10:3 .

sheep follow him: for they know his voice: John 10:4 .

they shall hear my voice: John 10:16 .

My sheep hear my voice: John 10:27 . ( Mosiah 26:21 . )

Then came there a voice from heaven: John 12:28 .

Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice: John 18:37 .

they lifted up their voice to God: Acts 4:24 .

voice of the Lord came unto him: Acts 7:31 .

speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man: Acts 9:7 .

came a voice to him, Rise, Peter: Acts 10:13 . ( Acts 11:7 . )

voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul: Acts 22:7 . ( Acts 26:14 . )

they heard not the voice of him that spake to me: Acts 22:9 .

There are … so many kinds of voices in the world: 1 Cor. 14:10 .

Lord … with the voice of the archangel: 1 Thes. 4:16 .

voice they that heard entreated: Heb. 12:19 .

came such a voice to him: 2 Pet. 1:17 .

voice which came from heaven we heard: 2 Pet. 1:18 .

dumb *** speaking with man’s voice forbad … the prophet: 2 Pet. 2:16 .

if any man hear my voice, and open the door: Rev. 3:20 .

voices, and thunderings, and lightnings: Rev. 8:5 .

I heard a voice from heaven: Rev. 10:4 .

voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation: Rev. 12:10 .

I heard a great voice of much people in heaven: Rev. 19:1 .

I did obey the voice of the Spirit: 1 Ne. 4:18 .

ye have heard his voice: 1 Ne. 17:45 .

voice of the Son came unto me: 2 Ne. 31:12 .

voice unto me, saying: Enos: Enos 1:5 .

choose you by the voice of this people: Mosiah 29:25 .

not common that the voice of the people desireth anything contrary: Mosiah 29:26 .

if ye will not hearken unto the voice of the good shepherd: Alma 5:38 . ( Hel. 7:18 . )

well doth he cry unto this people, by the voice of his angels: Alma 10:20 .

still voice of perfect mildness: Hel. 5:30 .

as he was thus pondering … a voice came unto him: Hel. 10:3 .

at his voice do the hills and the mountains tremble: Hel. 12:9 .

being a small voice it did pierce them: 3 Ne. 11:3 .

Other sheep … shall hear my voice: 3 Ne. 15:21 .

voice of the Lord is unto all men: D&C 1:2 .

voice of warning shall be unto all people: D&C 1:4 . ( D&C 63:37 ; D&C 112:5 . )

by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants: D&C 1:38 .

my voice which speaketh them unto you: D&C 18:35 .

know that these things are true … by … the voice of God: D&C 20:35 .

Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ: D&C 27:1 .

sound of rejoicing, as with the voice of a trump: D&C 29:4 .

they will hear my voice, and shall see me: D&C 35:21 .

appointed by the voice of the church: D&C 38:34 .

preaching be the warning voice: D&C 38:41 .

How oft have I called upon you … by mine own voice: D&C 43:25 . ( D&C 88:90 . )

give ear to the voice of the living God: D&C 50:1 .

speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost … shall be the voice of the Lord: D&C 68:4 .

who speak even by the voice of my Spirit: D&C 75:1 .

heard the voice bearing record: D&C 76:23 .

confirm upon you … by mine own voice: D&C 84:42 .

receiveth not my voice is not acquainted with my voice: D&C 84:52 .

still small voice, which whispereth through: D&C 85:6 .

obeyeth my voice … shall see my face: D&C 93:1 .

made known to him by the voice of the Spirit: D&C 104:36 .

decision made by either of these quorums must be by the unanimous voice: D&C 107:27 .

resist no more my voice: D&C 108:2 .

voice of the Lord in the wilderness of Fayette: D&C 128:20 .

voice declared to me, while I was praying: D&C 130:13 .

his voice shall be heard: D&C 133:50 .

Thus came the voice of the Lord: D&C 137:7 .

among the ungodly … his voice was not raised: D&C 138:20 .

but few who hearkened to his voice: D&C 138:26 .

heard a voice from heaven, saying: Enoch: Moses 6:27 .

Enoch looked upon the earth; and he heard a voice: Moses 7:48 .

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.