But Arnt Christians Nicer?
2008-11-03 13:57:48 UTC
In a debate who does all the swearing and cursing and Fu*k U B1*ch and stuff? The Christian or the Evolutionist..? Even if Christians were wrong (which of course were not lol..) then wouldnt we still be nicer than all the others? Have you heard of Christians going out and murdering people? Or do they go and feed the hungry in Africa.. So if Evolutionists are right.. (When they arnt by the way..) Were still the nicer people who wont shoot you in the head because you dont actually mean anything.. in fact your just a big fat mistake..! (Or so they can claim.. but your not really.. :D)
38 answers:
2008-11-03 14:05:55 UTC
Spear, Unfortunately. Some Christian leave a lot to be desired now a days. As a Christian I have to be honest. I have had some Christians treat me just as nasty if not worse then some atheist have. With brothers and sisters like some Christians are who needs enemies ? But this also has a lot to do with some of the false doctrines that are being taught in Churches today as well. For example like prosperity type gospels telling you it's all about you and your happiness and wealth. So I can not totally not lay it all in the lap of Christians. Then you have those who call themselves Christians but don't ad hear to a thing the bible says and live like the devil and vote for pro abortion pro gay rights candidates like Obama. These would be those who think their Christians but aren't. So what I am saying it. Yes Christians should be a better example then atheist and sometimes they are. But unfortunately in this day and age there are a growing number who are not. Something else to consider is that we are living in the last days. The bible says in the last days there would be a great falling away and that their would be a famine of the word of God. People would preach false gospels and false Christ would appear. Those in sheeps clothing would lead flocks astray. We are seeing that in materialistic prosperity gospels right now as I have stated above. When you look around. The signs are all about us that Jesus return is near. On one hand these things are disturbing but on the other they are exciting and encouraging because they all add up with what the bible say swill take place when Jesus return is near.
2008-11-03 14:11:40 UTC
Oh goodness, the lack of proper grammar... it burns...

Anyway, I really hope you are a troll because this is the worst set of arguments (if they could even be called that) that I have ever read.

1. I believe you mean creationists or evolutionists. Either that or Christians and atheists, because there are some Christians who are also evolutionists.

2. I never swear in an argument, and I am an evolutionist, so that argument goes right out the window.

3. Yes, in fact, I HAVE heard of Christians going around murdering people. (cough the Holocaust, cough the Inquisition). Despite what you may (incredibly wrongly and illogically) think, not all murderers are atheists or evolutionists.

4. I have never shot anyone in the head, and I am an evolutionist. Case and point.

5. Simply because I believe that humans evolved instead of being poofed into existence by a magical invisible man does NOT mean that I think other human beings mean nothing. In fact, I am a pacifist, and against murder in every form.

6. The word "mistake" implies that SOMEONE who tried to do one thing accidentally did another. If human beings were mistakes, that would mean there is a god, and that this god is capable of mistakes. Humans are not mistakes, but our genetic structures are the results of billions upon billions of changes and coincidences over an extraordinarily large amount of time.

Please THINK next time before you post a series of illogical, baseless arguments.
Kristin C
2008-11-03 14:52:28 UTC
I'm an atheist and, believe it or not, I'm a good person. You can't really make a generalization like that about people you don't know. By the way, you're not the only people who feed the hungry in Africa or do other good things. Here's a list of some atheists you should know:

A. Philip Randolph - African American civil rights leader

James Randi - founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation

Zackie Achmat - South African anti-HIV/AIDS activist and founder of the Treatment Action Campaign

Bill Gates - donated over $30 billion to charity

Barry Manilow - donates money to political campaigns

Douglas Adams - evironmental activist who campaigned for endangered species

Alan Cumming - AIDS activist

Jodie Foster - teaches her children to respect all religions

Benjamin Franklin - invented fire departments, electricity, bifocals, etc; also charted the Gulf Stream and worked to abolish slavery

Galileo Galilei - found out the sun is in the center of the solar system (was ironically placed under house arrest by the church because of this "theory")

I don't feel like putting all the Christians on here. Maybe I'll do it later, but here's one BIG one:

George W Bush - said God wanted him to go to war with Iraq

And finally, there are a lot more Christians in prison than atheists. And by Christian, I don't mean they found God while in prison; I mean they were supposedly Christian before getting arrested.
The Tails Doll
2008-11-03 14:06:08 UTC
1. Ok, now what debates have you seen an atheist who was doing all the swearing. One or two people doesn't give you a good argument, especially since you can't seem to back that claim up.

2. Nicer because you are Christians? C'mon.

3. Last I heard the majority of convicts are Christian.
2008-11-03 14:08:35 UTC
Actually I have seen many Christians who do spend time cussing people out. I have had quite a few cuss me out as they are pulling out of a church parking lot. Also when I have taken my daughter out to volunteer at the Humane Society only a few are Christians, most are pagans. When we fundraise for March of Dimes, I get more donations from my pagan peers then I do from my Christian neighbors. So you feed children in come we don't see much going on for the people starving in our own neighborhoods or helping bring babies into the world (those same babies they would be upset if they got aborted).

Simply put, your opinions are just that...they are NOT facts.

BTW Christians burned heretics at the stake. Know anything about St. Valentines Day Massacre?? The church decided that certain persons sinned and brought on the Black Plague. They burned THEIR OWN PEOPLE! Yea and how about those radical christians who bomb abortion clinics. They harm and kill people all the time. Your egotistical attitude and fallacies just prove how ignorant some of you are. You cast a bad shadow on some of the nice Christians out there.
Shawnie M
2008-11-03 14:04:49 UTC
I think Christians are human too. They mess up just like everyone else. The only difference is they have a reason to do the right thing. That does not mean that they do the right thing all of the time. And also the other difference is that they have the Holly Spirit's help to do what is right.

Hope that helped, and maybe you should not try to sound so arrogant in your conclusions. I say that in the most loving way, please do not get offended. Just to help you for any other times, you might get a better response.
wylde95 A.R.T.
2008-11-03 14:06:30 UTC
Did you know that most of the men who have been imprisoned for shooting people in the head over a simple misunderstanding will claim to be Christian, or were raised in Christian homes.

Let me clarify that I am referring to the USA, I do not know stats for prison populations outside the US.

Therefor I must disagree that Christians are nicer.

Everyone, Christian or otherwise is just as capable of any horrible act which can be attributed to human nature.
2008-11-03 14:07:09 UTC
First of all, Christian AREN'T nicer. I believe you mean atheists, instead of evolutionists, by the way. And I've heard quite a bit of swearing from Christians. Also, I've probably heard the most violent things come out of a theist's mouth.
2008-11-03 14:04:02 UTC
So many ways this is wrong, I'm not sure where to begin. First, plenty of Christians and theists of other religions also accept evolutionary theory. Second, Christians aren't generally nicer then any other group of people. Yes there are nice Christians but there are people who are Christian and horrible. Yes, I've heard of Christians murdering people. How can you have not??? Yes, some Christians do charity work but so do I and I'm an atheist not a Christian.
2008-11-03 14:03:58 UTC
Well I know that plenty of atheists and Christians swear in a debate. Most of the time it is the fundamentalists who are the asswipes though. I have heard of Christians going out and murdering people, even in the name of your God. They also feed the hungry in Africa. And last I checked the Inquisition, and the massacres of the Native Americans were done in the name of your God....

And honestly I have no real clue on whatever it is you're talking about, just trying to give you a good answer.
2008-11-03 14:06:03 UTC
I've heard many Christians swear, just ask my parents and my friends!

Yes, I have heard of Christians murdering people. Salem Witch Trials, anyone? And that's just ONE example!

"Were still the nicer people who wont shoot you in the head because you dont actually mean anything."

Google "Westboro Baptist Church", thanks!

Here are some sites that are run by them.

*God hates America

*God hates fags

*God hates the world

*God hates Mexico

*God hates Sweden

I'm pretty sure there are many more.... In fact, I know there are. These were just the ones that I thought of first.
2016-10-25 07:44:17 UTC
certain they're the following ya go some more suitable examples: (you skill fundelmentalist christians) you truly recognize a lot decrease than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church heritage - yet nevertheless call your self a Christian even as cutting-edge technological information, heritage, geology, biology, and physics have did not cajole you otherwise, some fool rolling round on the floor speaking in "tongues" should be each and every of the info you opt for to "teach" Christianity. You snort at Hindu beliefs that deify people, and Greek claims about gods napping with females, yet you've not any situation believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave start to a guy-god who were given killed, got here back to existence and then ascended into the sky You snort at polytheists, yet you've not any situation believing in a Triune God you experience insulted and "dehumanized" even as scientists say that folk advanced from different existence kinds, yet you've not any situation with the Biblical declare that we were made out of airborne dirt and dirt. You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by skill of alternative religions, yet experience outraged even as someone denies the existence of yours.
Richard W
2008-11-03 14:06:20 UTC
isn't O.J. simpson a christian? so was Ed Gein, and also Jeffery Dhamer, hmm, seems to me like there are christian killers (and a bad actor too, as he was found innocent ;oP)

and reading arguments about atheism and christianity on here it is so often the athiests are reminding the christians they should turn the other cheek, not the other way around.

the evolutionists never seem to do anything but give a sensible and coherent answer (we can ignore the fools who just type an insult to get a quick 2 points as they do know have the brains to give a coherent answer, comes from being decended from apes i guess)
2008-11-03 14:04:19 UTC
Are you being facetious?

I don't think it's very nice to make statements like "...which we're not" or assumptions about what people do or don't do, or "...when they aren't [I corrected the spelling] by the way..." or to say that Christians are still the nicer people. I've met Christians who aren't nice and atheists who are very generous and kind.

Maybe in your head, those statements are nice.
Artillery Squirrel
2008-11-03 14:03:52 UTC
Christians go out and murder people all the time, but not because they're Christians, simply because they're murderers. And I'm sorry if you're too infantile to comprehend that words are simply that, words.

add on top of that, you claim to be 14, too young to really understand any of what you've just said. You can't even type proper english, yet you try to hold intelligent conversation.
2008-11-03 14:21:51 UTC
If you are a Christian and follow the teachings of Jesus you will be a much nicer and better person than one who does not do so. What is better than to love your neighbour as yourself and do unto others as you would have them do to you.
2008-11-03 14:13:11 UTC
1)Some christians "believe"in evolution

2)Not many atheists have tortured "witches" and then burnt them.

3)In Ireland until a few years ago,2 different groups of christians hated and killed each other.

4)As an atheist I have never told anyone that they will or should burn forever in "hell".
2008-11-03 14:08:39 UTC
"But Arnt Christians Nicer?"

Nah; they demand that people suck up to their breed of invisible sky critter or they're threatened with hell.

I don't call that nice; I call it insanity.

"Have you heard of Christians going out and murdering people?"

Sure; the jails are filled with such people.

"in fact your just a big fat mistake..!"

I come here for the comedy and fundie does it WAAYYY best !

Thank YOU ! for contributing to my good health.

Laughter really IS the best medecine.

2008-11-03 14:16:16 UTC
The only thing I can think of that christians are nicer than is the ebola flesh-eating virus.... nothing else really comes to mind.
2008-11-03 14:05:02 UTC
So, people that curse are all murderers, right? Ok, I didn't know that. I

guess I better be more careful about who I associate with.

My grannie curses. Guess I'll have to cross her off my list too.
2008-11-03 14:03:46 UTC
Yes, Christians are SUPPOSED to be nicer, but alot aren't. they are plastic. I worked in food service, the RUDEST people are christians just out of church....

I'm a christian, and I pray for God to get hold of the other christians, because they only CALL themselves christians, but aren't.
2008-11-03 14:06:07 UTC
Have you ever been to a Christian school? Everywhere there is not an adult within two feet, the language will burn your ears off.

Christian girls don't have a reputation for no reason, either.
2008-11-03 14:03:26 UTC
You might want to check your facts, the percentage of christians in prison for murder is much larger than atheists. And as for feeding hungry people in africa, YOUR people tie food to loans or conversions. Atheistic groups just give and teach.
2008-11-03 14:00:51 UTC
I never knew Evolution was a religion.

Must have missed the memo....

Honey, Christians do murder people. Ever hear of the Crusades? How about the extremists that think it's ok to bomb an abortion shelter because "murder is wrong"?

My answer was neither 'nice' nor 'mean'. It's the truth. I'm sorry if you cannot handle it.
2008-11-03 14:06:05 UTC
There are priests that molest children. swearing has nothing to do with what makes someone a good person by the way.
2008-11-03 14:03:06 UTC
Not all people who clalim to be Christian really are and the same goes for other believers! Thats the hard thing about being christian! But We are not here to please anyone but God so those who do swear and call people names will have to face him one day or go to hell!
2008-11-03 14:02:10 UTC
Christians are quite nice, but only with a good sauce.
2008-11-03 14:01:48 UTC
to answer your question: nonsense. there are as many nasty christians as there are non-christians. btw, what's an evolutionist? evolution is just a scientific theory not a religion.
2008-11-03 14:02:52 UTC
All in all, through history, christians have murdered more people than they've fed.
adorable agnostic hamster
2008-11-03 14:03:06 UTC, you should walk through my catholic high school for a day...we curse as much as anyone else does 8D

EDIT: trust me, most of us are christian ;) we just don't like the rules that religion imposes on us...
2008-11-03 14:03:35 UTC
I wouldn't demean myself by replying to such inarticulate garbage.
2008-11-03 14:04:18 UTC
YES Christians are nicer. And wonder why. May be because they are like Christ. After all Christians are LITTLE CHRIST.
donutkid: hammer of Thor
2008-11-03 14:02:22 UTC
You have reached ultimate troll status. Congrats.
Blue Haired Old Lady
2008-11-03 14:02:36 UTC
The Crhistians I know are very intolerant, judgmental people. I don't think they are very nice at all.
Tonya Midnight 666 Atheist
2008-11-03 14:02:22 UTC
♥Ophelia★Baby girl due March 
2008-11-03 14:01:40 UTC

you're extremely deluded, congratulations!
2008-11-03 14:04:25 UTC
Does your mommy know that you are messing with her computer?
2008-11-03 14:01:24 UTC

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