I live in the so-called third world.
I'm an atheist, which probably has nothing at all to do with whatever you call "the truth".
If you had given whatever was on your mind some serious thought before posting your question, you might have seen that atheism is simply a belief, just like religions are. No more, no less.
I find your question meaningless, or at least very badly worded.
And I wonder if it's immoral on my part to expect sensible questions here at Y!A, from people of any "world".
EDITED to add:
Atheism IS a belief: it is the belief that no gods exist. And it is indeed a belief (as opposed to a certainty). Believers can't prove there is a god (or gods); atheists can't prove there aren't any. So both views are beliefs, not truths or things of which there is concrete and undeniable evidence.
Many atheists say they "deny" the existence of a god. Well, I'm an atheist, but I'm not stupid, ignorant or fanatic. I don't believe there is a god, but I don't deny anything. I don't know (no one knows) if a god exists. No one can tell for sure, neither believers nor atheists. I thought that was clear enough to everyone, regardless of their beliefs.
I don't know where you all people live, but in my neck of the woods here in the poor, terrible, awful and sad third world, there are still many people who are in the habit of thinking before speaking (or typing!). Who would have said, huh? ;)