Genuine atheists: Are you bothered by anti-religionists claiming your title?
2011-11-10 05:01:21 UTC
here on answers, i'm really bothered by evangelising anti-religionists that identify themselves as atheist. i thought that atheists were unconcerned with deities. however these anti-religionists seem extremely concerned. many also have a chip on their shoulder about being exposed to philosophical ideas during childhood. to me, their talk sounds like religious radicalism and i often find it offensive. should we flag their rants as offensive when they attack religion and faith?
27 answers:
2011-11-10 06:16:19 UTC
Atheism is a religion of people who have faith that there is no god. You're so right - it does seem to be by far the most radical religion on YA - explicitly claiming that all other faiths are wrong or even harmful and having as it's main (if not only) aim the destruction of other religions until the only faith allowed is their own.
2011-11-10 05:12:26 UTC
I don't attack religion AND faith.

Faith I have no problem with. Faith is a perfectly rational response to the universe. Above all, faith is personal.

However, religion... this is where the problem comes in. Throughout human history, religion has been used as a method of control for the powerful to remain powerful and to keep people in their place. Whether this was in Judaism, the Norse gods, the Greek gods, Islam, Christianity makes no difference. Despite our belief that we've moved on from such primitive beliefs, currently in this day and age there has been only a little change. Religion is beginning to lose its stranglehold on society. Religion is, to quote Thomas Jefferson, "the most perverted system that ever shone on man". It is "the opiate of the masses" (Marx) and should find no place in a rational, tolerant society. Faith should be personal because whilst some may boast the merits of religion i.e. community, prayer, togetherness, these qualities, when confined to a select group (believers) also cause alienation, exclusion, suspicion, hatred and discrimination. This is why religion constantly comes under fire, because it is an abhorrent yet ingenious human creation to command authority without reason or justice.
Bored now
2011-11-10 05:09:43 UTC
Atheists are not ONE. We are individuals. Some are quiet, some like to talk about their atheism and challenge theists. That they are called "anti-religionists" is really only used by sensitive souls who have to try and discredit anyone who argues with established and traditional beliefs. People who are theists have for too long hidden behind the maxim that one doesn't talk about religion or politics. Unfortunately for these people, atheists will not remain silent and will challenge. I suppose being called anti-religionist makes a change from the old chestnut "militant atheist".

I think that if you do not believe in free speech you should indeed flag up that which you do not agree with and find offensive.

I find much of what those who claim "Christianity" extremely offensive but I believe in freedom of expression and do not seek to muzzle anyone.
Toke Lover
2011-11-10 05:18:17 UTC

Okay, if something like this has caused you any actual harm is one thing, but it's really offended you that they call themselves atheists?

It's the hate that bothers me, not the term they use.

But, let me tell you something, true story too:

When I first got here, I was very angry as well. This place, nice and anonymous gave me a safe place to vent, my very justified beefs, and learn.

Some people have had less than positive experiences with religion & it's institutions, (this IS an extreme understatement, especially in my life.)

After getting to know many other actual regular people like myself, learning concepts I was unfamiliar with I lost the angry. I've been here long enough to see the same thing with other users.

So anyway...for many it's a step on their path, a phase. I've found this place to have had a very healthy impact on my thinking & would hate to see that opportunity not be there for others.

Now what you're post suggests sounds almost like report anybody who disagrees with religion...I could not oppose that more. Free speech babby, it gives the religious the right to speak too.

Abusive, negative....well that may be a different thing....but a person may also just be having a bad day & spewing venom may not be what they usually do, so to just not read & skip a rant seems more productive than getting some one violated...
2011-11-10 05:14:07 UTC
I'm an athiest that's gradually turning into an 'anti-religionist' the more certain religions are growing and trying to force feed me the gospel (or whatever they're calling it this week) I feel the need to fight back.

The problem seems to stem from the Bible Bashers constantly bleating on and telling me all about what they believe, and really, I just don't want to know!!! I no more believe in a God than I do Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or that Simon Cowell is actually a human and not an android.

Right now I'm stuck in the middle, I'm not one or the other, I guess that makes me Bi then.
2011-11-10 05:59:07 UTC
Religion has a lot of sway in society so speaking up against such unjustified influence should not be considered offensive. Also no content here should be reported unless it breaks the guidelines. Upsetting someone with a fact they would rather not recognise is not against the guidelines any more than disagreeing about the right way to feed a pig might be on the pet's section.
2011-11-10 05:34:50 UTC
Atheist = Disbelief in God. Anyone who does not believe there is a God can identify with the term Atheist. The simple fact is that if Theists did not try to impose their views on others, nobody would give a monkeys what they believed in. They could all sit at home with tin-foil on their heads worshiping their toaster for all we care. However, instead, they bring their beliefs into the open forum and try to impose their views on others by pushing them into schools, government and laws. When people try to say "My imaginary friend wants to dictate how you live your life." quite rightly, others will say "prove your imaginary friend exists first."

"should we flag their rants as offensive when they attack religion and faith?" and now I think that just maybe you are trolling;) Why should religion be protected from critique? Simply by stating how offensive you find critique implies insecurity in your beliefs. I am more than happy for people to question my rationale for my Atheism because I can justify my stance. Theists struggle in this respect because they cannot adequately justify it.
2016-10-17 12:34:09 UTC
properly, they're atheists on the top of the day so they do no longer look to be being factually incorrect. yet yea, i wouldn't pick to be linked with faith haters if achievable. What they could do could get dangerously on the brink of secular witch-looking at circumstances and no stable will come of that, no be counted how noble the reason became to start with. yet there continues to be a great hollow between disapproving of and disagreeing with a theory, and actively attempting to wreck it. i'm no longer a chum to faith, yet i will't oppose a guy or woman's own theory see you later because it would not attempt to wreck every person around it. If a theory does stretch to wishing to break lives and reason injury then it makes itself my enemy. If desires be, that consists of anti-theism.
2011-11-10 05:17:58 UTC
This sounds like yet another attempt by believers to silence any dissent or criticism. It's like when the inquisition accused people of "blasphemy" and burned free thinkers at the stake.

In free societies, we have a "marketplace of ideas". If your ideas are good, there is nothing to fear from comparison with other ideas. On the other hand, if your ideas are rubbish then this will become clear by discussion. This will be a good thing, as you will have the opportunity to reconsider your mistaken ideas.

Freedom of expression is a fundamental principle of the most morally advanced societies, and it must remain so.
2011-11-10 05:13:41 UTC
So you don't like atheists presence on YA and you find their answers offensive and you call it attacking your religion?

Do you know all atheism would stop overnight if only one of the thousands and thousands of gods made an appearance? Of course that is impossible because even you don't know if there are gods or not. Report all you like - go on! It will not make your imaginary friend appear.
2011-11-10 05:10:50 UTC
They are just self obsessed rantophiles, if they are not ranting on about the 'evils' of religion they would be ranting on about genetically modified beans or sending bombs to the children of research scientists. If people want to be religious then that is up to them but - please keep it personal. Most atheists I know are highly intelligent people who have more pressing concerns than trying to convert others to their way of thinking which I have found the total opposite of religious people. Fairy stories or theoretical physics, which makes the more sense to the modern thinker?
2011-11-10 05:07:04 UTC
It's not "my" title, it represents one attribute(the lack of belief in a deity).

"i thought that atheists were unconcerned with deities."

Not really. Not believing that any Gods exists doesn't mean the concepts of them don't have a wide influence. How could anyone be unconcerned with something that informs so many actions?
Rico Toasterman JPA
2011-11-10 05:07:43 UTC
Yes. Zen Buddhists are atheistic, and yet are a religion. Pantheists are considered a religion, yet are atheistic. Spirituality and religion are not necessarily Godless.
2011-11-10 05:08:50 UTC
I'm a genuine atheist, and I also have studied history, and know that religious superstition should be called out for the nonsense it is.
2011-11-10 05:07:28 UTC
It is highly ironic that so many of those who claim the title of "atheist" talk about God more than anyone else. In fact YA R&S is populated mostly by theses people.
2011-11-10 05:07:06 UTC
Yes, Atheists lack belief in gods but beyond that Atheists are not bounded to any other beliefs. They believe what they will. Some you may not like but that's your perogative.

And I think they'd take a DILLIGAF posture to any flagging you might do. ;)
2011-11-10 05:02:52 UTC
apatheists are unconcerned

atheists dont believer.

"should we flag their rants as offensive when they attack religion and faith?"

no one likes a snitch.

in other words, this this context.

no one like a report monkey ):<
2011-11-10 05:13:58 UTC's your mistake. Atheists don't believe in any gods. After that we are individuals with our own outlook.

Most of us, the major issue we have with religion is current. Religion adversely effects the laws that allow people freedom. It attacks science and education. Thus it is deserving of having it's ideas and basis attacked.
2011-11-10 05:08:24 UTC
"i thought that atheists were unconcerned with deities."

Well, you were wrong. Atheists do not believe in any gods. That is all. They may or may not be unconcerned with deities and religion.
2011-11-10 05:07:25 UTC
The problem is with religion itself being a denial and repudiation of rational thought and our humanity, which then allows people to do many forms of evil.

For good people to do evil things and call them good, THAT takes religion:

The inquisitions

The crusades

The Holocaust

The book burnings

The heretic burnings

Human sacrifice (including that of the mythical Jesus)

Countless wars in the name of religion

Hindering of science

Hindering of medicine

Hindering of social advancement

Hindering of education

Backing of slavery

Subjugation of women

Child rapes by religious leaders, and the cover-ups


Suicide bombings

...and much more.

I'd like to prevent repeats.

"The problem with religion, because it's been sheltered from criticism, is that it allows people to believe en mass what only idiots or lunatics could believe in isolation."

— Sam Harris

2011-11-10 05:03:15 UTC
When the theists try to make their religion law, I have a problem with that. What people call me, is no concern to me.
Andymcj78 - Atheist
2011-11-10 05:08:09 UTC
I couldn't care less to be honest. It's a non issue to me and I don't report people anyway, not for any reason.
†h€ Ɔhε¡Š† GØЙ
2011-11-10 05:06:54 UTC
My title? I can't say I care. Or am I one of the religious radicals? Hmm...
2011-11-10 05:07:27 UTC
No, I would just let them go on like morons. Its a good laugh.
2011-11-10 05:03:28 UTC
I could care less.
The Green Knight
2011-11-10 05:05:14 UTC
I'm quite sure I don't give a flying f***.
2011-11-10 05:02:50 UTC
You mean Poes? Nothing new there...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.