Okay, if something like this has caused you any actual harm is one thing, but it's really offended you that they call themselves atheists?
It's the hate that bothers me, not the term they use.
But, let me tell you something, true story too:
When I first got here, I was very angry as well. This place, nice and anonymous gave me a safe place to vent, my very justified beefs, and learn.
Some people have had less than positive experiences with religion & it's institutions, (this IS an extreme understatement, especially in my life.)
After getting to know many other actual regular people like myself, learning concepts I was unfamiliar with I lost the angry. I've been here long enough to see the same thing with other users.
So anyway...for many it's a step on their path, a phase. I've found this place to have had a very healthy impact on my thinking & would hate to see that opportunity not be there for others.
Now what you're post suggests sounds almost like report anybody who disagrees with religion...I could not oppose that more. Free speech babby, it gives the religious the right to speak too.
Abusive, negative....well that may be a different thing....but a person may also just be having a bad day & spewing venom may not be what they usually do, so to just not read & skip a rant seems more productive than getting some one violated...