Well, lets not be too hasty. I myself am a devouted Athiest and DISAGREE with your views heavily, of course our oppinons are OUR OWN. Christians believe Jesus is the savior, Jews think it was Moses, and Muslims think Muhammad was the "GREAT" profit, while I'm not one to get into religious discussions... The "ARK" on Mt. Hyaat was found to be a hoax. And it has been shown that humans share at least a 97% similarity to chimps/apes NOT MONKEYS!!! Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs you are, I am BUT PLEASE there is no solid way to prove the existance of GOD or a group of GODS or even the total existance of Evolution, each side claims to have their own set of "Facts" but niether side can say the other is wrong. You have your faith in YOUR GOD, I have faith in science. So please understand that YOUR VIEWS AREN'T THE ONLY ONES!!! HAVE MORE RESPECT FOR OTHER IDEAS!!! please. Athiests deserve as much respect as any Christian, Muslim etc. Just because there is a book proclaiming the "WORD" of God doesn't mean it's TRUE. Keep your faith, but please be respectful to others as well.
Also, you use your inability to THINK/UNDERSTAND, people say that it is impossible for the human mind to grasp nothing, (i.e. death) and that we MUST go somewhere but how can you interpet nothingness when you've never tried too, let alone YOU HAVEN'T DIED YET!!! death is the complete cease of all biological processes THAT INCLUDES THE LOSS OF MINDFULNESS AND COMPREHENSION! you die, you rot HUMANS ARE JUST VERY AWARE ANIMALS! you can't say it's impossible to imagine nothing, besides isn't nothing in itself SOMETHING? people say that animals just rot and don't go to any "doggie heaven" etc. so why do we?
Besides all that, YOU SHOULD TRY TAKING PSYCHOLOGY CLASS!!! the universe is VAST one can only begin to wonder how far it goes, where it starts and ends or EVEN IF IT REALLY DOES BEGIN AND END!!!
With such a huge playground known as the Universe, why would your "GOD" send his "SON" to us? why not some other planet, anything that happens on this planet stays on this planet AND DOES'NT EVEN EFFECT THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE one day this planet will die and there will be NO evidence of it's existing, even if there other life out there to be looking!!! I for one think the whole idea of God should just be dropped, for one, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE DIE EVERYDAY FOR IT!!! (i.e. muslim extremists) so don't go around thinking your being watched BY A "LOVING" God,
The idea is simply laughable in it's own terms due to the ACTUAL UNKNOWN VASTNESS OF EXISTANCE!!! it'd be best if you just went back to your little gossip magazines (leave the thinking to people with actual brains!) : )
Let me ASK you a question, who desided that DARK was inheratlly evil? and light is good? thats your basic heaven/hell "THOERY" everything light = good everything dark = bad, why can't it be the other way around? who the hell decided you may ask? Every creature has the ability to feel fear, ease etc. we only marked the DARK AS BAD because we were too blinded by it to see what was out there!!! you search for comfort in something pretty much unreal because you as will most people in their lives LEARN THAT THE WORLD YOU LIVE ON IS PAINFUL, CRUEL and indifferent, go ahead and call it "God's punishment" when the fact that remains is that we are very cruel creatures and love to make eachother feel miserable because we can't find comfort in or around one another.
All in all where is your God? He's in your head, and thats the only place he will ever be.
You do not answer to a higher power, you just want to think there is control in a world that has no real control, humans distrust themselves let alone each other and so if one can't always be in control they say there is something you can't overthorw in control, how convinent because you can't kill what's not there right?
Humans hate Humans and Humans want to control Humans, even when they can't.