Christians: Need godly advice about a roadblock in my Christian walk?
2009-06-26 04:17:54 UTC
Ok, here's something that is bugging me lately in my Christian walk

As a bible believing Christian we believe that Jesus and being a devoted Christian is the only way to heaven, right? All other religions are false or imcomplete so they are in danger of hell, right? This is all in the bible and it is hard to impossible to dispute these facts biblicaly speaking.
Well, other religions may think the same thing. But in their view we are going to hell because we don't believe in their path to heaven.
Isn't that really scary from both perspectives?!
My main question is as Christians how do we know we are 100% right and they are 100% wrong?
I mean the reasons other people believe so adamently in their religion is basically the same reasons we believe in ours so strongly.
Here's some of those shared reasons:
- It is the predominent religon in our respcective countries. USA-christian, Saudi Arabia-Muslim, China-buddhist, India-Hindu and so on. We adopt the same religon as our country mostly without even thinking gee if was born in Iran i probably would be Muslim (very,very likely) and not christian.
- Our families were this religion so we are too with no thought as to why
- It has good values so it is good too
- we are right they are wrong we are special
- god talks to us we must be right
- we enjoy it it must be alright
- many people believe it it must be right
- if we question it we will go to hell so better not
- our sacred book is just too wise to be wrong
- our religious person is better than their relgious person
and so on and so on
most christians believe as they do because of those above reasons. They are bad reasons! They are ignorant and don't provide intelligent, factual, logical reasons why we are right and the other religions are wrong.
What are some good reasons why you are christian and believe we are right?
Fourteen answers:
2009-06-26 04:31:37 UTC
Yeah i have thought about this road block many times during my journey with god and i have a few reasons to believe that christianity is the right way to go :)

Firstly, no other god has given their people such a beautiful sacrifice. Through the death of Jesus, god has showed us the meaning of true love. Now that's an amazing creator!

Secondly, the bible is too historically backed up to be wrong.

Thirdly, last time i researched i found that the majority of the religious world are christians/ believe in christianity.

And lastly, is because it all fits. I guess what really set it off for me was when i had only been a christian for four months (the same as my friend deb), deb actually spoke in tongues right infront of me. It was scary as. She prayed to the lord, the christian lord, and as i believe, the only god of the world... and so by her being blessed with the gift of tongues at that very moment was such an amazing gift from god... one i will never forget.

Just keep talking to christians... this roadblock is from the devil and he wants to suck you back in.. don't do it to god, he loves you far too much :)

God bless, and good luck!
Mystic Merlin
2009-06-26 11:33:01 UTC
What is a Christian? A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus. How do we know what Jesus taught? The New Testament.

What is the New Testament? It is a collection of scripts written by different people and bound together in a single volume. There are other scripts not in the New Testament. Some of these people were the followers of Jesus. Did they all lie? If it was all written by just one man, I would be sceptical of it but it wasn't.

The New Testament tells us that Jesus was the Son of God. He is the right choice to follow.

Is is possible that all the other religions are actually following the same God under a different name. Could relgions with multiple gods just be worshipping different aspects of a single god?
Alan K
2009-06-26 11:30:26 UTC
"As a bible believing Christian we believe that Jesus and being a devoted Christian is the only way to heaven, right?"

No, accepting God's grace is the only way.

"All other religions are false or incomplete so they are in danger of hell, right?"

No, if a religion rejects God's teaching it is false.

"This is all in the bible and it is hard to impossible to dispute these facts biblicaly speaking."

No, you are pulling isolated text that can be mistranslated.

"My main question is as Christians how do we know we are 100% right and they are 100% wrong?"

Few, if any, real religions are 100% wrong. We believe we are 100% right based on faith, reason and the fact that God's Law is written on our hearts and anytime that law is violated, if you are spiritually sound, you will know it.
2009-06-26 11:52:10 UTC
Well, there was a video I was going to show you about how you can be sure the bible is true, but the archive from my old church website was nearly 3 years old, and it's not there anymore.

I think the main difference that stands out to me between Christianity and all other religions is that Christianity is the only religion that teaches our salvation comes from God's grace, not from human works. Humans cannot achieve salvation on our own, and because God loves us, he sent his only son, Jesus to pay the price for all of our transgressions.

Also, people died accounting for what they witnessed Jesus do.
2009-06-26 11:38:59 UTC
This list of shared reasons is every reason we must respect different religious and spiritual beliefs. Based on your list of reasons there is NO reason to think that Christianity is the only way. Your problem is that someone taught you that "All other religions are false". PSSST - The bible only speaks to Christian doctrine. It tells you about being a christian. There is another book that tells a Jew how to be a good Jew and buddaha has a book, etc, etc, What is your good reason?
2009-06-26 11:32:59 UTC
All other religions of the world require you to "do" something to earn heaven. What you believe in God to be true (or not true) does not effect who He is one tiny bit. God does not change, most especially on the fickleness of the human heart. He is God and loves you beyond measure. You cannot earn that love because it is freely given, nor can anything take away that love. You can reject that love, even for a season, but God always wait patiently for you to return home.

All that God asks for is a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ and trust that Jesus will save us and is saving us.

Trust in Jesus Christ, there is no other name by which man may be saved.

Go to Ravi Zacharias website, he can explain the things of God far better than I can.
2009-06-26 12:23:17 UTC
First you have to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. You have to base that on faith. Faith is what our religion is all about. Believing without seeing. However, what makes christianity different than all other religions is that we serve a risen Lord. Where's Buddha, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, David Koresh and the others? They are dead and buried. Jesus rose from the dead. Had Jesus not risen then our preaching would be in vain, our faith would be in vain, and we'd be still lost in our sin. ref I Corinthians Chapter 15
2009-06-26 18:33:50 UTC
Really I leave that to God and when the heart turns to Him the veil is taken away. Mother Teresa talks of seeing Jesus in everyone and in a distressing disguise. God gave these and all people a wonderful gift and they are not abandoned by Him so the closer we personally get to Jesus maybe we will see more clearly His saving power.
2009-06-26 11:25:55 UTC
If you do a thorough study in comparative religion you will see that the differences in religions are primarily based in culturally diverse forms of expression, philosophical differences and political overtones. The various prophets of each of the religions were really talking about very similar ideas, but remember that they never wrote anything was their followers or followers followers that wrote it all down.

Oh yes, and the you have the "mythological factor" which tends to warp the historical facts as well.

Almost all religions speak of the struggle between "flesh" and "spirit" and the awakening of the latter.
2009-06-26 11:32:00 UTC
It's because the whole thing is flawed. People become atheists when they see this inherent flaw in EVERY religion.

There is no such thing as a GOOD Christian, only a good human being who happens to believe in what's written in the bible.
2009-06-26 11:28:31 UTC
I think every person need to find the GOD they believe in.

We will not satisfy everyone, so we might as well satisfy our GOD.

If there is 'no-god' in their life, they trust in themselves.

To each his/her destiny.

I believe in the Prayer of this Man: John 17.
2009-06-26 11:38:53 UTC
Either we believe, or else we do not believe; its that simple. You sound as one in doubt, but you ought to rather say as the apostle Paul had said, saying; "I know whom I believe". Christ told doubting Thomas to not be faithless, but believing, and then told him:

"Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed".
The Fred
2009-06-26 11:22:11 UTC
Uh, the Bible never said that.... you are sadly misinformed.

FYI The world is full of brown skinned people who think white Americans are loony as loony tunes. Ever stop to wonder why?
Be Blessed
2009-06-26 11:24:20 UTC
We have the blessed assurance from the Holy Spirit. They have nothing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.