2009-06-26 04:17:54 UTC
As a bible believing Christian we believe that Jesus and being a devoted Christian is the only way to heaven, right? All other religions are false or imcomplete so they are in danger of hell, right? This is all in the bible and it is hard to impossible to dispute these facts biblicaly speaking.
Well, other religions may think the same thing. But in their view we are going to hell because we don't believe in their path to heaven.
Isn't that really scary from both perspectives?!
My main question is as Christians how do we know we are 100% right and they are 100% wrong?
I mean the reasons other people believe so adamently in their religion is basically the same reasons we believe in ours so strongly.
Here's some of those shared reasons:
- It is the predominent religon in our respcective countries. USA-christian, Saudi Arabia-Muslim, China-buddhist, India-Hindu and so on. We adopt the same religon as our country mostly without even thinking gee if was born in Iran i probably would be Muslim (very,very likely) and not christian.
- Our families were this religion so we are too with no thought as to why
- It has good values so it is good too
- we are right they are wrong we are special
- god talks to us we must be right
- we enjoy it it must be alright
- many people believe it it must be right
- if we question it we will go to hell so better not
- our sacred book is just too wise to be wrong
- our religious person is better than their relgious person
and so on and so on
most christians believe as they do because of those above reasons. They are bad reasons! They are ignorant and don't provide intelligent, factual, logical reasons why we are right and the other religions are wrong.
What are some good reasons why you are christian and believe we are right?