Black Tensegrity Warrior
2009-07-15 18:57:52 UTC
I gave the landlady's grandsons a computer of their own, hoping to see them make something of it. But in the past couple of years, all they can do is Hunt & Peck typing (erm, like ME!), play Unreal Tournament- poorly- and watch the abysmally intellectually void local videos. I have lent them some of my western videos, hoping they might learn something, or take an interest. The eldest boys are maybe 16 and 13 respectively, and there are about three girls, the oldest about 15, and others under 10. A couple of the younger kids 8 and 9 seem relatively bright. However, education in our country is severely dumbed down. The former military dictators did not want students who knew how to make arms and ammunition. (A asked a University-trained medical doctor a pharmacist, and an old, experienced, semi-illiterate HUNTER-used muskets and shotguns- whether they knew the composition of gunpowder: THEY DID NOT. Not a clue!)
Last week, I caught out the elder grandchild in a simple error of comprehension, that, upon investigation, escalated into a quagmire of ignorance: he, a senior secondary school student, did not know that the prefix "kilo-" denoted "thousand." I probed further, and found that he did not know any of the other S.I. unit prefixes "mega," "centi-" "milli," and so on. Nor could he tell me the difference between a centimeter, a metre, and a kilometre, nor define units of length or weight. I turned to the other kids, and found that they did not know, either! Aghast, I asked their fathers how this was possible. They replied to the effect, that, "That's just the way it is. That is how they are taught in school." That was last week.
I was considering the problem of dubbing the new Star Trek movie into local vernacular, when a horrible suspicion hit me. I buttonholed the elder boy: "Which is bigger," I asked him, ""The Earth, the Moon, or the Sun?" He thought about it- this mighty strange question! "The Earth," he said seriously. I asked his cousin, "The MOON," he answered knowingly.
Something has been at the back of my mind for years about Islam.
Bothering me. According to an Islamic booklet I read- claiming that Neil Armstrong had converted to Islam, because he heard the *Muezzin* Call to Prayer when he was on the Moon, and thought it was just some malfunction of the comm device, then on Earth, he heard the same yodelling sound when he was walking in Cairo, so, when he learned what it was, he immediately became Muslim.
The booklet said that Saudi Arabia was the only other nation to deny the Moon landing was a fact, back in 1969. It sounded silly. But now, I am not so sure. What do they THINK the Americans claim to have done?
I asked the younger boy how far away he thought the Moon was- and he thought hard for a minute, and said that he could not even guess.