Is wikipedia right to claim that Adolf Hitler is a liberal protestant based on a historical approach to Jesus?
2010-07-10 14:56:04 UTC
Is wikipedia right to claim that Adolf Hitler is a liberal protestant based on a historical approach to Jesus

Wiki claims that Hitler's religious beliefs were aligned with the Positive or German Christian movement within the Lutheran Church that seeked to use historical criticism to discover the true Aryan Jesus. Who was not a hippie pacifist but an active warrior against the Hebrews.

I know Hitler was born Catholic and had good relations with the Vatican, and others have called him a Nordic pagan and atheist.

Is wiki right?
Thirteen answers:
Anonymous Lutheran
2010-07-10 17:47:42 UTC
Wikipedia is *not* right to claim that Hitler was a liberal protestant. He was baptized a Catholic, but was not a practicing Catholic at all.

However, it is true that historical criticism was at the heart of the German state church's corruption, and it provided the framework for them to rationalize their way into supporting Nazism.

We Confessional Lutherans don't do historical criticism.

This article you're talking about sounds interesting. Could you provide a link, please?
2016-04-12 14:26:10 UTC
No. In the "Table Talk" book Hitler said all sorts of nasty things about Christianity, and that the evil Jewish were responsible for both "it and Bolshevism". One of his associates thought you could combine Christianity with Nazism, but Hitler thought it was impossible because it preached "slaver morality" (be kind to others), not the rough Germanism he believed in. A document came up that revealed the Nazis eventually planned to start rounding up REAL Christians who didn't follow his Aryan Jesus business. I'd say more and provide documentation, but it looks like this question is about to close. So unless you want to email me on YA, you're going to have to Google it. Look up the Table Talk business. I can see the "liberal protestant" thing because they revised Jesus so make to make him an Aryan, but it's not true. The debate is over whether or not he was an atheist or some occultist. I don't know the answer to that one, but from his ACTIONS as well as private beliefs, he was explicitly Anti-Christian, and said nasty things about it. Sometimes you have to dig around Wiki to find the truth, depending on who has edited it, it might say anything. But usually sources exist on Wikipedia that go against the lies. Hitler hated Christians, he said so. Anyone saying anything else is just following Hitler's own propaganda(when he would claim Christianity in his speeches as a pretext to motivate people who would have otherwise been horrified by him).
2010-07-10 15:13:59 UTC
Adolph Hitler was not merely a good, but one of the best Roman Catholics alive.

He had been personally blessed by the Pope Pius, and given the title, "Defender of The Faith."

He was elected on the Roman Catholic vote. He was eliminating homosexulaity and pornography.

Unfortunately, he was also foing to eliminate Protestantism, including Anglicaniosm, The Russion Orthodox Church, and The Ethiopan Church. His major ally was Benito Mussolini of Italy, who was coincidentally a Roman Catholic, in whose country we coincidentally have The Vatican Enclave. The Pope had to sign a concoordat, which is the permission for a Roman Catholic Nation to wage war on other Christian nations.

President Harry Truman, a holder of the 32nd Degree in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (Freemasons being the Ancient Enemies of Roman Catholicism,) ended the Second World War by ordering the Atomic Bombing of the Japanese city of Nagasaki- which was the centre of Roman Catholicism in Japan. Notice that only then did Japan surrender.

He was subsequently awarded his 33rd Degree (which can only be awarded if one has done something considered special.)

Jesuit defector, Bishop Dr. Alberto Rivera has said that The Roman Catholic Church has an ongoing propaganda effort running, to cover up the facts about its actual role in WWII.

They have had it said that Adolph Hitler was a superstitious Occultist, a syphilitic madman- Gaylord Hauser, the dietician has said that he was a "candy drunkard."

We are supposed to believe that a man like that, rose to the leadership of one of the most powerful single nations in the history of the World- one that nearly took the rest of the World- with a couple of little pals! Does that add up to you?
Salty Dog
2010-07-10 15:21:06 UTC
Hitler was Catholic.

In 1932 the Protestant churches came under attack by the "German Christians" Rev. Joachim Hossenfelder and the intent was to unify all the Protestant sects into one State controlled religious unit..

The German Christian Movement never caught on and almost all the Christian sects supported the Nazi party to avoid forced membership.

The Catholics had already worked out their deal with Hitler before this.

If you look up the Nazi Church in Berlin you will find out it was Lutheran but many of the members were "German Christian".

2010-07-10 15:00:42 UTC
Does this sound like a speech from a Christian......."My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice...And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week they have only for their wages wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people are plundered and exploited…..Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” ~ Adolf Hitler

Sometimes wiki is right and sometimes it isn't.
2010-07-11 06:38:00 UTC
Hitler and the Nazis were far-right politically:

Hitler's initial Rage was against the Left-leaning 'November Criminals' which he and many other former soldiers blamed for Germany losing WWI.

Hitler only used the term socialism because he thought that it was a right-wing ideology and also was equal to aryan/german nationalism:

'NATIONAL' AND 'SOCIAL' ARE TWO IDENTICAL CONCEPTIONS. It was only the Jew who succeeded, through falsifying the social idea and turning it into Marxism, not only in divorcing the social idea from the national, but in actually representing them as utterly contradictory. That aim he has in fact achieved. At the founding of this Movement we formed the decision that we would give expression to this idea of ours of the identity of the two conceptions: despite all warnings, on the basis of what we had come to believe, on the basis of the sincerity of our will, we christened it ''National Socialist.'

- speech, Munich, April 1922

The Nazis were far-Right because they were first and foremost supremacists:

…Far-right politics and political views commonly include authoritarianism, homophobia, nativism, racism, sexism, and xenophobia

"...Hitler's campaign was largely focused on scaring people about the dangers of the Bolshevik menace.

Before Hitler got to power, he re-assured German industrialists that he would respect private property and fight labor unions. Hitler was also bankrolled by industrialists.

Hitler only got to power with the help from the conservatives in the "Enabling Act" (left wing social democrats opposed it, communists had been arrested after the fire falsely blamed on them).

After Hitler got to power, he sent thousands and thousands of communists, social democrats and unionists into concentration camps and killed the communist leaders in Germany. He outlawed labor unions and guaranteed corporate profits for Krupp & Co.

Many of Hitler's moral values were perfectly compatible with typical Christian-conservative parties. He appealed to family values, destroyed "indecent" art and literature, had homosexuals arrested and killed, abortion of "Aryans" outlawed etc. He created extensive youth and family programs. He openly embraced Catholicism ("the basis of our collective morals").

Hitler did place heavy restrictions on industry production, imports, prices etc. But he did not outlaw corporations -- in fact, the profits of the large corporations soared during his regency. Many businessmen (except, of course, for the Jewish ones) continued to support Hitler and his party with much needed funds, knowing full well that he would make sure that communism couldn't gain a foothold. Ultimately, Hitler was of course interested in absolute power -- that's why we call his politics fascist.

To call Hitler left-wing or socialist is ignorant to the extreme, and an insult to the millions who lost their lives fighting his politics. The strongest and most persistent resistance to Hitler's politics came from communists and socialists. The biggest support came from conservatives and businessmen..."
2010-07-10 15:04:19 UTC
yes, liberalism agenda is about weening out the masses to make an elite race. Funny thing is most Liberals don't even know this...

As for Hitler's religious views much of the worst of his hate speeches were paraphrases from Charles Darwin so I'm thinking he was an Atheist.

@ninetail he was Roman Catholic but through his writings and speeches it's evident that he was also a supporter of Darwinism
2010-07-11 13:46:52 UTC
Hitler was a lunatic and a gangster... whatever religion

he may have claimed to be was purely for propaganda

2010-07-10 15:13:15 UTC
More an Occultist. One isn't a Christian by claiming to be one, and he held enough heretical beliefs to be excluded from the category of "Christian".
2010-07-10 14:58:38 UTC
There is a reason why Wikipedia cannot be cited on college essays in most places! lol

Edit: At least you could have gave me a thumbs up for it Mr Stealer!
2010-07-10 15:00:35 UTC
There is a reason why Wikipedia cannot be cited on college essays in most places! lol

Edit: At least you could have gave me a thumbs up for it Mr Stealer!
Pirate AM™
2010-07-10 14:58:07 UTC
It's probably very close to being correct.
2010-07-10 14:58:17 UTC
Hitler was a nazi catholic.

Simple as that.

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