Wicca or Christianity?!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Wicca or Christianity?!?
33 answers:
2010-11-17 18:04:13 UTC
I was also raised catholic and have always been interested in religion in general. When I was a teenager I started to try and learn about other religions and went through a phase where wicca was the most interesting. I loved the church still, especially the traditions and wanted to follow them as closely as possible, but there were certain things I just couldn't accept as true christian teachings and wicca to me explained those things that I believed in. I still considered myself a catholic and kept any other beliefs to myself, which I don't think anyone should have to do. I really don't like to label myself because when you put a label on yourself than that just gives others a reason to label you and expect you to live up to everything that label stands for, but at the same time I wanted to be able to call myself something, does that make sense? Anytime you would like to talk you can e-mail, I love getting e-mail and this is one of my favorite subjects.
2010-11-17 17:52:45 UTC
"Christian Wicca" is generally neither very Christian nor Wiccan. The fact is the core beliefs are contradictory. Adopting a collection of perifery beliefs from a religion does not make you a part of that religion.

Plenty of Christians have no problem with homosexuality, for example. They believe in the 10 commandments, one God, and Jesus as their Savior. That's what makes them Christian. While the Bible certainly mentions homosexuality, that's not what Christianity is ultimately *about*.

You can certainly be a Wiccan-influenced Christian, or vice versa.

You can certainly be a Christian witch (although some Christians will object, often because they're understanding of "witchcraft" is different from yours)

There is no "fine line" between Wicca and witchcraft. It's really a pretty bloody clear line. Wicca is a religion. Witchcraft is a magical practice. Worshiping the gods? Wicca. Working spells? Witchcraft.
Crystal clear
2010-11-18 10:14:59 UTC
Perhaps the beliefs you are referring to aren't exclusively, or "directly" Wiccan and this is what's causing you some confusion.

For example: Jesus taught that we reap what we sow. Wicca teaches that whatever energy we send out is returned to us. Basically, they are the same message using different words.

Appreciating and agreeing with some teachings of a particular faith does not mean you are a member of that faith. There are many Christian teachings I agree with and even apply to my own life, but the fact that I believe in numerous gods and goddesses and that I believe Jesus was a man, not a son of god...I do not fit into the religion of Christianity.

The core difference between Christianity and Wicca which makes them incompatible is Christianity is a monotheistic religion while Wicca is a polytheistic religion.

If you believe there's only "one true god", then Wicca is not the right religion for you.

Wicca is not equivalent to witchcraft.

Witchcraft is a practice, a set of skills, quite literally a craft. It is not religion specific.
2010-11-17 21:01:30 UTC
Glittering, you have received some excellent advice and perspectives from Nightwind, Paster Dan, Love Salot, Sonny, Proud Mommy, and Skipping Stones. Also some remarkably bad advice from a few others. Please be wary of anyone who talks about "The Truth" and then says "Trust me!". The deceived and the deceivers in one.

Your question tells me you are thoughtful and discerning. That will serve you well in your search. Above all, please remember that only you control your mind and will. Ultimately, each individual forms a religion (/none) in his or her own mind. Make it your own. Let it serve you until you need it no further.

I do not believe that you can intermix Wicca and Christianity, but proceed as you see fit. It would be clearer if you called your faith neither 'Wicca' nor 'Christianity', to avoid confusing others. Good luck and take care.
2010-11-19 08:02:22 UTC
Wow. It's kind of funny to me to see that I'm not the only one that went through this :0) I have heard that there are some people that define themselves as Christian Witches. It can be done, regardless of what most people will tell you. When you come to the heart of the teachings of both religions there are a lot more similarities than either side would like to admit. You just have to do a lot of objective reading to figure that out.

Despite what anyone says, no one (physical person) can tell you what's right for you. I had a process I went through myself that went something like this:

Lots of questions about my family's faith (Christianity)

Lots of non answers from people that were supposedly well schooled in the subject

Lots of frustration, anger, and confusion

A thought that said "I am you and you are me" meaning "I am Divine and so are you"

My translation of this thought (which did not come from myself) was that "God" lives in everything, including ourselves. There is a part of us knows what best and right and helps to steer us in that direction. Once I heard and understood this I decided to stop listening to everyone else and pay attention to that part of me.

Meditating and paying attention to my intuition has lead me to a Pagan path. I believe that if you were to just be still (in your thoughts) for a moment and ask for the guidance of the Divine One you will get the answer you are looking for. Not everything will be immediately clear but a path will be shown to you and it will be your choice whether you walk it or not. That path btw could be Christian, Wiccan, or Buddhist, whatever it is it will be something that makes sense to you and makes you happy spiritually. That's all the really matters because when we are happy in spirit Spirit itself is happy. It's been a blessing to me and I'm a lot happier now than I was as a Christian because things make more sense to me.

My last comment is this: The "conversations" between you and God are your own. They are personal and unless you decide to tell everyone about them no one else know what you converse about. That being said how would anyone else know that God told you you should stay Christian? I believe it matters more that we acknowledge (insert choice name for Divine) and seek to be better in every way than it is to conform to a specific dogma. Especially when most of that dogma has been fabricated by power seeking humans (and I mean Christians and non Christians alike).
2010-11-17 17:55:02 UTC
Post modernist sociologists argue that in the current society we live in, "spiritual shopping" is more frequently occurring, the idea suggests that we follow beliefs today based on our own individual beliefs and choices, and its become far more personal, rather than taking into account the whole worlds view and the communities view into account. I think because of this religious free will today, people who choose religion today choose religion far better than those who just followed the crowd say a decade ago, and believe a religions teachings because they personally do (I can't speak for fundamentalist USA, but this is happening in the UK).

So I think your religious exploration is really valuable, rather than fundamentalists who just accept a whole religion without question (like the atheists in europe who never question the big bang or Evolution, you have a few of them leaving stupid comments here now, or fundamentalist christians) because its more personal, the religion will be far better suited to you, personally, and will be more personally valuable., who cares what other think? if you believe it, then you believe it.
2010-11-19 12:03:44 UTC
Hello There --

I understand your desire to try to "combine" your religions and religious beliefs -- but i'm afraid it's not very reasonable, and ultimately, not very workable -- at least with Wicca and Christianity, because they are absolutely OPPOSITE:

Christianity is based on the idea that humans "sin", so they need a "Savior" to "redeem" them from sin and reconcile them to God; Wicca has no concept of sin, therefore no need for "redemption", and therefore no need for Jesus.

I know there are some people who claim to be "Wiccan Christians" (or vice-versa) -- but i'm afraid they either don't really understand the basics of either religion, OR they are trying to ignore some of the most important characteristics of either religion -- because ultimately, they have to MUTATE one or both, in order to force them to be compatible. And that ultimately changes the basic principles and character of both Wicca and Christianity such that they are no longer truly either Wicca or Christianity, but some strange mutation of both.

Now, being a Christian (NON-WICCAN) *WITCH* is entirely different. There are many forms of Witchcraft that are not at all related to Wicca --

And since Witchcraft is a group of *practices* -- "Arts" and "Scences"; while Wicca is a specific RELIGION, you can't combine Wicca with Christianity, but you CAN combine CHRISTIANITY with magick or witchcraft -- In fact, there are some forms of Christianity that already DO practice various forms of what we might call "magick" or "witchcraft" -- especially Gnostic or Mystical Christianity --(you might "Google" both of those for more info on them).

I guess i'd like to ask you, why is it important to you to have a "label" or "name" for your religous beliefs and practices? Why not just let yourself research and study various religions, and see what you ultimately come to beleive and want to practice, without necessarily limiting yourself to any particular "label" -- at least for the time being -- until you make some final decisions about what you *want* to be/ do, spiritually.

I hope all that is helpful to you.

Blessed Be -

2010-11-17 17:50:44 UTC
I'm sure that once you lay out exactly what it is you believe (literally in bullet points) and then follow that with a thorough research of each belief to be sure you have accurate (to your knowledge) information, then you will find how this applies more to one or the other religions. I'm personally Agnostic (ex-Catholic), but I'd be happy to message you about it if you need someone to bounce ideas off of. No bias here, I believe spiritual searches should be lifelong and ongoing.
2010-11-17 18:34:29 UTC
You may understand Wicca, and you may understand a small amount about Catholicism, but you know nothing about Jesus.

As for religion, it doesn't matter which one you follow. They're all wrong, so it doesn't matter how much you mix them all up. They'll still be wrong. They'll still be a story made up to try to fill that Grand Canyon in your gut. And they will all work equally well -- which is to say, not at all.

If you want something real, see if you can find Jesus.
2010-11-20 03:47:04 UTC
Merry Meet,

In all reality “Christian-Wiccan” or “Christo-Wicca” is not valid paths. The main reason is that if a person believes in the core precepts set into place by the Christian faith then the practitioner may only have one God, whereas in Wicca we believe in many Goddesses and Gods.

Now “Christian Witchcraft” or “Christian Witch” is valid paths. The main reason is that a Witch is a practitioner of magic and sometimes ceremony. Religion and Gods does not play a direct factor in Witchcraft so it is more plausible.

Types of known Christian Witchcraft

•Brujería – Spanish Witchcraft originally from Spain, incorporating Christian ideals and practices.

•Santeria – Witchcraft incorporating Catholic ideals and practices, including the use of saints in the practice.

•Voodoo – African Witchcraft that in many cases incorporates African Gods and Christian saints into their practice.

•Qabbalah – Esoteric Witchcraft based in Judaism and incorporating its ideology and practices.

•Gnostic Witchcraft – Witchcraft practicing a type of occult magic while usually incorporating Christian practices.

•Luciferian – Originally constructed as a Witchcraft practicing a type of occult magic while incorporating Christian practices. Today most have switch over to the Roman concept but still have many Christian practices in it.

I hope that this blurp has helped some.

Blessed Be


Wicca accepts Christianity, Christianity does not accept Wicca.
2010-11-19 19:38:41 UTC
people always say its not possible to combine relgion and science or two completely differe=ent relgions

i disagree ( well xcept for atheist/ agnostics with any kind of theism =/)

if u would like to combine ur relgion into a way that make sense to you than do it

i mean, its not like something physical, its more emotional and its yourself

people cant combine physical things but they can combine mental/emotional things because it's in your head!

i probab;y dont make much sense to you but thats just how i c it
2010-11-17 18:33:39 UTC
You are still a devout Catholic Christian, with a fascination with other religions.
2010-11-17 17:41:40 UTC
You don't have to choose any one religion. There is no need to place a label on your beliefs. Society does that, puts labels on everything, but spirituality is personal and private and you can believe in anything you want. You can believe in god and jesus and still believe in nature as a spirit aswell. i would just call it a spiritual christian. wicca or paganism is fine it teaches belief in nature and earth and christianity teaches love and respect of the earth too so really they go hand in hand. you can believe in god and worship everything he created. :)
2010-11-17 17:48:31 UTC
Hear you. As this is first time someone came so close as to describing myself. I understand you totally. Eclectic,is who you are,which is a mix,one who has a greater understanding of the elements in all religions,as that is who you are,pulling from them all to walk your path,do not worry for a name,or it's title,some are just this way,you are from my realm,Bright Blessings..and God Speed..
2010-11-17 17:51:09 UTC
Unfortunately, many of the people answering will steer you in the wrong direction because they don't know the truth, and in fact, they don't even care.

But to tell you the truth, you must be born again of the spirit. Have you read the book of John especially 1 and 3. You need to read it about 5 times before it will make a lot of sense to you cause these thing take time to sink in. Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Jn. 1:29 Relate that to John 3:16-21.,%203&version=NIV

Give up the Wicca stuff. This will keep you from knowing the Lord in a real way. Jesus said my sheep hear my voice.

John 10:27-29 (New International Version)

27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all[a]; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.
2010-11-17 17:39:33 UTC
There are Christian Wiccans, but they're not viewed very highly by the rest of the Wiccan community
2010-11-17 17:41:17 UTC
It's not a competition, test the waters of both religions and then listen to your heart and go with which you are more comfortable with.
2010-11-17 17:41:48 UTC
In order to survive as a Bisexual Christian, I had to lean on God, not the traditions of the church, not religion, but God and what he said concerning grace. Grace means that I have favor from God that I cannot deserve. That's good, because my efforts are terrible concerning the ability to keep from sinning.

So try it without the religion of Catholicism. Build your trust in God through Jesus Christ, and only what Jesus said to do. Don't make it complicated.
2010-11-17 17:44:17 UTC
i feel its possible you might have to create you own church for that but i recommend to any and everyone to be spiritually comfortable....... iam agnostic and comfortable but if i wanted to branch off into my own belief i feel that i am not doing any harm
2010-11-17 20:38:37 UTC
Which gods do you believe in, ours or the Christian one?

That's pretty much the line right there.
2010-11-17 17:39:44 UTC
Believe it or not, Christian witches exist.
Martin S
2010-11-17 17:44:42 UTC
Check out this link for a comparison.

You are here: The Occult >> Wicca Spells

Wicca Spells - What is Wicca?
2010-11-17 17:40:19 UTC
Speaking as a Christian .. many sects of 'Christianity' are rife with pagan tradition, thinking, and symbolism .. all i can tell you speaking strictly for myself .. is those pagan beliefs in 'mother earth' ect will ultimately lead to human oppression on levels beyond comprehension ... Paganism/ Wicca are not in any way compatible with Jesus or the true word of God and Gods will.
2010-11-17 17:47:12 UTC
You shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of other nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, or who uses divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer, a witch, or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer.For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord, and it is because of these abominable practices that the Lord your God is driving them out before you.You shall be blameless [and absolutely true] to the Lord your God.For these nations whom you shall dispossess listen to soothsayers and diviners. But as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do so. I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strong holds: I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers: your graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands. For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
2010-11-17 17:45:45 UTC
Christianity slam dunk. Witch and Wiccan is dabbling in the arts of demon and can never be associated with Christianity. Hot or cold, wet or dry, open or close, in or out, up or down, (wiccan, witch, demon, satan, hell, evil, abyss or Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
2010-11-17 17:41:23 UTC
You cannot just pick and choose the stuff you like about a religion and then shamelessly ignore the not-so-nice parts. You either take it or leave it. Wicca has nothing much to do with Christianity, while Christianity claims that witchcraft is evil and a product of satan. Take your pick. One religion or none. Personally, I go with none.
2010-11-17 18:19:06 UTC
Here is the testimony of a young lady in the church I'm in:

Before I found God I was living a very alternative lifestyle and was very empty inside. I always knew that there was a powerful creator but never in a million years did I realise that God existed...I was searching thru lots of different religions, mostly eastern stuff and getting involved in things like crystal healing, meditation and lots of off the planet ideas and eventually got really involved in Wicca. I was so drawn to it because it involved the seasons and moon phases and lots of things to do with nature and It was a very subtle and gradual decline into more darker stuff. I thought I was getting closer to the truth because I was involved in worshipping the creation.

I was also into the party scene and every weekend there were parties and along with that came drinking and taking drugs and risking our lives doing crazy and reckless things. I lived in the Barossa Valley (South Australia) which is a very close-knit community where everyone knows everyone so when our drug dealer and my then boyfriend Justin's best mate disappeared from the party scene we all wondered what had happened to him. There were loads of rumours flying round the Barossa like "He's joined a cult" which interested me because I was into lots of weird things.

Eventually we found out that He'd been grape-picking with a group of backpackers and the whole lot of them had been told that God existed and that they could have proof. They all ended up going to a meeting and all got baptised and spoke in tongues. One of the other guys in that group that we knew came to a friend's house after receiving the Holy Spirit and as soon as he pulled up in the car I knew something was different about him. He had always been a depressed type of guy that was always complaining and swearing about something that was going wrong but that day he jumped out of the car and was smiling and talking about God. I straight away thought that "God" must have been the latest drug that was circulating because I never in a million years would have expected this guy to go to church!! When Justin heard this he was instantly convicted and wanted to go to a meeting. I straight away said " I've done the 'God stuff', but that's cool, you go coz you havn't crossed that one off the list yet."

I had no intention at all to go along to check it out but on the Sunday that Justin had organised to go, my plans ended up falling through so at the last minute I jumped in the car and went to a meeting. When I first walked through the doors everyone stopped mingling and talking and looked at me because I was pretty feral looking, with pitch black dyed hair, weird clothes and jewellery and probably a pretty intense look on my face!! But I instantly saw that there was something very different about the people. They scared me because they were actually happy! Everyone looked like they had white beams of light coming off their heads. I was so convicted I ended up in the baptism tank. Justin got baptised that day too and from that moment onwards God started to change things. I went home that night and threw thousands of dollars worth of witchcraft books, tools and CDs into the wheelie bin because I couldn't stand being in the same room as them.

I went to the next Sunday meeting and went into the prayer room with a bunch of other people and after praying for a few minutes I spoke in an amazing language. I was healed from the desire to go out partying with my friends and didn't want to take any more drugs or drink. It totally spun me out and since that day sooooooo much has happened but to keep it short, Justin and I got married and had two children. I have also has some pretty intense tribulation when Justin was diagnosed with a brain tumour when I was pregnant with our second child. He was sick for two years before he died in 2003.

I struggled for a while with wondering why he didn't get a healing but God showed me that he got a Spiritual healing because so many people die everyday without the Holy Spirit so I can praise the Lord so much for the peace in knowing that he had the Spirit. God is awesome and has blessed me and my children so much, Jesus is amazing and I cant imagine what I'd be doing if I didn't know him. I live a very exciting life with the Lord and know he has awesome things in store for us as we keep following his path.
2010-11-17 18:00:26 UTC
You seem to be the kind of person that shops for religion like they shop for a car. What suits your life style? It is the wrong approach.

Jesus is the ONLY way. The Bible is absolute truth; you can’t just throw away or disregard the parts you don’t like.

You can believe anything you want, but that doesn’t change the truth.

Being a “Wiccan Christian” is a contradiction of terms. It’s like being a vegetarian meat eater or a pacifist MMA fighter.

I encourage you to look up Gerald Gardner, Aleister Crowley, and Anton Szandor LaVey. You will quickly learn that Wicca is a sham and Satanic in nature.

Most Wiccans will vehemently deny that Satan is part of their pantheon, citing major doctrinal differences between themselves and Satanists. Wiccans generally promote moral relativity, disdaining labels like “good” and “evil” and “right” or “wrong.” Wicca has one law or rule, called the Rede: “Do what ye will, harm ye none.” At first blush, the Rede seems like complete, uninhibited personal license. You can do whatever you want, as long as no one gets hurt; however, Wiccans are quick to point out the ripple effect of one’s actions can carry far-reaching consequences. They articulate this principle in the Three-fold Law, which says: "All good that a person does to another returns three-fold in this life; harm is also returned three-fold."

One major factor that contributes to the abiding fascination with Wicca is the purported use of spells and Magick (a deliberate misspelling intended to separate Wiccans from magicians and illusionists). Curiosity seekers, as well as spiritual neophytes, are most eager to delve into these mysteries. Not all Wiccans practice witchcraft, but those that do claim Magick is to them what prayer is to a Christian. The difference between the two is that Wiccans claim magick is simply using their minds to control matter, or they are appealing to their favorite deity to do them a favor, while Christians call upon an omnipotent, omnipresent God to heal people and to intervene and work in their lives. Because the Rede disallows witches from hurting others and the Three-fold Law spells out the consequences for Rede-breakers, witches who practice magick prefer to call themselves “nature witches” or “white witches” to further distance themselves from Satanists.

Wicca spells are idolism—Romans 1:25 says, “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things, rather than the Creator…” Who wants to settle for second best? In Isaiah 40, God paints a picture of how much greater the Creator is than His creation. If you are worshipping anything besides the Creator, you are not only spinning your wheels, you are guilty of idolatry.

Wiccan spells bring false hope. Hebrews 9:27 says, “…Man is destined to die once, after that, to face judgment.” God says we get one chance at life, and that is it. There are no do-overs. If we don’t accept God’s gift of Jesus in our lifetime, He judges us as unwilling to be in His presence, and we are sent to hell.

Wiccan spells bring disillusionment. Mark 7:8 says, “You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.” God is God, and we are not. We have a decision to make. Are we going to take God at His word and adopt His worldview, or are we not? Knowing God takes a lot of discipline. Wicca is a religion that takes a pack of lies, ties it in a romantic ribbon, and searches out a well-intentioned, but lazy and gullible mark to sell its hollow doctrines.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 says, “Let no one be found among you who… practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells…Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD...” Wicca witchcraft is a sin and God hates it. Why? Because it is an attempt to cut off our dependence on God and get answers apart from Him.

Sin isn’t just a heinous, socially disagreeable action. Sin is our decision to disagree with God on any topic—to rebel against Him. Sin is saying, “God, I want to live my life my way.” Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death…” This isn’t bodily death, this is spiritual death: eternal separation from God and all the blessings that His presence brings. This is the definition of hell: the absence of God’s presence. That is what our sin gains for us.

Thankfully, Romans 6:23 doesn’t end there. It goes on to say, “…but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God knew that we would all rebel in one way or another, and he provided a way for us to avoid that separation—through faith in Jesus Christ. Wicca witchcraft is nothing more than another lie from Satan, the enemy of our souls, who “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).
2010-11-17 17:39:14 UTC
"I don't really view the Bible as a "Take it all or leave it all". There are certain Christian beliefs that I don't like, and I refuse to follow, " You have your answer.

Jesus is the only path to salvation.
2010-11-17 17:41:33 UTC
Christian at least it has a real God and a holy book
2010-11-17 17:40:43 UTC
Well they're both equally false, so feel free to pick and choose on the superstitious buffet
2010-11-17 17:40:01 UTC
Both are fairy tales.
2010-11-17 17:40:47 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.