2012-07-24 09:22:30 UTC
So, do Angels, Archangels and the Angelic Realm/Kingdom actually exist? NO, they do not! Like the terms Heaven, and God, these are all simply human labels, names and descriptions, which implies separation or the existence of something superior or divine entities greater than us. Any degree of separation is a manifestation of the humanity’s ego. When you truly accept and realise that EVERY SOUL IS EQUAL and a divine expression of the Creator, then you do not need to use labels to describe higher frequency spiritual beings for the purpose of their identification.
You, like every other spiritual being have your own single energetic personality - we are not separate, rather we are all ONE. Likewise, Angels do not have wings, feathers, or grandiose physical forms. Again, these images are a result of humanities misconceptions and the continuing theme that everything “Celestial” should be portrayed as patriarchal males.
When you call an Angel or Archangel for guidance, healing or support, you are actually calling forward an individualized portion of consciousness with a distinct personality that matches your faith and beliefs. The Angelic Realm is simply plural for the Source, or the divine consciousness. This energy is devoid of ego and negative emotions. You may call these beings “Angelic” if you prefer, but their divine role is to support us, and their fundamental purpose is to offer unconditional love at all times.
When you consciously summon an archangel by name, such as Michael, Ariel, or Gabriel, this energy comes to you from the source - the group consciousness from around the planet. Their energy can separate and manifest as a distinct personality based on your faith and beliefs, but the energy is truly one and from the same source. They manifest depending on the qualities you request, such as protection, healing, peace, and wisdom.
The different groups that humanity have labeled as angels, guardian angels, ascended masters and gods (eg: Jesus, Buddha, Isis, Mary, etc) do not actually exist as separate individuals. They are “Beings of Light” that are multi-dimensional forms of integrated conscious energy."