you are certainly correct, this does sound interesting to be sure.
consider for a moment that you are alive. this life is the only thing you know, but you do know that at some point you will die. that transition of what we experience called death, strips away the flesh revealing a spirit that was created (yes, has a beginning) to be eternal.
this spirit is so eternal, that God has to either warehouse the soul that sins (in punishment called hell) or he takes that spirit to live with him in place beyond wonder and amazement, created for them.
in the human experience, the bristle cone pine, aka methusala tree, which is many thousand of years old. if a generation of people would be grown up to witness the trees life span (in excess of 6000 years known to date) the tree would be considered eternal, though in this case it would have an end.
in the case of the human spirit, it starts and grows under a veil of flesh revealing its true eternal nature only when the flesh dies off.
i personally believe that there is suffient evidence to support the eternal nature of the soul or spirit/as well as proof of the supernatural which i would normally credit with being from satan with the express purpose of leading men astray from the truth.
keep in mind that the bible is really very simple. believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved. how much greater your faith grows and your walk with a living God goes is up to you.
I take my dog walking a lot and we do things together. when it is time to eat, he would rather spend time with me than eat until he is sure i'm not just about to leave.
in the bible we have a similar event in the life of Christ. he send the disciples to town to buy food and engages a woman in the gospel at the well. the disciples come back and say, eat, here is the food. Christ says, I have meat to eat that you know not of.
he is speaking of the spiritual food he gets from being in direct contact with God, and that is only because he too has an eternal spirit. Unlike mankind, he has no beginning, but like mankind, he could commune with the LORD in heaven and receive in him, the substancial spriritual blessing from heaven.
do not be side tracked by difficult things. they may not have satisfactory answers in our life time, but that does not mean we can not seek to peer into the mysteries of life and spirit, nor understand even in a limited way, what is reality.