Atheists do not believe in GOD-Does that mean all Atheists believe we humans become “worm food" when we die?
Alicia Arol
2008-08-07 15:56:03 UTC
I don’t believe in any organized religious viewpoint about GOD, but I also believe there is something beyond this fleeting existence we human creatures briefly live out. I believe in a higher consciousness-force-power-that unites all things. I think that many Atheists believe that there is absolutely nothing after death-that we lose consciousness-and that’s it, but do all Atheists think this way?: Also, would Christians call me an Atheist simply because I don’t believe in the Christian concept of GOD? I ask these puzzling things, because I really want to know?
44 answers:
David V
2008-08-07 16:00:02 UTC
You are not an atheist (non-capitalized).

Most people want to believe in god, afterlife, resurrection, reincarnation, etc simply because death is a scary concept. On that note, WHY do you believe there is more? Because we are so insignificant, and that is difficult to accept, or because you have reason to believe so?
2008-08-07 16:22:05 UTC
I'll try to answer your question as simply as I can. Athiests believe there is no God. Though you may not subscribe to the Christian view of God, the fact that you believe in a supernatural being means you are not an athiest. Some athiests believe that nothing happens after death, but not all. Some simply believe that whatever happens after death is irrelevant with respect to this life, and so doesn't need to be considered. Personally, I am a Christian (Protestant/Pentecostal) and it is so fulfilling. God is not just some idea I have, but my relationship with Him affects all aspects of my life. I have seen God work miracles. With this background, I ask you: do not pass off the supernatural without reason as many athiest do. It's good that you have a desire for knowledge in these matters. Stay sincere in your zeal for the truth, and educate yourself on the different religions. Also read the Bible. There is a reason I believe what I believe.
2008-08-07 16:34:05 UTC
Well "atheism" only means a lack of belief in deities or divinities. Nothing more can be implied than that. It doesn't matter what Christians call you either... what do you call yourself?

I hope you realized you've greatly oversimplified the position of becoming "worm food."

I say this because for me, in particular, this is a really important aspect of my value system. Yes, I become food. No matter how strict a vegetarian you are, when you eat, you are eating as a result of something dying. If you go hunting and eat what you kill, the connection is direct. If you eat soyaburgers and lentils, the connection is still there but removed by a few degrees (ie, that land wasn't always farmland.) Our mere existence is sustained at the expense of other living things. When we die, our nutrients get returned to the earth to be consumed by a variety of organisms. We're fully repaying the debt as we become food. Of course, if you consider insects and parasites as well as our own waste disposal system (ie, excrement) you'll see that it's not just that we become food, it's that we are food. We're made out of food, we become food, and we are food. We're part of the ecosystem -- not above it like many people like to think. This realization was an epiphany for me and suddenly I understood life and death in terms of the big picture. Really, it's a sacred process.

As far as the concept of the spirit goes. I don't believe in a soul, but I do believe in subjective realities. You may not realize it or not, but you carry with you your grandmothers love for you. Even if you never met her directly, she loved your mother and your mother loved you. The way your mother loved you is, in part, the way her mother loved her. It will also be in part to the way you love your children. So when I do have kids, I'm going to love them with all my heart and hope that I can show them how to love someone fully and completely by my own example. When they, in turn, love their children and grandchildren, it will be my love being passed on. No magic or supernatural places or deities required.

If you have a different subjective reality, you may not really understand these things or how they answer your question. But believe me, I was a devout Christian back in the day and I am so much happier with the "spirituality" expressed in the last two paragraphs than I ever was with the idea of heaven.
2008-08-07 16:02:42 UTC
Not all Atheists believe the same thing about life and death. Overall they don't believe there's a universal spirit running the show, but they have their own beliefs aside from that. You can't make a blanket statement regarding their beliefs in any kind of afterlife because they are individual people with individual ideologies. Not all of them believe we're just "worm food." Some do, some don't. Christian fundamentalists believe anyone who is not a Christian is a heathen deviant, even if that person has their own beliefs about God, so I wouldn't worry about them. The rational ones will let you have your own beliefs without labeling you. They're not all God-crazy loons. Most Christians are decent people. But you shouldn't worry about what you're going to get labeled by any group of people. It's just not worth the energy. What you feel about yourself, and what you call yourself, is more important.
2008-08-07 16:20:24 UTC
"but do all Atheists think this way?"

I can answer TWO things about atheists absolutely.

1. No atheist believes in the existence of invisible sky critters.

2. Each atheist has his own thoughts about everything and need NOT agree with other atheists.

I think that when we die brain activity stops and we stop 'being'.

Nothing else happens.

The end.

We are NOT special - - - we only think we are only cos our ego needs to think it is.

"I believe in a higher consciousness-force-power-that unites all things."

It's just a base energy that connects everything with every other thing in the Multiverse ~ it will compress into nothingness when the next contraction happens after the current expansion is completed.

2008-08-07 16:49:00 UTC
we are biological machines with a singular purpose which is to evolve our species to a point where it will "live" forever.

some humans operate on the assumption that they have already acheived this goal by "believing" in an afterlife.

it makes little difference as both atheist and religious machines manufacture children, and it is from our offspring that we will continue to evolve the species to a point where it may some day achieve near immortality.

the process of evolution is slowed considerably due to the fact that stupid people breed more offspring which weakens the gene pool.

the reason stupid people breed more children is instinctive. in order for their dna to survive, they know that they've got to increase the odds by having more children so that their offspring won't all just walk off a cliff or drown for lack of flapping their arms when walking into a lake.

worm food...but even worms are biological machines.

we're never really alive to begin with. just a collection of earth elements with a robot brain that goes around cataloging information.
2008-08-07 16:01:25 UTC
I don't believe in God either, but I really agree with what you're saying about the collective consciousness thing. I saw that movie What the bleep do we know?, and I really agree with a lot of that stuff. I'm kinda torn about a life after death, but I sure hope there is. I mean, I believe in ghosts and stuff, so logically that would mean some sort of consciousness after death, right?
2008-08-07 16:50:37 UTC
I was an Athiests before for I didn't believe in God.. I thought we were just composed of mere organic chemicals that would be decomposed and return into ashes when we die but I believe that I was wrong. I medidated well and realized that there are/is something else aside from my physical body comprise/s myself. Months ago, I decided to interview some muslims and other christians( catholic and protestants) about there God. Afterwards, I therefore concluded that they have the same God but differ only of their some beliefs and practices.. Muslims believe in Allah(arabic term of God) but do not believe in Jesus Christ as God rather a mere prophit. Therefore they don't eat swine because they follow the old testament of Catholic bible.. And Catholics on the other hand, believe in Jesus as the son of God( therefore He is also a God) and believe in the "acts of the apostles of Jesus Christ" therefore they eat pigs..

I'm not talking about the issue of consuming swine rather I explain to you some differences of their beliefs and practices..

For thousands of years, (answer this question) why did all profits from mosses to Jesus' time coincide their concept about God?

( All they said that they saw the vision and heard the words of God in the form of Burning Bush, clouds, etc)

I know that you open the sense of wonder about the word.. you're are now asking philosophical question which cannot be answered through human minds. That's why we have the word FAITH..

Question: When do you have the right to believe?

Medidate this question:

Who am I?

the only wisdom I could share to you is: "Look all the sides of the coin"

I know that you are (I were) with the opinions of the Atheists but consider also the sides of the pious people..

when you are observing the religious ones: don't hesitate to ask them about their side.

Always bear this in your mind: Why do they believe in God?

BE OPEN MINDED, ( try to read the Bible,, just read it)

2008-08-07 16:04:19 UTC
Actually, "atheism" means nothing more than "having no belief in deity". So strictly speaking, it IS possible to believe in some form of an afterlife or immortaility yet not attribute it to a deity in any way. However, I've never met an atheist who took that view. All the atheists I know have either believed in no afterlife or at best took an agnostic view ("I don't know, and can't pretend that I know either.")
2008-08-07 16:34:42 UTC
Your theory on afterlife is from a primate pathology to thijnk everything must begin and end.

Carbon based life forms are expiring, including our minds. Meaning we think everything is also time-based.

This happened through spiritual evolution, looking at the sun and wondering where we came from, why we are here, ect.

They started worshipping and praying to the sun, or Sol, the only thing that has been with us since the beginging of thought and judgement. This included plants and animals too, which also evolved from the sun and its influence on Earth and its geographical changes throughout history.

Now having said that, God was invented by humans by looking at time and assuming the universe "began", but ironically enough humans created time to cope with the thought that we "began" somewhere through a pathological progression embedded into our genes. Time suggests things must have a beginging in order to end, to predict where we are going and how long we have been around for... in other words, Genesis and Afterlife theories began. Religion was created through a stupid circle of events, creating a illogical hoolahoop of never-ending though patterns displayed in Christianity, Islam and other religons.

Scientists are no better, the big bang theory is yet another monkey thought based on time, not realizing that they are primates and cannot begin to fathom anything past their place, such as a dog is incapable of writing Mozart, no matter how hard it studies, tries or believes it can do it - it is simply restricted by its mind.

And that my friend, brings me to what God really is.

The universe does not end, it never began and created endless amounts of stars, planets and probably other life. It is bigger than we can possibly begin to comprehend, it is truly the one and only Alpha and Omega. It does not have to make sense on a time based scale with theories like the big bang or creationism as time only applies for Earth, it never needed to BEGIN anywhere to make actual "sense" to an insignificant primitive life form like homo sapiens. Hell, even "sense" comes from a primate mind based on time and Earth physics.

Basically, the universe the only thing we have ever come across that just IS and will always BE.

It is impossible for you or me to comprehend that the universe has always been around and never began, just like you can never teach a Dolphin to philosophise, but it is possible to understand that its logical, and have faith in it. Sound familiar? Here comes the circle again, because humans arent naturally able to understand anything outside of what nature needs us for. We don't need to know why and how, so any "logical" scientific or religious conslusion we as a species come to is false, unless you break the boundaries of time, genetics and history.

As for that higher force, look up the collective unconscience and exogenesis.
2008-08-07 16:00:23 UTC
Yes, they do, worm food and then worm poop and then food for some other form of life, and then it's poop and so on and so on and so on.

Also, would Christians call you an Atheist simply because you don't believe in the Christian concept of GOD? This one wouldn't. I go by the definition of the words. I'm a dictionary fundie :-)
2008-08-07 16:05:36 UTC
This is not a question of belief. It is a fact that your body will become worm food. The question is what will happen with your soul.

Atheism is precisely defined and an atheist will always believe there is nothing after life.
Sun: supporting gay rights
2008-08-07 16:04:22 UTC
Not believing in any gods makes someone an atheist.

Other opinions will vary from one atheist to the next. It's not like they have a little Atheist Bible that they 'must' follow .
2008-08-07 16:02:10 UTC
Well there is a God, and it's fine if you don't believe in the christian concept of God because the real God doesn't fit into the box humans like to put Him in, even the box christians put Him in. God claims no religion, only Jesus and knowing God and God Himself has nothing to do with religion at all! God is about being REAL and TRUE and perfectly pleasantly wonderfully loving and understanding. You should start talkin to Him and tell Him that you'd like to get to know who He really is rather than what christianity says He is. He'll be glad to talk to ya!!! The guy with the kitty cat picture is correct and basically said what I just told you. If you wanna know the real God and seek Him, you will.
2008-08-07 16:02:38 UTC
hey aleicia

of course not all atheists think we just become worm food

we are all individual people

who share one commonality, that we do not believe in god and the religious concept of god and usually religion too, that is all we share, the rest is all down to the individual

not forgetting there are atheistic religions, such as buddhisim, who believe in spiritual things but not god
2008-08-07 16:01:10 UTC
Even if there was some magical force or whatever you're going on about, what happens when time ends? If it has a beginning, it has to have an end, so what happens to all the magical souls floating around in their "higher existence" when the universe implodes into itself destroying everything, ever? They cease to exist. Nothing can exist forever, it's simply impossible.
2008-08-07 16:05:02 UTC
Christianity is nonsense....what you believe/percieve in an afterlife is perfectly fine.. for you'll know the moment it happens if your right or wrong, you just won't be able to come back and let us know about it...

Your intelligent enough to come to a decision on your own.

2008-08-07 16:04:45 UTC
OMG i forgot that the only two religions that exist are christianity and atheist. There's no such thing as judaism, hinduism, or even the secretism. And i totally forgot that only hard atheist exist and that there's no such thing as agnostic atheism, absurdism and apatheism.
Mossflower Wood
2008-08-07 16:06:15 UTC
Not ALL atheists believe you become "worm food," so to speak. A lot do, though.

For instance, Buddhists are atheists, but they believe in reincarnation.
2008-08-07 15:58:39 UTC
"I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking."-- Carl Sagan
Mike Honcho
2008-08-07 16:02:21 UTC
Yep. Worm food. Mmm hmm. That's why we should do everything we can to make this world a better place. Love your neighbor? Absolutely, but don't forget to love yourself. Good luck
2008-08-07 16:01:27 UTC
That is not true. Buddhists are technically Atheists and they believe in reincarnation. There is a spectrum of what Atheists believe.
2008-08-07 15:59:20 UTC
Atheists do not believe in GOD-Does that mean all Atheists believe we humans become “worm food" when we die?

No, some will be cremated.
elvina t
2008-08-07 16:59:39 UTC
do u really want to know;there is aLiving and true God,and we must receive him in our heart;the bible say we must be born again JOHN 3:3,4,5,6,7 please,read the bible thats how he speak to me.If he dont existence,who woke u up this morning,who cause you to have breath who protect u while u sleep,there is nothing are no one that is beyond GOD almighty inHeaven;he sent his son Jesus to save us,he died and was buried, and he rose the third day.he died for our sins.for GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.JOHN 3:16 i hope u understand,i will prayer for u to have understanding.
2008-08-07 16:06:46 UTC
The resurrection does exist. It is what we call being born again. It deals with the rebirth of the spirit of the man while yet in his flesh, and then the resurrection of the physical body after the man suffers physical death.

When a man is born again, the spirit in him that was dead because of sin is reborn, and can now have association with God.

Yet, the soul is renewed, but what about the body? If a man does not become reborn in his spirit, when he dies, his soul is cast into hell and his body, that returns to dust will never be resurrected.

When a man is born again, and he dies in the flesh, his soul which has been made alive by the quickening spirit Christ Jesus goes to be with him and awaits the day of resurrection when it will be placed into the body that was asleep in the earth.

Jesus will come and all those who were born again and died in the flesh will be with him. They will then be put into their newly resurrected bodies, their uncorruptible bodies, their eternal bodies.

So unless a man is born again in his spirit before he suffers physical death, his soul will forever remain in torment and his physical body will never be resurrected.

Now, those of us who are living at the time Jesus returns will be taken in a blink of an eye just after the resurrection of those who have died in Christ. We will be transformed immediately. Our bodies will die and be changed from corruptible to incorruptible in the blink of an eye and we will met Jesus and all the dead in Christ in the clouds.

So basically, those who are not saved/born again before they die in the flesh don't only have to worry about a worm that never dies and torments them, they also have to worry about the a fire that never dies either.

Yet, the thing that will torment the unrighteous dead the most while being tormented by worms and unquenchable burning is all the missed opportunities they had on earth to be saved, but ignored it for their love of sin.
Laptop Jesus 3.9
2008-08-07 15:58:55 UTC
I believe my body will be "worm food." The bit that makes up me, my personality, will cease to exist. I see no way for conciousness to exist apart from matter - regardless of how much I'd like that to be true.
2008-08-07 16:02:04 UTC
No you and i are the same thing and i promise we are not atheists what we are is called agnostic its to believe in a upper power but not in a god! you believe there is a force... you believe in something that makes you not atheists as you said they don't believe in anything and the term believe is not in their day to day vocab! but you believe there is something pointing out that you are not in any religion you are basically agnostic....
2008-08-07 15:59:44 UTC
I believe you become part of the food chain, yes. Worm food is basically correct.
Sebastian P.
2008-08-07 15:58:32 UTC
I assume a few of them have open un-shared views about the afterlife. Most of us don't.
2008-08-07 15:59:37 UTC
Birth to death, lights out end of you. Worm lunch
No Chance Without Jesus
2008-08-07 16:00:12 UTC
You are where I was when I left the Catholic Church....I knew God was up there, I just didn't think he was in the church. If you keep seeking, you will find Him. If you settle for a marmalade version of a psuedo-god life will be miserable. Decide right now if you want to find the real God.....and if you will.
Zombie Kitty [Atheati Underling]
2008-08-07 15:59:28 UTC
God = False

Afterlife = False

Answer your question?
Allah Ackbar
2008-08-07 15:58:44 UTC
Fear of death makes people believe in strange things.
Reflecting on the Force
2008-08-07 15:59:56 UTC

Even more impetus for you to live a good life now.
2008-08-07 16:00:25 UTC
when we die we just die nothing more nothing after that you dont even exist after you die no brain activity nothing no dreaming for eternity nothing lol,
2008-08-07 16:00:22 UTC
It pretty much does. Certainly, there is no evidence to suggest anything else.
2008-08-11 22:58:23 UTC
Wormfood indeed.
2008-08-07 15:59:55 UTC
No. When you snuff it, you get eaten by bacteria, not worms.
2008-08-07 15:58:31 UTC
Wormfood is correct.
darwinsfriend3 AM
2008-08-07 15:58:59 UTC
Unless you are cremated,yes.
2008-08-07 15:58:38 UTC
Yes, or they wouldn't be atheists.
2008-08-07 15:58:29 UTC
im an atheist =]
2008-08-07 16:01:08 UTC
2008-08-07 15:58:47 UTC
Pfft. You think it's true.

No. There is other ways to do so. No duh.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.