Dreamstuff Entity
2014-04-16 16:53:32 UTC
"In 2004, Post-grad student Mary Schweitzer discovered soft tissue: blood vessels and cells, in a fragment of supposedly 68 million year old T. Rex leg bone. Now a Doctor, Schweitzer now admits, “It was totally shocking,” Schweitzer says. “I didn’t believe it until we’d done it 17 times."
Were the soft tissues soft and pliable originally when found, or were rehydrated in the process of removing the surrounding mineral components of the bone?
How can you demonstrate whether the soft tissues are original tissues? Fossil flexible tissues and nucleated cells have been found before in which the original material was not preserved.
DNA has been recovered from samples much more than 10,000 years old, even more than 300,000 years old (Stokstad, Erik. 2003. Ancient DNA pulled from soil. Science 300: 407).
If dinosaur fossils were as young as evolution deniers claim, wouldn't we have found dinosaur DNA by now?