Is God weakening America right now because he sees it becoming evil like Rome and Soddom and Gomorrah?
2010-02-06 18:18:53 UTC
Gays have become more "acceptable" in the society and more chldren are looking at porn at younger ages and learning more grownup things at younger ages which they are not supposed to know!
23 answers:
2010-02-06 18:22:00 UTC
No man is doing that.
2010-02-06 18:35:52 UTC
Well, what do you think? I personally think that the inhabitants of America are weakening themselves. All of this talk of God punishing certain societies because of their actions is to me a load of bull. Many many things happen because of collective consciousness (much like mass prayer) If two or more come together on a common belief then it most likely will happen. So if the whole nation thinks the world will end or that certain places or cursed or poverty stricken or diseased or whatever then the collective consciousness will bring about that experience. Secondly did anyone ever think the earth its self is just plain tired. The earth was created and has a living energy just like people and just like people if you abuse your body it will break down on you so since we have abused the earth for this long, maybe it is just breaking down. We have raped and exploited its resources, polluted it, denied it much need essentials. How long do you think it is supposed to go on. America is the same. We have turned this country into a place of hypocrisy, immoral values and war so eventually a divided house will lose the war against its self. On the other hand many places are much worse off than here so what do you think is their judgment from God. If that is the case I think many places would have been blown off the map by now by this so called God of weakening.The God of my knowledge is not a vengeful, retaliating GOD that would hurt or harm people for exercising the free will that he gave them. That would be a contradiction. As for children watching porn, that is a parental issue and as for Gays and Lesbians, I am one. Again, the God of my knowledge promotes love in all of its forms as long the parties involved are mature enough mentally and physically to understand their feelings. I know many people who are not living what would be considered a Christian or Biblical life but are still loving, kind and praying spiritual people and they have wonderful lives. God does not judge us. He may nudge us or tell us no like any good father but his love is all encompassing and unconditional. With that being said, this is just my opinion, but what do I know. I am just a sinner who should have maybe perished with Sodom and Gomorrah, Right? Any way, good luck and God bless with your quest. Hope you find the answer you came for.
2010-02-06 18:28:44 UTC
Fear and ignorance. Sigh.

1) There have always been gays and lesbians in America. The difference is they used to have to hide who they were.

2) Racism, sexism, violence, and discrimination dominate America's history. Do you think God is more offended by two gay men in love, or by an American army whiping out a Native American village?

3) Looking at porn? How do you know this?

4) Atheist China is the fastest growing economy in the world. Hindu/Muslim India is also on the rise. Does this mean that God prefers them over us?

5) Why is the economy so bad in the more Christian-dominated areas of the nation?

BTW: I live near Northern California, am straight and married, and attend a Christian church.
2017-01-13 10:14:14 UTC
the international isn't the way that God created it and thanks to that, all are liable to the impacts of sin interior the international. Why does one guy or woman go through and yet another does no longer? Why do catastrophes take place to a pair and no others? that's because of the fact sin is interior the international. yet there'll come an afternoon while the Lord will return and cleanse this international of all sin and all suffering. as for Isaiah 40 5:7 ? interior the previous English Tounge of 1611, The previous English was once conscious Evil of their King James Translation as a manner of descibing Calamaity, together with sickness, Tornadoes, Storms, Earthquakes,, previous English people used the be conscious evil to describe organic mess ups
2010-02-06 18:34:09 UTC
1) Is God weakening America right now because he sees it becoming evil like Rome and Soddom and Gomorrah?

Relatively speaking, America is stronger right now (militarily) than it has **ever been**. Our military technology has clearly and *entirely* outdistanced all other superpowers - and this was NOT the case just 20 years ago.

Is God strengthening America right now because he sees it becoming good relative to the other nations of the world?

But it's true that our cultural morality is in decline. Hopefully it will, like Rome, not be a permanent decline. In any case: we certainly are not as wicked, morally, as was Rome during Jesus' day. Slavery and concubinage and homosexual pedophilia were all commonplace and acceptable in that society. Speaking freely was sufficient cause for execution. "Bread and circuses" were used to mollify the oppressed and disenfranchised poor.

We've got quite a way to go before we become as morally corrupt as was the superpower known as the Roman Empire.

D700 dug
2010-02-06 18:29:53 UTC
Aristotle complained about similar things in ancient Greece many thousands of years ago.

He was OK with the Gay stuff because that was acceptable back then but every generation thinks things are worse than ever before.

I happen to think we are doing better and as soon as gay marriage is accepted and we have a working world government we can start solving the real problems of the world :-)
section hand
2010-02-06 18:36:06 UTC
Widespread Sexual Perversion and Abortion of Innocent Babies are an indication of God removing His hand of protection:We have become the modern Romans;

God has never let a Nation get away from judgment,and U.S. is no exception;

Yes this nation is being weakened,Economic melt; We are Servants to lending Nations;

When God judged ancient Egypt,First thing to go was Economy then Famine and eight more Calamities;

Yes I agree;The next few years will prove it;
2010-02-06 18:24:50 UTC
You're right about youngsters "learning more grownup things at younger ages which they are not supposed to know". Time was, parents could keep knowledge away from their kids, that was part of the fun of being a parent, keeping secrets. Now, by the time a parent gets around to explaining something to their children, the kids already know more than they do. It isn't right.
The Doctor
2010-02-06 18:26:50 UTC
"Gays have become more "acceptable" in the society", kind of like how blacks have become more acceptable in society in the past several decades. People used to quote Bible verses to explain why blacks were inferior to whites. Sexual orientation is just another way people are biologically different from others, just like race. Bigotry against anyone is wrong, and I think Jesus would agree with that.
2010-02-06 18:24:28 UTC
Oh, yes, and he's also preparing strawberry malts for everyone in Indiana.

@ Mortal: If America was founded as a Christian nation, why doesn't the Constitution contain one single word about god or Jesus?
2010-02-06 18:43:22 UTC
Which god?

Allah? Jehovah? Buddha? (no, skip Buddha, he was a man who figured out everything and then stepped out of the game), His Holy Noodleness?, Thor?, Zeus?, Legba?, Sango?, Orounmila (aka: Eboh), Kami?, Butsudan, Hinukan or Fuuru nu Kami?

All gods to whom people have and are giving praise to, and for some people even died.
2010-02-06 18:28:56 UTC
America is weakening because they are removing God from their lives and out of the country. But, yes eventually God will destroy our country along with the world because it is not of Him. I am glad we won't be here. We have to pray for the ones that will be. We also have to pray for the Lord to work on people's hearts and minds and turn them back to Him. He is going to remove His protection from the USA and all countries that have removed Him in their laws and don't regard Him or His word. God bless you.
2010-02-06 18:24:04 UTC
Perhaps gays are becoming more acceptable because people are learning to "love the sinner, hate the sin".

If kids aren't supposed to know it, then why do they know it?
2010-02-06 18:27:56 UTC
Radical religious belief may kill us all, if they get the bomb and we don't convert to their religion. Maybe that's how God's going to do it. But that would make religion the Antichrist
2010-02-06 18:25:42 UTC
Yes , and America is turning away from God.
2010-02-06 18:23:37 UTC
Nope. It just comes under the heading of "sh*t happens". Even to Americans. (surprised?)
2010-02-06 18:22:22 UTC
good and evil are points of view. there is no universal definition of either - what is good for one person will be evil to another and vice versa.

oh, and there's nothing wrong with gays.
2010-02-06 18:53:20 UTC
What happens in Vegas..
2010-02-06 18:21:33 UTC
Which god?
2010-02-06 18:23:35 UTC
This nation was founded as a Christian nation. But we have turned our backs on God. Woe to you, Babylon!
2010-02-06 18:24:59 UTC
No, because he loves us.

See how F****ing stupid you freaks sound?
2010-02-06 18:23:48 UTC

sin is causing it and the fulfillment of prophecy is
2010-02-06 18:21:51 UTC
San Fran is next in line after Sodom, Gomorrah and Haiti... I can't wait

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