Muslims....what are some apocalyptic prophecies from the Koran if you have any?
2008-12-05 03:10:59 UTC
Please give me some or useful links that I can look at
Four answers:
2008-12-06 06:02:24 UTC
This is a good question and answers that i will be keeping it in a folder no 7 Islam You need to look at Chapter 12 in Revelations . this child that would appear at the end of the 1260 years and rein for 8 years

1260 AH= 1844 CE Also pleas read all chapter 11. 12. 13 these cover the history of Islam

Folder NO 8

Folder NO 9
ali i
2008-12-05 11:28:43 UTC
The previous answer is from while some posts of the website are reliable - do not use that website as a bench mark for Islamic faith. The site reflects views of the Wahabbi/Salafi and are intolerable to non-Muslims. Any Muslim that does not have the same view as them are considered heretics - according to the website.

You can go on google and search for quran index. Under it - look for 'the Day of Judgment/Calamity' etc. Hope I have been of some assistance.
2008-12-05 11:19:35 UTC
The Signs of the Hour are the signs that will precede Yawm al-Qiyaamah (the Day of Judgement) and indicate that it is nigh.

The Hour (al-Saa'ah) means the time of reckoning, and is either:

1. Saa'ah sughra (the lesser hour), which is a person's death, whereupon his reckoning starts when he leaves this world and passes into the Hereafter;

2. Or Saa'ah kubraa (the greater Hour), which is when mankind will be resurrected from their graves to be judged and rewarded or punished accordingly.

When the word al-saa'ah is used on its own in the Qur'aan, it refers to the greater reckoning (the Day of Judgement), as in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): "People ask you concerning the Hour…" [al-Ahzaab 33:63]

The Signs of the Hour (i.e., the Day of Judgement) are of two types:

1. Ashraat al-Saa'ah al-Sughra (Minor signs of the Hour)

These are signs that will appear a long time before the Hour approaches, such as the decline of knowledge, the spread of ignorance, drinking of wine or alcohol, competition in the construction of tall buildings, and many others. The scholars have listed almost sixty signs, some of which will accompany the major signs, or will appear afterwards.

2. Ashraat al-Saa'ah al-Kubraa (Major Signs of the Hour)

These are major signs that will appear shortly before the Day of Judgement comes. These extraordinary events will be:

(1) The appearance of the Mahdi. At the end of time, a man from the descendents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) will appear, and Allaah will help him to make His religion prevail. He will take control of the land (or the earth) and fill it with justice just as it had previously been filled with wrongdoing and oppression. Under his rule, the ummah will be blessed as it has never been blessed before.

This man's name will be like the name of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and his father's namewill be like the Messenger's father's name. He will be a descendant of Faatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), through the line of al-Hasan ibn 'Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him). He will appear from the East. A number of saheeh ahaadeeth refer to the appearance of the Mahdi, including the following:

1. Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "During the last days of my ummah, the Mahdi will appear. Allaah will send rain for him, and the earth will bring forth its produce. He will give money sihaahan (according to one report, the Prophet was asked, "What is sihaahan?" and he said, "Equally among people." Reported by Ahmad), and livestock will increase… He will live for seven or eight" - meaning years. (Reported by al-Haakim, 4/557; he said it is saheeh according to the conditions of the two shaykhs [al-Bukhaari and Muslim]. Al-Dhahabi agreed with him. Shaykh al-Albaani said: its sanad is saheeh. Al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 711)

2. Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: "I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: 'The Mahdi will be of my family (according to one report: of the people of my household) [Reported by Ibn Hibbaan and by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak. He said: this hadeeth is saheeh according to the conditions of the two shaykhs, but they did not report it. Al-Dhahabi agreed with him] from the children of Faatimah." [Reported by Abu Dawood, 11/373 and Ibn Maajah, 2/1368. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami', section 6610].

Al-'Allaamah al-Safaareeni said: "So many reports were narrated concerning the appearance of the Mahdi that they reached the level of Tawaatur in meaning, and this became so well known among the scholars of Sunnah that it is counted as one of their basic beliefs." (Lawaami' al-Anwaar al-Bahiyyah, 2/84).

[Tawaatur: a mutawaatir hadeeth is one that was narrated by so many people and transmitted by so many people that it is inconceivable that they could all have agreed on a lie. Translator]

Imaam al-Shawkaani said: "The mutawaatir ahaadeeth about the awaited Mahdi, which we managed to find and examine, number fifty, including saheeh, hasan and da'eef munjabir (weak ahaadeeth that are supported by corroborating evidence) reports. They are mutawaatir beyond any shadow of a doubt… The reports from the Sahaabah that speak about the Mahdi are also very many and are judged as having the status of marfoo' ahaadeeth (i.e., ahaadeeth whose isnaads go back to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), because this is not an issue in which they would have made ijtihaad." (For more information, see Question #1252).

(2) Al-Maseeh al-Dajjaal (The "Antichrist")

Al-Maseeh al-Dajjaal is a man from the sons of Aadam. He has a number of features which were mentioned in the saheeh ahaadeeth, including the following: he will be a young man with a ruddy co
Fenina M
2008-12-05 12:22:46 UTC
the one that kool dude gave you is very reliable

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.