The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, is a restorationist Church. This means that The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints believes what Jesus Christ and his immediate followers believe. This means that the LDS Church is neither Catholic or Protestant by historical definition.
Jesus Christ never advocated kill or convert policies. Jesus Christ did NOT advocate an inquisition using torture to convert. Jesus Christ did not use the military or the police or the Government in any way shape or form to spread the truth. The truth does not need such horrendous methods to propagate itself. The truth is pure and has missionaries that speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is what the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints is all about.
Studying history will prove that Missionary work and open discussion promotes righteousness. While torture and murder used to promote Christianity, only leads to a perversion of Christianity being spread among the population. This includes the false doctrine of grace fanaticism.
Christ told the people to be righteous. He never once said, "Oh, by the way your saved by Grace, do any evil that you want, just pay that fat minister with the greasy smile that sounds a lot like a used car salesman on late night t.v." (At least the used car salesman has some honor and dignity.)
No. What people call today Christianity, is merely a hollow shell that is rotten at it's core and preaches people to be adulterers, murderers, and every other evil thing. And this has been so during a long and horrific history. The Crusades, The Inquisition, the conversion of Native Americans, are all examples in history, of murder and torture being used to convert unwitting peasants.
Only The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints stand for Jesus Christ, and against the evils of Satanic force and coercion. The Devils plan verses the plan of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ plan is a plan of choice and faith and redemption.
Choose you this day whom you will serve, God or Mammon (the false God who murders people to convert them).
What do you choose to believe?
Those who mass murdered in the past in order to convert (and might do it today if given half a chance), or those who are peaceful and go on missions and discuss religion with quite voices?