Why is it wrong to question religions?
2006-10-14 00:34:23 UTC
Why is it considered wrong to question things that have to do with faith?
It seems a poor excuse to say that you must just believe, but not required that of anything else in your life.
31 answers:
2006-10-14 00:51:48 UTC
Its not wrong to question is a basic right of any human being. No one has the right to tell anyone that one religion is better than the other. Look at the court system. we are ALL obligated to swear on the bible but if we use the bible as testimony we get locked up in the 'nut house'. I think the only reason why religions aren't openly questioned is because it would start massive world wide riots. Just look at the recent comments the pope made. It makes me so angry that people who quote from the bible think they are so right, and they overlook the fact that in telling someone 'how its suppose to be' they are in fact judging others in doing so...this has to be the biggest hyprocrisy that occurs in ALL religions. Religion should never get in the way of common sense... its simple, just treat everyone with respect...
2006-10-14 08:33:31 UTC
1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Ecc 1:13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.

Act 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

It's not wrong, if your questions are honestly seeking an answer? If they are just rhetorical jabs; your just tempting others to anger.

The only stupid question, is the one you already know the answer to.

I questioned religion...detest it, unless it is pure and undefiled. If it's man made it's made imperfect, by imperfect hands. If I hadn't listened to the Lord's words (Bible) I'd never have been a Christian. I found out that so called "Christianity" today , is a FAR cry from the voice crying in the wilderness; and even further from the King of Kings.

What is pure religion???

(Jam 1:26) If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

(Jam 1:27) Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

Where is Christ's "church"???

They are just as visible as He is to this evil world. You will not find the "true church" at "Sunday Social Clubs (aka churches)". The church (body of Christ) is not a building,

gossip hall or political action is a people...a very peculiar people....whose passion is helping the people that the "world" doesn't love. Helping honest people, humble people, people that do no harm to their neighbors....these are 99% (+or- 1%) poor people.

You can find the true church first by finding those that obey the commandments... and secondly by following the money (actually the lack of money). You will find the true church buying clothes for a single mom's (divorced because her husband found another woman) two boys.

You can find the true church mowing the old widow ladies yard next door or shoveling off the sidewalk in winter. You can find the true church buying food for the hungry, even though they may have to go hungry themselves for a little while.

You can also find the true church engaged in debates in public places, trying to counteract the false teachings of "religion" (the papists being the first and foremost false teachers) and knowing the truth of the Word themselves. Not making a show of themselves in great auditoriums to ticket buying customers, or tithing pew warmers; but, in common places like cafes. Not spouting religion from the street corners; but, talking as a friend to one or two. Not respecting a man's wealth or position; but, rather his heart, if it is honest.

A poor man with faith, will say that the true church is the kindest of peoples. A rich or amply fed religious man will find the true church to be anything but his close friend. Rebukes don't sit well on a full stomach.

How much do I earn??? Doesn't matter. I could earn $200,000 a year and would still live paycheck to paycheck. There are some of us that have learned it's worth more when it's helping others than when it's just collecting interest in the bank, or rusting in the driveway.

Really didn't intend for this to be so long. You just asked at the perfect time.

If the truth has offended some of, I make no apology for it; but, I do give you food for thought...

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
devora k
2006-10-14 07:46:54 UTC
It is excxellent to question anytrhing and everything that has a bearing on your life, but for a person's sanity and/or self worth as a human, you must believe in something. I as a believer debated an aetheist the other day and he brought up the plagues brought onto Egypt because the Jews were not allowed to leave their bondage and he told me that the plagues were flukes of nature. The person, a mathematician was stunned when I asked him what were the mathematical probability that the concurance of plagues were all natural reasons and he started playing around with his calculator and said that the percentile was off of the board. He then went on to say, "Perhaps you are right. So0 was it good that this person questioned religion with me? dARN RIGHT.
2006-10-14 07:42:59 UTC
there is nothing wrong with asking questions in the interests of learning. Ultimately the decision to have faith is just that - a step of faith. There is no mathematical proof that God exists, but there is more than enouth evidence all around us.

Sometimes when you question a religious belief, people get upset but what they are really hiding is their own insecurity that they don't know the answer either.

Ultimately I believe there is only one real God, and that is the God of the Bible. Delivered in 3 parts - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Let me encourage you to queston, but also read the Gospel of Luke, in the New Testament (which is the back section of a Bible). It really helped me to answer a lot of questons I had.

2006-10-18 02:28:55 UTC
Because religion is about control. Children are indoctrinated from birth and never given a chance to think for themselves, especially if it's about something that goes against the doctrines that their religion teaches. You're expected to blindly believe what you're told, but the minute you question something, you get put in your place.

People are also creatures of habit and stubbornly tied to tradition. They're afraid of leaving the familiar and fear those that question tradition or break with it. They can't seem to imagine that anyone can do without, even when it smacks them in the face. People fear the unknown, and people are afraid of being wrong.

People don't want to wake up one day and find out that they've been lied to or that everything they've been told from birth is wrong, so they fear it. They fear asking and finding out, they fear and loathe people like us who ask questions and make them think and possibly even face those questions. They'd rather live blissfully ignorant and pretend they hold all the answers when they don't.

Religious leaders may also know the truth, that nothing is the way they teach and preach, and rather than look like a bunch of frauds, they hide the truth. They don't want the public to find out that they've been wasting their time. So they hide the truth and lay down a bunch of doctrines and rules to keep people in control through fear.

Think about it. People are terribly afraid of death, which is probably natural in and of itself, but they don't know what happens afterwards. Religion plays off this fear to make people conform to the way they think things should be, saying that if they don't do as they say, something terrible will happen to them after death and it will be for all eternity.
abuturab a
2006-10-14 08:18:39 UTC
Yes, a person should question everything and do not deny or accept things unless he has an evidence

-Some religions are afraid to hear questions because they are not logical and such questions will make them look naked.

However, in Islam there is no such sacred thing that you are not allowed to question. You have the right to question everything as long as you do not deny unless you have an evidence. Because Islam considers God is the Master of Logic therefore any doctrine from him should be considered logical
2006-10-14 08:37:57 UTC
If you question a religions doctrine, you may shake them up a bit. Hell, you may even uncover some truth which could lead to the demise of their whole order. You cant have the church lose control of its people. People dont have the right to think for themselves. If they did they might not donate 10% of their income anymore. What a sin. Dont get me wrong, Iam all for faith. Faith in myself, my beleif system and the workings of my God and faith in the love of others.
2006-10-14 07:55:38 UTC
Well actually there are two types of people who question religion...

1) Who are confused about something/Need some assistance,and look for there answere in the light of religion.

2)Those who just wnat to prove that specific part in the religion is wrong or this whole religion is wrong...In short just to create some error by explaining them by theories like Darwins's or something like that...i hope u get my point...

There is nothing wrong in question something as long as u are questioning for your own intrest/knwoledge/satisfaction. People usually question other people religion in wrong,as everyone think that they are right...And this wrong! i mean the attitudes towards other peoples religion...Because no matter which beleive u have(Muslim,Christian,Hindu or Aethest) we do get bit sentimental about well should remain calm and cautious.
Tushi K
2006-10-14 07:42:14 UTC
Then why is it wrong to question atheists?????

We've faith whats wrong with that??? Its not a poor excuse btw. We just look at things differently. So please you atheists should try and respect other's preference and leave us alone. I know there are people who pick on atheists too, and I admit it's wrong.

Therefore stop asking such fanatical questions, tolerate other peoples's beliefs, and mind your own business.

This is only how peace can prevail.
Eloy B
2006-10-14 07:41:58 UTC
No question, you must for there are many false prophets who come as sheep but are inside ravenous wolves. The best way to Find God is to go into your room and confront Jesus, do not confront me for I am just the vessel, I am a useless tool and only something when the lord wields me. Go into your room, question the lord our God, speak to him and he will speak to you, seek him and he will find you, then allow him to lead you to the ministry of his choosing.
2006-10-14 07:39:26 UTC
The key word is "believe". Having said that, you have every right to question before devoting yourself to a religion. Don't we all want to know what kind of position it is we are applying for when it comes to commiting ourselves to work? I would say the same applies...
2006-10-14 07:48:06 UTC
It's not wrong, Trouthunter. It's the smart thing to do. Question everything. Accept nothing as fact until you see the proof of it for yourself.
2006-10-14 07:44:00 UTC
Its good infact very good to question and contrary to the opinion of the first answerer I would say that every human can know the truth provided that they seek it with sincerity.
Oh Dee!
2006-10-14 07:36:49 UTC
Cuz, we must respect them and we cannot convert people to abandon their religions anyway!

But questioning to know more about things including religions is the best thing!

Question anything you want, just try not to be offensive.
2006-10-14 07:40:02 UTC
It's never bad to question your religion/faith.That's how you learn and grow as a person.And if your being told not to question it,run away!It's not moral for a religion to want people to follow blindly.It's kind of scary,like sheep being led to slaughter....
2006-10-14 07:38:11 UTC
Who said it was wrong!!! Infact it is the religions that should be questioned. Having have been changed and modified the way a man wants and needs!!! You should question religions!!!
2006-10-14 07:38:04 UTC
Europe used to be religious, just like America. When they started questioning it, they tossed it into the garbage where it belongs. Only a small minority go to church now in Europe. They have universal health care, fewer wars now, guaranteed college in most nations, and a lower crime rate than USA.
feeling hopeless
2006-10-14 07:40:39 UTC
its not wrong to question religion it is wrong to not study and pray about it for your self. no one can tell you about some thing. you have to seek it out on your own. man will fail you but the truth and understanding you rec. is just for you.
2006-10-14 08:12:14 UTC
you should question your faith or your religion

Keep testing whether YOU are in the faith, keep proving what YOU yourselves are 2 Corinth 13:5

its to your own benefit to do so
2006-10-14 08:32:00 UTC
Sure, question everything. I questioned Jesus Christ and now I believe.
2006-10-14 08:03:29 UTC
I think you should question and search for yourself. when you find the answer try not to tell others unless you care about their future ???
2006-10-14 07:37:31 UTC
If someone had a puppet but wanted you to believe it was a doll that danced by itself they wouldn't want you asking, 'hey, what are those strings'.
2006-10-14 07:36:42 UTC
i think it is good to questions but just remeber not everyone will have the answer because we are only human. But i do not see it as wrong.
2006-10-14 07:38:08 UTC
Talking about religion and politics is the fastest way to start a fight.
2006-10-14 07:37:22 UTC
pretty shallow isn't it. We call them Sheeple. They just go along with the heard and don't investigate things for themselves.

sad really, a detriment to their own minds.
2006-10-14 07:37:28 UTC
To Question religion and to learn from your question is not wrong,

but to Question God and his work is
2006-10-14 07:37:18 UTC
Blessed are those who have never seen me and still believe

In this day and time

people have to see to believe

your call

your choice
2006-10-14 07:38:50 UTC
It is an act of blind faith by sects.
2006-10-14 07:36:59 UTC
havent you heard of the famous quote "question everything"? it is not wrong.
2006-10-14 07:36:47 UTC
It's not wrong it's a must.
2006-10-14 00:38:18 UTC
As long as you don't question Islam, you will never be reported for "abuse"

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