This is one of those questions that christians seem to debate forever. Also, it's one of those questions that has an easy answer.
I'm starting to suspect that some christians just like to "debate" (argue?) for the sake of debating itself.
1) There are multitudes of verses that describe the "Eternal Life" of the believer in the PRESENT tense. I dont need to go into them here.
2) The SAME word "Eternal" is often used to describe God as being "Eternal".
Conclusion: If the Life that is given to the Christian at the moment of salvation is NOT forever (cant ever be lost),
THEN God is not Eternal also. And it would be possible for God Himself to cease to be.
The people who say that a person can lose ones salvation can't "have their cake and eat it too".
Now we all know people who once made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe even seemed to live the life for years. And then they either abandoned it, or it simply doesnt seem to ever be a priority.
Thats what generates these types of questions. The reasoning being; "If THAT person was a christian and obviously lost their eternal life (as evidenced by their lifestyle) then what hope is there for ME?"
Now this is a completely DIFFERENT question. It has NOTHING to do with a christian losing ones salvation,
Until folks get that through their head, they are always going to be confusing the issue.
And people are always going to be posting this question on Y/A. (Present company excluded. I know you well enough to know that YOU know the answer)
Oh, and by the way. Eternal Life is more than just life that "goes on forever". It is a "kind" of life. And a RELATIONSHIP. (John 17:3)
If a person knows the Author of Life, how CAN a person ever die? (or lose that life?)
This whole "losing ones eternal life" is just silly. One either knows Jesus, or one DOES'NT.
You don't know Him one moment, and not know Him in another moment.
Or rather, He doesnt know YOU one moment, and then NOT know you in another.
"I am convinced that neither DEATH,
nor LIFE, nor ANGELS, nor PRINCIPALITIES, nor POWERS, nor things PRESENT, nor things TO COME, neither HEIGHT, nor DEPTH, nor ANY OTHER created thing is able to separate us from the love of God, which IS IN Christ Jesus our Lord"---Romans 8:38-39
I wish Christians would just stop with this whole business of basically calling God a liar. Because THAT is what it comes down to.