if god said love ALL people including your enemies y do christians/catholics diss homosexuals?
2006-08-13 18:24:57 UTC
because they diss homos, i lost a LOT of respect for catholic church. and they are supposed to love everyone. they want peace and happiness but yet they cant marry same sex couples, how can they maintain this "peace and happiness" if they wont allow people to marry whom they choose, whom they love in a church?
114 answers:
2006-08-13 18:27:23 UTC
Hateful people will always find someone to hate, and will always seek to use religion to justify it.
2006-08-21 18:16:55 UTC
I am Catholic and I think many people misunderstand what we believe. You should hate the sin. Love the sinner.

The Catholic faith is very out front and to the point. We do not believe in homosexuality because it is a sin. That is what we believe - no ifs ands or buts. The reason the church does not allow for this is NOT because we "hate" homosexuals, it's because the actions of gay people is a sin.

I think as humans, if we are passionate about something we believe in, we tend to get defensive if someone disagrees with our opinions. Maybe that is why you get so much static when talking with people who strongly believe that marriage is an institution and a sacrament who is only to be shared between a man and a women.
©2007 answers by missy
2006-08-13 18:32:36 UTC
Whoa, I don't get in on the gay argument much. It is one thing to "dis" or disrespect a human being, and that is wrong, and yes people who call themselves Christians sometimes do it. That is a sin. But it is also a sin to not live truth, and when the Bible calls homosexuality a sin, if a church were to marry them, that would not be a Bible-believing church. That would be a different type of church -- a pagan church.

I believe homosexuals are worthy of my respect and love, regardless of the decision they make. However, I would never, EVER condone a "marriage" between two of them performed by my pastor in my church, because that would be my church (the body of Christ) taking part in something that is evil (the Bible calls it an abomination).

We're not trying to gain the respect of non-Christians or maintain some sort of peace and happiness. We (I'm Christian, not Catholic) are in the business of spreading the gospel of truth. We would no more have a homosexual wedding in our church than we'd have a sex sacrifice to a false god. If they want governmental rights, take it up with the government. It's a free country. Use the ballot box. But pastors of God's truth will not be taking part in this sin.
2006-08-20 12:16:41 UTC
It is not the plan of God Almighty for anyone to live as a homosexual acting out sexual acts between the same genders. Yet many people have this affliction, be it they think they was born this way or they have chosen this way of life. Homosexuality is a sin, and all sin is not in the plan of God Almighty. Yes it is a sin to not love your neighbor as you love your self. This is also very high on the list of things that is not in the plan of God Almighty because many people do not practice loving their neighbor as them selves rather they believe they were born this way or they chose to be this way.

We say that it is good to love your neighbor as you love yourself, and if you do not love homosexuality then you would not love the homosexuality in the neighbor. This does not mean you do not love the person, but the act. So the question you may ask then could be "What is it one should do if they have a neighbor that practices homosexuality?"

We should say we do not love the homosexuality, but if you are my neighbor I shall love you, and if I have offended you by telling you this then I am sorry for doing the will of God Almighty, which is not the case. Because I love doing the will of God Almighty and His will is the will I want for me, and you as well.

Now if the person responds by saying," God Almighty loves sinners as well as those that have no sin." You could say , "Yes that is true, and that would mean that you are trying to change in the way all sinners do." They may look at you and suggest that they feel they do not need a change. You could then say," By the blood of Jesus Christ we all shall be changed once we have Him as our Saviour. This will be the way one changes, it may seem that it is a slow process, it may even seem it could never happen, but believe me, a person saved by the grace of God Almighty through the blood of Jesus Christ will be changed. Changed so that person will do the will of God Almighty as they would want to do the will of God Almighty."

One may change faster than another. It is like the parable of when a man offered a job for a certain amount of money. Some were upset after the end of the day when those that started in the beginning got payed the same as those that got payed same for only working some of the day. The man paid them all the same.
2006-08-13 19:15:14 UTC
In you question and description you state you lost a lot of respect for the Catholic church. Then in you additional information you say you don't mean all Catholics. There certainly is a difference between the church hierarchy and the Catholic people. I was raised a Catholic and finally, after 32 years, left the church because I could no longer swallow the hypocrisies of the leaders of the church.

As for homosexuals. I try to love everyone. I don't always succeed. Please remember that we are all sinners and fall short of what God wants us to be.

Marriage was instituted by God to be between a man and a woman, for the purpose of having children and forming a basis for a family. 2 men or 2 women cannot be married. They cannot procreate (have children). If states want to recognize the relationship and give them certain rights (ex: inheritance, health insurance) that's fine, but they cannot be married. Doesn't mean we don't love them. God will judge them, as He will judge us all, for our sins.
2006-08-13 18:35:06 UTC
Jesus said love they neighbor. Remember in the old testament it talks about the jealous, vengeful God. New testament was trying to make Christians be good to one and other, unfortunately, people like to use what ever part of the bible fit their need for that time. And many misinterpretations have and are taking place. Some times you have to make yourself happy by being the better person and over looking others shortcomings. Be patient, remember the Catholic Church burnt a monk at the stake for saying the Earth revolved around the sun.
Terry K
2006-08-13 19:29:00 UTC
There are a number of ways to answer this question. Not one is totally correct because there are many reasons for what you see.

Let me start by stating that I am not Catholic. I am Christian but don't claim any specific denomination. The theological response to your question would go something like this:

First, we must define what is meant by "love". The New Testament (the part of the Bible that states "love your enemies") was written in Koine Greek. This language was very precise. In the New Testament, there are two different words that were translated as love. The problem is that "love" doesn't accurately convey the intending meanings based upon the actual words used.

One word that is translated "love" is the word "phileo". The other word is "agape". Both words do mean love, but they speak of a different quality of love, not quantity.

Phileo speaks of a love that is based on familiarity. It is a love that grows hot and grows cold based upon how a person feels toward the one loved. It is more a feeling than anything else.

Agape, on the other hand, is not a feeling. It is not based on familiarity. It is a choice. It is a decision to do what is best for the one loved reguardless of how it will affect you. It is completely selfless. This love is always other-focused.

The word used in the verse you mentioned is agape. Why, then, do some Christians and Catholics "diss homosexuals"? This is a very good question!

On one level, it is because of immatureity of the Christian. On another level, it is out of agape for the homosexual. The immature Christian has trouble "seperating the sin from the sinner". We attack the sinner when we should be attacking the sin. We don't like to admit it, but the sin of homosexuality is no greater than the sin of lying, adultery, speeding, murder, gosipping or any other sin that, yes, we Christians, are involved in. We like to think that we are, somehow, better. But, we aren't. There might even be some fear that, if we acknowlede this, we will look bad. (We fail to realize that we already look bad!)

The other reason that Christains might appear to "diss" homosexuals is out of agape. The Bible does clearly teach that homosexuality is a sin. It seems to be most clear in the Geneva Bible. 1Co 6:9,10 says, "Knowe yee not that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God? Be not deceiued: neither fornicatours, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor wantons, nor buggerers, Nor theeues, nor couetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners shall inherite the kingdome of God." The word "buggerers" is an old word for homosexual. In the King James, the same verses say, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Here, we have a gentler way of expressing it, "abusers of themselves with mankind." Remember, however, that I have already pointed out that this sin is not special. It is not worse than any other sin.

So, how can a Christian "diss" a homosexual out of agape? How can a pastor refuse to marry same-sex couples out of agape? The Bible tells us that every Christian has the responsibility to show the world its need for Jesus. This is supposed to be done out of agape. To appear to endorse an act of sin (no matter what that act is) would not be an act of agape. It might be an act of phileo, but we are called to love our neighbors with the greater love, agape. To do this, we are willing to risk ridicule and hatred.

We, humans, have a difficult time understanding how to "seperate the sin from the sinner". It is hard to live a life that is accepting of the person but not condoning of the lifestyle. I am sure that many who read this will immediately think, "hypocrites". And, in some cases, that would be a correct assessment. However, in most cases (I hope) the truth of the matter is that we simply do not have the mind of Jesus. We simply cannot comprehend how to appropriately love these people and yet not condone their lifestyle.
John S
2006-08-21 11:37:19 UTC
Catholics do not diss homosexuals. Where did you get that from? They are treated the same as anyone else, with respect and love due a human being. Catholics just do not agree with their lifestyle. It's a simple as that. Catholics believe that a practicing homosexual is living in sin. A heterosexual can also be living in sin based on their life style.
2006-08-13 18:34:58 UTC
It's not only the Catholics but other religions as well. I've seen some where the wife is a raging alcoholic and the husband is abusive, yet they go to church every Sunday and put on a good show. She can be in a bar Saturday night and in church on Sunday. I call them all hypocrites. No matter what religion they are. The Christian religion refused to baptize a friend of mine since she was gay. Like that's not against the word of God.
2006-08-13 18:45:12 UTC
I am a Christian, and I don't "dis" homosexuals. I do however "dis"agree with homosexuality. We are suppose to love the sinner, not condone the sin. The Bible says that God abhors homosexuality. One verse that says it is a sin is 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. I won't quote it all. "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulters...nor homosexual offenders .... nor drunkards nor slanderers...will inherit the kingdom of God." (It goes on to say that he is talking about not continuing on in the sin. Some had been, but had been forgiven.)

I agree with you on one thing though, a lot of "Christians" don't even try to "walk as Jesus walked" (1 John ) which was with compassion and forgiveness for the sinner. (However, He did say to them, "Now, go and sin no more..." But then, there are those who do try, and still screw up...Forgive??
2006-08-13 18:31:11 UTC
Haven't figured that one out yet myself! Keep asking too!

A lot of Christains will probalby say the do love them, but the are still an abomination. Of course Fornicators (heteros having sex) are an abomination as are people who keep the company of Fornicators. So are people who get divorced for reasons other than adultery. All of them are supposed to be taken to the gates of the city and stoned.

As for Churches, they can choose not to marry anyone for any reason. A protestant generally can't marry a Catholic in a Catholic Church, at least not a formal Priest wedding.
2006-08-21 12:47:21 UTC
Now you have mentioned it. The Catholic church, do not want contraception because at the time of it's manufacture (going to annoy some people that remark regardless of the historical facts) they needed as many catholics to aid their cause in the attempt to keep power. They created their own supply of people in with which to fight their power battles against any other faith that didn't agree with their own ideals. Hence, homosexuals are not able to supply new catholic offspring. And are deemed

useless and given a stigma. The rest is left to the people to believe that out-casting them is the right thing to do.
2006-08-15 05:02:11 UTC
No, catholics don't "diss" homosexuals maybe we're the onlyones to really love them. Love them enough that is to listen to them, be their friends and to also tell the truth: as friendship implies sincerety. The problem is that as the Church sees: two persons of the same sex can't marry as little as I could marry my dog, of cause I could call it a marriage but that does not make it a

marriage. I could get into the garage and pretend I'm a car, but that doesn't make me one. It's all a question of reality. Is there an objective reality created by God.....?
2006-08-13 18:38:44 UTC
God didn't say love ALL people including your enemies.

Not even anything close to it.

Jesus said: Love one another as I have loved you. Jesus is talking to CHRISTIANS ONLY.

Jesus said "love your enemies. The word "love" is Greek. it means= "not hate".

The New Testament is wrote in Greek for a reason. The word "love" has 8 different meanings. For a reason.

1, you just mentioned. You don't know what it means and several people don't. There are Christians that don't even know what it means. How can they? 98 % of them don't have a Greek Concordance.

Several Christians think this passage means what you just ask. They simply have not been told truth, as of yet. OR, misunderstood it when it was taught.

There is no misunderstanding when you have Greek Text in front of you. Greek is the most elaborate and decisive language known. That is why The New Testament was wrote in Greek.

Good Question. Have a nice week.
2006-08-13 18:31:43 UTC
As a Christian I know what the Scriptures say about homosexuality. They are against it, and no, the churches should not marry same sex partners in the church, it is against what God wants. We are to hate the sin, but love the sinner. The Bible says that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven, God is very serious about this sin.

Any other sin a man commits he commits outside the body, but sexual sin is when you are uniting your spirit with someone else. The churches are doing the right thing, not marrying these people. We are not to hate these people, just what they do because it's wrong.
2006-08-21 16:29:42 UTC
First of all, we have nothing against homosexuals. They are people created in Gods image, and we are expected to treat them the same as we would want to be treated. However, we DO NOT have to be tolerant of their sin. Sorry, but they were not born into it, it was a CHOICE. No one was born into anything, we all have a free will and a free choice. But on the side, Christians ARE to love everyone, regardless of how we may feel. So, there is no excuse to be rude to gays or make gay jokes, etc. But we DO have a choice to vote non-gay, and we have the right NOT to be argued with or ridiculed because of our choice.
2006-08-21 13:42:56 UTC
On the other hand it was Canadian heterosexual christians like myself that voted to allow same sex marriage and feel you have every right to live in peace with the one you love.You live in a judeo-christian society that made same sex unions legal so we can't be all that bad. is not only the catholic church who is against these unions , in the states I think you will find that its the bible belt republicans who are the ones carrying the vote.
daniel s
2006-08-13 19:55:10 UTC
I can't speak for catholics but I will tell you that Christians (real ones that follow the teachings of Christ) should never act hatefully towards homosexuals. They are human like everyone else and need to be shown the love of God like everyone else. The majority of homosexuals have been abused early in life (physically or mentally) or have experience serious rejection and it can really change your outlook and how you handle and try to heal yourself. Pornography can also open doors to extreme lust and perversion of your mind. They need be shown love and need help in their struggle. God loves everyone but doesn't condone their sin. God Bless.

Associated press recently wrote a report stating that medical insurance companies were try to figure out ways of dealing with the higher medical expenses for their lifestyle that cause and transmits more disease aka colon cancer, AIDS, etc

Surgeon General website- Average life expectancy of homosexuals is 40

Homosexuals have an average of 500 sexual partners in their life time
2006-08-13 18:52:06 UTC
True Christianity will show the love of God. For God is love and we are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. No Christian should hate at all. Christians, however, also have an obligation to preach the gospel to every creature. That Gospel is the death, burial, and ressurection of Jesus Christ and how you apply that to your life is in obeying Acts 2:38. When you repent you die out to yourself forsaking sin and deciding to follow God. When you are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, you are buried with Him in baptism, and when you receive the Holy Ghost you are ressurected.

Christians are obligated to tell people of the narrow-way of salvation. Sin is sin and sin puts enmity between a person and God. So Christians abstain from sin so as to not hinder our relationship with our God and Father Jesus Christ. Homosexuality, is a sin. To God sin is sin. So homosexual behavior is the same as telling a lie or murdering someone. No sin is greater than the other, save blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.

So Christians preach against sin and homosexuality is a sin.

Just because someone chooses to be homosexual ( and it is a choice, nobody is born that way as some would have you believe) does not mean it is automatically approved by God. Just because something may make you happy does not mean that it is right in Gods eyes. Now homosexuality is not right in Gods eyes, remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis, you can also find information on it in the book of Romans chapter 1.

Now just because it is a sin does not give a Christian the liscense to hate or whatever. We must show that person the love of God. We hate the sin, but love the sinner I guess would be the best way to describe it. Call it narrow-minded or bigoted or whatever you want, but it is Bible truth and we will be judged by the Bible one day so it would do us good to live by it as close as possible.

Jesus died for all sinners. We were are all sinners. I was a sinner until I came to know my Lord in the power of the Holy Ghost.

Christians are not to "diss" homosexuals no more than they are to diss alchoholics or liars, but we are to preach against the sin of homosexuality.

For more information feel free to email me anytime you have a question about the Bible or God etc...
2006-08-13 18:37:22 UTC
Look at it this way. I'm not Catholic, so I would never try to get married in a Catholic church. I would get married in the church of my religion.

I am a Protestant, which means that Martin Luther rejected the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the division was called the Protestants. We are all called christian. Since a Catholic will only think of marrying in a Catholic church, and a Protestant would only think of marrying in a Protestant church, and I'm sure it goes the same for each person's religion, if homosexuals want to marry, they should do it in a homosexual church. I wouldn't want to marry in a homosexual church either, because that is not my way of belief. I wouldn't want to force someone to believe the way that I do, all you can actually do is tell them what you believe and why, and they either agree or they don't.
2006-08-13 18:32:57 UTC
As any parent knows, sometimes showing love means saying "No." The Catholic Church teaches against things that are harmful to the individual and the community.

Sex outside of marriage, whether it is homosexual or heterosexual is harmful becuase it presumes a commmitment that is not there. Having sex creates a very strong bond between two people. Without the commitment of marriage, great harm can occur if the two people split up. The more intimate you are with another person, the more hurt there is if there is a separation. With marriage, there is a commitment that is made.

The purpose of sex is to strengthen the marrital bond and to bring children into the world. If any one of the two purposes of sex is missing, either the strengthening of marital bonds or procreation, sex is misused. Sex is not as good.
Da Great 1
2006-08-14 11:46:41 UTC
Love the sinner hate the sin I always say. And yes I am a Christian. I don't think they were born with homosexuality because they have a mom and dad and they had well you know what and if they were born then they had to get it from someone in the family. Just my opinion, also I don't hate homos well I'm just glad they do their stuff not in public. If I hated anyone it would be the KKK, Nazis and just one homo. He's probably dead but I won't forgive him.
2006-08-13 19:56:17 UTC
well some people do not interpret the bible as you do! also people only believe in half truth's people would rather walk around blind and full of hate because they believe that it is easier then to open their eyes and hearts the unknown is always scary and always better to hate first and never ask anything or that what they believe. I believe in all powers greater than myself however it may not be a God that you recognize or care to...but I do anyway......many other people are the same way about people it is a shame not getting to know your scripture or fellow man tsk tsk we do the best we can and love enough for those who can't and pity those who won't
eric d
2006-08-13 18:49:11 UTC
God said love one another. As a christiain I really strive to love everyone, and not to cast any judgement for there is only one judge Jesus. however loveing each other is not the same as loveing what each other does. The bible clearly states that God is opposed to homosexual activity, it is a sinfull life style. I beleive God has unconditional love for you and your partner, but doesn't love all of our choices. The christian church, meaning followers of christ, reguardless of denomination, catholic etc..., knows that marring same sex couples is not within the will of God, thats why they don't do it, its not because they don't love you. Christians just want to do things Gods way, because Gods way is the only way to find true peace and happiness.
2006-08-13 18:40:12 UTC
Firstly, Please do not assume that ALL christians and Catholics "diss" Homosexuals.. I dont think that is necessarily true. When you say "diss" I am assuming that you mean they speak out against their lifestyles. I think that For christians it is important to them to speak out , beacuse they believe that God can heal these people of there "sexual devience" This is not so much to hurt the homosexuals but in their minds this is to help save them from damnation. I am a christian and I do not speak out AGAINST homosexual, however I do believe that this is not natural and I do not approve of that lifestyle, however I believe that each person as long as they are not hurting anyone should have the choice to live life how they wish. And I think there are plenty of other christians as well that feel this way. See what many Christians forget is that if they believe in Jesus and believe what they read in the bible.. then they must admit that Homosexuals may be sinners but it says that NONE of us are without sin, we all sin, and to God ALL sins are measured equally in heaven. So those Christians that "diss" homosexuals, or discriminate against them, turn their backs on them, or treat them improperly are ignorant. They were taught to love everyone as they are all our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. If you disassociate yourselves with those who sin, you will be alone!
2006-08-13 18:36:14 UTC
It all comes down to dogma or unreasoned belief. The church is a power structure just like a government or corporation. There are competing interests within such organisation, that each have a differing slant on the official dogma of the parent organisation. The dominant interest is the one that has it's slant on the official dogma enforced, and that my poor disillusioned soul is why the church is a failure to its constituents.

Unfortunately the members of the churches are mentally lazy and do not question the dogmas, they just blindly accept what ever filters down from the dominant interest group. Much in the same way student tend to be mentally lazy and just accept whatever they're told, and it then becomes a matter of faith when such information is included into their world view. Once such information has become an article of faith, it is very difficult to change that view, even if it is patently wrong.

It where the saying comes from "you cant argue with faith"
2006-08-15 21:34:55 UTC
The Catholic Church believes there is nothing sinful about being homosexual. But homosexuals like all unmarried people are called to celibacy.

The Church specifically says that homosexuals "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."

With love in Christ.
2006-08-13 18:33:17 UTC
Let's not misconstrue the meanings of "peace" and "happiness" here.

I have to say, that attacking people because of their bad decisions and 'unacceptable' lifestyles, is ultimatley futile.

Jesus will come, and those that didn't listen will suffer.

However, I also see why Christians do not want the moral fabric of society torn apart by selfish, decadent and aesthetic persons.

Like politics, it seems Christians have lost focus of their real needs.

Let's be fair though, the 'liberal church' is entirely against anything Christian, whether they have a substantially good reason or not.

They're all just bickering over semantics, because it's a matter of territory.
david n
2006-08-21 09:26:04 UTC
Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you don't love them. Fact is, the Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is a is lying, stealing, drunkness, etc. I'm a Christian, and I love homosexuals. I wish more came to my church, but that doesn't mean I won't challenge them on their lifestyle decisions. That wouldn't be very loving either.
2006-08-13 19:10:10 UTC
Not all Christians as you say diss homosexuals.And the reason is we know that it is not for us to judge someone or something.Because each and every day we live, we sin. If we a true Christians like we proclaim to be then we should love because God is love. He loved us so much that he send his only Son Jesus to earth to die for our sins, and we all have faults no one is perfetc. If we would leave things such as homosexuals and ect.. to God to do the judging then this world we live in would be a better place
2006-08-13 18:31:00 UTC
If you really read the scriptures, then you do not have the right to diss anyone. Christ spent time with "sinners" and became angrier at the people professing religion when they all they had was religiosity and did not understand their beliefs at all.

There will always be people different from a core belief/way of life. You love them in spite of how they choose to live their life. You might not choose to be tight friends when the beliefs are very, very different, but you are charged to love them. (e.g., for example if someone is totally into bondage, you might not associate just because you find it dominates all aspects of their life and you can't carry on even a simple conversation that doesn't focus on bondage. . . )
Zach S
2006-08-13 18:36:51 UTC
Well, real Christians or Catholics would not diss the people. I personally have many homosexual friends, I do not hate them, I hate the sin. Just like I don't hate someone who swears, but I don't like what they say. Churches won't marry people that say they are going to cuss (sin) throughout their wedding, the same as homosexuality. They won't marry someone who is going to sin throughout the wedding and their life. But the Church still loves the people.
Yoda's Duck
2006-08-13 18:45:00 UTC
As a Christian (not Catholic, though), I try not to "diss" other people... I may find fault with their logic, or disagree with their beliefs and choices, etc, though....

I have a gay brother. He tends to be rude and arrogant toward me and our other 3 brothers(I'm the only girl). He has often called us (maybe not specifically me, but...) intolerant for not acting toward him as he felt appropriate.

You shouldn't feel picked on if you're sinning and are being encouraged to repent... God chasteneth (purifies) him whom He loveth...

I don't appreciate him dissing me for being the religious person I am. I don't appreciate him calling me intolerant when he doesn't know the sexual orientation of all my friends (yes, some actually ARE homosexual). I don't appreciate him being pushy about his oh-so-liberal views.

I've told my brother that I love him. I've also told him that I don't approve of his lifestyle, that I never will. I believe that his choices in this area will not bring him the happiness he seeks or the happiness I want for him. If he is seeking approval from me of his lifestyle, it will never come.

I love my brother and I want him to be happy, but I think he's made some incredibly foolish choices.

I wouldn't mind if homosexuals attended my church, but they expect us to embrace or approve their lifestyle.. why is that? Even God disapproved of that lifestyle. Sodom and Gumorah weren't burnt for nothing.

We encourage repentance for all sins- homosexuality happens to be on the list, along with adultery, murder, dishonesty, worshiping anything besides God, unkindness, arrogance against God....

BTW- who's putting a thumbs-down on all the answers where they're saying, "I love my fellow man, but don't agree with him..." WTF- you asked, you wanted to know- don't diss us for telling you why we think the way we do!!
2006-08-13 18:35:44 UTC
The bible is a manual for us to live out lives by, and it teaches the act of homosexuality is wrong. We are to be like Jesus and love everyone, but we must not be a part of things He has taught us is wrong. To expect a church to participate in an activity that is approving of a life style , Jesus taught against is unreasonable. They could marry before the justice of the peace.
2006-08-13 19:01:00 UTC
As a Christian/Protestant,I don't believe that Catholics hate homosexuals. They disagree with that life-style while still loving the people.

Dissing the catholics doesn't add anything to this discussion.
The Nag
2006-08-13 18:34:04 UTC
We don't diss homos....we care about the sinner, but we cannot condone the sin of homosexual sex. Since that is what the homosexual population wants, a pat on the back for fornication, Catholics cannot permit that. We'd be sinning against our faith. Homosexuals are welcomed and encouraged to come to mass anytime. However, no, they cannot be married in the church, however, I don't think that any one of them would disagree that homosexuals don't have the right to a Civil Union, I am fine with that if Homosexuals want to pursue that. Catholic Marraige will never be made available to homosexual couples, but Homosexuals are always welcome to seek faith in the Catholic Church because Homosexual Sex is against God in that you cannot have sex to pro create. In the faith, sex is not just for fun, it is in union with God for procreation. If there is no procreative possibilities, than it is just sex for pleasure, and that is not what God intended. Sex is for married couples that have a chance to procreate, and I don't carehow infertile a heterosexual couple is, they still have a far better chance than a same sex couple who has no chance.
2006-08-21 08:42:15 UTC
I am a devoted "Christian". I think homosexuals, lesbians and heterosexuals are one in the same. Your sexual preference shouldn't matter. The catholic church is way behind in times. Hopefully, in the near future they'll accept everyone as equals. It's whats in your heart that counts.
2006-08-13 18:44:33 UTC
Sin is sin no matter how you May paint it. and yes, Jesus said love one another, not lust after one another. The bible says that God never changes and He said that that sin is an abomination to Him, but if in this days Jesus was here and you would bring a homosexual, he would said the something he told the woman caught in adultery, " Go and sin no more." You see God loves the sinner but hate that sin, so put it to rest.
2006-08-13 18:33:44 UTC
although i am a catholic i have absolutely no hate or disrespect for gay or lesbian people, i know plenty of them and find them to be great people.

i believe catholics won't allow same sex marriages because it says in the bible that god put us on earth to marry the opposite sex and create a family to keep the human race alive and if you are gay you can't naturally concieve with your loved one. i don't know if that made much sense to you, but it did to me.

i personally believe we are all equal no matter our religion or sexuality. i say love everyone.
want it bad
2006-08-13 18:43:35 UTC
If you look throughout history there are very few successful religions that promote homosexuality. Up until very recently, they have not been able to have children. More children means more followers. Younger followers pass their religion on to their children. The Shakers do not have sex. They adopted children and let them decide to stay in their religion when they get old enough. There are FOUR shakers now. It is simple logic.Heterosexual=children= propagation of religion. Homosexual=no children= no propagation of religion.
neo-liberal ultra conservative
2006-08-13 18:35:46 UTC
There is ultimately only one motivating factor for our species. And that is fear. Religion is a way to control people using fear as it's primary motivator. As an animal we are easily manipulated and we actually seek to be controlled. Isn't it easier to be told what to do than to figure it out for ourselves? Regardless of whether you believe in a creationist belief system or evoloution, as a specie we have always sought to divide ourselves. We do it today. We develop sterotypes about how people dress, where they live, what church they attend, what school they went to etc. And we draw conclusions that divide. What better way to control the masses than to convince them that some mythical fairy tale god will send you to some awful place like hell if you think it's morally acceptable for 2 people of the same sex to marry. The analogies are endless. It is not relegated to catholocism either.
Myrna B
2006-08-21 13:56:39 UTC
There are lots of people who "hate" others without reasons that make any sense to you and me. You gave the answer right there in your question ... "God said love all people" ... do we do everything God tells us to do perfectly? That's what we're supposed to do, but we fall short of God's plan lots of times. We're not perfect, but we're still trying. (By the way, I'm Catholic and I have a gay son, whom I adore)
2006-08-21 08:48:41 UTC
I am Christian and have been for nearly 22 years and I don't hate homosexuals. I don't agree with their lifestyle but I am capable of loving someone and disagreeing with them. My brother is agnostic and I love him dearly as I do my sister in law who is the same. It is one of the wonderful things God has given any believer who will accept it, the ability to love despite disagreeing.
2006-08-13 18:38:58 UTC
Because as a Christian, you believe the Bible to be the inspired word for God. The Bible is very clear that homosexuality is a sin. As a Christian, I don't hate homosexuals. I've never even thought about hating them. If I did then I would have to hate everyone who sins which is everyone on the face of the planet (including myself) because we all sin. If Christians act hateful toward homosexuals, then they are going against what Jesus taught about loving your neighbor as yourself. We are not to judge anyone because that job belongs to God and only he knows a person's true feelings in their heart.
2006-08-13 18:37:25 UTC
the Catholic church does love and respect the gay community, provided they don't have gay sex, I think it's Romans where Paul goes off on them doing sexual acts with members of the same sex, and also in Genesis, with Sodom (guess what the sodomites were famous for) yeah I don't get most of the doctrine behind it but the official word is that they are people and they can't help being the way they are
2006-08-13 18:29:11 UTC
Okay, love the sinner, hate the sin. Leviticus 18:22, Revelation 21:8
2006-08-13 18:37:41 UTC
Finally someone sees the church for what it is. A few, very few, years ago if a black person dared enter a white church they were jailed. During the jailing, the Christian folks kept singing the doctrine of "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

I was in the seminary for the priesthood. I could tell you stories that would curl your hair.

Know and believe this, we are different colors and types because GOD can paint with more than one brush.

Vaya con DIOS
2006-08-21 12:59:32 UTC
the exclusivity of marriage seem to be hinged on pro-creation (the church's standpoint).

it is an exclusive clique that when you let homosexuals marry, it is tantamount to letting women vote, letting women have jobs, letting black people golf,

Its an ignorance issue.

How can you ruin something that people want to become part of?

If homosexuals want to marry - it is simply because they simply want what other regular people can do. And that is to be able to say "I AM THE SAME AS YOU" - we are equals - like you, I can do things you can do. I am not oppressed.

how hard is that to understand?
2006-08-13 18:36:27 UTC
Love and sex are most often two different things. You love your mother, but you don't have sex with her. You love your brother but you don't have sex with him. You love your baby daughter but you don't have sex with her. You love your best friend of the same sex, but you don't have sex with him/her. Sex is very special. Humans were made male and female so they can mate (marry) and produce and raise the next generation. Some people are confused about that.

Christians are to love the sinner while hating the sin. People who practice homosexuality are acting in confusion. You are confused about homosexuality too. We love you, and because we love you,. we are honest and tell you... that is not right.
2006-08-13 18:35:06 UTC
Love everyone ,but each of us have our believe of whats right and wrong.You can love someone and not agree with what they believe.All churches have doctrines and they have rules.Some very different then another denomination,that is why so many different faiths.Because a church doesn`t believe in same sex marriages doesn`t mean they hate the person.
2006-08-13 18:34:30 UTC
if everybody let everybody do want they want then wouldn't that be a mess We do not have to agree with everyone or everything to be Christians if we left someone hungry and cold because they were homesexuals then yes we would be bad christians if we refused to help anyone in a need when we have the means and ways to help them then we are bad everything so how many unchristians along with christians have their heads in the wrong places and if you think the christians are the only ones that don't agree with homoesexuals then you live in a small world so don't use this for a excuse to dump the church want are you going to do dump everything and everybody that don't do everthing your way because if you do your world will remain very small
2006-08-13 18:28:10 UTC
Catholics are raised to listen and obey, not think for themselves. If it comes from the head honcho, then all the priests teach his ideas. The worshipers, then must believe it. It is so sad because the more important message in the bible is to love all people, and not to judge. Yet the church puts them down and condones others doing the same.
2006-08-13 18:43:41 UTC
if you read some of the bible then you will notice that it contradicts itself a lot. one good example is this right here. true it says to love your neighbors as yourself but it also says that that it is not right for someone to love one of their own sex. Catholics as well as Christians follow the word of the bible like a bloodhound follows a trail, never veering of track(sorry for the hillbilly simile i can't help my upbringing). i do not wish to offend any one but i have to say whats on my mind.
2006-08-19 17:34:14 UTC
I don't think Christians/catholics hate homosexuals, I think it is that they don't condone what they are doing and they are vocal about not agreeing with it. I am a Christian and I have a family member that is gay, do I agree with his lifestyle- No. BUT I do not not include him from my life- he is still family. I just don't have to agree with what he is doing to himself and his spirit.
2006-08-13 18:33:24 UTC
those are fake religious people those who, because they have a cross around their neck, feel the will go to heaven. I know a lot of catholics who are against homosexuals I also know who say whatever it is you business. those are the ones i consider true god obeying people
2006-08-20 13:51:36 UTC
I love every one just don't agree with lifestyle cause it doesn't match up to word of God If you believe in Gods word than you can't marry same sex it Say's it in bible so if you love the lord you can't do that that's against his law but i love every one just don't agree with anything unless you can show me in bible where gos say's it's okay to be sexually with same sex ???? you can not produce life and that is what god made us mates for to prouduce life and share the marriage bed (sex) WITH EACH OTHER thanks god bless.....
2006-08-13 18:30:02 UTC
the "diss" homos.

You must make the distinction between dissing a person and dissing the person's lifestyle.

Sometimes, if we're not paying close attention, we may think they're dissing the person when they're actually dissing the sins the commit.

And yeah, sometimes some people DO diss the PERSON . .this is wrong. you shouldn't assume that's how ALL christians are.

God bless ya. (Big Hug)
2006-08-13 18:29:03 UTC
Unfortunately, a lot of people do not practice what they preach. A lot of Priests are wonderful, but there are others who criticize homosexuality while they molest little boys. Everyone has red blood and should be treated with respect and love. Great question!!!
2006-08-21 12:53:47 UTC
God said that of all his commandments that love was the most important. To love one another as you would love yourself.

A persons sexuality has nothing to do with me. I have a lesbian friend. As long as she doesn't attempt anything on me, I am fine with her sexuality. There is only one that stands in judgment of what we have done and He is not sitting in front of a computer.
Cat D
2006-08-13 18:31:14 UTC
I personally dont believe in "God or Satan" I live my life loving everyone and trying to make things in our world better. In their bible it says Judge not lest ye be judged and yet when I went to church it was like an episode of American Idol.
2006-08-13 18:29:55 UTC
This is the same problem people have when it comes to different religions, Muslims hate Christians and vice versa, you know most religions I hear about teach, love, peace etc... but all I see is a lot of hate. It's sad, because they are TOTALLY missing the point. In christianity they say not to judge, yet SO many people are SO judgemental of people of different faiths and belief and ways of life. It's just so hypocritical!
zac d
2006-08-21 18:07:58 UTC
Yes we ''diss'' them because it is not the catholic or christian way but that does not mean we dont love them.
2006-08-13 18:37:07 UTC
your confusing loving someone with agreeing with someone. They are two different things. I have a brother who drinks too much. I love him but that does not mean that I want him to get drunk. Why? because I think irresponsible drinking is harmful to him and those around him. Same thing with irresponsible sex which is not limited to homosexuality. I believe it is harmful to the people involved and also to those around them. Homosexuals have a much higher suicide rate for example. Children who grow up in a household of homosexual parents, are more likely to engage in homosexual behavior. How is it that you call exposing children to these dangers love? I think it is not love, but selfishness.

Bottom line is this. If we truly love someone, we do not express that love by encouraging them to do things that are harmful to them. I think I show more love than you. God loves all of us.
2006-08-21 06:47:17 UTC
as a Christian we must love all people including our enemies. In case of gay or lesbian, I don't hate them as a person. But I don't like them because there are something wrong about their behavior. They love same sex? It is sin CHRISTIAN.It's against my dogma of religion. I don't care if they try to marry same sex, but please don't marry in CHURCH. CHURCH who believe in JESUS cannot bless a marry of same sex.IF THERE IS A CHURCH BLESS A MARRY OF SAME SEX, THEN IT MUST BE SATANIC CHURCH OR THE CHURCH IS NOT BELIEVE IN JESUS BUT MODERNIZATION OF RELIGION. If they are really Christian, they must know love for same sex is sin and prohibited so how can you said they found to love each other in CHURCH?. What kind of CHURCH is that??Don't be so naif, how can we allow people marry same sex in CHURCH while it's sin for us???

When you believe in JESUS then you must know what kind of sin in THE EYE OF GOD. I guess you are an atheist who trying to influencing us with definition of love of yours!!!
2006-08-13 18:31:41 UTC
Christians dont just diss people because of how they choose the way to live their life. Nobody can change someones personality, sexuality, race, etc. Its the way they act. I mean God said to Love everyone, and so we do love everyone. Just because we love someone doesnt mean we have to agree with what they do, God loved hitler, and look at what hitler did. God didnt "diss" anyone, he loves them, he just doesnt like the way they live their life.
2006-08-17 07:56:18 UTC
because God never ment for any same sex persons to get together. that is just sin that they have to over come. the Bible tells us that it should be one man and one woman. the bible is Gods Holy words.
2006-08-13 18:35:27 UTC
People have been using the bible ,since the secnod centurie when it was written, to promote hate.

Tammi Dee
2006-08-13 18:30:34 UTC
I think i need to clear this up. Hope i can help:

"I do hate a lot of 'religion' but people like Christ - yeah they inspire me. I mean if you look at Christ, He was hanging around with the lowlifes, prostitutes and the losers you know, not going around with those high society motherfuckers you see trying to sell Jesus today!"
2006-08-13 18:29:40 UTC
There's a difference between dissing someone and not condoning what someone does. It's the same when I correct my children. I "diss" the behavior without dissing them. I love them. I want to protect them. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to condone when Susie hits Johnny, or vice versa. I will tell them that hitting is wrong and will not be allowed in my house. I will also tell them that I love them.

That's the way it is with church. They love the people and want to minister to them, but without condoning their choice of lifestyle.
2006-08-21 15:21:49 UTC
God loves ALL people, it's sin He hates. so for any human being to profess hatred for any particular group of people, that is wrong. i have many friends from all walks of life. i love them as my friends, however do not like how some of them behave. it's all about love people.........let's get our act together!!!!
Vector_The Positivism
2006-08-13 19:39:01 UTC
This is one of proofs to show god doesn't exist.

It has been 4000 years of civilization, it just does not work in this way.
michelle b
2006-08-21 16:12:37 UTC
First of all you are being very disrespectful yourself.. they are not homos, that is a very derogatory word.. they are Gay and proud to be gay.. get it right girlfriend.
2006-08-13 18:31:34 UTC
because when nigers and ****** marry they make little niglets and morons like you.
2006-08-13 18:32:24 UTC
GREAT QUESTION. In Christianity, Jesus's message above all else was one of love and accepting others. So why do I hear so many Christians preaching hate: hate of other races, countries, orientations, etc. The hypocrisy makes me sick.
2006-08-13 18:31:53 UTC
hmm im catholic...i dont hate homos...erm as you put it. you should understand politics. if the church says we accpet gays its also saying we think adam and eve is false...and if it was me id lose a few million gays rather then 1 billion christians
2006-08-21 13:45:04 UTC
Love is respect of everybody with no exceptions
2006-08-13 18:30:36 UTC
because theres no such thing as GOD. People use god and church as a get away. they want answers for things that they cant comprehend on there on, i call them small minded people.

God is like Santa clause, made up hundred of yrs ago, like a big story.

Some people choose drugs and alchol over there problems other choose church as a get away, its a brain washing
2006-08-13 18:30:44 UTC
Ya mean xtians don't practice what they preach? Imagine that! They pick and choose which commandments/directives they'll follow and are astounded when someone suggests that's not the message their Christ espoused. If that's what it means to be xtian, to hades with it!
I am watching your every move.
2006-08-13 18:28:24 UTC
they dont hate homosexuals

they just want them to marry the opposite sex

its not that priests hate gay people

but they love small boys
Michael P
2006-08-19 22:37:42 UTC
because they make sex with the same sex its against the word of god.
2006-08-13 18:35:24 UTC
because it is easier for them to hate something they do not or cannot understand than accept it and love it. We have to pity those people and help them understand.
2006-08-13 18:31:35 UTC
Diss'ing an abominable lifestyle is not necessarily the same as diss'ing the people who live it...

but, I will admit that when most people do it... it IS the same.
2006-08-13 18:30:07 UTC
christians dont dislike homos....or atleast not true christians...if there true christians they'll love everyone....but they dont have to agree with what you believe...i mean ...its still a sin and that s the way its gonna ppl are just searching for something to filll a space inside them that can only be filled by God and he's a christian and i dont hate homos ....but i do know its a sin.....i love you !!!
Diana K
2006-08-13 18:31:07 UTC
some christians make their own rules instead of following Jesus's rules. that's one of the reasons christians have a bad reputation. we are supposed to represent Jesus but instead we're giving him a bad name by our actions
2006-08-13 18:27:59 UTC
I don't understand this either. Jesus taught love and tolerance, not to hate each other. I don't understand how people justify hating God's creation.
2006-08-21 13:01:08 UTC
Good question. This is one of the reasons i dont like religions
2006-08-13 18:51:11 UTC
love solves human problems like wars.
2006-08-13 18:29:41 UTC
I've been asking the same question for years, and so far, no one can give me a good answer, either. Let's just hope the world evolves beyond this and other bigotries.
2006-08-13 18:28:32 UTC
religion is full of holes and much of it is devised as a means to control people. They listen to the parts of the bible that suits them
greater omaha?
2006-08-13 18:29:17 UTC
i am catholic and i do not not like gay people. i don't diss them so don't be making a mass judgemental statement. and it is the government who won't allow gays to marry, not the entire christian community!!!
2006-08-13 18:29:46 UTC
Good question! I believe the excuse they use is "love the sinner, but hate the sin." I guess in practice that translates to "hate everything that doesn't coincide with my beliefs."
Samuel J
2006-08-13 18:29:13 UTC
This question is almost too stupid to even answer.

But since I feel sorry for you I will answer.

If teenagers wanted to go out and party in adult clubs should we let them? If we do not is it hate? If we do not would you call that love?

What if they wanted to do drugs and get drunk?

Same with gays. We deny their desire to hurt themselves.

Plain and simple.
2006-08-13 18:28:47 UTC
I think there are LOTS of homosexuals priests.. so I don't know how the Catholic church can REALLY be against it.

I think almost every priest is a f.a.g..
2006-08-15 16:48:00 UTC
cuz theyre gay.. god gave man a d*** to get kids, not to stick it in the wrong place!!
2006-08-13 18:29:55 UTC
because most (not all) religious people are frauds and hypocrites they preach to you to be kind and love all people and not to judge people but yet they r some of the worst at living by those words!!
2006-08-13 18:29:56 UTC
because they consider themselves above God.

they have (not all) but some have decided that they are the judge, and jury over others, when in fact only he is the judge of all.
2006-08-13 18:32:14 UTC
Because they are not followers of the teachings of Jesus.
denise e
2006-08-13 18:30:23 UTC
not all christians/catholics "diss" homosexuals only those who are ignorant, closeminded, and judgemental. :/
2006-08-13 18:28:19 UTC
that is an excelent point...and soo true. i hate it when people diss homosexuals
Pen Pal Girl
2006-08-21 18:06:46 UTC
They believe its not natural and it isnt
2006-08-13 18:28:21 UTC
Because they fear anyone who doesn't act think like them
Grim Reaper
2006-08-16 01:13:01 UTC
Hate is as hate does.
Judas Rabbi
2006-08-18 00:40:40 UTC
They are afraid of them.
2006-08-13 18:29:10 UTC
cuz they're idiots. they think homos are sinners and are going to hell. NEW FLASH --- EVERY1 SINS, even christians, and do they think they're going to hell? no
2006-08-13 18:28:23 UTC
they do not have to allow the marriage..but they can pray for them and love them. just not support. i love my enemies..but i do not support them
2006-08-13 18:30:26 UTC
gays aren't their enemy - gays are their children, brothers, fathers
--Just like That--
2006-08-13 18:29:46 UTC
idk that is a good question!! for me it wouldnt bother me if some1 was gay or not they r human with different feelings SO WHAT!! they r just like me and u! that is a great question good thinking!
2006-08-13 18:28:41 UTC
i dont know but they are racist to hate a group of people like that.
2006-08-13 18:29:18 UTC
You act like they'll miss you or something.
2006-08-14 22:43:37 UTC
You fear/hate what you are.
2006-08-13 18:29:19 UTC
they dont HATE homos, they just dont like what they do. God loves everyone even the homos but he doenst like wat they do
2006-08-13 18:28:29 UTC
because they're hypocritical idiots
2006-08-13 18:31:40 UTC
god sucks my dick
2006-08-13 18:27:29 UTC
good question!!!! kudos!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.