When will we stop the "God Bless America" propaganda?
2007-09-14 17:38:28 UTC
That slogan only proposes seperation of Americans from the rest of the world. It creates a feeling of superiority that encourages hate, and ignorance.

It should be changed to "God bless all humanity".
Twenty answers:
2007-09-14 18:24:55 UTC
I agree with you... I mean the whole "god bless this and that" thing is sort of stupid in my opinion to begin with (no offense to Christians).

The best god bless bumper sticker I've seen is "god bless the whole world, NO exceptions". Booyah.
2016-05-20 02:32:15 UTC
I agree. Lets try this slogan: Bird bless America. No that just does not sound right. I know, Hamster bless America. Nooo that does not ring a good tone either. My little brain is working here, I got it, we will change it completely around to something different like: "We Americans hate ignorance and are superior". That sounds good (better than Hamster Bless America) but I think it is a little to long for a slogan. I know, "We Americans hate Everyone and have swell Atheist". That's Perfect as it is to the point and has no hidden agendas. Do you not agree?
2007-09-14 18:06:05 UTC
Yes ,. why not ! Let's get rid of the whole God thing ! While we're at it let's get rid of the rule of Law , after all it is based on Christian principals & we don't want that ...

Then when anarchy is the norm we can turn to humanist theories where there are no moral absolutes & whatever an individual thinks is okay is fine ! That'll be fun !

Also , don't forget the Christian & other faiths that prop up the welfare system ...if they didn't exist in our country the system would collapse...I am talking not just of welfare agencies but aged care facilities etc

A country that denies the historical legacy of its' forbears is morally bankrupt ! If you would like to go the way of nations that tested God on matters like this look no further than the Roman Empire that once ruled the world ! It took God out of the equation & look what happened.

Your country , like all of the major Christian Nations , has been blessed beyond description ...let's see if the blessing remains should you continue to slide down the path of moral decay ! Your choice !

edit...I have made no criticism of your personal morals my answer again ! Do you agree that your country , & ours for that matter , are in moral decline ? What do you put that down to? Is that God's fault or man's?
2007-09-14 17:49:46 UTC
We are superior. Our form of Govt. is superior to all the world.You have the freedom to say what you just said.In Russia,Putin would have KGB breathing down your neck.In Pakistan they would have already slit your throat.When trouble comes who do they call on? The U.S. Every disaster,there we are in full force.We saved Europe and Asia from tyrannical bastards and it cost us 100,000 men.We rebuilt Europe and Japan for billions.And they paid us back NOTHING!

God Bless this wonderful country no matter how many faults it has.

EVERYONE wants into the U.S.A. I don't see anyone trying to leave it! Ask all the amigos on the Southern Borders.

Freedom,ability to make it big no matter what your "European Class" or "Asian Caste".Live where you want ,with who you want.Be whatever religion you want ,or none at all and no one will stone you or cut off your head.We invent and create EVERYTHING! And then watch as the rest of the world counterfits it.

God Please keep on blessing America!!

We have Baseball,Pro Football and the Disneylands.That's enough right there!!!
2007-09-14 18:01:57 UTC
I don't think your "Goddess" sticker is "goofy". I made one for my car that said "Goddess bless America and the whole World, and I had a picture of the Statue of Liberty on it. (The statue of liberty was designed after a Roman or Greek Goddess of Liberty)
God's Fountain Pen
2007-09-14 17:58:10 UTC
When the bumper sticker machines break! Honestly, they should be printing, america, Repent & Bless God, before it's too late!
2007-09-14 18:00:17 UTC
Why should I be asked to abandon my beliefs in order to appease someone in another country?

Do we keep them from asking God for His Blessings?

Where was the outpour of humanity for US during Katrina, the NY attack, our various and massive forest fires, floods ? We import food because we want to and have made political agreements to do so, not because we have to in order to feed the masses. Far more immigrants come here for education and medicine, than our citizens go seeking it elsewhere.

In many ways we are superior, and I have no interest in your anti-America, and anti-God spittle.

You will be back in a few days asking ''where is God", or "why won't God hear me", "where was God when this happened"......................
Deirdre H
2007-09-14 17:47:57 UTC
"God Bless America" isn't propaganda, nor does it encourage separation from the rest of the world. In England, it is "God Bless the Queen", which implies a blessing on the country. I would bet that most, if not all countries have a similar request of blessing from their deities.

There is nothing wrong with any group of people asking for a blessing, and a country is simply a large group of people.

Too, there are prayers asking for god's blessing on the entire population of the world. If you believe in a god, it is natural to ask for blessings.
kenny p
2007-09-14 17:55:08 UTC
You had me considering until you made that goofy goddess comment.

God Bless the USA!
2007-09-14 17:53:45 UTC
how does it encourage hate?

i don't hate other countries, i doubt other countries hate American becuase of the slogan "God bless America"

Do people hate England becase of "God save the Queen"?
2007-09-14 17:49:10 UTC
being someone who did not grow up in US, i'll tell you one thing - during Cold War "God bless America" was sending a VERY strong message. even to communists-atheists in USSR.

"God bless America" is a slogan that I associate with a proud, strong, self-sufficient American citizen who understands that to get to his goal he would need all the help he can get and who is not afraid to go and ask for that help.

It is a slogan that also shows - "don't mess with U.S.". being now US citizen, i don't want anyone to mess with us

i think this is one of the best slogans we have.

and in this time we do need all the blessing we can get - two wars, mortgage crisis, 1mln unborn babies killed each year, baby-boom retirement, health care out of control, gangs taking over our cities again, corrupt politicians, thousands of deaths on our roads, poverty, etc..................................

so - i say "God bless America"! for we need all the help we can get.


three tumb's down not enough. you guys supposed to use them to judge quality of the answer, not whether or not someone agrees with you!

was not america built on "i disagree with you but i will die for your right to disagree with me?"

i guess we need more help then i imagined! therefore, i say again: "God bless America"
2007-09-14 17:43:46 UTC
No, God bless America is sufficient, you've never served so you dont know what it is to be the best
2007-09-14 17:48:55 UTC
Honestly, I agree with you. We aren't the ones who need blessing, for example, Iraq and Sudan really need blessings. However, I completely agree with you on the "God/Goddess bless all humanity." thing. To put it in the words of a song, "One love, one blood, one life, you get to do what you should..."
2007-09-14 17:44:53 UTC
Wow, are you american?

Good to see there are still a few ppl that do have brains and feelings in that country...!!!! Too bad that Bush, the government and the creators of that propaganda are such azzholes....!!! And most of the american people have to pay for that...... (of course there are many that are jerks so they do deserve to be disliked and frowned at).
2007-09-14 17:43:33 UTC
I agree 100%. I'm tired of fascist nationalists appealing to liberty and freedom to support their agendas of bigotry and war.
2007-09-14 17:43:21 UTC
It should be got rid of altogether. Thinking through slogans is pretty stupid, and shouldn't be encouraged.

True, here we have 'God Save the Queen', but we never say or think it (to my knowledge).
Cee T
2007-09-14 17:43:06 UTC
I think we should change it to "America, Bless God"
2007-09-14 17:48:46 UTC
Um...get rid of the god part and I'm all for it!
2007-09-14 17:43:11 UTC
hopefully never

we are "One Nation Under God"

How many nations claim that?
2007-09-14 17:43:32 UTC
I'll by that, sounds good to me.

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