These aren't scientific facts
Creation is made of particles, indiscernible to our eyes (Hebrews 11:3). Not until the 19th century was it discovered that all visible matter consists of invisible elements.
Here's what the passage actually says: "By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible."
It's actually saying that things are made out of the word of God, which cannot be seen. Nothing to do with elementary particles.
Secondly, it's a concept that has been around for a long time - the word atom comes from the ancient Greeks, because they postulated that everything was made up of very small particles you couldn't see (atom means "no cut", which in turn means "that which you can't cut any further)
"Oceans contain springs (Job 38:16). The ocean is very deep. Almost all the ocean floor is in total darkness and the pressure there is enormous. It would have been impossible for Job to have explored the "springs of the sea." "
But smaller bodies of water and shallow parts of the oceans have springs - pretty reasonable assumption to make. Plus, in that passage, God is asking Job if he HAS seen them.
"There are mountains on the bottom of the ocean floor (Jonah 2:5-6). Only in the last century have we discovered that there are towering mountains and deep trenches in the depths of the sea"
Again, that's not what the passage says. It says the ROOTS of the mountains are under the sea. Basically implying that mountains are like trees, and have roots that extend underground and into the sea - which WAS a common belief back then. Also wrong.
"Our bodies are made from the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7; 3:19). Scientists have discovered that the human body is comprised of some 28 base and trace elements – all of which are found in the earth"
Yes, and the reason for that (if you actually went to a biology and/or ecology class) is that a major component of soil is the decomposed remains of living organisms. So it's actually the other way around - dirt is made from us :P
"Chicken or egg dilemma solved (Genesis 1:20-22). Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This question has plagued philosophers for centuries. The Bible states that God created birds with the ability to reproduce after their kind. Therefore the chicken was created first with the ability to make eggs! Yet, evolution has no solution for this dilemma"
It's not a dilemma - the question itself is nonsensical, because it implies we have to label a single individual in the chicken's lineage as "the first chicken". Each generation is very slightly different from the one before it, so any line you draw is going to be arbitrary. But go back far enough and you'll see ancestors of the chicken that are vastly different. HOWEVER - they were all laying eggs :P Just like other species of bird and reptiles do today.
"The earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22). At a time when many thought the earth was flat, the Bible told us that the earth is spherical. Never in the bible does it say the earth is FLAT"
What? Seriously? Why don't you actually READ the bible? It clearly says "circle", not "sphere". It also says "He sits ABOVE it" - there is no "above" the earth, because up and down is relative. Plus, the ancient greeks all knew the earth was a sphere - it's actually not a hard thing to work out when you observe the stars properly. The idea that everyone once thought the earth was flat is a myth
"Light can be divided (Job 38:24). Sir Isaac Newton studied light and discovered that white light is made of seven colors, which can be “parted” and then recombined. Science confirmed this four centuries ago – God declared this four millennia ago"
It doesn't say "divided", it says "parted". But at any rate, it doesn't go into any detail about the light dividing into different colours, so you have no idea what that passage means. If you stand in a forest and see the suns light splitting into different rays through tree branches and leaves, you might call that "parting". That's something you can clearly see with your own eyes - it's not a major scientific discovery