Religious Challenge Failed?
2008-04-27 12:22:53 UTC
As usual, Christians don't answer questions but as soon as they see a question about the bible - which is the foundation of their entire belief system - they simply quote the bible! I guess when you are intellectually "challenged", you can't realize how intellectually challenged you are. Anybody who can think out there able to explain to me even just one simple story in the Christian bible: how can a man live in a whales' stomach for 3 days? If the bible is not to be taken literally then it is open to anyone's and everyone's interpretation then how can it serve as the foundation for anything? I really don't expect the labatomized Christian few to understand the question.
Twenty answers:
2008-04-27 12:26:01 UTC
Amen.DEU 27:26 Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them. And all the people shall say, Amen.

DEU 28:1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his
2008-04-27 20:00:13 UTC
First of all, Jonah wasn't swallowed by a whale, the Bible says a great fish. Jonah was obstinate and didn't do what God commanded and preach unto Nineveh, instead, he ran to Tarshish, got on a ship and tried to run away from God. God caused a great wind to arise and Jonah was tossed overboard. A great fish swallowed Jonah. The Lord kept Jonah alive in the belly of the great fish to teach him a lesson in obedience. Jonah was terrified of course as would I be. Jonah prayed and was delivered from the fish. Jonah then proceeded to preach unto Nineveh and the city turned from evil to follow God. Jonah survived in the belly of the fish by a miracle. Could it happen even if it weren't a miracle? of course, why not. people survive under avalanches for days, wrecked automobiles for days, under collapsed buildings for days, so why not a huge fish. The Bible can be taken as literal unless of course it says otherwise in parables or symbology and even at that, they will always point to the truth. Ask a scientist if it's possible to live in the stomach of a great fish for three days. If he is any kind of scientist he will have to say yes because as a scientist knows, there may have been a huge fish living during Jonahs time that swallowed him and that may not exist now. There are many possibilities to be taken into consideration here that you obviously haven't done. The Bible also says that God "prepared" a creature. How did He prepare this fish? By not allowing his digestive properties to function? Many scientists today are the ones who do not have the open mind needed to research this world in the proper manner. God is not an option for the evolutionist but these same scientists that leave no room for God have yet to explain where the big mass of energy and material came from to cause the big bang and formed this universe. Also what force caused this mass of material and energy to suddenly explode. Evolutionists say that energy is eternal, if that's the case why can't there be an eternal God as well? Something to ponder.
Ms Blue
2008-04-27 19:34:13 UTC
Voice some of the Bible is written in parables. The story your talking about is quite amazing to consider to be factual but I remember on the Learning Channel they had an expert talk about the possibility of that being true. He mentioned a certain type of whale that does not digest his food just keeps it in some open area before swallowing and it is not completly covered in water or fluid. I can not remember details but I would love to read more on that how amazing that must of been. Have you ever seen miracles and wondered how in the world could this have happened? Yet, for this one I do believe there is a scientific answer.
2008-04-27 19:33:14 UTC
Whales are air breathing mammals. There is enough air inside a whale to support a human life. Their digestive tract begins below their throat, just like yours does. If you want to get an idea of how this works, check our Disney's Little Nemo. There is a scene where Nemo and Dory are inside a whale that will give you a clearer picture.

PS what does labotomized mean?
2008-04-27 23:44:01 UTC
It appears you know everything about everything except for one detail. You don't comprehend your bible because you simply don't how to separate revelation from science.

Applying the scientific method to revelation leads to foolish statements like the "religious challenge failed". Success and failure are conclusions based on observation. There is no "religious" challenge because the bible isn't a science or history books, but the collections of books about God revealing Himself to man.

Let start with God. There are no God scientific theories because there are no God scientific facts. From Genesis 1:1 we know that God existed before He created everything we can observe. This means that God is in the unobservable as well as the observable He created. For there to be a scientific fact about, we would have to observe the unobservable.

It is clear from the first verse in Genesis that no scientific method can be applied to the bible because it can not even be applied to the first verse. As hard as mankind tries to find God with their observations, their effort are "chasing the wind."

One we realize that the bible can not be understood by science, we are left with faith/belief. “God reveals, man observes” means we need a leap of faith to believe. We quote scripture (sometimes in context, sometime not) because we have nothing else. You may think you have science (scientific method) in scripture, but you don't. We believe we have God word, you may believe otherwise. But the bible is a tool for believers, not a conversion manual for non believers.

You cite a whale that shallow Jonah. Unfortunately, there is no whale in Jonah but a great fish. What kind of great fish? We know nothing of the great fish except that Jonah was in for three days and three nights. Retelling this prophet life is not about fish but about God’s steadfastness. You can run away from doing what God asks, but you can not run from God.

Answer: We have two belief systems: Revelation and Science. What works in one system does not work in the other. There is no God in science; there is no belief without God. Religious Challenge Accepted: The right answer is God.
2008-04-27 19:35:32 UTC
Personally, I don't think that the Bible should be taken literally. I think that it is filled with fables (read:stories to teach a lesson) along with several gender-biased interjections.

And, unlike most Christians, I have actually read the Bible...yes all of it, and I'm Pagan.
Christopher Michael
2008-04-27 19:31:17 UTC
Well, you'd think with your superior intelligence you wouldn't have to ask how to interpret a story.

And even if you take it literally, God could make anything possible. Apparently creativity is not really required to be considered intelligent.

So how far forward do you have to lean so that you can keep your nose turned up and still be able to read your computer screen?
2008-04-27 19:29:04 UTC
A man can live in a whale's stomach as long as he doesn't go to the bathroom in there. I don't think even a whale would put up with that.
Deirdre H
2008-04-27 19:30:58 UTC
And this is actually a question?

I'm not a Christian, but I did answer your question. Perhaps when you're intellectually challenged, it's hard to recognize an answer when you see it.
Vengeful_Hippie (AM)
2008-04-27 19:31:04 UTC

You astound me.

A blowhole is for EXHALING.

And oxygen goes into the LUNGS.

Supposedly, Jonah lived in the whale's STOMACH.

Never post here again.

2008-04-27 19:28:26 UTC
The Bible is open to interpretation only for those who are filled with the Holy Spirit of God. For everyone else, it can be quite confusing at times.

In the end - the Bible is a very spiritual book. More like a parable for the saved, not a textbook for the damned.
Kyle S
2008-04-27 19:27:32 UTC
Quoting the bible is awfully convenient, isn't it? Imagine how great it would be if, whenever someone posed a really hard science question, you could just say, "And on the third day, Darwin said..."
2008-04-27 19:27:14 UTC
I can answer your challenge! The reason Jonah lived 3 days in the belly of the whale is "Faith in God"
2008-04-27 19:26:59 UTC
If that's what you think about Christians, then why do you bother asking them anything in the first place?
† PRAY †
2008-04-27 19:28:04 UTC
Why do we have to be able to explain miracles in order to believe in a God that can create by merely saying the words..

Besides it is not stated that Jonah didn't die and come back to life.. he just survived the ordeal somehow..
2008-04-28 14:39:05 UTC
Touchy, aren't you?

Try reading this:
2008-04-27 19:27:54 UTC
A whale has a "blow hole" on its back.It brings in oxygen all the time.
Fish <><
2008-04-27 19:27:34 UTC
"Intellectually challenged". I've forgotten more than you will ever know.
2008-04-27 19:27:26 UTC
well my God excedes scientists and literacy and i still respect you no matter how disrespectful you may sound when dealing with the beliefs of others.
2008-04-27 19:29:36 UTC
god is creator ,everything is possible

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.