If you would like an answer from the bible, I will be happy to give you one. Prayer is a gift that God gave His people. He does not communicate with anyone else. His people are the ones keeping His commandments and living as He asked them to live.
There is one exception. He will listen to and answer a prayer for help to find Him.
Appropriate? Jesus gave us a model prayer or outline to follow. So, following this model, we need to pray to God because He is the only hearer of prayer. Neither Jesus, nor any other being, has that privilege. We need to pray for the sanctification of God's name, Jehovah, because Satan and his agents have dishonored it by lying about God from the beginning. That is why the bible says that God has a legal case against him. It is called, slander.
Next, we need to be conscious that God's kingdom is a theocratic government that will soon take over the rule of the earth, replacing all earthly governments.
We need then, to ask for our spiritual food. We cannot survive without it.
As we ask for forgiveness of our sins, we must remind ourselves, that we will receive the same forgiveness that we give to others who have offended us.
When you have then made your requests known, it is a good idea to ask for protection from the wicked forces that surround you.
1. Yes, it works.
2. A better word is useless. God does not answer prayers of personal gratification, unless they are in line with His will, such as a prayer to help you find the right place for you to be in His work.
3. You may pray for anything that is in harmony with God's will. Prayer is a conversation with God. You may tell Him whatever you like, just talk to him about your concerns or ask for help.
4.Yes, but they are wasting their time. God does not hear every prayer, as the song goes. There are several places in the bible where He states clearly - "Do not pray to me, I will not listen."
5. No, but it is a nice thing to say.
Now go back and read the first paragraph. If you want to be one of God's people, ask Him for help.
Did Jesus not say, "Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find."?