Evidence of God Existing?
2014-02-15 15:45:33 UTC
I am a really strong believer of God, and Religion. Today, me and an Atheist were talking about religion, and they were demanding me evidence that God exists. I don't have like REAL evidence, I just have a lot of faith, and just KNOW that he does. How am I suppose to reply to them, and what should I say to provide evidence that God does exist? Please help me!
35 answers:
mr M
2014-02-15 15:54:22 UTC
God gives us enough evidence to believe in Him, but not enough evidence that we would believe based on reason alone. Here is why I believe in the existence of God. Our universe is a complex, organized system with numerous subsystems that work in harmony. The atheist worldview has chance as the primary engine of all that exists. In the atheists’ view everything came from nothing caused by nothing...on its face it is absurd. In my view, this universe is obviously more than just glob chaotically thrown together by time plus chance. I find the universe more of a garden, governed by laws, organized in ways that humans have only begun to understand. I simply believe in a Gardener. I particularly like the concept of a Gardener as presented in the Bible who is living, personal, communicating, thinking and capable of love, because it turns out that human beings are also living, personal, communicating, thinking and capable of love.
Zac Z
2014-02-15 16:53:33 UTC
Ask yourself what you believe and why you believe it.

You can explain this to your atheist acquaintance.

However, you should ask yourself if you would find your reasons for believing convincing if they were presented to you. This method allows you to put yourself in the shoes of your "opponent".

What I find strange though is that while you say yourself that you don't have "real evidence" (whatever non-real evidence may be) but a lot of faith. How then can you claim to know something on these grounds? Mind that your atheist is very likely to ask the same question.



@ iamnotbut:

Your example is begging the question.

All of us have seen how paintings are made. It was painted, that is why we call it a painting.

All of us have at least a rough idea how building are made. They are built, that is why we call them a building.

As for the universe, we don't know how it came into being. Since there is only one known universe that has already been around before any of us was born, none of us has any reference as to how universes are generated (if they are). By attaching the label "creation" you linguistically imply that it was created by someone. As a next step you apply the amazing circular logic that "creation is evidence that a Creator exists". Well, it would IF we knew that the universe was indeed a created thing (which is what "creation" means). But you cannot claim this as a starting point if that is the very thing you want to prove.
2014-02-15 15:58:20 UTC
Thinking that god exists because you think he should exist is not evidence that god exists nor is it really "knowing" that he exists. Claiming to know when there's no way to really know is just pointless semantics that make Christians look ridiculous. There is no evidence you can possibly give. No evidence exits. Just admit defeat and leave off asserting that you know what you can't possibly know. That just makes you look ignorant, indoctrinated and silly.

Edit.... Please don't present the ridiculous arguments your fellow Christians have suggested. They're all tired old arguments fraught with errors in logic that have been successfully disputed so many times they would have been relegated to the dust bin centuries ago if only Christians were capable of inventing something/anything that contained a little less pig swill and hogwash
Blissful Echo
2014-02-15 17:09:38 UTC
I was an atheist until me and my best mate were walking at 12 at night from the pub home (I'm english) then I saw a old man walking towards some woods I told my mate look and he said stop being stupid, it was weird why would a guy at this time we walking towards there and he'd gone in an instant then the following morning he said to me that heard a lot of stories and didn't wanna scare me then and his mum even said she saw one. If this was me reading this from someone else... I'll be like stop talking **** but I saw it with my own eyes... So confused personally and atleast you have faith in god, because there is no real evidence supporting or against the existence of god. To be honest mate, I would say its easier to not believe in god and there's more logic in it however nobody truly knows!

Until one die's and finds out!
2014-02-15 15:52:21 UTC
You can't "just know" something. You can "just believe" something, or "Just feel like something is true." However, knowledge is demonstrable.

The Higgs Boson was a mathematical certainty for the Standard Model of Physics to work at all, but it was not something we knew existed until we actually observed it in the laboratory last year and we could demonstrate that the particles we observed had the properties we claimed it would have. We then not only had one time observation of this, but we repeated it over 4,000 times before they even considered saying "We know the Higgs exists."

Why can't you do that for God, if you claim to know it exists?
2014-02-15 16:35:24 UTC
There is no evidence thats why he asked for it. But good job for admitting you have none, Im an Atheist and while I come here to argue about religion I actually have nothing against it. Yahoo is just a little hobby.
2014-02-15 15:48:52 UTC
You can't provide evidence because there isn't any. All you can say is that you have faith that there is a god.

Do not expect atheists to regard that as a sufficient answer, because it really isn't. You may be asked WHY you have faith that a god exists, in what your faith is grounded. At that point, your best tactic is to say, "You know, I find this discussion uncomfortable, and I think it would be best to keep my faith private and personal, so let's change the subject."

And then, in the future, DO keep your faith private and personal, because that is as it should be.
Dana B
2014-02-15 17:55:39 UTC
"I don't have like REAL evidence, I just have a lot of faith, and just KNOW that he does."

That's kind of their point in a nutshell. See, for rational people, that's not enough. If I told you I just "knew" unicorns existed, would that be enough, or would you insist that I show you a unicorn? Why should the deity you choose to believe in be any different?
2014-02-15 15:50:37 UTC
Can't really supply evidence for God existing. It's like fish in a fish tank, the fish just swim to and fro and every once in a while the owner of the fish tank feeds his little fish food. Same concept with God, he only comes to feed you food, clean your bowl, and make sure you are alright.
2014-02-16 11:29:17 UTC
mr M - "The atheist worldview has chance as the primary engine of all that exists. In the atheists’ view everything came from nothing caused by nothing."

You know, the abject ignorance and/or flat-out lies (whichever one these two claims might be) on this matter are getting really, really old.
2014-02-15 15:56:34 UTC
When most atheists say they want proof what that person is really saying is that nothing you can show me would convince me that God is real. Now here are some thing to mention to mention to that atheist you know.

Argument from Cause: This argument considers God the "First Cause." In other words, everything that exists must come from something else and that something else is what we call God. Philosophically, this argument is presented as:

- Everything that had a beginning had a cause.

- The universe had a beginning.

- Therefore, the universe had a cause.

The first aspect, that everything that had a beginning had a cause, is based on the principle of causality. Nothing cannot produce something. The second part, that the universe had a beginning, is supported by many lines of modern scientific evidence. These include the second law of thermodynamics (that the universe is running out of usable energy toward disorder), the expansion of the universe, the radiation echo of the initial explosion of the universe (often called the Big Bang), among others. The conclusion is that the universe had a cause.

Argument from Design: This argument proposes the following: Every design has a designer; the universe reveals complex design; therefore, the universe has a Designer. This design includes both natural and supernatural causes. Both the macro level (design found in the universe based on astronomy) and the micro level (design found at the cellular level) support the argument of highly designed and complicated forms of life that find no adequate explanation apart from an outside, powerful force capable of intelligent design. This Intelligent Designer opens the door for the existence of God.

Argument for Morality: This argument follows a more internal logic that suggests that:

- Every law has a lawgiver.

- There is an absolute moral law.

- Therefore, there must be an absolute Lawgiver.

Some question whether there is an absolute moral law. Yet as C.S. Lewis notes in Mere Christianity, "The moment you say that one set of moral ideas can be better than another, you are, in fact, measuring them both by a standard, saying that one of them conforms to that standard more nearly than the other. But the standard that measures two things is something different from either. You are, in fact, comparing them both with some Real Morality, admitting that there is such a thing as a real Right, independent of what people think, and that some people's ideas get nearer to that real Right than others. Or put it this way. If your moral ideas can be truer, and those of the Nazis less true, there must be something-some Real Morality-for them to be true about."

While postmodern philosophy attempts to deconstruct this argument by suggesting all absolutes of right and wrong regarding morality are relative, the existence of absolutes in the universe is undeniable. For example, two plus two cannot equal four and two plus two equal five at the same time under the same conditions. Likewise, many areas of morality suggest a universal sense of injustice regarding the wrongs of the world. Individuals may differ regarding exactly what is labeled justice and injustice, but every person has an innate innate sense of there being right and wrong. This morality has an origin and it is argued this original Lawgiver is God.

Sites and authors that can give you answers to atheist arguments

2014-02-15 16:23:48 UTC
When you see a painting, how do you know a painter exists? Well, the painting is evidence that there is a painter.

When you see a building, how do you know a builder exists? Well, the building is evidence that a builder exists.

When you see creation, how do you know a Creator exists? Well, creation is evidence that a Creator exists.

The Bible makes it clear that Creation itself makes Him known. Study the amazing things about creation and you will see His handiwork. If you look at the stars you will see His Glory.
2014-02-15 16:21:18 UTC
Since “the world’s creation”—particularly since the creation of intelligent human creatures, who could perceive God’s existence—it has been evident that there is a Creator of immense power, a God worthy of devotion.

Very soon, all will know that Almighty God, Jehovah exists, when he destroys "all who are ruining the earth."
2014-02-15 16:40:28 UTC
The Bible at times alludes to the preciousness of pearls in an illustrative way. With reference to the surpassing value of true wisdom, Job said: A bagful of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls. (Job 28:18) In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ counseled: Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine, that they may never trample them under their feet and turn around and rip you open. (Mt 7:6) Evidently Jesus meant that, if a person shows that he is like a dog or a swine, with no appreciation for spiritual things, one should not further endeavor to share spiritual thoughts and teachings with him. Such corrupt persons would only trample upon valuable spiritual things and abuse or injure anyone endeavoring to share these with them.
2014-02-15 15:52:40 UTC
There is no evidence that will convince an atheist. All believers have is logical fallacies and personal feelings.
2014-02-15 16:24:23 UTC
all around you there is evidence he exist because only an intelligent being with immense power could have created this world even your body i mean how your heart is designed to pump blood, how your body is made how plants use solar energy to make food, how the ozone layer was designed to protect us from harmful sun rays etc everything around you has been intelligently put together none of this happened by chance someone took the time and thought well before creating everything and that someone is GOD, i mean if all this happened by chance then there would have been many imperfection around us an example is how your nose is placed on your face instead of your head this makes it easier for us to smell our food before eating it if not each time before eating you would have to place your food on your head to check if its not rotten...everything around us is perfect in its own way and this perfection could not have been achieved by chance someone made it like this...
2014-02-15 16:13:52 UTC
The evidence is like the air you breath you cant see it or touch it but you can feel it and your alive because of it :) I would tell him that and I would also tell him god deals with everyone in his own timing :) I will be praying for you and your family :)
2014-02-15 16:48:57 UTC
Just have God pop down and demonstrate a couple of miracles. That will make those stupid atheists jaws drop!
2014-02-15 15:47:46 UTC
There is no evidence, that's why little children must be brainwashed when they can't think for themselves.

That's why religion requires faith (believing something without any evidence supporting it)
2014-02-15 18:50:10 UTC
The historical fact of the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus is the testimony of God, not of man. (John 3, John 5) This is REAL evidence and it is true. The problem is they are unwilling to receive the testimony of God.

Scientists dumbstruck: signs of intelligent design in DNA code

Bio-scientists are reeling at the implications of new research published in the prestigious planetary science journal Icarus, which indicates the DNA code of all life on earth contains a pattern that indicates deliberate design.

DNA Is Blueprint, Contractor And Construction Worker For New Structures

DNA is the blueprint of all life, giving instruction and function to organisms ranging from simple one-celled bacteria to complex human beings. Now researchers have used DNA as the blueprint, contractor and construction worker to build a 3-D structure out of gold, a lifeless material. Using just one kind of nanoparticle the researchers built two very different crystalline structures by changing one thing -- the strands of synthesized DNA attached to the tiny gold spheres

"It took scientists decades of work to learn how to synthesize DNA," said Mirkin. "Now we've learned how to use the synthesized form outside the body to arrange lifeless matter into things that are useful, which is really quite spectacular."
2014-02-15 15:47:02 UTC
You should reply to them that there is no evidence of God, just like there is no evidence that there is no God. In fact, the situation is exactly as it would be if there were no God. But you just know that there is because you want to and it is your right to believe whatever you like.
2014-02-15 15:52:49 UTC
The real evidence is us. Why would christianity grow so much if god doesnt exist
2014-02-15 17:29:30 UTC
I don't have like REAL evidence

- No one does.

I just have a lot of faith,

- Yes, faith, the glorification of ignorance.

what should I say to provide evidence that God does exist

- You can't, it exists only in your imagination.
2014-02-15 15:49:50 UTC
No one has in over 2,000 years...

There is none today...

Just your 'faith, beliefs and religious claims'....

Which is why I'm an atheist...

BTW, one of the funniest claims 'believers' make to justify their 'beliefs' in a god, is that others can't show evidence that there is no god... somehow they seem to think that it's evidence that there is... *facepalm*

With that logic, fairies exist because no one can prove they don't.... LOL

2014-02-15 15:46:37 UTC
You can't. There's no evidence that God exists. But at least you're willing to admit that.
2014-02-15 16:02:52 UTC
You have caught the disease called 'religion', and now only you can cure you.

If you can't convince yourself, how are you going to convince others, by lying like the preacher does?

Listen to your friend, they are wise beyond you.
2014-02-15 15:49:12 UTC
You don't because you can't win. Unless you can magically turn water into Mountain Dew.
2014-02-15 16:19:25 UTC
I suggest you don't use the amusing logic suggested by WRP.

you'll probably get laughed at.
2014-02-15 15:49:50 UTC
Just be honest, it sounds like you just believe for no good reason . Sorry.
2014-02-15 15:49:44 UTC
I use to know in my heart that Santa was real, then I grew up
2014-02-15 15:49:30 UTC
If you know God and live in daily relationship with Him, then you KNOW God exists as certainly as any other person you know on a personal basis. If you have only learned ABOUT God, then you have nothing to go on but pure "blind" faith. Which is a lot better than nothing, but which is also a lot less than He intends for us to have.
2014-02-15 16:02:39 UTC
romans 1:19-20

everything god created shows it was designed
andy c
2014-02-15 15:52:36 UTC
Read Romans 1. Your friends know very well God exists, they just don't want to admit it.
2014-02-15 15:51:20 UTC

Go here, then see what your faith says.
2014-02-15 15:48:13 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.