ATHEISTS: Why are you guys SCARED to accept Allah(swt)'s challenge?
2012-04-03 14:28:56 UTC
Yes, in the Quran, God challenges those of you atheists and other non-believers that say the Prophet Muhammad(saw) forged the Quran. Since you make those claims, why not accept Allah(swt)'s challenge?

"Or do they say: "He (Muhammad) has forged it [this Quran] ?" Say: "Bring then a surah (chapter) like unto it, and call upon whomsoever you can, besides Allah, if you are truthful!" (Chapter 10, Verse 37-38)
Fourteen answers:
2012-04-03 15:21:25 UTC
"kagos, heres the second half of the verse that you couldn't do."

--What, are you kidding? He couldn't even do the first part. All it takes is scrutiny of those passages that he linked to see that they in no way compare to the Qur'an. The literary perspective alone proves it as not on the level of the Qur'an, the Qur'an's rhymed prose being clearly superior and non-imitable.. That's before we start analyzing those little paragraphs scientifically and historically. What's in that link is BS!

Many other famous Arabs have tried to pass the Qur'an challenge and failed:

Author F. F. Arbuthnot declares:

❝ From the literary point of view, the Koran is regarded as a specimen of the purest Arabic, written on half poetry and half prose. It has been said that in some cases grammarians have adopted their rules to agree with certain phrases and expressions used in it, and that though several attempts have been made to produce a work equal to it as far elegant writing is concerned, none has as yet succeeded. ❞

Read more about the inimitability of the Qur'an here:
2012-04-03 15:20:14 UTC
Lol just stupid answers , Why don't you accept the challenge ? what are you afraid of ?

Just a surah like it ! if you do it you beat all the muslims on earth , here is the verse

Surah baqarah 22 to 24 : And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah , if you should be truthful.

But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.

you can't do it because it's from god and you are only humans


@kagos ; you answered the question kagos , they couldn't do it ^^, when you read the first surah for example you can see 2 things

1.a lot of bullshit and dumb things the surah , another one is talking/telling the story , Not god ( verse 9 to 11 for example ^^ )

@SMH what second part ? read just 3 lignes in the link he gave ? go on and read it , hilarious !!!! not even compared to the Qu'ran ,
2015-07-22 13:04:03 UTC
Forged from what? A forgery suggests it's a copy of something someone else wrote. Why would I be scared to prove or disprove an accusation I heard just now, from you?
2012-04-03 14:31:38 UTC
I'm still taking the Pepsi(tm) Challenge. I'll pencil Allah in .. is next February 30th okay?

I respect your faith, I just don't believe in god(s), or any of the trappings anymore. The Quran has some beautiful poetry, as does the bible, but I just don't buy it. I've outgrown the fairy-tale.
2012-04-03 14:32:04 UTC
I'm confused did you actually write something meaningful? What does any of that even mean; I'm supposed to write a chapter for the Quran and I beat god?
2012-04-03 14:32:13 UTC
I think a lot of people just don't care for organized religion..not because they are scared or can't take a challenge, they just have different priorities and beliefs. Some people are very reserved and private about their spirituality and that should be respected.
2012-04-03 14:30:48 UTC


I did call on someone besides Allah. I called on whomever wrote the fake suwar on the website.

(edit 2)

So basically you ask for "a surah like it," but then define that to be "any surah exactly like one in the Qur'an?" How does that make any sense? "Like it" isn't the same as "is an exact replica of it." I did call on someone. That was the guy that made the website. If you're not going to accept any answer to the challenge, then why issue it in the first place?
2012-04-03 14:30:38 UTC
A particular standard of evidence is required to prove any claim. This ‘standard’ is adjusted depending upon the nature of the claim. Since god’s existence is an extraordinary claim, perhaps the most extraordinary claim, proving it requires equally extraordinary evidence.

The standard of evidence required to prove a god’s existence is immediately more than any personal anecdote, witness testimony, ancient book or reported miracle – none of which can be considered extraordinarily reliable. The human mind is also highly susceptible to being fooled and even fooling itself. One could be suffering from an hallucination or a form of undiagnosed schizophrenia, hysteria or psychosis, ruling out even our own senses as reliable evidence gathering mechanisms in this case. As strange as it sounds, misunderstood aliens might even be attempting to interact with us using extremely advanced technology. In fact, reality itself could be a computer simulation which we unknowingly inhabit.

Every conceivable argument, every imaginable piece of evidence for god is not without some fatal flaw or more likely explanation which precludes it from being used as definitive proof. Note: This is not the same as being close-minded.

There is, however, a simple answer to this question: God is what it would take to convince an atheist. An omniscient god would know the exact standard of evidence required to convince any atheist of its existence and, being omnipotent, it would also be able to immediately produce this evidence. If it wanted to, a god could conceivably change the brain chemistry of any individual in order to compel them to believe. It could even restructure the entire universe in such a way as to make non-belief impossible.

In short, a god actually proving its own existence is what would convince any atheist of said god’s existence.
2012-04-03 14:37:04 UTC

3:00, by the flagpole.

Tell Allah, I'll be there waiting, and if he doesn't show, he's a DOODIE HEAD
2012-04-03 14:31:05 UTC
Sorry, I don't have time to study another iron age book right now.
2012-04-03 14:48:21 UTC
@Kagos who ever wrote those surah are mocking themselves...

.....very where near compared to Qur'an
2012-04-03 14:29:43 UTC
Same reason we didn't join Voldemort
Got Proof?
2012-04-03 14:30:24 UTC
Because mythology isn't real, no matter how much you pretend that it is.
free spirit
2012-04-03 14:30:03 UTC
you are the one who oozes scared......

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.