in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Jesus, the word made flesh and dwelt among men. - [ new testament gospel, john chapter 1]
the first trail blazed is the true path. any other path is not new, just a different path that claims it's new and just as true as the first, and claims to have equal or better enlightenment to the first path.
yet in Jesus day, many took the other paths while few were taking the original path of truth.
i also believe that 'the narrow path' refers to the lesser amount of things/burdens being carried. because a wide path would allow a person who had alot to carry to keep the heavy load, while a narrow path required a person to drop the heavy load. to cease from one's own works and enter into rest - [nt epistle, hebrews chapt 4].
and Jesus said, "come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.... for My yoke is easy, My burden is light."
the narrow road has Jesus as the Host of the journey. while the wide road (of the traditions and religions of men) has many different hosts that never do anything to lighten your load, telling you that you are responsible by performing good works for your own salvation.