Is fair to judge all Muslims based on the actions of a few extremist misguided individuals?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is fair to judge all Muslims based on the actions of a few extremist misguided individuals?
33 answers:
2007-11-07 19:46:57 UTC
No it's not fair to judge an individual for the actions of another person that they have no control over, are not aware of that persons intentions and are not contributing to the actions of that person.

I can name many groups that have one faction or minority that acts outisde of the belief system.... but ultimately people need to look into their hearts and ask themselves if they will accept respncibility for even the sins of their mother, father, children or siblings....let alone someone in another country, speaking another language or from another walk of life that may or may not have read the same book they did....or pray in the same fashion.... in your heart you know that is not a fair assumption
2007-11-06 07:15:59 UTC
The problem is the most Islamic countries don't come out and openly condamn these terrorist organizations. When the biggest Islamic countries openly condone the idea of destruction to Israel, spit on the international community concerning the woman rights, call the entire Western free countries as infidels, and still hold on to the belief that Holocaust never actually happened, how can we not judge them any other way?

Muslims need to work on solving their own problem before worrying about their image and how other non-Muslim thinks of them.
2007-11-06 09:02:27 UTC
Muslim friends: I understand your frustration with the sensationalist media -- believe me, I do. However, I am puzzled when a Muslim terrorist commits a heinous act and the immediate reaction of mainstream Muslims is to start bashing the newspapers for "tarnishing the image of Islam". Understand this simple fact: it is the kidnappings and the beheadings and the train-bombings that tarnish the image of Islam. It is the terrorist acts against civilians -- like the one against children in Beslan -- which tarnish the image of Islam. So direct your righteous anger where it properly belongs -- against the extremists in your midst, few though they may be. Perhaps the media deserves its share of blame -- but that share is a lot smaller than that of the terrorists themselves.

As for "fair", that term is just irrelevant here. There was nothing "fair" about Muslim extremists massacring 350 school children in Beslan -- and I doubt the fact that those extremists did not represent the majority of Muslims provided much consolation to the victims.

A few Muslims are extremists. Then there are a few who don't care. Then there are a few who acquiesce in such actions, though they do not participate in them. Then there are a few who simply refuse to acknowledge the acts of Muslim extremists. Then there are a few who defend the indefensible. Then there are a few who try to minimize the nature of what a few Muslim extremists do (by, among other things, describing them as merely "misguided"). Then there are a few whose reaction to Muslim extremism is to decry their own victimization first, and without acknowledging the fate of the victims. I am willing to believe that each of these groups represents a minority, but in the eyes of non-Muslims, they really do add up.

Muslimah: I realize you are well-intentioned, and I understand your frustration, but please, please -- don't refer to these people as "misguided". Making the wrong moral choice which culminates in the deliberate murder of defenseless civilians is not an "error" in the same sense as, for example, getting on the wrong train or buying the wrong size dress. These people don't do what they do by inadvertence or simple misapprehension, but consciously and purposely. They are fully-fledged human beings, capable of rational thinking and free will. They are no more "misguided" than Hitler and his thugs were.
2007-11-12 12:11:08 UTC
No religion promotes Terrorism.

Hitler killed 6 Million Jews. Then would u blame Christianity for this.

Islam is religion of Peace. If few people are donig for their own materialistic gains, then it doesn't mean that all Muslims are terrorists like Hitler in Christianity...
2007-11-09 12:34:22 UTC
If there is no room for terror in Islam, then why do mosques all over the world serve as defacto breeding grounds for terrorists?

And why is it that your actions speak louder than your words, all religious texts are open for interpretation, and the vast MAJORITY of Muslims seem to interpret those words above as metaphors these days.

So, no, I don't buy your peaceful rhetoric, steer clear of me and you won't have to find out how I interpret your religion's text.
2014-06-29 13:17:53 UTC
those verses that call for peace were from the period of islam where muhammad had no political power. When he became more powerful he started to become ruthless and unfortunately the violent verses of the quran over rule the previous ones
2007-11-10 06:18:53 UTC
why all the hate? Gs cant we get along? no it is not fair but there is a thing called reputation and you can mess it up easier then you can make it good. all the good answers seem to have more bad ratings which is my way of telling they are right.
2007-11-06 07:17:30 UTC
There exists in this world a religion that, over the course of the last couple of thousand years, has systematically and ruthlessly attempted to quash all non-believers. It has attacked, or has caused to be attacked, very many countries. Its believers have raped, pillaged, tortured and plundered some of the greatest nations of this earth. This so-called religion has been directly responsible for more wars and atrocities then any other, fact. Is it fair to judge them? Is it fair to attack their belief systems? Should they be judged on the sins of the past? Should the practice of their faith be banned? I am of course talking about Christianity and, even as a practicing Christian, if I was a Muslim, and was aware of Christianitys history of violence and shame, I would certainly not call my extremism 'misguided'. The vast majority of Muslims are peace loving. It is us I believe that should be judged...
2007-11-07 08:44:09 UTC
it is not right to label all muslims just bcz some ppl are wrong doers, terrorism is forbidden in islam, and a lot of ppl say that muslims just say that they dont support terrorism , but they actually do i would like to ask them hitler was a christian, he killed 6 milllion ppl , i dont think all the the muslim terrorist combined from the begenning of time to this date killed 6 million, so shld i call all christians mass murders just bcz of hitlers action, i bet they wouldnt like it, so why this biasness.?
2007-11-06 08:08:06 UTC
Because most of them depend of them media for their information and we all know the media are biased. Most of those non Muslims who bash Islam and carry great hate to Muslims have never met a Muslim in life. They assume all Muslims are like Bin Laden and they go further interrpreting Suras from the Quran as they wish without even looking for the true meaning of them.
mohammad a
2007-11-06 09:02:09 UTC
Dear All

May God Bless all of us to keep us on the right path of those whom He Blessed and keep ua away from the path of those who earned His Wrath Amen.

Well Brother "cthemagi" has provided the List of Muslim Terrorist Organizations world over.I should thank him that he did not say all the Muslims are Terrorists.

OK, What is Terrorism? I think this need to be redifined now as this term is being applied only to Muslims, while Non Muslim Terrorists are given respectable and praise worthy names. Please read the following carefully and your comments are welcomed.

Modern Terrorism Explained

While people might give different definitions of terrorism, my understanding of Terrorism is as follows:

1. Killing innocent men, women and children and damaging their dwellings, who were not even involved in the conflict between the parties.

2. Creating a situation by killing a person or few from their own group and religion and plotting it in such a way, so as to give an understanding that this act or crime was carried out by another group. This will result in creating tension and riots to kill innocent people of other group and damage their properties and source of living.

3. Another well-known and most affective tool is to desecrate a place of worship of a particular community to make them come into action. When the affected community gets enraged and comes on the roads; the persons who actually desecrate the religious place and waiting for this to happen and well organized with the support of law enforcing authorities will oppress that community.

This strategy is being used mostly everywhere for the sake of material gains, political gains based upon hatred towards others against the humanity.

4. The above strategy is being used by, individuals, groups and even Governments of different countries and its results of damage and sufferings are in proportion accordingly.,

5. Now leaving aside the culprits who really started this sedition, common people from their own religious group shall get instigated attack, killing and looting the other opposite group who are innocent and their crime is only that they are from the other religion or group. Now it is going to be a chain reaction and there shall be people from the other group involving themselves in the same activities to inflict on the other group.

6. In the end, the result will be the suffering of minorities and they will be suppressed, by the majority group, by their governments, law enforcing authorities and finally the court of law, where selected are awarded with death punishments and others shall go for life imprisonment or punishment for years.

7. This will also have ongoing effect on their families and their children who will suffer and might even start hating other group, decide to take revenge. Revenge on whom?

No one knows the real culprits or the culprits could be their own Governments. Now the persons affected go crazy and do not care for their lives and start killing looting the innocents of other group and the story goes on and on between the groups to make their life miserable.

8. There is another example; two antisocial elements gamblers, murderers who does not care for faith or religion but of different religions get into a rift, fight and murder. Now this becomes a religious issue. Politicians who take religion as their weapon make use of this opportunity and killing and looting of the related community starts. Even the Law enforcing authorities where among them there is no proportionate representations collude with the majority group and further make minorities suffer.

9. Another important aspect of terrorism is the one sided Media. They work for the interest of their parties and add fuel to the fire to aggravate the riots.

10. There is another strategy set up by the law enforcing authorities of the Governments. The target the persons who are from antisocial elements, or even emotional leaders of the minority group visible by their speeches and demonstrations against the atrocities committed by the other groups. These undercover law-enforcing authorities themselves approach such persons and offer arms and ammunitions to enable them to take actions in revenge. When those people are trapped and buy those weapons from them, the law enforcing authorities conduct operation and arrest them with weapons and ammunition in their possession, thereby there is no chance for them to escape at all. Next day you will read in national newspapers on headlines about the wonderful vigilance and bravery of the police and they will be awarded too. Sometimes such sting operations will be conducted in higher level, so as to blame the government of other countries too.

11. Every country has their own unit with all provisions of money, arms, ammunition and men in their countries as well as other countries to start terrorism or sedition in other enemy countries either to create unrest, weaken or topple the government in that country with all the above mentioned strategies. As a government is involved in it, the losses inflicted shall be high in proportion.

I will call every thing mentioned above “TERRORISM”

Now who is Responsible for it?

It is the party, who prepares the strategy and plans to start the trouble and that party always remain safe and achieve their objectives and goals, while from targeted group, innocent people shall suffer .

The Democracy did not solve this problem and it will not unless the people are well educated and are aware of these maneuvers. Unless government and law enforcing authorities are honest, impartial, and proper representation of all communities is given in government and law enforcing authorities.

Now coming back to the handling of such situations by Muslims, I shall place the following:

Terrorism of any kind is not permitted in Islam. Allah has mentioned in Holy Book Quran that Fitna is more severe than a murder.

“Fitna” is a term in Arabic for tumult, terrorism, conspiracy and oppression.

Therefore, Muslims are not supposed to answer the Terrorism with Terrorism, Oppression with Oppression and we should not kill innocent people as per the command of Allah.

Allah has also mentioned in Holy Quran; killing an innocent person is like killing the whole of humanity and saving a person’s life is like saving the whole of humanity.

As per commandments of Allah only the oppressors and invaders are to be confronted in defense and again they are not supposed to make any excesses. Killing of innocent men, women and children is forbidden and damaging property is not allowed.

When Muslims are ruled by Oppressors, they should leave that country and if they cannot they should bear it, face it with the prevailing laws and if that does not help, place their complaints before the creator Allah. Allah says the cry of the oppressed reaches Him without any barriers. Let Allah take care of the oppressors in this world and hereafter. After all our life in this world is short, let us constraint ourselves in the absence of leadership, support and power.

Trouble started by a government of another country is to be handled by their government and not by individuals taking law into their hands.

As per the sayings of our Holy Prophet peace be on him, A Muslim is one whose neighbors are safe from his tongue and hands. He even stressed a Muslim is filling his stomach with fire if his neighbor is hungry. A neighbor is a neighbor irrespective of his religion as per him and he said forty houses on either side of his house is a neighbor.

Again, Our Holy Prophet peace be on him said: A Muslim is one who feels whatever is good for him is good for others and whatever is bad for him is bad for others too.

Now tell me Brother; Does Terrorism fits in Islam?

Even though many of the points mentioned above were placed in Websites and told by responsible religious scholars, the Media will not propagate them. Hence the non- Muslim community is not aware of it and they think all the Muslims are supporting Terrorism and it is permitted in their religion of Islam and all the Muslims are Terrorists. Allah Forbid.

Your comments are welcomed. If convinced, please pass on this message of understanding to others both Muslims and Non Muslims.
Lucid Interrogator
2007-11-06 07:09:01 UTC
Do you earnestly think we have the time to perform an individual analysis of every Muslim in the world?

I think not.

We're going to analyse those who stand up and pronounce that they are Muslim... and then blow themselves up as "martyrs".
mikail brown
2007-11-06 08:08:05 UTC
is there room for terrorism in any religion

let us followers of Islam put our house in order .

a lot of Islamic goverments are not following Islam so what can we expect from its people
2007-11-06 07:19:20 UTC
Until you manage to control the "few" extremists, YES!
¸.•*´`*•.¸ ℓανєη∂єr ¸.•*´`*•.¸
2007-11-10 18:59:34 UTC
Nope it's not fair at all. No one blames every German for hitler's' actions so why should they blame every Muslim for bin ladens actions?? Not fair. Not right.
2007-11-06 07:28:29 UTC
Welcome to the world. Christians have the same problem.
2007-11-06 07:10:24 UTC
What are Muslims doing to stop the terrorism?
2007-11-06 07:09:10 UTC
It's very hard to swallow, in the light of the facts.
2007-11-06 08:30:37 UTC
No, it is not fair. But then again, for another person's point of view, it is not fair that extremists are killing innocent civilians every day. They have a right to be angry.. but what no one understands, is we have a right to be angry at the extremists..

Don't lump us in w/ the extremists.. we hate em just as much as you do.. if not MORE!!
2007-11-06 07:13:50 UTC
i understand all that

but dont they say the people the kill arent innocent? they see them as some sort of enemy?

i actually had a muslim yesterday tell me when he found out i was an atheist in his words not mine

you are worthless and useless like all atheists

now tell me was he wrong in saying that? i know your book has many verses of hate for non believers so maybe he was just following hos book the right way
2014-02-18 07:05:03 UTC
GOD is FAIR and RIGHT. He knows the whole picture and we don't.

It is not for us to judge anyone.

James 4:12

There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

(neighbor means anyone other than yourself and family)

Matthew 7:1-5

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

(brother means anyone other than yourself and family)
2007-11-06 07:11:26 UTC
No, just like it is not fair to judge all by a few. I have a philosophy. Most are just like everybody else they just want to work and raise their families and believe what they believe, which is guaranteed in the Constitution
2007-11-06 07:12:15 UTC
No. Is it fair to judge all Caucasian men because of Timothy Mc Veigh or Ted Bundy? (or any other group of people for what a few have done?)

There are Christians that commit murder "in the name of God" does that mean we should judge all Christians? No, that would be silly.
2007-11-06 07:13:24 UTC
NO! I hope other people won't judge Christians on the same level pertaining to the abuse cases in the church.
2007-11-06 07:14:28 UTC
no it's not fair 'cause i work with some guys who are moslims and they are nicer and cooler than the other people. so don't judge em all because of a cople of sick bastards.
سيف الله بطل ‎جهاد‎
2007-11-06 07:13:03 UTC
No. The concept of dying or being crucified for somebody else doesn't make sense to me. I don't judge a group based on what 1 person does.
2007-11-06 07:07:27 UTC
Yes... it's absolutely fair.

It seems wrong, granted -- and it's so easy for anyone to say it's flatly wrong... but, the reality counterbalances the flower-child view in a millisecond -- the INSTANT that shrapnel & bolts/nuts tear through some innocent little girl's face & head, because she was eating a slice of pizza (in the wrong place, wrong time)... just after someone yells "allah akbar"... you can be a weenie, about what is & isn't reality. (Face facts.) On woman in England was just arrested for writing about the joys of SAWING off a man's head "just bend it to the left" and "keep going, when you feel the windpipe"... and she was a religious leader's daughter... stop hiding behind a religion -- and start working to STOP the nonsense that causing death.

'There's no room for Terrorism in Islam' -- read any news?

'A few misguided individuals'? -- didn't I just see 300,000 people chanting "death to America!" being led by the country's RELIGOUS leader in Iran, last week? And Iran held USA citizens captive for 444 days -- so, this isn't the problem on THIS generation or any nonsense as a result of US aggressions in Iraq... since it was 1979, and over 2-3 generations (at least). A few individuals?.. sure.

When you hear more "death to America" than "blowing yourself up & killing others is wrong" -- then, you take your lumps... If Japanese were killing people by bombings by the 100s... then, for sure you'd be concerned if you were hearing Japanese at an airport, or at your local mall... But, that's NOT the reality. On 9/11 - the murderers weren't Mormons or Buddists... and in fact, there's NOT a whole lot being done across the Middle East to settle this issue either (as nations hide behind anti-American rants, the Israel-issue or the Shia/Sunni nonsense). And I'm still waiting to read all about the Saudi effort to locate & bring Bin Laden to justice.

PS -- Who's watching that nonsense of Al Jeezera & smiling through broadcasts of men having heads sawed off? Pilgrims?

Until WHOLE NATIONS and whole swaths of the religion, meaning prominent religious leaders across the Middle East... condemn terrorism everyday, per every event (in Iraq & Pakitstan now, that certainly is easy since its a near every week occurence)... then, a PollyAnna defense that pointing to a Faith is wrong just doesn't hold up. Let's see the Muslim community do something about genocide in central Africa, then we'll talk.
2007-11-10 19:12:58 UTC
NO its not fair....................they r just over influenced by media.
2007-11-06 07:08:58 UTC
No, of course not, but humans are terrible at stereotyping and categorizing ..I think that's why prejudices and bigotry still exist.
2015-07-18 15:43:09 UTC
Thumbs down me now
2007-11-06 07:08:54 UTC
no it isnt fair, but fear breeds stupidity and people feed off it like candy
2007-11-06 07:14:44 UTC
What does a "FEW" mean to you? 5, 10? How about 19 on 9/11? How about thousands upon thousands over just the last few years? How about the terror that was caused by Muhammad himself?

This is what I judge islam on. The loss of freedom, undemocratic, intolerant, violent. Thankfully many Muslims don't adhere to the quran and hadiths very well.

EDIT: Here are some Muslim terrorist groups per Wikipedia:


Abu Sayyaf (1991-present; Islamist separatists; the Philippines)[2]

Based in the southern islands of Jolo, Basilan, and Mindanao.

Branched off of the Moro National Liberation Front.

Allegedly partnered with Jemaah Islamiyah and Al-Qaeda.

Aden-Abyan Islamic Army (Yemen)[2]

Adolat - Uzbekistan[citation needed]

Akromiya - Uzbekistan[citation needed]

Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Late 1970s-present; Islamists; Egypt)[2]

Seeks to establish Islamist state in Egypt. Usually targets secular establishments, government buildings, police, the military, minorities, tourists, and “morally offensive” buildings.

Armed Islamic Group (1992-present; Islamists; Algeria)[2]

Seeks to establish Islamist state in Algeria. Began operations in 1992 after the Algerian government ignored election results that gave victory to Islamist political parties.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades[2]

Ansar al-Islam (December 2001-present; Islamists; Iraq)[2]

In Arabic, "Supporters of Islam."

Also known as "Partisans of Islam or Helpers of Islam."

Al-Qaeda (1988-present; Islamists; Afghanistan, Pakistan, and worldwide)[2]

In Arabic, "the foundation", "the base", or "the database" kept by intelligence services of anti-Soviet Afghani fighters.

Also known as Qa‘idat al-Jihad, Islamic Army for the Liberation of the Holy Places, World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders, Islamic Salvation Foundation, and the Osama bin Laden Network.

Related: Alneda (former web site), As-Sahab (affiliated public relations organization),

Cells: Buffalo six, Hamburg cell,

Asbat al-Ansar (early 1990s-present; Lebanese Sunni Islamists; southern Lebanon)[2]

In Arabic, "the League of the Followers."

Acronym for "Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya," or Islamic Resistance Movement.

Jama'at al-Tawhid wa'al-Jihad/Al-Qaeda in Iraq - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's Sunni network, operating in Iraq

on U.S. State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Bunch of Guys (BOGs) or Group of Guys (GOGs), a counter-terrorism term to describe small, anonymous, self-organizing terrorist cells that have little to no contact with national or global leaders or organizations

Eastern Turkestan Islamic Movement - al-Qaeda linked separatist group in China's Xinjiang Autonomous Region aiming to establish an Islamic state. Banned by China, along with related groups East Turkestan Liberation Organization, World Uighur Youth Congress and East Turkistan Information Center[3][2]

Egyptian Islamic Jihad - Egypt (active since the late 1970s)[2]

Fatah al-Islam - Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp, Lebanon; splittered from Fatah Uprising in 2006.[citation needed]

Hamas - West Bank, Gaza Strip. Listed as a terrorist organization by Australia, Canada, the European Union, Israel, and the United States[2]

Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM) - Pakistan and Kashmir[2]

Hizb-an-nusra - Uzbekistan[citation needed]

Hizb ut-Tahrir - international (legal in Britain and Australia)[citation needed]

Hezbollah - Lebanon; Listed as a terrorist organization by Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, Israel, and the United States[2]

Hizbul Mujahideen - Pakistan and Kashmir[2]

Hofstad Network - Netherlands[citation needed]

Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain - Defunct[citation needed]

Islamic Movement of Central Asia - Central Asia (affiliated with Al Qaeda)[citation needed]

Islamic Movement of Tajikistan - Tajikistan[citation needed]

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan[2]

Jaish-e-Mohammed - Pakistan[2]

Jaish Ansar al-Sunna - Iraq[4]

Jama'at al-Jihad al-Islami[citation needed]

Jemaah Islamiyah - Southeast Asia[2]

Jihad Rite - Australia (linked with Al Qaeda. Founded in 2001)[citation needed]

Jundallah - Iran and Pakistan (affiliated with the USA and Al-Qaeda)[2]

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi - Pakistan[2]

Lashkar-e-Toiba - Pakistan[2]

Maktab al-Khadamat - Afghanistan - Defunct

Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group - Morocco and Spain[2]

Moro Islamic Liberation Front - (Islamic separatists; the Philippines)[2]

Palestinian Islamic Jihad - Israel, West Bank, Gaza Strip[2]

People Against Gangsterism and Drugs - South Africa[2]

Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat - Algeria

Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan - Pakistan[2]

Students Islamic Movement of India - India[2]

Takfir wal-Hijra - Egypt/Sudan/Algeria[2]

Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi - Pakistan

Turkish Hezbollah - Kurdish organization operating in Turkey[2]

Turkish Islamic Jihad - Turkey[2]

Islamist fronts

Al-Barakaat (Al-Qaida front)

Al-Wafa Humanitarian Organization (Al-Qaida front)

Benevolence International Foundation (Al-Qaida front)

Global Relief Foundation (Al-Qaida front)

Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (Hamas)

Konsojaya Trading Company (Jemaah Islamiyah front)

Obviously it's not a few!

God Bless.
2007-11-06 07:08:21 UTC
no i dont

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.