So, truth is there is NO "power in prayer".....thanks?
2007-11-04 16:39:17 UTC
I asked a question earlier about people --- could you please pray that I get this really important job -- (seriously, worked HARD for it, have been laid off 10 wks now and I'm 49 with 2 grandbabies) --- so I thought I would try BUT the "Christians" who answered said "only if it's God's will" MEANING TO ME......THERE IS NO POWER IN PRAYER????? EXPLAIN THIS TO ME PLEASE.
27 answers:
2007-11-04 18:30:36 UTC
Oh my God!!!Oh ye of such little faith.I am so sorry I have been away so long.The prayers of the righteous pervails much.Honey there is power in prayer and those that made such comments must have been on hater-aid.each of them should have made a pat and went down on there knees on your behalf that God grant you this job.There is power in prayer.the bible teaches us to speak the things that are not as if though they were.There are some limited minded christians and thus many can not connect full with the power of God.again i am so sorry I was so long coming.
2007-11-04 16:55:15 UTC
It's true. Prayer does not change things, except perhaps in the mind and emotions of the prayer, or perhaps of a person who knows others are praying for them.

There's even been research that suggests knowing others are praying for you when you are seriously ill tends to increase the complications and problems of recovering. Apparently people who know prayers are being said for them consider their illness more serious, even life-threatening, as a result.

It is said that God does answer prayers, but he says "yes", "no" or "wait". So would a completely imaginary being, since those constitute all the possible answers, along with perhaps "partly" as a further refinement.
2007-11-04 16:46:57 UTC
Prayer works about half of the time because it is silly to pray to god for things to happen in your life....for instance....if we all pray to god that you get the job, what happens to that other poor girl who has been looking for a job for 2 years and is on her last slice of bread. Really, we should have prayed for her had we known. Further, the same for football players, cancer victims, accident victims, etc. Clearly god isn't granting wishes 'prayers' b/c so many people still die or lose the game even though they prayed and others prayed for them. Yet someone else, without prayer from anyone wins the game or goes into recovery. If god is that fickle, why bother worshipping him. either you believe god is random and cruel with his judgement, or you believe that god does not have control over things like jobs, football games, and diseases. Either way, praying is a lot less important than having a good interview, being prepared, having a good resume, etc.
2007-11-04 16:44:06 UTC
There is great power in prayer. If two or three gather together in prayer God will answer. I don't rememnber the exact quote, but I pray that you get the job. There is so much power in prayer I can't even begin to explain. Through prayer God has turned my life around, so I pray that God will take care of this for you and I believe he will. Don't trust in ,man only him and he will take care of you.
2007-11-04 16:48:40 UTC
Tell me, do you truly believe that God wants the best for you? Your idea of "the best for you" and His idea of "the best for you" might differ greatly. It very well might not be God's will for you to have that job. He might have some other way of working in your life. So the prayer shouldn't be "Lord, please get me this job". It should be "Lord, your will be done". You know, God listens. You can always ask Him directly. If you don't feel like it, well, do you really expect an answer? God likes to be asked directly. I know from personal experience. Sure, it's a great thing when other people pray for you, but try putting your own faith to work (if you have faith in Jesus). I'll pray for you. God bless you. HIS will be done. :)
2007-11-04 16:47:33 UTC
Well, you have to first understand that what you want and what God has for you are two totally different things. So you may pray that God gives you a certain job, but if that's not what God has for you then it's not going to happen. There is so much power in prayer, but in praying you have to have faith that God will supply... not matter what. So, if you don't get the job you have in mind have faith that God has something better for you in store.
2007-11-04 20:45:00 UTC
OK there is a lot of power in prayer. There is lot of people does not know how to pray, and that also go for preacher too.

Look in the Bible where Peter and John told the man to get up and take up his bed. They did not pray, pray, pray for days. I am just saying if you pray for it then just believe. Jesus said if you have FAITH has a gran of a mustard seed you shall tell a mountain to move and it will.

Thank You
2007-11-04 16:43:02 UTC
there IS power in prayer. Matthew 18:20 promises us that "...where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Paul promises that "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." [James 5:16b]

HOWEVER, Paul also urges us to "Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; THANK GOD NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." [1 Thes. 5:17]

God does not grant us our every desire. Have you ever seen the movie Bruce Almighty? Can you *imagine* what would happen if our every prayer were answered...?? We are not the ones who know what is best for us, for this is something ONLY our omniscent Father knows.

Instead of praying for something you WANT, instead pray that God will provide for you what you NEED.

After all, we find in Matthew the promise that "...your Father KNOWS what you need before you ask him." [Matt. 6:8b]
2007-11-04 16:51:55 UTC
To those of you saying there are no answers to prayer. Try raising 3,500 orphans without any earthly resource.

Google George Mueller.

There is no power in prayer itself. Anyone can pray. Satanists pray. Buddhists pray. Muslims pray. Even a mantis' prays..

the one true God doesn't answer prayer, He answers faith. You can pray all you want, but without faith it is worthless.
2007-11-05 04:15:14 UTC
There is power in prayer. The windows of heaven are open when prayer is manifested. The angels are singing. I always feel a strong urge that God is working on your prayer.
2007-11-04 16:48:27 UTC
really i believe that the right way to pray is not asking God to do this and do that but to ask him for guidance in what you should do. and if that job is what he wants for you he will help you with that and if not then he has something else for you. God has a plane for you don't give up on prayer.
I'm just me
2007-11-04 16:48:24 UTC
I believe in the power of prayer, in fact, I know it works. I'll pray for you and your grandbabies! God Bless!!
Get A Grip
2007-11-04 16:45:24 UTC
There is power in prayer.

Some Christians just do not know how to pray. My wife and her Bible study group have seen many prayers answered, in time. Some sooner, some later.

Sometimes nothing is an answer because it is not in your best interest.

All I can tell you is do not give up, just talk His ear off.
2007-11-04 16:45:03 UTC
God answers all of our prayers but sometimes he says no. Maybe he has better plans for you. You just need to trust that he knows what he is doing in your life. Just because He didn't answer your prayer in the way you thought he should you are just going to give up on him?
2007-11-04 16:43:34 UTC
Yes God answers prayers. You must remember though that sometimes he answers with "no". I hardly doubt this will be the case though, as long as your are in his will and following him, he loves to bless his children. I will pray that God not only give you this job but that he gives you great pay as well!
2007-11-04 16:58:54 UTC
God doesn't hear the prayers of the unbeliever, except for the sinners prayer. Maybe you should get your life right with God and then you ask Him yourself.
Averell A
2007-11-04 16:52:04 UTC
The power of prayer lies in the fact that it changes him or her who prays.
2007-11-04 16:47:55 UTC
God isn't like an ATM machine. Why is it that people don't want anything from until him until things get rough, then gripe when you don't get what you want when you want it. Are you a christian? A christian realizes that God answers all prayer but in his time not ours.
2007-11-04 18:14:54 UTC
prayer absolutly works...God has answered every single one of my prayers, BUT NOT ALWAYS WITH THE ANSWER I WANTED. only God knows what is best for you, He loves you and wants what's best for you.

stay strong and keep praying...He will answer
2007-11-04 16:42:28 UTC
Depends on who you ask. Some Christians say that prayer does something. A few say it doesn't do anything.
Imagine No Religion
2007-11-04 16:42:06 UTC
Simple, prayer is nothing more than false hope. There is no proof that prayers have actually worked.
2007-11-04 16:41:55 UTC
I will pray for you, still. I believe in prayer. I don't understand how they wouldn't believe that.
2007-11-04 16:51:26 UTC
It's a bit of a placebo, the "power of positive thinking", I guess.
2007-11-04 16:41:56 UTC
Actually, their was a Duke Prayer Study that was double blind and produced no significant results.
2007-11-04 16:42:33 UTC
Sorry, I didn't answer your original question. But toss a penny over your shoulder for good luck. I hope you get the job!
2007-11-04 17:29:16 UTC
BELIEVE IN PRAYER AND GOD!!!!! He created you so why wouldnt he help you! God Bless! god luves you!
2007-11-04 16:43:21 UTC
you miss the point.

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