How come Islam is refrenced with bombings but Christainity is not refrenced with Jim Jones?
2007-05-20 21:14:13 UTC
As in the People's Temple Jim Jones or Marshall Herff Applewhite as in Heavens gate.
22 answers:
Love Exists?
2007-05-20 21:18:50 UTC
because media shows Islam in a bad light and most people don't want to and don't have enough time to do there own research so they just believe what ever the **** media throws down there throats in the 6am news..
Larry R
2007-05-20 21:50:09 UTC
Well, the People's Temple and Applewhite didn't worship Christ.

Applewhite's Heaven's Gate was a "New Age" religion, he claimed to have arrived via UFO from another dimension (a "level above human") and would return via a secretive "Process", which was taught to cult members. These are not Christian beliefs or Christian doctrine. Applewhite's bunch had no more to do with Christianity than it did with the San Deigo Chargers or the Crew of the Titanic.

Jim Jones was similar. He started out as part of the Disciples of Christ, but by the end he was calling HIMSELF the new Messiah. Well Christianity teaches that Jesus and Jesus alone is the one and only Messiah. If you are telling people that Jim Jones is the Messiah, or Marshall Applewhite is the Messiah, you can't be Christian. The definiton of Christianity is that you accept that Jesus Christ is the Messiah... if you don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah then, (jinkeys Scooby!) you aren't a Christian.

So Christianity is not linked to Jim Jones or Marshall Applewhite because neither one of them had anything to do with Christianity. They both had their own little wierd relgions, and they wern't Christian.

Islam, on the other hand, has a lot to do with the bombings. The bombings are carried out by Muslims, who are following the Muslim Holy Book that teaches that if you die while on Jihad (killing the enemies of Islam) you go to heaven. So Islam is the motive of the bombing... and these guys leave behind videos saying they are doing this because they are Muslim, and then other Muslims all praise them and say how great they are. (Remember on 9-11 CNN had video of the Palestinians CELEBRATING in the streets? giving out cake and dancing?).

So while there isn't a link between Christianity and Jim Jones and Heaven's Gate, there is a pretty strong link between Islam and terrorist bombings.

That's why Islam is linked with the bombings, and the suicides aren't linked with Christianity.
2007-05-20 21:40:54 UTC
Because Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite are not FUNDAMENTALIST Christians. A fundamentalist is anyone who follows the fundamentals of a particular religion. Additionally, a fundamentalist Christian is not someone who takes the bible literally, as the modern definition has led us to believe, they should actually be called biblical literalist Christians. A fundamentalist Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ in a fundamental way. People who I consider fundamentalist Christians are those who live their lives devoted to Christian charity. Examples of this would be the late Mother Theresa of Calcutta - who fed and clothed the poorest of the poor in India, and Father Damien of Molakai - a priest who ministered to those with Leprosy and who later contracted the disease. There are fundamentalist Christians in all Christian denominations though, but these are two that came to mind.

Compare these Christian fundamentalists to what the media (and what the Muslim world) calls Muslim fundamentalists. The Christian fundamentalist is interesting in spreading charity - the Muslim fundamentalist is interested in spreading terror. If Muslim fundamentalism is not what I have understood it to be, the Muslims need to tell us what it is, because I have never seen this issue clarified by anyone!

Jim Jones and Marshall Applewhite were not interested in charity and self-sacrifice - two tenets of Christian fundamentalism. Jim Jones was a Christian in name only. Regarding Marshall Applewhite, did he even claim to be a Christian? From what I knew of the Heavens Gate cult, aliens in a space ship hiding behind the comet Hale Bopp would take them to heaven. This is hardly a Christian belief.
hanisTa kkkk
2007-05-20 22:06:16 UTC
well,muslims see it this way..there has been a conspiracy or more sort of propaganda that s played by the the two other bigger religion besides Islam,which are Jews and Christians..these two party are afraid of Islam because of what Islam had marked in the history..such as the fact that Islam used to hold 1/3 of the,these two parties decided to make Islam being seen as a religion of terrorism so that ppl wouldn't want to come close to the muslims..this is what i've heard from some muslims..but as for me,the propaganda backfired,because when i hear terrorism is associated with the Muslims,im drawn to know more about Islam..
2007-05-20 21:48:57 UTC
Interesting thing is that when someone says that Muhammad ordered to kill all non-believers, he/she fails to explain why didn't he kill all jews and chritians in the Arab in his own lifetime? There were many non-muslims in Madinah, Khayber and other places, and not even a single was killed - except when they were at war. Pity! some people think that they have read Islam!

Point is not how many Masjids have condemned the terrorism, point is how many have been reported. A mojority condemns it, but is never reported.
2007-05-20 21:22:57 UTC
Absolutely! Christian churches throughout the world condemned the cult that Jim Jones created. They disavowed any connection with it and desperately try to warn anyone being lured by a "Christian" cult.

Can you find a single Muslim mosque that has done the same with Islamic bombings?
2007-05-20 21:53:09 UTC
that's the way the west portrayed on some culture they like to attack or have some vested interest in.Before, they shown native american indians were such barbaric culture and need to be annihilated in their own grabbed land.Then the mexicans, then the vietnamese, the russians, the italians( in police force) finally the arab nations.

The west need to formulate an outside enemy so that internal conflicts would be directed outside the home country, or else, like what happened before, the civil war? These are simple plots concocted by any governments whose current administration have vested interests.
Sigmondo, The Other Green Meat
2007-05-20 21:22:05 UTC
Just for sake of an example, my mormon friend and I were having a lively debate in which they likened my Christian beliefs to that of Jim Jones and David Koresh. So we do get that sort of thing.
Ming Merc
2007-05-20 21:21:38 UTC
Because Islam is the truth and the Devil will mislead you by convincing you otherwise. If a man robs a bank, and he is non Muslim, they will make no mention of his religion. If a Muslim man robs a bank they will make it a point to say Muslim man robs banks. What do you expect when the Jews run America and its slander machine, the Media.
Weird Darryl
2007-05-20 21:19:18 UTC
Are moderate Christians afraid for their lives if they speak out against Jim Jones?

2007-05-20 21:19:00 UTC
It's easier for people to place the blame of problems on Islam then it is for them to recognize the flaws in all religions.

People dont seem to understand that less than 1% of the entire Muslim population is Wahabi and even less than that support terrorism.

It's ridiculous the generalizations that people make.
2007-05-20 21:18:59 UTC
Well look at how many Islamic terrorist groups there are. Sure some Christians go as far as blowing up abortion clinics but still Islam is far more violent in the current world.
2007-05-20 21:19:14 UTC
they will say it is because they were not Christians.

If only those Christians who have never sinned, can be called Christians, then the Christian population must be around 3 people. Sorry 1. Pete just killed his brother.
2007-05-20 21:33:24 UTC
listen here woman

Jesus did not tell us CHrisian to kill or hate anyone for any reason, but Muhammed told them to kill the none believers where ever u catch them. Get ur facts str8 and read islam more!
2007-05-20 21:20:13 UTC
It is a tactic now used by Christians to weaken Muslims in their faith so they can offer them a "peaceful" solution.

Deception at its finest.

2007-05-20 21:22:34 UTC
Not so fast, Christianity has 11 million killed from the Crusades.
2016-05-22 19:58:20 UTC
“Feeling the strength and power of another man straddling me from behind was an amazing turn-on. I tried it once and was hooked!” - LMFAO
2007-05-20 21:27:39 UTC
Oh it is.

As it is with Waco, TX

Okalhoma City
2007-05-20 21:17:26 UTC
Because those were cults not Christians.
2007-05-20 21:23:07 UTC
have you lost your mind? why not aslk a question about shoes or something. here you go, why don't you ask "Was Hitler Right" ?
2007-05-20 21:26:16 UTC
they are all cults period!
2007-05-20 21:18:57 UTC
Will you please clarify your word "refrenced". I've never seen it before? I don't understand your question; could you explain it better?

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