Greetings Just Be!
The word miracle as described in the Oxford dictionary is as follows: 1 extraordinary, supposedly supernatural, event. 2 remarkable occurrence or development. 3 remarkable specimen. It must be clearly understood that the answer I submit is done so from a non-personal level. The miracle I express is all-inclusive, and therefore experienced by all sentient beings. When I denote "I" it is meant as whole rather than partial. In essence "I" includes you, and 'I" is prior to the arising of perceived duality, the transitory manifest consciousness. "I", timeless, subtler than space is the immutable substratum in which the ephemeral appears and dissolves continuously bound in time.
In the ephemeral world the word miracle can be viewed as subjective in nature, but in reality the greatest miracle is often overlooked and not given the recognition it merits. So, the non-personal, all-inclusive miracle I elude to is; "first I did not know I was, but now I know I am". This event is indeed a remarkable occurrence, a development of monumental proportions and surely exceeds the dictionary definition. With the arising of the vital breath in combination with the life force I experience manifest consciousness, a subjective world projected by mind/ego/senses. That is the primordial miracle, and it can even be labeled a Godly principle. All worldly beliefs are learned within this speck of transitory consciousness, and it is this principle that has inspired faith, and from faith temples, churches and mosques are built. Here in the clutches of perceived duality innumerable forms experience this miracle, but pass it off as petty, not noteworthy, with all attention absorbed in the daily joys, sorrows, trials and tribulations projected by the mind.
However, the sense "I am" in the functioning of manifest consciousness is the greatest news, the greatest miracle. What we term birth is the arrival of the waking state, deep sleep state, and the knowledge "I am". From this triad the arrival of observation has started. Prior to birth I did not know "I am", upon the so-called birth I experience "I am", and from this momentous miracle there is the innate potential to understand the highest knowledge, the foundational prerequsite knowledge in which all worldly knowledge arises. Here in the knowledge "I am" the primary question can be asked: "Who am I?" The witness, the ability to observe rises and sets with the sense "I am." "I am" denotes manifest consciousness/form/beingness which reflects upon the surface of Awareness/formlessness/non-beingness. Consciousness is infinite, and is an eternal pulsation from form to formlessness as per Quantum physics. "I am" is relative, partial, but "I am" is the advertisment, the direct pointer to That which is whole and Absolute. You are That, the Absolute from which "I am", manifest consciousness is a reflection: "Tat Tvam Asi". You, "I" experience the world through a multiplicity of forms and experiences. The arising of "I am", the manifest consciousness, the cycle of life and destruction is miraculous!
"I am" is not conceptual because we know we exist now in the present moment. All else placed upon the miracle of the sense"I am" is conceptual. If there is no "I am" there can be no world, nor a God, nor for that matter can there be perceived miracles which are often attributed to a God. So, I state the thought of miracles occur because you are/'I am". If you did not know "I am" there would be no question of experiencing a miracle because you would not be here to experience a subjective miracle through body/mind/senses. Thus this great miracle is the functioning of consciousness, always now in the perpetual illusory cycle of creation, sustenance and death, or if you will conception/birth/life/death. Therefore, it can be stated that the very fact that you are being here now is the primary miracle in which secondary miracles transpire. To be here now in full awareness we must eliminate all concepts from our mind and that includes the concept of miracles and even the subjective concept of God (neti neti). You, the "I" that was earlier refered are neither subjective, objective nor are you a concept, but the ultimate reality is that the fact you are now, and this reality can be considered a miracle. Miracle is a word created in time and space, and time and space arose in your timeless, Absolute essence. Therefore you are prior to the arising of the vital breath and it's language the mind.
In closing, it must be understood that this answer must not be mistaken as nihilism for it is not. It is merely a presentation in duality, and therefore can be considered conceptual. However, "I am" certainly cannot be labeled a belief, a faith, because you are "being" here now. You know that you are, that you exist and that is the most significant miracle which enables other perceived miracles to transpire! My goodness, I did ramble on and on, but with that said it must be inquired Who is this "I" who presented a rambling answer? lol!