What is a Miracle in your current understanding?
2009-08-05 05:19:11 UTC
Have you personally ever experienced a Miracle?
Could you elaborate?
How & why do Miracles occur?
Thanks for answering!
Many Blessings!
27 answers:
2009-08-05 10:50:23 UTC
Greetings Just Be!

The word miracle as described in the Oxford dictionary is as follows: 1 extraordinary, supposedly supernatural, event. 2 remarkable occurrence or development. 3 remarkable specimen. It must be clearly understood that the answer I submit is done so from a non-personal level. The miracle I express is all-inclusive, and therefore experienced by all sentient beings. When I denote "I" it is meant as whole rather than partial. In essence "I" includes you, and 'I" is prior to the arising of perceived duality, the transitory manifest consciousness. "I", timeless, subtler than space is the immutable substratum in which the ephemeral appears and dissolves continuously bound in time.

In the ephemeral world the word miracle can be viewed as subjective in nature, but in reality the greatest miracle is often overlooked and not given the recognition it merits. So, the non-personal, all-inclusive miracle I elude to is; "first I did not know I was, but now I know I am". This event is indeed a remarkable occurrence, a development of monumental proportions and surely exceeds the dictionary definition. With the arising of the vital breath in combination with the life force I experience manifest consciousness, a subjective world projected by mind/ego/senses. That is the primordial miracle, and it can even be labeled a Godly principle. All worldly beliefs are learned within this speck of transitory consciousness, and it is this principle that has inspired faith, and from faith temples, churches and mosques are built. Here in the clutches of perceived duality innumerable forms experience this miracle, but pass it off as petty, not noteworthy, with all attention absorbed in the daily joys, sorrows, trials and tribulations projected by the mind.

However, the sense "I am" in the functioning of manifest consciousness is the greatest news, the greatest miracle. What we term birth is the arrival of the waking state, deep sleep state, and the knowledge "I am". From this triad the arrival of observation has started. Prior to birth I did not know "I am", upon the so-called birth I experience "I am", and from this momentous miracle there is the innate potential to understand the highest knowledge, the foundational prerequsite knowledge in which all worldly knowledge arises. Here in the knowledge "I am" the primary question can be asked: "Who am I?" The witness, the ability to observe rises and sets with the sense "I am." "I am" denotes manifest consciousness/form/beingness which reflects upon the surface of Awareness/formlessness/non-beingness. Consciousness is infinite, and is an eternal pulsation from form to formlessness as per Quantum physics. "I am" is relative, partial, but "I am" is the advertisment, the direct pointer to That which is whole and Absolute. You are That, the Absolute from which "I am", manifest consciousness is a reflection: "Tat Tvam Asi". You, "I" experience the world through a multiplicity of forms and experiences. The arising of "I am", the manifest consciousness, the cycle of life and destruction is miraculous!

"I am" is not conceptual because we know we exist now in the present moment. All else placed upon the miracle of the sense"I am" is conceptual. If there is no "I am" there can be no world, nor a God, nor for that matter can there be perceived miracles which are often attributed to a God. So, I state the thought of miracles occur because you are/'I am". If you did not know "I am" there would be no question of experiencing a miracle because you would not be here to experience a subjective miracle through body/mind/senses. Thus this great miracle is the functioning of consciousness, always now in the perpetual illusory cycle of creation, sustenance and death, or if you will conception/birth/life/death. Therefore, it can be stated that the very fact that you are being here now is the primary miracle in which secondary miracles transpire. To be here now in full awareness we must eliminate all concepts from our mind and that includes the concept of miracles and even the subjective concept of God (neti neti). You, the "I" that was earlier refered are neither subjective, objective nor are you a concept, but the ultimate reality is that the fact you are now, and this reality can be considered a miracle. Miracle is a word created in time and space, and time and space arose in your timeless, Absolute essence. Therefore you are prior to the arising of the vital breath and it's language the mind.

In closing, it must be understood that this answer must not be mistaken as nihilism for it is not. It is merely a presentation in duality, and therefore can be considered conceptual. However, "I am" certainly cannot be labeled a belief, a faith, because you are "being" here now. You know that you are, that you exist and that is the most significant miracle which enables other perceived miracles to transpire! My goodness, I did ramble on and on, but with that said it must be inquired Who is this "I" who presented a rambling answer? lol!

2009-08-05 08:40:05 UTC

Just Be,

There is an interesting list of 50 descriptions of what a miracle is at the front of ACIM.


"Miracles alter the temporal order. They transcend the body. They do this through Love.

They heal because they deny body-identification and affirm spirit-identification.

They intercede for our holiness and make our perceptions holy. By placing us beyond the physical laws they raise us into this realm.

Prayer is the medium of miracles. It is a means of communication of the created with the Creator. Through prayer Love is received, and through miracles Love is expressed."


So perhaps a miracle is a shift in perception that allows the seemingly impossible to become possible.

I have not seen any definite 100% sure miracles, but I sometimes see, seeming impossibilities, do complete turn arounds and become possible.

I also had a 10 year old schoolfriend at Holy Trinity Convent who was wheelchair bound from birth. She came on the annual school trip to Lourdes and went into the healing waters. She came home walking normally and never needing her wheelchair again.

The nuns at our school all called it a miracle, and maybe in some small way it was.



Yahoo's thumbs up and down system is going a bit crazy.

I had a thumbs up and a thumbs down within 2 seconds of posting. I see everyone else has thumbs downs as well.

Best just to ignore them. We know they are not from you Just Be and are probably just from the Yahoo Gremlin who also steals our avatars and stops our email. (smiles)
2009-08-08 10:07:10 UTC
A miracle is anything that happens that defies logic and seems to defy nature.

Yes, i have experienced a miracle; in that one time i was in darkness; didn't understand/believe in Jesus and then, through a miracle the Lord opened my eyes to see Him; He poured out love through his spirit into my heart; and answered a question I had by putting the words on my lips. I was reading "blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" and then asked, "how do I become pure in heart? I want to see God!"

in a moment, the words came; I didn't think about it; they just came on my lips...Jesus Jesus (I said it twice) and at that moment I felt such love; such peace; such knowing -- that God is real, Jesus is the Word became flesh, and the path to true joy; true satisfaction.

How do they occur? Why?

1. How, through supernatural power

2. why, to show the power of God.

Sometimes the enemy can do mimicking shows of signs and wonders. The miracle I experienced is the most powerful and most profound of all. I have since seen many miracles since.

One was for my friend whom was delivering an important document in a dangerous rainstorm, on a motorbike. I prayed, "God let him be protected". Later, he reported, "the sky opened a little hole that followed me during the whole 30 Km drive to deliver the package. As soon as I walked in the door of the office, it POURED, thunder and lightening so i had to stay there; but no problem it was someones birthday and I ate cake! Then, it cleared...but then all the way home, same thing...the little hole in the clouds...followed me all the way home. I could see rain pouring down hard on all sides was truly a miracle! When I walked into the door of my home, crash, it all came down. And i had to stay in for the rest of the day".

That day there was some heavy flooding...reported especially heavy in the area he delivered my package to!

I hope you are blessed by my stories.
2009-08-05 05:37:47 UTC
Things are whatever they are: they have specific properties, and will act in certain ways under certain circumstances. For example, if I knock my keys off my desk, it will fall to the floor; this is always true because that's what small objects do when they're this close to the surface of the planet. In the circumstances, the keys will always fall. If they hovered in place or floated to the ceiling, then it isn't acting like a set of keys. It would be both keys and not-keys. This is the definition of a contradiction.

There are things that are unexplained: these are not miracles. When an events isn't immediately explained, it simply means that we do not understand the properties involved. The whole point of the natural sciences is to uncover the properties of the stuff that populates our universe.

The difference between that-which-is-not-understood and that-which-acts-in-ways-which-it-cannot is whether or not it's explainable in principle.

If I pick up my keys and hold them up to the ceiling, most people could probably not explain how the various systems of my body altered in order to pick them up and lift them to the ceiling, but an physiologist could. The explanation might be lacking among most people, but the phenomenon of lifting my arm is not unexplainable in principle.

However, if my keys floated to the ceiling of their own accord, that would be unexplainable in principle. No amount of natural forces could act in such a way that my keys, unaided by any device, could simply ignore gravity. We know that things are subject to gravity, and, in the circumstances I'm presenting, we aren't talking about another force acting on the keys in opposition to gravity (such as me picking them up). This isn't how the world works. My keys are both keys and not-keys at the same time...and that would qualify as a miracle.

Something is only a miracle when it causes things to act like that-which-they-are-not. A miracle is, by definition, a contradiction, and what we do know is that contradictions do not exist. There are, of course, many phenomena that we cannot explain yet, but the fact that people aren't omniscient doesn't make mysterious things miracles.
2009-08-05 16:58:27 UTC
"We believe in no Magic which transcends the scope and capacity of the human mind, nor in "miracle," whether divine or diabolical, if such imply a transgression of the laws of nature instituted from all eternity. Nevertheless, we accept the saying of the gifted author of Festus, that the human heart has not yet fully uttered itself, and that we have never attained or even understood the extent of its powers. Is it too much to believe that man should be developing new sensibilities and a closer relation with nature?" from "Isis Unveiled" I agree with this view. I experience miracles each day that transcend coincidence, moreso when I spend ample amount of time in a type of meditation I learned of through a dream. Miracles occur because of knowledge of nature in its ethereal state of existence; she has secrets to share but not in this gross state of matter. What was shown on "The Matrix" where the young boy was bending a spoon with his thoughts is a true representation of a deeper understanding of atoms and the Hindu concept, Maya or great illusion, when he told Neo, "remember, there is no spoon".
2009-08-07 10:35:15 UTC
There is no such thing as miracle. Everything is possible within the boundaries of God . But within our spheres whatever we dont witness commonly or normally we think it would be a miracle if it happenned. We think that only because we thought it was not probable or possible. Now the birth of a baby , growing of flowers etc are all marvels of nature yet we dont consider them miracles because we have always seen them. If this much can happen in nature why not the uncommon things? For God there are usually rules of nature which were made by him only but there is no such thing as 'improbable' or 'impossible'
2009-08-07 08:25:28 UTC
for me a miracle is every time i see the physical manifestation of my desires or requests ... i blieve they are all answered with yes, the receiving of the miracles is where things are usually lost in translation .. we receive every miracle we ask for, the answer is always yes ... from a very young age i would read about jesus and the miracles he performed and saying "greater things you will do than i" all of it has sat resinating in my spirit for a very long time ... never once in the bible did i ever come across where jesus asked for a healing and god said no, or it is not my will ... as a young child growing up in the christian church you would be asked, if god can do this or that why when we pray does it seem like he didnt answer or maybe the requst wasnt his will - i dont believe any of that, because its no where in any of the teaching of christ ((he was the ultimate healer)) and he said greater things you will do than i ... when i studied healing with the metaphysical minds they say that the lack of result lies within the healee((the person needing the healing)) maybe a lack of faith, or unwillingness to release what they need to in order to receive the heailing ... again, i do not agree, when i study the life of the ultimate healer, jesus, i see notone example of one who was NOT healed ... im pretty sure some of the people who jesus touched had a lack of faith, or things they werent ready to let go of ... that did not get in the way of their miracle

im still testing my knowledge on this subject ... all i know from personal experience is this ... i had a dry socket 3 nights ago((very painful)) i prayed for the pain to go away and it didnt((not immediately)) so i did what i know best, i reasoned with god, explained that i dont understand why my pain isnt relieved instantly when i ask((my faith is far beyond that of a mustard seed)) ... i remembered reading how buddhist monks reach a level of conciousness where they feel no pain, i told god thats what i wanted to experience ... the pain lessoned to where i could bear it ... the next morning when i got up my gum where the dry socket was had swollen up 10times its size, from looking at me you could tell i had a dry socket or something very painful ... when i touched it i was numb - i felt nothing, it was like i had been given a shot of novacain and a couple vicodine ... im not special, im not a preacher, not an evangelist ... in fact im a homosexual who lives like a homosexual, that god loves so and appeciates so much he gave me my miracle when i asked for it
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2009-08-05 07:53:03 UTC
A miracle can be anything from being thankful for everyday you wake up to the birth of a child, a life saved, prayers answered.

I have been gaced to witness or be part of many miracles. I feel, those I have prayed for with 'all my heart', are the miracles that have impacted me the most.

I truly believe miracles occur in answer to prayer. :D
2009-08-05 05:22:53 UTC
A miracle is something that the observer cannot rationally explain.

It does not imply any religious or supernatural significance but rather a lack of knowledge, education or understanding.

In the Bronze Age, striking a match to make fire would have been viewed as a miracle.
2009-08-05 21:18:02 UTC
A miracle is simply surviving from day to day. Finding the strength to keep trying when all seems hopeless is a miracle in itself.
JP (Jan)
2009-08-05 05:25:09 UTC
Acts 14:3 tells us the Miracles confirm the message of God's grace

John 4:48 says miracles help people to believe

I have seen many miracles People who the doctors said had no chance to live were healed. - I was told I had no chance to conceive a child - I have two.
2009-08-05 21:45:20 UTC
"A Miracle"

Within this small fragile world there is something that is known as "A Miracle".

"When one discovers ones own faults, discards them, and no longer finds faults within others, this is indeed a true miracle."

This is possibly the greatest miracle that can happen within the life span of one that has taken human form.

May we all perform "A Miracle" by discovering our own faults, discarding them, and then no longer find faults within others.

May our lives be filled with, God's Contentment and Peace.

2009-08-05 05:29:58 UTC
well I was driving at a high rate of speed at night going up a hill on the freeway, just happens to pass a forest lawn cemetery, I was in the number 1 lane, and at the top of the hill it is very dark. must have been going about 80-90, that's when I had a urge type feeling to get in the next lane, well good thing i did because not much further was a disabled vehicle with no lights or hazards flashing.

our eyes take in over a million bits of data, it's our brains that can only process about a couple hundred thousand bits, so I think when that little voice pops into your head, it's your brain catching up to what the eyes are seeing.
2009-08-05 05:21:39 UTC
I don't think I've experienced a miracle yet, but I believe it's something that doesn't just happen out of nowhere
2009-08-07 04:13:14 UTC
I produced a chocolate for my little daughter by imitating as if i caught it from air... and she was so amazed and perplexed.

It was a miracle for her...but not for me !!!

so practically there is no miracle in the cosmos....and if there is one, that should be "finding that we are actually god manifested in matter"

Have you personally ever experienced a Miracle? - YES a night i slept as atheist and the morning i woke up as a bhakta crying for god... can there be a bigger miracle...but they keep unfolding everyday..

How & why do Miracles occur?

Miracles...are not done as miracles by nature.. she does her normal course, which we see as miracle. suppose I remembered you and then i suddenly found your mail in my inbox...that can be a tiny miracle...But in such case may be your energies told my mind telepathically that you are writing mail for me... or my mind got sensed you mind's energies.... both ways it was a game of energy nothing else

The more we understand the working and plans of Energies working around us, the more miracles we see daily... even if we understand one game of energies....they will still work on higher levels..and miracles will never end for us.

But in all cases, i always treat myself equal to my little daughter who is amazed at the miracle of chocolate...i showed her
2009-08-05 05:28:29 UTC
It is a term for good fortune and good luck, and most American people use it this way. However the literal fundie translation is a farce and always has been.

There are no such thing as miracles, only a selective interpretation of good fortune.

There are none so blind as those who will not see..

"Reality" that is...!
2009-08-05 05:23:22 UTC
The only miracle I have experienced is the fact that I have been able to contain myself and not stab my ex in the eyeball with a sharp object...No, I am not bitter...just mad as hell
Mystic Shiva Says
2009-08-07 11:05:47 UTC
How I am not I am when I think I am

How I am me when I am not thinking about I

I am who ? I still dont have the answer,

but not knowing who you are is not a bad thing either

he he he,

yeah mystical eh ? gotta leave crumbs to the place you know, Its the only way sometimes cause im following another persons crumbs too
Christian Sinner
2009-08-05 05:35:46 UTC
Something which wouldn't happen unless God was the one responsible for doing it.

Actually understanding and reading the Bible and trusting God are all miracles. Not one person would do that unless God was giving them the ability to understand and value these things.
Thimmappa M.S.
2009-08-05 09:58:22 UTC
Miracles are Natural, the laws of which we have not yet understood.
2009-08-05 05:27:23 UTC
Understanding is a miracle in itself
2009-08-05 05:23:19 UTC
Getting a fundamentalist to admit that 21st century science is right and the preferred model of life on this planet and the universe as a whole.
2009-08-05 05:22:35 UTC
There is no such thing as a "miracle". Not a single one has ever been documented.
2009-08-05 05:23:47 UTC
child birth is a miracle!
Reverend Shistain Brown
2009-08-05 05:29:40 UTC
miracles = bulls h i t
2009-08-05 11:23:47 UTC
The evolution of the internet. It is a step towards the telepathic. Nicessity (coinage) You're welcome.
2009-08-05 05:21:41 UTC
something that can be attributed to god.

but you have to be sure it was from god, otherwise it's just unexplained.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.