I don't understand how the stories in the Bible prove an existence of God. (a raised God believer)?
2012-12-13 09:24:08 UTC
I was raised to believe in God as my entire family does. However, as a young adult, I am questioning these beliefs. For one thing, I do not understand how Jesus dying on a cross equals the human race being forgiven for their sins. How are those two things correlated? I don't understand how all these "magical" things happened, parting a sea, an old man building an ark and rounding up animals, immaculate conception, etc. Nothing of this sort takes place in modern times. Also, if God is just and loves us all equally, how can it be justified that children are born into broken homes and abusive families? There is just so much that does not make sense that it is difficult to say that God exists. I am not opposed to some greater being existing (because this world is just so incredible there has to be some kind of incredible meaning out there, maybe beyond our comprehension) but believing in this one God is hard. We don't believe in the tooth fairy or Santa or any of these other "magical" creatures as adults so how can educated individuals believe in God? I don't mean this to be offensive in any way, as I still kind of believe but am questioning. Obviously no one can really know why and how we are here but it would be nice to know how others justify these stories.
22 answers:
2012-12-13 10:58:14 UTC
Yup. For thousands of years, people have said that their gods were behind what they didn't understand -- life, lightning, stars, earthquakes, the origin of life, the world or the universe, etc. Positing a god to supposedly answer a question solves nothing. It just adds an unwarranted level of complexity and stops you from asking more questions.

There's no reliable evidence for God/Yahweh, Jesus, Allah, Zeus, Baal, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Vishnu, Thor, Shiva, or any of the thousands of other gods that people have worshiped. If any existed there would be reliable evidence. Since no such evidence exists, these gods do not exist. There's also extensive evidence that they are all just myths, created to help soothe our fear of death, and perpetuated through religion to subjugate the underclass into obedience.

Yahweh is typically defined as omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and having free will. Such a god is internally and externally incongruent, and thus cannot logically exist. An omnipotent and omniscient god with free will can't exist, because it could not both know the future and change it. An omnipotent and omnibenevolent god can't exist and allow the true horrors that occur to sentient beings.

I don't understand why anybody would believe anything from the Bible. It's just an ancient book of myths that was written by primitive men who believed that the Earth was the fixed center of the universe, and it was flat and covered by a large solid dome called the firmament. The Bible endorses genocide, slavery, rape, incest, human and animal sacrifice (i.e. Jesus and ritual sacrifice of animals), and many other evils. People often pick out what they think is good and ignore the bad.

Christians say that their mythical Jesus Christ loves us, yet he will have us tortured forever if we don't say or think the right magic words. That's not love; that's extortion. Christianity is a cult that emphasizes a story about what happens after we die -- whether we end up happy forever or tortured forever. The mythical story of Jesus' crucifixion is a horrible, sadistic story of human sacrifice. Christians even celebrate it by ceremoniously drinking his blood and eating his body. This is ritual vampirism and cannibalism. The idea of blood sacrifice for vicarious atonement (i.e. the mythical Jesus dying for other people's sins) is immoral -- punishing the innocent to free the guilty. But, it's good marketing.

The evidence shows that Jesus is just a mythical character and never existed. For the evidence, see the links.

2012-12-13 09:33:28 UTC
That's a vast question and not easy to answer. In the end, people either feel a need for God or they don't. Everything falls into place when a person is truly seeking and you're in a place right now of questioning everything which is a stage that everybody should go through.

But there are miracles going on every day - every birth that happens is a miracle and a people called the Jews existing over there surrounded by enemies after many attempts to annihilate them is a miracle.

As far as the suffering, I don't think we'll ever get a good explanation while we're on earth. The only thing that makes sense is to remember that we don't stay in these bodies forever and the goal of life is not to fix this world because that's a hopeless cause. Eternity is more important.
i like cats
2012-12-16 10:12:50 UTC
The bible isn't proof of god. It's man made and the people who wrote it put down what they believed. If you don't think it makes sense, then you don't have to believe it. People believe in god for the same reason children believe in Santa. They're told they exists by adults so they think it must be true. But as you get older you realize that those things didn't really make much sense. But some people continue to believe in it because they're family raised them to be Christian. Religion is only here so that there's a reason for why we're here and so we'll have hope in what will happen when we're gone. But since no one actually knows, they just make up stories.
2016-08-03 12:29:11 UTC
For each person it is going to be one other motive. Some have been reared that manner and have at all times authorised it. Others were changed to it and think as the outcomes of their existence experiences. It isn't an intellectual fact. It is a religious actuality which is called religion and likewise gifted by means of God. It requires a dedication to dwelling a Christian lifestyles.
True Truthseeker
2012-12-13 10:00:22 UTC

Of all ancient texts none is as attested as those ancient Hebrew and koine Greek texts that have been rendered in other tongues and called Bibles.

What make these texts special are:

1. their preservation throughout the centuries despite concentrated attempts to have them destroyed.

2. their historical accuracies that have corroborated the most controversial of archaeological finds

3. their prophetic accuracies that statistics alone prove that that they are not from man

4. their mention of things construed as scientific that have proven to be way ahead of man's discoveries

Much of what professed Christianity teach today are not really supported by any legitimate text in the


Sacrificial Death.

Adam and Eve were given a promised penalty of death for disobedience/ sin.

With their eventual disobedience they were placed outside of the direct protective care of their Maker,

where they lost perfection.

Imperfection was passed on to all mankind with its consequence of death.

Mankind's choice of deciding what was good or bad for themselves resulted in much harm, and


The cost of mankind's imperfection was the lost of a perfect male life [man being the head of the

human family 1 Corinthians 11:3].

It therefore required another PERFECT Adam [1 Corinthians 15:45; Romans 5:12; 6:23], to

PROPITIATE the perfect life lost by Adam.

The beginning of God's creation [Colossians 1:15; Revelation 3:14] was sent as a perfect human,

to initiate the RECONCILIATION of obedient members from mankind. John 3:16; 6:38; 8:42.
Bill Bowser
2012-12-13 09:35:17 UTC
The stories in the Bible were never intended intended to prove the existence of God. Some of the stories are literal history, some are (shall we say) embellished history, and some are tribal folk stories. But all of the Bible is the family story of the people of God. The thing to do is to look beyond the stories themselves, to the approach to living that they represent--living hopefully, trusting that (as the Quakers say) "way opens" when we are going in the direction that we should be going. "Walk cheerfully over the earth, answering that of God in every [person]." -- Quaker founder George Fox.
2012-12-13 09:47:45 UTC
Jesus died on the torture stake for us as a ransom sacrifice. Adam was perfect when he sinned. So Jesus came down as a perfect man and died for us. A perfect life for a perfect life. God does loves us equally and as for the abuse and neglect and sickness and death etc. The bible states that 'the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one' who is the 'wicked one'? Satan the Devil.. He is 'misleading the entire inhabited earth'.

This is all in the bible here are some scriptures that you can look up in your bible.

Acts4:12 salvation is possible only through Jesus sacrifice

1john 4:9,14 God sent his only begotten son.

Romans 6:23 - God gives everlasting life through Christ Jesus

Proverbs29:2;28:28 explains the wicked rule is the cause of bad times today.

2Corinthians 4:4, 1john 5:19, john 12:31

(explains the wicked ruler of the earth)

Job 1:11 explains Satan challenged God

Romans 9:17 explains that God is letting us prove our loyalty to Him.

Proverbs27:11 God tells us to be wise to prove Satan a liar
Isaiah 33:22
2012-12-13 09:48:57 UTC
The bible stories you are talking about are the ones you learn when you are a child, because they are easy to understand when you are kids and are very "awesome". when you read the entire bible, it starts to make much more sense as an adult. There is no immaculate conception today, because it only happened once, the earth has not been flooded again, because God promised never to flood the earth again, he next time he is to destroy wicked people is when Jesus returns, and only Jesus can judge whether someone is wicked, not us people. In the Old testament, People had to sacrifice animals (usually a lamb), and burn herbs and perfumes on an alter to God in return for forgiveness of their sins, and being welcomed into heaven by God after dying. there were more rules to follow alongside of the ten commandments and it was very hard to get into Heaven. Jesus came to abolish all of the rules and leave us with only the ten commandments to follow, and the jews (who used to sacrifice animals and herbs and perfumes on an alter to God) sacrificed Jesus unknowingly in return for forgiveness of our sins forever and entrance into heaven when we die. This is why Jesus is called the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. God did not want to us to suffer, so he sent Jesus. As for people ho are born into broken families, people who starve, it didnt make sence to me either, but read the major prophets, isaiah, jeremiah and lamentions (which was written by jeremiah,) ezekial and daniel, and it will start to make sense. And read the gospels, matthew mark luke and john. I hope this helps you to understand.
2012-12-13 09:31:38 UTC
They don't prove the existence of a god any more than Harry Potter proves the existence of wizards and magic.
2012-12-13 09:33:26 UTC
god acted and did the things he says in the bible

the men who wrote the stories were there and god talked to them and told them to write

how does some one saying he is george washington and telling all thew things george washington did proof george washington existed?

for jesus death on the cross you have to understand how the sin offering worked in the old testament

jesus was the sin offering used to cleanse mankind from their sins
2012-12-13 09:33:50 UTC
Welcome to adulthood.

Many people choose not to come here. It's a bit colder and less comforting when you realize that the universe really isn't here for you and doesn't care what you think.

But it makes a lot more sense.
Mpenda Yesu
2012-12-13 09:29:01 UTC
John 8:32 And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free.


John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
2012-12-13 09:25:27 UTC
if the bible is proof of god as a piece of media, the movie "star wars" proves the existence of jedi knights as another piece of media
2012-12-13 09:30:20 UTC
Are you telling me there's no Santa or Tooth Fairy? O.o
Scott B
2012-12-13 09:26:00 UTC
Your lack of understanding these things doesn't mean the converse is true either.
2012-12-13 09:26:29 UTC
Religion is man made. There is no God.
2012-12-13 09:31:00 UTC
Religion has nothing to do with proof it has to do with belief.
2012-12-13 09:26:44 UTC
They don't. The proof of God is His work in your life and your faith in Him. Without faith you have no God. Without God you have no future.
2012-12-13 09:25:03 UTC
It makes sense if you take: Pethedine & Methadone & Speed, Cocaine & Heroin, Cannabis & Prozac, Morphine, Alcohol & Nicotine.
2012-12-13 09:25:32 UTC
I think you need to read the following site; it'll help to answer some of your questions.
2012-12-13 09:28:09 UTC
2012-12-13 09:25:14 UTC
It doesn't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.