Atheists; How do you explain this?
2009-07-29 15:19:08 UTC
Fulfilled prophecies of the Holy Qur'an:

"And when books are spread abroad." (81:11)
-Libraries, printing press, etc.

"And by the heaven full of tracks" (51:8)
-Airline traffic systems

"And when various people are brought together." (81:8)
-Fast transport systems, telephone, satellite systems and internet

"And when the wild beasts are gathered together." (81:6)

"And when the mountains are made to move." (81:4)
-Dynamite and heavy machinery

"They will alter Allah's creation." (4:120)
-Plastic surgery, genetic engineering and cloning

"Corruption has spread on land and sea because of what men’s hands have wrought" (30:42)
-Pollution, dying of species like the Dodo bird.

"Their skins will bear witness against them as to what they have been doing" (41:21)
-DNA and finger prints

Plus Islam says we came from water. So does evolution.

"And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it." (51:47)
-the Big Bang and expansion of Universe.

Arabians in the 8th century would have never known these things.
31 answers:
Pull My Finger
2009-07-29 15:23:27 UTC
Wow. You matched vague, ambiguous statements with the concrete specifics that most closely matched them. God must be real.
2009-07-29 22:26:22 UTC
1. There are several mundane ways in which a prediction of the future can be fulfilled:

1. Retrodiction. The "prophecy" can be written or modified after the events fulfilling it have already occurred.

2. Vagueness. The prophecy can be worded in such a way that people can interpret any outcome as a fulfillment. Nostradomus's prophecies are all of this type. Vagueness works particularly well when people are religiously motivated to believe the prophecies.

3. Inevitability. The prophecy can predict something that is almost sure to happen, such as the collapse of a city. Since nothing lasts forever, the city is sure to fall someday. If it has not, it can be said that according to prophecy, it will.

4. Denial. One can claim that the fulfilling events occurred even if they have not. Or, more commonly, one can forget that the prophecy was ever made.

5. Self-fulfillment. A person can act deliberately to satisfy a known prophecy.

And the Quran does not have any science, it has vague verses that Mullah interpret as superscientific fact. I can do the same thing with ancient books predating Islam.
2009-07-29 22:27:46 UTC
Many, if not most of them, are very vague. They could probably be bent to mean many things. In 51:8 for example, could mean that books are being transported from place to place but not produced in large numbers.

However I will admit that some appear to be impressive, and I am familiar already with some of the prophecy content of the Quran.

But it would be a huge unjustified leap to say that these prophecies are in any way evidence for God.

Also, look at what Col said, as he makes good points.
2009-07-29 22:35:21 UTC
"And when the mountains are made to move..."

I've seen us human beings take big chunks out of mountains with machinery, I've seen us blast big holes in them...but I've never seen us move one. Not ever.

I could go on in the same way about all your other overly-general-and-overly-obvious "prophecies," but somehow I don't think you'll bother to read it, so I'll just end with a simple challenge:

Provide some evidence that your god is real. What's that, you can't? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Andy F
2009-07-29 22:30:30 UTC
I'm more impressed by the fact that Muslims [sometimes] refer to Allah as the "All-Merciful."

Your prophecies seem really vague. You also sound as if you're trying to make excuses for your religion -- "See, we really invented or foresaw everything modern, before anyone else did."

None of the quotes you cite draws me any closer to Islam. Perhaps an explanation of what Muslim beliefs are would be more attractive. Or perhaps not; I don't know.
2009-07-29 23:30:14 UTC
Is this a serious post? They're ambiguous and poetic enough to read a number of things into them. You are overreaching massively with your 'interpretations'. Look what you can read into Nostradamus. The Bible code can predict season 3 Doctor Who spoilers, for crying out loud.
2009-07-29 22:23:14 UTC
If those 8th century Arabs had specificially mentioned the internet, airplanes, or anything else, sure. But vague prophecies that can be interpreted in hundreds of way prove nothing except stupidity.
2009-07-29 22:24:53 UTC
Those are prophecies? They sound like horoscopes: vague, inevitable, and can be molded to fit whatever belief you want. Oh, and uh, libraries were around when the Qur'an was written. As were menageries (early form of zoos).
2009-07-29 22:23:45 UTC
Those 'prophecies' are about as specific as the astrology section in my local paper. You just interpreted them in such a way that they came true.

In nay case, there are thousands of Biblical, Torahnic and Qu'ranic prophecies that never came to pass.
2009-07-29 22:23:07 UTC
Hooray for 1/10 incredibly vague prophesies being fulfilled.
2009-07-29 22:28:47 UTC
Please, you cant actually tell what they are predicting. I read some and you had a different explination for each of them. It looks at though the religous world just trys to mix and twist things to make it actually look like there is a God. think about that.
Josh A
2009-07-29 22:28:19 UTC
thats cool im sure they did all those things back then instead of zoos they still had animals come together to get slaughtered to feed the masses there nice quotes though but sorry fail here
2009-07-29 22:28:06 UTC
That's one of the most ridiculous lists I've ever seen.

Not only are none of these statements concrete, they're not even complete sentences !
Michael C
2009-07-29 22:27:21 UTC
Muslim how do you explain this:

Haddith- In the last days the leaders of Islam shall be the worst of men.

Go figure.
2009-07-29 22:25:18 UTC
Those prophecies could mean anything really and I love how they are not specific in the slightest.
2009-07-29 23:07:56 UTC
The only reason i don't believe is because all Mohamed has is words, and devils can be as the palm reader and bring things to past because they are at the heart of all in cahoots with intelligently organized sinfullness. Mohammed is dead and buried and God never put His approval on him. God approved of Jesus, and anointing Him with His Spirit, and being the Word of God the Word incarnate, and being born of a virgin by the overshadowing of the Spirit, she conceived in her a holy child, and there was no sex involved here, just the shadow of the Holy Spirit. In Christ veins was the blood of God, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. All of Israel knew this, God gave them Moses and a tabernacle ad a priest and the blood offering and sacrifices of bullocks and goats and heifers, until the time of reformation. Becasue it wasn't possible for the blood of animals to take away sin, as pertaining to the conscience. But God kept Israel under the law until faith should come and it came with Christ who offered Himself for the sins of not only Israel but the whole world. So we who are Christian have a more excellent hope by a new and living way. And we don't lift Jesu sup like just wanting to have something to have pride in, or resemble fans of a football game our team is better than your team, no no no no. Adam disobeyed God and let sin enter the world, and death followed passing upon all men, Romans 5: 12-19

Mohammed was probebly a good and righteous god fearing man, who stood above all other men having more passion for God above all his fellows, but he didn't deal with the sin problem man has, that separates him from God's benevolence and purpose for making man, Ephesians 1: 3-6. Now hear me when i say this ok, and i don't say it to be rude or spitful and anything contrary to love based upon truth, God's truth not mine. Mohammed doesn't have any redeeming qualities about Him, his blood was of a man he wasn't virgin birth, He could't therefore, redeem man from a conscience of sin, and he couldn't restort the Holy Spirit to man as Adam had before he disobeyed God, Titus 3: 5. Many others icluding mohammed spoke very well ghundy, i'm sure bhuda and others spoke well and meant well. and most of them don't recognize the most important fact of what separates man from God, and that is sin, the nature of sin man is in cahoots with because Adam let sin in the world, Get a bible and look at Romans 5: 12-19, its an accounting of how sin came about, who let it come about, and to whom it came unto, and the judgment and guilt and condemnation of it. And it also accounts the grace and righteousness of Christ, and the restoration He brings according to all the redemption equity in Him, Romans 3: 21-27 We have to look at the redeeming qualities of the one who is saying he can save, and they have to meet God's terms and conditions, forget the pride of the people, who really haven't figured into their boast of him or her or any one else they lift up about the sin problem. God said Himself without the shedding of blood there is no remmission of sin and if it were not trute Jesus died in vain. All the prophets and the law are witnesses to this truth, and they are all covered by the redemption in Christ if they believed. Hebrews 4 : 1-8 show the promise of God to the Jews and they let it slip through unbelief, and the promise God had made to the Gentiles (none Jewish) in Isaiah 42, the whole chapter. So this is the coherency of hor passion for Jesus the Christ of God, ok sincerely edwah z j god bless your herat with grace and faith that is in Christ at my preaching and by the witness of the Spirit of God, in Jesus name
2009-07-29 22:27:20 UTC
Haha! That's hilarious. Those quotes are so vague as to convince anyone who is willing.
2009-07-29 22:27:28 UTC
Could they BE any more vague? Honestly, it's like reading the horoscopes.
2009-07-29 22:25:06 UTC
If they never knew these things, then why are you using them as proof that they did know these things? Make up your mind. Either they knew about them or they didn't.
2009-07-29 22:24:22 UTC
None of these verses is about the little comments entered below them.
2009-07-29 22:22:50 UTC
Oh please.

Nebulous "prophecies" prove nothing.
Kalee Jean!
2009-07-29 22:30:16 UTC
Hey man, i thought you were an atheist, but now you're islamic? i'm so confused. lol
2009-07-29 22:24:03 UTC

Hows your arabic?

This video destroys your childish argument.
2009-07-30 02:11:06 UTC
it means if you write something vague enough people can interpret it however they see fit.
the big man
2009-07-29 22:30:34 UTC
are you serious?any of them statements could be interpreted

in any number of ways
2009-07-29 22:22:07 UTC
pencil man
2009-07-29 22:23:22 UTC
2009-07-29 22:25:10 UTC
Yes my dear Virginia, there is an ALLAH!!
2009-07-29 22:24:32 UTC
wow... so cool. im not atheist but im not a religion... i don't think people should be defined in such a way.
2009-07-29 22:24:41 UTC






2009-07-29 15:25:47 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.