do you belive in my theory about the law of attraction as seen in the secret?
2008-07-04 21:16:14 UTC
my theory is the law of attraction does work yes you do have mind power but its not really the mind that attracts things to you its your emotions or your state of being that does, the secret makes it seem as though it is so easy just think positive thoughts and things will happen excuse me but your life is waiting for you,

these are ther three ruels to getting what you desire, my theory is that the law of attraction does exist but you cant just keep thinking I want a new husband and have some guy magicaly come into your life you must think ,feel,
and act. what do you guys think about my theory
1, think positive
2,feel positive
3, act positive
Twenty answers:
Katie Short, Atheati Princess
2008-07-04 21:27:21 UTC
I do. I don't think that it is "magic", as you suggest, but that it works due to real, physical brain waves that are being emitted, and because when you spend your time thinking about something, you are more motivated to go after it. For more information, and an in-depth continuation of what the Secret only begins to touch, watch "What the Bleep Do We Know". Less popular, but vastly more informative.

I have seen the Law of attraction (which is known by many other names) work in my own life. I literally saw the movie on a trip to a friend's house, changed my focus, and came home to TWO unexpected checks in my mailbox. OK, an unexpected direct deposit and a check, but you get the idea. I have seen changes in my children since they have seen it. Even if it only works because I think it does, it works. The reason doesn't matter one bit to me. I am benefitting, and so are those around me.

2016-12-20 23:07:22 UTC
2016-04-08 11:04:44 UTC
Since you aren't saying what the "(secret) law of attraction" is, you must be assuming that we already know what it is. In which case it's not so secret is it? On the other hand, if it is secret, we don't have any idea what you're talking about - how are we supposed to answer you? (Is this the kind of answer your secret law of attraction promised to get for you?)
2008-07-04 21:20:59 UTC
If you ever buy a new car, you realize while driving it around just how many other cars like yours are on the road. That's all the Secret is. You get your mind focused on a goal, and when you look around you see things that can bring you to that goal. Those things have always been there, you just weren't seeing them. If you want a good movie, watch "What the Bleep Do We Know Anyway?" With Marlee Matlin.
2008-07-04 21:22:55 UTC
I didn't see the secret, but I heard about the law of attraction from a friend. One question that came to mind is, what if someone else is using his or her power of attraction to will something contrary to what you want? Whose attraction wins?
2008-07-04 21:25:21 UTC
I say it can be possible because we don't know all the powers of the mind. There is a new computer program for quadriplegics where they put electrodes on their head. Their thoughts can control the mouse/cursor. I find this amazing.
Iason Ouabache
2008-07-04 21:33:13 UTC
The Law of Attraction is nothing but confirmation bias. You remember the good things that you receive but completely forget the things that you wished for and didn't get.
Solly Llama NOR★CAL R&S
2008-07-04 21:26:46 UTC
Tell that to the victims of genocide in Darfur and Zimbabwe.

The Law of Attraction is the symptom of a vain society.
2008-07-04 21:26:23 UTC
I did test that out at one time, I had a bunch of books on 'positive thinking' and it really did work for me. Then I got bored with it and went back to my original self :)
2008-07-04 21:23:31 UTC
I'm not sure what you mean precisely. I agree that taking positive action will have positive effects in your life. I just don't believe there is anything supernatural about it.

Your thoughts affect your actions and you actions affect your life. No magic involved.
Tomorrows God
2008-07-04 21:27:17 UTC
This is not a new concept.. God says thought , word, and deed which is more accurate.. Read this truth in Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch..The book you refer to is very likely a good book but it would be a distant 2nd to the Conversations books... God bless..
Innocent Victim
2008-07-04 22:10:14 UTC
Why don't you try attracting some punctuation? It makes your posts a good bit easier to read. Not exactly rocket science, either - anyone can do it.
2008-07-04 21:23:07 UTC
It is similar to the biblical law of "whatsoever you sow, so also shall you reap."

In other words, whatever "vibes" you put out (or, however you present yourself, or as Dr. Phil says, however you tell people to treat you), that is what you will bring into your life.
Laughing Man
2008-07-04 21:24:58 UTC
to a point but only because if you think feel and act positive, you are able to see the positive headed your way
Dr. M Suliman
2008-07-06 16:59:31 UTC
well, that is basically is what the law of attraction is all about, and it seems like you understood it correctly just now. congrats
2008-07-04 21:30:56 UTC
yeah it's just common sense really, I mean there are no guarantees but nothing ventured, nothing gained... and this is supposed to be a big secret? I don't get that.
2008-07-04 21:30:34 UTC

That is the God I don't need theory.
2008-07-04 21:24:07 UTC
2008-07-04 21:19:57 UTC
Like evolution, this is not something you "believe" or "disbelieve." You either accept or reject its reality.
2008-07-04 21:24:47 UTC
sorry but theres no such thing.

I think there fore it is or I am has never worked.

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