question for JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ONLY; please only JWs?
2010-02-17 00:49:14 UTC
How do you think apostates and haters feel when we block and/or ignore their questions?

Y!A apostates and haters want only one thing, that we READ and GET UPSET by their "questions". That's it. Over. That is their am and purpose. Sure they want to spread lies but when one of them posts a question like: "Why do JW eat their babies?" and only atheists and JW fellow-haters reply, watch them spin they are extremely upset. When we blank them; they star the question and jump up and down and try and get our attention.

It really hurts them when we ignore them. They also get upset when you don't take their multi-paragraph "question/attacks" seriously. While I do distinguis between a hater (why do Jehovah's witnesses wake me up in the morning/I just slapped a JW was I wrong) and a self confessed apostate (anything mentioning New light, FDS, Pastor Russell, disfellowshiping/shunning (usually), governing body, 100 year old Watchtowers... the list is long), Silence (not the carnvore type) is still our most powerful weapon.

MY QUESTION IS: Do you think non-witness my joe public actually read (or even understand) apostate posts? and what reaction do you think JW haters are looking for IN US?
Nineteen answers:
2010-02-17 08:16:40 UTC
Last night at my Tuesday meeting, there was a sisterly talk about lying. There was a scripture where Jesus said "I was persecuted, you will also be persecuted." Apostates have so much anger inside of them from Satan's world around them that they want to persecute JWs. Insecurity is the number one reason in bullying, so it could also be the reason for their posts. They are ignorant, because they don't know enough information about us, so they use whatever they can. There is also another scripture (I'm sorry if I'm not telling exactly what scripture, because I'm only 16 and I can't remember them all >.<) that says the mild one thinks before they speak, and the one with anger speaks words that bubble up. I think it was in Proverbs. I'm not sure if non-witnesses actually understand apostate posts, because I'm not them, but apostates and JW haters can be compared to an abusive person or a school bully, they are insecure, and have no knowledge, so they do those things for POWER. They need fuel, and by JWs actually wasting our time replying to those posts, it just gives them more FUEL and POWER.
Bible Truth
2010-02-17 12:18:34 UTC
I have all the real apostates blocked. And I never knowingly star an apostate question.

As Lone said (welcome back Lone, don't be a stranger!) in a way they are drawing attention to Jehovah. Intelligent people see their crazed rants and lies and many wonder "What is the truth about these JWs?" And as Lone himself proves along with several others I've noticed around here, they get to know us and start Bible studies and learn what the Bible really teaches and join us.

The apostates seem to be something like Balaam, they want to curse us but it keeps turning into a blessing. The people they want to repel from the truth instead see through the lies and turn TO the truth.

Apostates are also something like Hitler, who proclaimed he was going to wipe Jehovah's people out. Well look what happened to him and look at us. We have had huge assemblies on his old marching ground. There were more of us in his country after the war than before it. And there are many, many more today.

Jehovah is making sure His name is proclaimed throughout all the earth and the good news of the Kingdom preached everywhere. Nothing can stop Jehovah and Bible truth.

As Gamaliel said:

(Acts 5:38-39) . . .if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, YOU will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, YOU may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.”

Apostates are fighting against God.
2010-02-17 22:54:56 UTC
"How do you think apostates and haters feel when we block and/or ignore their questions?"

I could care less about how they feel by being blocked or ignored.

It would be nice if there was a list of these confirmed apostates so that all of Jehovah's people on Yahoo! Answers could block and ignore them.

"Haters" I don't nessasarily block because being a "hater" of Jehovah's people doesn't always mean being apostate, the "hater" may simply be greatly misinformed and prejudiced.

Me personally, I won't block a person because of that. Many who were once "haters" are now brothers and sisters, but an apostate... that's something else entirely.

An apostate is a loathsome, abomination to all that is holy and should be avoided, like the plague.

Leslie H
2010-02-17 13:36:37 UTC
How does Satan feel when everything he tries to accomplish against Jehovah, Jesus and those who choose to follow them-fails? Yes, individually, there may be small successes; some who fall away, some who become discouraged-but nothing has affected Jehovah's purpose. Satan can influence people to jump up and down-screaming and hollering like children-"look at me! Look how nasty I can be! Look at me, LOOK at me!" Anyone who has ever had children will tell you that the best way to deal with tantrums, is not to give them the attention they so crave. If you feed into it, you encourage it to continue.

I don't care if it upsets them that I don't read or listen to their bitterness. They don't care how they make my God feel, so why should I care how they feel?

If anyone reads their posts, and takes them to heart, obviously they were never looking for truth in the first place. Anyone who would take the word of someone with an axe to grind against a person or group of people is narrow-minded, and not interested in the truth.

On the other hand, if someone is truly seeking honest answers, they will find them. They will weigh what they hear from aposties, or from opposing family members, or friends, against what they are learning from the bible, and make the choice that's right for them.

No one in their right mind would take medical advice from a medical book a century old- (I have a few of these, and they are laughable!), so why would anyone object to progressive thought and teaching of the bible? In the early days of the society, the brothers were still breaking away from Babylon, and the influences that had existed for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's to be expected that their understanding would grow with the years. The bible even says that the light of truth grows brighter and brighter as time goes along.

I have LOTS of little red blocks up, it's for my spiritual protection-and when I see a question posed by one of them, I pass it by. When I see an answer by one, I scroll on down. I'm not interested in what they have to say. I made my informed choice, and I stand by that choice.

I distinguish between 'haters' and aposties, too. There's still some hope for the haters.

You got it, my sister-SILENCE.

It drives Satan nuts not to get a rise.
Ish Var Lan Salinger
2010-02-17 12:57:24 UTC
As a general rule luv, posting "ONLY *insert most any group*" will quite likely get you LOTS of responses from those not of said group.

Ishvarlan is a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Ignoring is, in general, the quickest way to handle an online "Troll".

We at times have been Inundated with "hate mail" and for that matter "just plain nuts" mail.

Usually if we ignore it for a couple days, the sender goes looking for someone else to bug.

At times "inside" comments/jokes by members of any group on Y!A, don't make sense to those outside said group, which is a Good reason to be careful when posting content so as to not cause TOO much offense/insult by having someone misinterpret what is posted.

Meanwhile, asking questions about Ignoring "trolls" is in effect Feeding said Trolls:P
Mrs. Kitty♥
2010-02-17 10:59:43 UTC
Ex-JW's, JW haters, apostates, they are all SO annoying! Just ignore them. I stopped coming to Y!A

religion section for that reason. They're just full of lies and bitterness. Not worth my time. I think coming into this section would benefit others and ourselves more if we answered bible questions from people who actually want an answer and aren't just spreading hate and lies.

No offense at all, but even this question is bringing attention to them.

Lets just all ignore them! Like you said, "Silence is still out most powerful weapon".
2010-02-17 02:32:26 UTC
Posts by people who hate another group, including Jehovah's Witnesses, are seen as rants by most intelligent people. If they are long as some are, I doubt they are read by many people. I don't read rants against anyone, just have contempt for them all. Rants against atheists for example, saying they are going to "burn in hell" are stupid, totally non-Christian, and disgusting.

The "questions" by apostates about old literature, Br. Russell, new light or information are so sarcastic and accusatory I don't worry about them much as they are shooting themselves in the foot. There are far worse websites against JWs.

They just want to get us upset, say things we might regret or doubt our faith. The one accusation used most often, that we are a cult, is so ignorant it makes me laugh. Whenever someone or some group is called a cult I think "they must not be too bad, they're linked with us" because 99.9% of those using the term have no idea what it means.

The only smart reaction is no reaction. That burns them because it means we don't care. Let Satan have them, we don't need the aggravation.
2010-02-17 21:36:18 UTC
Why do people "slap" the face of others... to insight rage... a fleshly response.

We are people who mind the spirit, not the flesh. As minders of the flesh, they do not understand why we won't go to their low sink of debauchery. This leaves them puzzled... some may continue to rant, and some may go away only to return at another convenient time to test us again. Sound familiar. (Matt 4)

We do not spend our valuable time trying to understand the false, but continue to study the true, and acceptable will of God.

If a person really had an honest question, and was really looking for the truth, Jesus would make sure that they will find it... he is directing this work.

So for now or ever... we can't read hearts, but we can discern from there actions (words) what's behind there mocking questions, we do well to imitate our exemplar, and not give any answer back.

This would make him, and his father happy if we follow his example.

Smiles :-)

Wise Old Owl
2010-02-17 06:37:01 UTC
Hi sis, I think that they say: "there I told you they are a cult because if they weren't, they would answer my question, but what do they do, block me and that tells a story, doesn't it"?!

I actually don't block anyone and that is because I don't answer their questions. Just because I am on here and it is a computer screen that I am looking at, does not make it ok to be in touch with those that Jehovah says to keep away from.

You know, when one has a bias, they may read, but only see what they want to see.

Haters are looking for us to hate back, so that they think they can prove a point. Also, no doubt, they are looking for us to stop being Jehovah's Witnesses and to come on their side.

Your sis in France, Suzanne
2010-02-17 07:49:23 UTC
Sunshine the bottom line is Jehovah knows the hearts of individuals that really want to know the truth (John 6:44) Regardless of what JW haters post on R&S is irrelevant! They are not stronger then Jehovah and is Son! Just like Satan is not! They are set up for failure and when they finally wake up from their "spiritual coma" it will be too late! We are determined to stay focused on staying on the road that leads to life and if sincere people on here want to know how to get on that road and their hearts are in the right place Jehovah will take care of the rest!

LD it's great to see you back!! =)
Vöt Änårж
2010-02-17 08:57:56 UTC
You are right.

Vot knows it sends them crazy when they realise they have been added to the "Blocked" folder of the Vot Files.... oh, if only they could peer into the contents of those files!!!! xD

Just ignore them.

The only ones who pay any real attention to them are fellow anti-JWs and JWs who think they can change the aposties' minds by reasoning with them. The average never-been JW/ never-studied with JWs/ don't care about JW beliefs users on here have no idea what the aposties are so angry about. I mean, it's just a pesky knock on the door- why are you so angry? :-P

Jehovah knows best- and HE commanded to avoid the aposties.

Vot personally makes very good use of Y!As block feature :-D
2010-02-17 08:11:53 UTC
The apostates are lost sheep all following each other, coming up with there own twisted interpretations of the bible, and making it appear that the Watchtower tells us what to do. We all know that we obey Jehovah and our lord Jesus Christ, and all the information comes through the faithful and discreet slave, who do give us proper (spiritual) food at the right time.

Apostates are spiritually weak people, and Jehovah will have his day!

It's best if we just let them ask/say what they want, and just ignore them. We know the score, and that's all what matters :-)
2010-02-17 07:38:38 UTC
Just ignore them .

Birds of a feather flock together , they only boost the ego's of those that feel the same .

Intelligent people see through them & even smarter people become interested to find the truth .

They are spreading the good news of the kingdom even if they think they are not.

Do you know how hard it is for me to stay away form this site & the JW's I have grown to love ? It's not even a week & I miss my friends already.
2010-02-17 05:45:17 UTC
I think, these people want to ravage around and nothing more. Hate drives them. I don't know how they feel, but it can't be good feelings. Once I read a post by a sister saying: "block! block! block them!" - That's a good advice, I think. LOL

In my optinion, most non-witnesses do not understand what these persons mean, but do recognize that it is driven by hatred, not by reason.
An Earthly Hope
2010-02-17 07:48:03 UTC
We do know this, Satan is freaking out because his end is coming quickly. These apostates are his tools. I'm sure any thinking person can see that these stupid q's they ask are as ridiculous as the asker.
2010-02-17 06:05:08 UTC
I agree with my wendi888 and starwars. I don't read there garbage. if they call us a cult or brainwashed or say bad things about us, I just block them. they have so much hate in them and they don't know anything about us. Jehovah Witnesses don't talk about anyone or show hate to anyone. but remember Jesus said he was hated and we would be hated also. there is one who says he is the true Jehovah Witness and he talks bad about Jehovah Witnesses.
2010-02-17 00:54:38 UTC
i hope you understand yourself.. cos i sure as hell dont.

by the way.. im no JW but would give them the time of day as i would any harmless person on this planet.
2010-02-17 00:55:10 UTC
I don't know what you're talking about.

We atheists love eating babies.I didn't know we had so much in common.

It's changing my whole outlook on witnesses.
2010-02-17 00:51:13 UTC
"please only JW's"....LMAO...I'm no JW, but i still could have answered your question, but i guess I won't since im not a well.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.