All you people are uneducated idiots!! Evolution has plenty of truth, just because it goes against your false little book you deny it, and everyone on here who claims evolution is wrong or a conspiracy has proven they do not have the slightest idea what evolution actually says. Even if you deny it, and choose to not believe it, doesnt mean its not true. Regardless of your small and petty minds, Evolution is absolutely true.
And for this question Gravity is also true.
WE HAVE NO PROOF OF GOD!!! AND WE DO HAVE PROOF THAT GOAT HERDERS WHO DID NOT HAVE THE EDUCATION OF TODAY, WE KNOW THEY WROTE THE BIBLE TO CONTROL SOCIETY AND STOP PEOPLE FOR THINKING FOR THEMSELVES. All your arrogance and ignorance disgusts me. The smartest people on the planet all agree there is no God and the Bible is a book of lies. I guarantee most Christians HAVE never read the bible. I have read it several times and I also have a degree in theology and I would debate any Christian any time on what the Bible ACTUALLY says. We dont need evolution or Gravity or Science to PROVE the bible is HOGWASH, I can do that with only using the Bible. Bring it on, but be prepared I am very educated on this topic, and you better know what your talking about, otherwise I will mop the floor with you. THE BIBLE IS ALL LIES!!! Written by primitive man!! Its Like Ray Comfort posted most these comments and just changed his username. If you think Ray Comfort or Joyce Meyers knows the truth and you give them your money freely, then you deserve to be scammed. Like Richard Dawkins says, Christianity is declining faster than it ever has before in recorded History since Christianity was invented and copied from much older religions,(this is true, Google it!!!) So Christian leaders realize they are losing money at an alarming rate, and we are seeing the death blows. They will say or do whatever it takes to try and stay relevant. You have to be pretty illogical to believe in god. Ken Ham said it perfectly, Education is the Biggest Threat to Faith, He also says Reason and Logic are the Biggest threats to Creationism. He goes on saying people need to STOP thinking for themselves and just believe what the bible says and to NEVER question those beliefs because then you question the existence of god which is the biggest SIN you can do, the only sin YOU CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN FOR!!! You believe something where the worst thing you can do is ask questions. Some Belief system you have. And this is coming from YOUR representative. But He also believes Dinosaurs lives less than 10 thousand years ago and people use to ride them. Seriously Ken Ham believes this, he owns the Creation Museum, and was destroyed by Bill Nye a few months ago. These are the type beliefs you have to have to be a Christian, pretty pathetic, Science deniers by the ignorant and stupid.
As for the Question, anyone who does not believe in gravity or evolution needs to go back to school, they are obviously uneducated, indoctrinated, and conditioned fools. All they have is beliefs, Not FACTS! Just because you believe it does not make it true. Science is TRUTH!! Christianity like ALL religions is irrational, illogical and a giant LIE!! But Believe what you want, Ignorance is not a choice, but stupid is.