Ty sister for being honest here on the forum. What you experience is something that is so common amongst us as believers. There are some of our brothers and sisters who are more eloquent and know more about the Lord and the word as they pray, but I think that the Lord is not listening to what the mouth is saying only.. I believe He is seeing where the source of that prayer is.
Heres a verse for us " not so confident " prayers to consider.
Eph 6:18
But means of all prayer and petition, praying at EVERY TIME in spirit and watching unto this in all preseverance and petition concerning all the saints"
Sometimes the prayer that comes from our spirit is so simple. Its not how much we say. Sometimes in our prayer we want to " teach God' or " tell God what to do" without learning to first touch Him inwardly in spirit and in truth.
Sisters, many times we pray prayers that are not prayers because the source is not from our spirits.
We can pray in the mind and according to the emotions but not according to the groaning interceding supplicating Spirit of God in our spirits.( Rom 8:26)
From experience sweet sister.. its the short sentences that hit the bullseye for God. The prayers that were inward before the Lord, where you were are in fellowship with the Lord, seeking out His heart's desire and His will inwardly as you pray in spirit, THEN what comes out of your mouth is something that will be so simply to the point that comes from your spirit that it actually accomplishes what is in the heavens, on the earth ( Matt 16:19).
Don't be so concerned with eloquence. Be concerned sweet sister about praying in the spirit. We have a spirit inwhich God the Spirit dwells. One of our spirits' main functions is to pray. Our praying spirit is able to accomplish for God on earth, what Christ as our High Priest is praying for in the heavens.( Heb 6:20)
Remember the Pharicee and the Tax collector who prayed in the temple in Luke 18?
Who went away more blessed?
yes sister.. its the one that humbled himself and realized that outside of God he could be or do nothing ( John 13:34). God was this man's way truth and life. He was His sufficiency (2 Cor 3:5).
Lets take all the examples in the word and not the standards man will impose upon us.
Our prayer should be personal. Between us and the Lord. And then it should be Corporate.
We need both.
But our peronal one is crucial if we want to learn how to pray and be before the throne of Grace.
Praise the Lord that He is always willing to teach us when we humble ourselves before Him ( Luke 1:11)
Your sister and fellow learner in prayer