Here's my personal list...sorry so long. :)
I was a young adult convert and NOTHING controversial is taught to you about Mormonism, SO Much is hidden.
1. The extent of the polygamy in the past, Joseph Smith and bigamy, and polyandry. 11 of smith's wives were already married to living men.That's polyandry, He had 34 wives while alive. A third of those wives were teenagers. While he was 36 to 38 years old. He lied to Emma and told the wives to lie... All in the name of God?
The belief of polygamy in Heaven even for LDS men today, if the first wife dies then the man can be sealed to another wife and have them both for Heaven! (women cannot do this)
2.The real rock in a hat translation of the Book of mormon, he was not right in front of the "golden plates." (the LDS church does not teach to right history about this.)
The plates were said to be in the woods or under a blanket in the other room. Joseph would put a seer stone in a hat and one at a time reveal the translated character to a scribe.
3. At least nine accounts of the supposed "first vision" that Joseph had. One time it was just God then God and Christ then this than that. Angels in Some, etc.
4. The temple endowment period, and the changes involved. With the Handshakes, memorizing nonsense, new names, strange rituals for heaven. The secretiveness because it is bizarre. (and not Biblical to go to "heaven.")
5. The DNA issues with the book of mormon, with NO real physical evidence. Where in the steel, and the artifacts if "more than 100,000" people dies in HUGE battles?
6. The book of Abraham found to be a false translation and a fraud. It just is..
See.. Joseph made it up.
7. The kinderhook plates.…
8. Blood Atonement taught for decades.
9. The teaching that Adam was God and that Brigham stated that GOD straight told him this himself. Taught for over 30 years. Later LDS prophets had to take that teaching back and call it "false."
10. Levels of Heaven and that only worthy mormons and the innocent will be with God in the highest level. ALL others must convert after death and have their temple work done for them. They will be in the lower levels with Just Christ and or the Holy Ghost. So see saying that Christians are saved means that unless they convert they will not be with God. Right? That is the belief...
11. The amount of trust some members put in LDS leadership, despite all the hateful, racist, silly statement that have made over and over. NOT over a thousand statement cannot all be "out of context." come on now... their "opinion?" over and over.
12. Over 4000 changes to the book of mormon, the supposed "most correct book on Earth." Most Doctrinal changes.
13. Beware of "Changing Doctrine" to suit the times.
14. Plagiarism with the Bible, other books,and maps of the time for the BOM.
15. That God was once a man, and that we are is literal children, and that he has a wife(s) and that faithful LDS can attain all he has. (that's not Biblical)
16. The whole curse of Cain doctrine, (I had no clue about it) and that not even black women were allowed to attend LDS temple if members. This not changed until 1978, far to late if you say the whole country was racist. OH and the awful statements made by LDS leadership about blacks, gays, Christians,monogamy, etc. See...…
How many quotes and teachings could be just "out of context? 100?1000?
17. LDS APOLOGETICS and their so called "answers" to controversial issues.Why would this church need so many sites like this? They give no real answers!
18.(This was my very first eye opener.)
The author Emanuel Swedenborg was an author before Smiths time and in his book Swedenborg talks about celestial marriage, levels of heaven, (called the same) spirit prison ETC... I was shocked. That was not form Smith or GOD.
19. There was another book called the View of the Hebrews, I guess it was written by another man, but the manuscript is FAR too close to the BOM.
More comparisons here,
20. Joseph Smith and the head in the hat translation of the book of Mormon. That part is not taught to potential converts or even members.