yes and yet for believers, look up for your redemption draweth nigh,
yet plan like Jesus is never coming back,
but witness to others for there salvation like he will be here today.
faith is trust, is your God able to get your through this economy problem and be a shining star witness, dont just speak of the darkness offer them the candle of light for their soul
to live in faith in days of fear, we need to get rid of the past ~you already asked forgiveness I John I:9 now you gotta believe Jesus, your sins are cast deaper than the deapest sea to be remembered no more Psalm 103
If you get a bad thought of doubt about the economy and God or unfaithfulness towards God claim this prayer :"The blood of Jesus rebuke that thought" and put in a good thought, whatever is good honest pure Philippians 4:8
the problem is they are not our problems, they are Jesus
problems~ Cast all your cares upon Him for he careth for you. I Peter 5:7
now trust God ":Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17
share some of your faith and dont worry be happy=the real key is knowing God, and forgiveness and direction
":And such WERE some of you, but you have been set free by Jesus/his blood." I Corinthians 6:9-13
my Jewish mom taught me he was a liar and to have nothing to do with him.
now he is my savior and best friend, and the Jewish prophets back this up too.
Everyone either makes Jesus their God, or something or someone else their god/most important in their life.
Christianity comes from the Greek word for Messiah 'Cristos'
it means a follower of the Messiah (both Jews and gentiles are included that believe)
Messiah if you believe it came as Jewish and it did come from Judaism and all the first believers and writers of the New Testament/covenant as promised were Jewish.
they do believe the Messianic Jew as also they believes the truth, other than Rabbi Schneerson Messianics and Reformed that think they are the Messianic age.
I am born a Jew and I didnt understand my own religion, only the orthodox really read the Jewish scriptures and mainly only the Torah 5 books of Moses.
At my Bar Mitzvah I got a copy of our Jewish Tenach as a gift, and in it I found the truth;
Isaiah 7:14 teaches a young maiden (and in every case used that young Alma maiden is a virgin) will have a sign and born will be God with us (Imanuel from the Hebrew). what would be the miracle if a regular woman by regular birth bore God with us?
Isaiah 9:5& 6 "Unto us a child was to be born, a son given, and he will be the MIGHTY GOD, the wonderful counselor, the everlasting father and the prince of peace."
Isaiah 52:13-53:12 He will be made very high, but first he will be marred more than any man, and will be REJECTED and lay down his life as a lamb to forgive our sins."
Moses showed the way for this too Leviticus 17:11 there is no forgiveness of sins/atonement without a blood sacrifice.
Jeremiah promised a new covenant 31:31
So some Jewish people do believe our Jewish Scriptures which holds the true Jewish religion.
There are orthodox Jews that have claimed Rabbi Schneerson is the Messiah, but he was born in Europe, the Messiah is to be born in Bethlehem
"Out of you Bethelehem, though you are small amongst Israel, shall come forth one from Eternity." Micah 5:1&2
yet Bethlehem, it is a city in Israel given to the PLO so if Yeshua/Jesus and Rabbi Schneerson arent the Messiah, our Messiah will be a PLO Arab.
Most non Messianic Jews today reject Daniel the Jewish prophet writing about hell and heaven
"They shall arise from the earth to everlasting life or everlasting abhorance." Daniel 12:2
I learned the truth and i prayed as he asks us to do too and recieved him as my Messiah and best friend when he states from heaven
'I love you and ask you to repent from your sins and let me in, to be your friend" Revelation 1:1 spoken from heaven & 3:19&20
I prayed "Help me Messiah, come into my heart, forgive my sins and be my friend, amen."
Now life is a happy day for me and I am glad I came to believe the Messiah for all the world, David
The best to you too