Is god real or is he fake?
2009-02-23 10:39:56 UTC
Is god real? Why should or why should i not believe god is real? I want to die but i dont want to go to hell if he is real. Because the pain and suffering would be far more if hell is real. Why should somebody be punished for being in pain and wanting to die?
39 answers:
Mr McKenzie- Tears of Joy
2009-02-23 10:52:27 UTC
Hell is about relationships, broken relationships. In the Bible, hell is separation or banishment from the most beautiful being in the world, God himself. It's exclusion not only from God but also from those who have come to know and love him. Hell is a punishment for having broken God's standards and is a natural consequence of choosing to be separate from God. The pain may be both mental and physical, but it will be the pain and sorrow of final, eternal banishment from God and the good life for which we were created. Hell is the final sentence that says you refuse regularly to live in relationship with God, and the inevitable result of that choice is to be sent away from God for all eternity. So it is punishment. But it's also the natural consequence of a life that has been lived in a certain direction. There are some theologians who claim that the Bible teaches annihilation. I don't agree with them. Even after all that I've said, the idea of hell doesn't make me happy. It helps me to know that God isn't happy about hell either. Remember, he doesn't send people there; people end up there because they've chosen to live separately from God their whole lives, and when they die, that decision is sealed for eternity. But I don't feel that I have all the answers about hell in order to love God. Think of it this way. When you're trying to start a friendship with someone, you don't understand everything about him, and you don't necessarily agree or feel good about every view he holds. But you have to ask, on a balance, can you trust this person enough to want to begin a friendship with him? The same is true with Jesus. Not every issue will be resolved before we enter into a relationship with him. But the question is, "On balance, can you trust him?" I would encourage anyone struggling with this question to read the gospel of John first and then ask, "Can I trust Jesus?" For me, the answer is yes. And I believe that, over time, as we develop our relationship with him, we'll even come to trust him in those areas that right now we don't completely understand. As the Bible says in Genesis 18:25, "Won't the Judge of the whole earth do what is right?" Ultimately, God is fair. Nobody will be able to walk away from the judgment and say, "God wasn't fair to me."
2009-02-23 10:45:33 UTC
I'm more concerned about why you want to die than whether you will go to hell or not. You say you are in pain but not what from, surely there is something medical that can be done to help you?

As for god being real I don't believe in a god, but for those who do god is supposed to be forgiving so how can you be punished for wanting to end your pain? That being said I am not condoning taking your own life, get yourself some help.
2009-02-23 10:50:38 UTC
God is real. Hell is not a punishment, it is simply the direct absence of God. Those that turn away from Him cannot abide in His presence. Your suffering is simply a part of life. We all have pain and challenges. Some people have pain on the surface, some people have it deep down, and may never face it. Your suffering makes you more real inside. Pain leads to questions, and questions will lead to answers. Those that think they know and have not yet been challenged, don't truly know. Those that must live through personal challenges, and still choose God, are blessed above all others.
Orestes A
2009-02-23 10:53:16 UTC
I see people kissing other people foot and sucking they fingers and saying what those people say is OK .

I think God is somebody people go saying is the one and that is how it work .

I think Hitler was God and king David was a God too and I think the gods , the real gods are just morons playing with people feelings and people don't finish getting it !

Who ever got a cent to expend more than the rest is called a God and the rest are just so into that stuff that it takes the nice out of life and it makes death people a number and stuff without value of any kind .

Yes , i think you are just to naive to see the World is full of Gods and Gods adoring gods and everyone is just an schizophrenic at large waiting to go totally insane some day and blowing like a pop corn and be eaten by maggots who don't get away neither .
2009-02-23 10:52:52 UTC
I guess the first question I have is why do you want to die? What kind of pain are you in now that is so terrible that you think death is the only remedy?

Second, If you believe in God ONLY because you are afraid of Hell, then your belief would be insincere and any intelligent deity (I would hope) would see right through it.

Third, how do you know that Hell is a place of pain and suffering?
2009-02-23 14:48:54 UTC
their is no evidence to prove his existance but none to disprove it. But remember i cannot prove that their isn't an untraceable invisible monster under my bed, does that mean he's there?

Don't be afraid of dying, because if their was a God, than he would be a huge dick to put us all on earth to play a guessing game of religions then condemn us to hell for accidently choosing the wrong one when there is no substantual evidence to prove anyone.

If it helps, i believe that time works in a loop, not needing to be started or finished, and continues forever, so that after you day, a rotation of time is made, and you are born again and live the exact same life without knowing it. Of course this is only a theory and if you would like to no more about my beliefs feel free to email me.

Don't be afraid of atheism, it is not evil.
2009-02-23 10:54:21 UTC
God is most certainly real, though not by our human standards. Think of time: can you prove it real PHYSICALLY? No, of course not. Sure, you can prove that a clock's hands move. You can prove that the world revolves around the sun. But you can't prove that time exists. Yet it does.

Same with God. We all have a small part at the back of our minds that knows he exists, just as we all know that time exists. We've known it for millions of years. That's why there's no such thing as a true atheist (or consequently, a true theist).

Just listen to what your mind and soul tell you.
Dyslexic Agnostic Insomniac
2009-02-23 11:12:07 UTC
There is not a shred of evidence to support the existence of any god.

The same goes for places like heaven and hell.

Think of it this way: if the christian hell exists, all the interesting people will be there. Besides, do you really want to spend an eternity (that's a very long time) singing and praising god?

I'm sorry you want to die... I hope you think things through before you decide to do anything.

edit: read this:

"Why the christian god is impossible"
2009-02-23 10:45:37 UTC
Questions are statements that have answers from others. Questions on what to believe cannot be answered by others, only you can do that. For any one person can tell you their belief or their theory on life and God, but in the end your heart and mind will make the decision. Search your heart and follow it's lead. If interested and desired I can share my belief and faith in God, but ultimately it is up to you.

God Bless
2009-02-23 10:52:01 UTC
God is real,He feels your pain,cry out to Him and ask Him to make Himself real to you,He will,He loves you,He came to set the prisoners free,to heal the broken hearted,by faith pray this prayer,God,i want to believe everything that i have heard about you,that You love me,would You make yourself real to me,i ask that Jesus come into my heart and live,thank You Father if you prayed that know and rest assure that Jesus is going to give you such a peace that you have never felt before.
2009-02-23 15:59:29 UTC
he's fake reasons

1. theres no proof

2. he promises a bunch of things but nothing happens (just read bible)

3. howcome he doesnt just tell us straight out hes real

4. hes said to be perfect but his creations, perfect as he sais in the bible, betrayed him supposibly

5. how could he exist without something creating him

6. if he loves us why does he send some of his own followers to hell

7. he makes hundreds of sexist remarks in the bible

8. he supposibly talked to us 4000 yers ago but yet he doesnt talk to us now

9. christianity didnt begin til 70 ad

10. jesus said he loved children but he obviously hated women because he made so many sexist remarks and look at his image a guy in hippie hair a beard it looks just like those mental occult leaders

P.S dont kill yourself i almost did once with cough medicine apparently 3 bottles isnt enough listen to everybody hurts by rem it helps alot
2009-02-23 11:50:34 UTC
Is God Real or is he Fake

This depends on your literal definition of Real. It also includes your definition of GOD. As there are many, God is often represented as a Entity or an amass of Energy. How ever we have no physical description of “God” He is often described in biblical context as a spiritual being. Christianity declares him as omnipresent. He is declared as the “creator”. The Christian scriptures reference him as the “Blessed Trinity”, God the Father, God The Son, and God the holy Spirit. As I had stated there are many description of what God could be. How ever there is no humanly defined “Factual” proof that he exists.

Science and mathematics have referenced “God” as a representation of infinite. Notable Scalars and Nobel prize wining mathematicians have acknowledge the possibility that a God exists. German mathematician Georg Cantor’s work on infinity and numbers beyond infinity (the mystical “transfinite”) was denounced by theologians who saw it as a challenge to God’s infiniteness. Cantor’s obsession with mathematical infinity and God’s transcendence eventually landed him in an insane asylum.

For the Hindu math genius Ramanujan, an uneducated clerk from Madras who wowed early 20th-century Cambridge, an equation “had no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.” Though an agnostic, the prolific Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos imagined a heavenly book in which God has inscribed the most elegant and yet unknown mathematical proofs.

And famously, Albert Einstein said God “does not play dice” with the universe.

Physics theory “ matter to create matter” Is described as the need of matter to create matter. Meaning everything comes from a source. It takes matter to create more matter. There for its quite possible that this source can be identified as the “creator” or as “God”.

What becomes infinitely more complex is humans ability to relate to or identify “God”. Do to there limited perceptual abilities to grasp the concept of “God”, they create there own ideas of what “God” is to them. Although there are many deference’s in humans idea of what God is, there are equally as many communalities. God is often referenced as a source of power or knowledge. He is considered a entity greater then them selves.

My personal opinion is that “God” is a concept that is, and will remain out of human perception. As long as humans continually limit them selves to the perceptions of others. I feel that God can be anything we want him to be. I don’t see any harm in this as long as the disciplines created for him do not negatively effect others. Many argue that God and religion are used as crutches or excuses to negatively impact the world. This very well may be true. How ever it also is used to positively influence the populace, and create “good” and “kind” acts in people. I feel that the responsibility falls upon human kind, in the manor in which people use the idea of “God”. Because man kind was born with the concept and ability of choice (i.e) the ability to choose one action or the other. We can not rightfully place blame on God or religion for the worlds problems and humans failures.

I hope this helps you
2009-02-23 10:54:28 UTC
God is Real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why because once you learn about it and realize what he has done for you there is no way that you can turn your back to him. see thats the thing, people want to go to heaven but deny God a million times. repent for your sins and you will be filled with joy & happiness.

& God gave you a life for you to live it not for you to decide when to end it.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

John 3:16

Jesus lives & we our his proof!!

Go to & watch videos from paul washer...he will open your eyes.
2009-02-23 10:45:09 UTC
God is 100% real. if u dont ask Him to be in your heart u will have eternal death in hell when u die, if u do ask him u will have eternal life in heaven. in the Bible it tells lots og heaven in the book of Revolution i think it is. u will be given a crown of gold and the streets are pathed with gold. it will be Wonderful!. God is 100% real like i said before. He will never let u go once u hold on (ask Him to be in ur heart) hope u make the right choice ! ill be praying and maybe one day ill see u in heaven :)
2009-02-23 10:46:53 UTC
God is real my friend. I wish that I could tear out my heart and soul and give it to you. You would see that God is real, because the Lord lives in me.
2009-02-23 10:44:22 UTC
2009-02-23 10:46:17 UTC
See yourself in the mirror. If you are real then the one who created you for sure is real.
dalton g
2009-02-23 10:44:41 UTC
when i say this im saying it only as a personal theory:

i think that its all in the mind,

if you die and think you will be reencarnated then you will be, or think so at least

if you die and think you will go to heaven or hell that will happen

i think your mind sets it all up for you, the human mind is a very powerful thing.
2009-02-23 10:47:22 UTC
who knows if its real or fake. you don't really believe that we have the answer for that question do you? don't let us tell you what to believe. and what not to believe. you are your own person you make that decision.
2009-02-23 10:43:13 UTC
I am God of course I'm real.
2009-02-23 10:45:20 UTC
God is real.
2009-02-23 10:44:20 UTC
If you are dying and you want God to be in your life then ask and he'll be there. Only God decides who will be destroyed.
Fox Girl
2009-02-23 10:45:38 UTC
fake, besides being afraid of hell isn't a good reason to believe
2009-02-23 10:56:37 UTC
Something else bothers me here, why do you want to die?? Please believe in Jesus and follow him. Also, pray to him so that he will help you get to your journey and not die!
2009-02-23 10:43:41 UTC
well it depends on what you belive...

the big thing is, if he were real why would he let all these terrible things happen.

if he wasn't real who would has cause the world, who would he casued the big bang?

big questions, but no answers!
2009-02-23 10:42:46 UTC
Look for actual evidence. That holds all the answers you need.
2009-02-23 10:49:06 UTC
That's up to you to decide.

If you're talking about suicide, i'd suggest getting some help.
2009-02-23 10:43:47 UTC
god is real if you really believe in him, he would be real to YOU.

but in general... no he is not real. unless you think god is your inside you.. like you think maybe the sun is god? it can be anything.

and besides suicide is usually just a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
2009-02-23 10:42:18 UTC
Remember, "god" is nothing more than a nonsense word created by man to explain away all of the things we can't yet understand.

Religion is a disease of the mind, born of fear, which has done nothing but bring untold misery down upon the human race.
2009-02-23 10:48:38 UTC
GOD is real.GOD will understand the decisions you make.its between you and him.
binini is best
2009-02-23 10:44:30 UTC
fake almost everything in the bible contradicts him ie. god said that everyone should be treated equally.. then why was jesus so special?
2009-02-23 10:43:45 UTC
If you want to die, see a psychraist.

God isn't real. You'll get used to this soon enough.
2009-02-23 10:43:58 UTC
that is something that you should decide for yourself, but I do beleive that god is real
2009-02-23 10:43:41 UTC
God is real.
Mr. X
2009-02-23 10:43:16 UTC
God is real whether you believe or not.
Jesssssss (:
2009-02-23 10:56:27 UTC
who knows (:

i don't believe

but I got this from another yahoo answer
2009-02-24 01:14:17 UTC
??????????/, but religion is 100% fake. just enjoy life and don't waist it praying.
2009-02-23 10:43:33 UTC
God is real and loves you please ask Him to open your eyes to His Truth.
2009-02-23 10:42:30 UTC
Should I stay or should I go ?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.