Is God Real or is he Fake
This depends on your literal definition of Real. It also includes your definition of GOD. As there are many, God is often represented as a Entity or an amass of Energy. How ever we have no physical description of “God” He is often described in biblical context as a spiritual being. Christianity declares him as omnipresent. He is declared as the “creator”. The Christian scriptures reference him as the “Blessed Trinity”, God the Father, God The Son, and God the holy Spirit. As I had stated there are many description of what God could be. How ever there is no humanly defined “Factual” proof that he exists.
Science and mathematics have referenced “God” as a representation of infinite. Notable Scalars and Nobel prize wining mathematicians have acknowledge the possibility that a God exists. German mathematician Georg Cantor’s work on infinity and numbers beyond infinity (the mystical “transfinite”) was denounced by theologians who saw it as a challenge to God’s infiniteness. Cantor’s obsession with mathematical infinity and God’s transcendence eventually landed him in an insane asylum.
For the Hindu math genius Ramanujan, an uneducated clerk from Madras who wowed early 20th-century Cambridge, an equation “had no meaning unless it expresses a thought of God.” Though an agnostic, the prolific Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos imagined a heavenly book in which God has inscribed the most elegant and yet unknown mathematical proofs.
And famously, Albert Einstein said God “does not play dice” with the universe.
Physics theory “ matter to create matter” Is described as the need of matter to create matter. Meaning everything comes from a source. It takes matter to create more matter. There for its quite possible that this source can be identified as the “creator” or as “God”.
What becomes infinitely more complex is humans ability to relate to or identify “God”. Do to there limited perceptual abilities to grasp the concept of “God”, they create there own ideas of what “God” is to them. Although there are many deference’s in humans idea of what God is, there are equally as many communalities. God is often referenced as a source of power or knowledge. He is considered a entity greater then them selves.
My personal opinion is that “God” is a concept that is, and will remain out of human perception. As long as humans continually limit them selves to the perceptions of others. I feel that God can be anything we want him to be. I don’t see any harm in this as long as the disciplines created for him do not negatively effect others. Many argue that God and religion are used as crutches or excuses to negatively impact the world. This very well may be true. How ever it also is used to positively influence the populace, and create “good” and “kind” acts in people. I feel that the responsibility falls upon human kind, in the manor in which people use the idea of “God”. Because man kind was born with the concept and ability of choice (i.e) the ability to choose one action or the other. We can not rightfully place blame on God or religion for the worlds problems and humans failures.
I hope this helps you