Christine S
2008-03-31 16:39:43 UTC
I have received understanding of the Trinity in an epiphany a couple of weeks ago, and what was hard to understand before, is not hard anymore.
It is not difficult actually, for those with eyes to see and ears to hear, it has to do with what is Manifest, and what is Unmanifest.
God (Creator – Father), Son (Jesus – Logos), Holy Spirit (Wisdom/Shekinah/Presence of God – Comforter) -- three Persons, one Nature. The Nature and Being of all of these three are Unmanifest, that which is there, but we cannot see, hear or experience, except through the bridge between the Divine and Created which Jesus Christ Himself offers.
We, including the physical earth and universe, are Manifest. We are physical beings living on a physical plane of existence, and this is how we define ourselves and our understanding. Most people cannot understand or define that which is Unmanifest as we are all Manifest, but it is only through direct experience of the Unmanifest (God Himself) that we can comprehend such things. I included, could not have understood the Trinity had God not graced me with the direct experience of His Presence, the Shekinah, the Holy Spirit. What was nonsense to me before, as it is to most, I now understand.
Jesus Himself, alone, offers Man the opportunity to become divine (Theosis) – we are not Divine by Nature as we are Manifest (only the Unmanifest is), but we can assume the Nature of Divinity by adoption through Christ. Jesus is the only person ever to live Divine by Birth, but as per the Good News of the True Gospel, through the grace of God alone and the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, we take off the “old man” and adopt the “new man”, our very natures becoming changed and divinized through His Power. For “God become Man that Man may become gods” – thus fulfilling the True Gospel and restoring the Image of God in Man and us to His Presence in the Garden from which we fell by temptation – in the Garden, Adam and Eve fell as they attempted to become divine on their own and were not able to do so, Jesus Christ Himself does this through the Divine Providence of God the Father, the Most High, YHVH. This is the difference between mortal humans and Jesus Christ Himself, for only He has seen the Father from before the foundation of the world. Through Jesus Christ Himself, are we able as Manifest, to come into contact with the Unmanifest, the Primordial, the Three Persons of the Trinity of Unmanifest.
The Universe itself is Manifest, it seems infinite, yet there are boundaries to it somewhere beyond our imaginations. There are boundaries to all Manifest existence. The only thing that has no boundaries is the Unmanifest, and the Unmanifest consists of both the Unmanifest itself, and all that is Manifest, for without God, we couldn’t exist. Good and evil exist within the Manifest, therefore good and evil both exist within God Himself (He is not the creator of evil, but yes, it exists within Him, for everything that exists, could not exist without Him). Since the Unmanifest encompasses everything, including the Manifest, all exists within God.
Think of us and the Universe as existing as Manifest, yet the Unmanifest reaching into and out of and permeating all of Manifest existence. This is the true Nature of God and the Trinity – He is able to reach into the Manifest though He Himself is Unmanifest, and the Creator, the Logos, and the Comforter are One – Unmanifest, three Persons, One Nature. Does the Trinity now make a little more sense to those with eyes to see and ears to hear? For those without eyes to see and ears to hear, will still be unable to understand unfortunately, for human words can only do so much to convey what one must understand in the heart and that words are woefully inadequate to describe that which is itself, indescribable!
God is everywhere and all around us (panentheism) in Manifest, yet separate and distinct as One (monotheism) of Unmanifest. Yet God chose to send His Son from the Unmanifest to show us the way back Home to the Garden, and gather us unto Himself in the sacrifice of his Son. His Son sent us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to minister to us until His Second Coming.
Sorry for the length – but it is very tough to describe something in words, that is not describable in words! I have done my best and hope that some understand.