Does the SC ruling on gay marriage open the doors to legalization of pedophilia?
2015-06-30 09:58:00 UTC
There's as much evidence that pedophiles are born not made as there is that homosexuals are born that way...
44 answers:
2015-06-30 11:13:33 UTC
Does the SC ruling on gay marriage open the doors to legalization of pedophilia?

- Only for the monumentally ignorant.

There's as much evidence that pedophiles are born not made as there is that homosexuals are born that way...

- And again, ONLY the monumentally ignorant would think that two consenting adults is the same a an adult molesting a child. Chances are that is EXACTLY what fundies want. They keep harping on it and they have not removed the laws that say bestiality is acceptable in the bible belt states, so it is obvious where their agenda is.
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2015-06-30 12:11:14 UTC
Josh Duggar can only hope so. I'm sure working for a family friend's remodeling business cured him of his urges. Apparently, child molestation is not uncommon among Quiverfull families. And what about that Arkansas state rep, Justin Harris, also an evangelical, who rehomed his adopted daughters with a child molester? Or that evangelical cop who gave young Duggar a "talking to" but is now serving time for child porn? It's this sort of crap that makes me really stabby when people conflate homosexuality with pedophilia.

Why is the concept of consenting adults so hard for people to grasp? Children cannot legally give consent. Animals do not have the capacity to consent, and nor do inanimate objects. A marriage is a union between two ADULTS.

Didn't Jesus say something about taking the plank out of your eye before going looking for specks in others' eyes?
2015-06-30 15:38:59 UTC
Children's minds are not capable of making a decision such as having sex and marriage. Children are also easily coerced into doing things adults tell them to. Especially trusted adults. Gay marriage allows two adults of legal age and of the same sex to have a legally recognised relationship. It's not the same thing.

As to your additions, ask a 12 and 18 year old to explain the complexity behind equal marriage rights. Their brains might be similar in stucture, but I'd bet my next pay check that an 18 year old would give you a better answer. (I didn't say a good one, I said a better one.)

Also, a pedophile is someone attracted to kids. Born that way.

A child molester is someone who has sex with kids. An action they choose.
2015-06-30 19:15:48 UTC
Lol, pedophila is already legal! The word simply means that an adult person is sexually attracted to children, which (gasp!) Is not against the law. You're thinking of child molestation, which is against the law. The two are not synonomous, despite what some ignorant posters seem to think. And no, child molestation will not be re-legalised, because a minor cannot consent to sex. I say re-legalised because child marriage/sex was perfectly legal for thousands of years, including among Jews and Christians, until attitudes began to cage about 300 years ago. Even in recent times it was legal in some U.S. states... Remember Jerry Lee Lewis marrying his 13-yr old cousin? Yep, it was legal!
2015-07-01 03:27:18 UTC
Does the Supreme court Ruling on Gay marriage open the door to legalization of Pedophilia ?

One really believes there are "pedophile Families "

. Are there Theist who are Pedophiles ? Are Gays Pedophiles ?

No individual people are Pedophiles who have a sexual fantasy of having sex with children.

Marriage is a legal contract between two adults

. and pedophilia is a single individual preying on Children. they have no preference of it is a male or female child and it is classified as a MENTAL DISORDER please reference The American Psychiatric Association People are NOT born Pedophiles . its a individual who develops distorted thinking

kind of like this question

some people need to work on their unfounded fear and anxiety level religion PREYS on that
🤔 Jay
2015-06-30 10:09:47 UTC
Pardon me but please don't confuse pedophilia with homosexuality?

Pedophilia is a disease, and a despicable crime against an innocent child. Society is very harsh with the penalty of pedophiles.

Some Humans are born with homosexuality, it is not a choice. These Humans are not pedophiles. Gay men are generally caring and nurturing people who had perhaps had a "calling" to the priesthood instead of an interest in the opposite sex.

Pedophiles will seek employment that provides access to young children.

Pedophiles are not necessarily gay...

Edit: Rachel is right, you are fear mongering!
2015-06-30 10:19:56 UTC
16, 17, or 18 is the minimum age of consent in the US, which is somewhat old for a pedophile, isn't it? Besides that, there is usually an acceptable age gap listed in such laws, so the man could not be more than say three years older than the girl.
2015-06-30 12:35:34 UTC
No of course not. Pedophilia involved the non-consensual abuse of minors. Of course it isn't going to be legalized, that isn't even a good example. Gays only wanted equality under the law. That is what they got.
2015-06-30 12:41:40 UTC
No but it opens the doors wide for polygamy or multiple people who want to marry each other. There was nothing in the SC decision limiting the number of people who can get married.
2015-06-30 10:20:30 UTC
Legalizing so called "gay marriage", opens the doors to all other sexual perversions - pedophilia, incest, bestiality, etc. You will soon see perverted lost souls who practice such abominations crying for their rights as well. The world is on the way to absolute depravity as foretold in the Bible (2nd Timothy 3), without natural affection.

Homosexuals can't reproduce, so what do they do? They CONVERT! Their conversion is mostly through child molestation.

Please watch, listen closely -

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20
2015-06-30 23:47:44 UTC
I doubt sexual relationships with children will ever be legal. The attitude towards pedophile seems to be going in the opposite direction, people are becoming less acceptance towards them. Sex with children is actually illegal and is not even close to getting the support it needs for it to be legal. Believe it or not, the majority of pedophiles even agree that sex with children should NOT be legal. All those pedophile support sites are not supporting the legalization of child sex, they work to support pedophiles who don't want to have sex with children and help them make sure they never do.
2015-06-30 15:00:28 UTC
Three questions:

Does pedophilia have an obvious victim?

Does consensual sex between homosexual adults have a victim?

Isn't that a germane difference?
2015-06-30 10:20:31 UTC
Pedophilia is a form of rape. Psychopaths are often born that way as well. We don't let them get away with harming others either. Homosexuality doesn't hurt people. As long as it is consentual, there's nothing wrong with it. Murder, rape, theft, and other things we dub criminal behavior are not aberrations in human psychology. They are normal behaviors for our species, as well as many other animal species. WE condemn these actions because they are counterproductive to the peaceful social structure we, as a society, want. A soldier is trained to kill other human beings. We do this because we know we are a violent species. We know someone is going to try to kill us, so we train killers to kill them. A murderer kills too. Killing is killing. The only reason we justify the soldier and condemn the murderer is because one of them is killing for our sake, and the other is doing it for his own pleasure. One of them is trained attack dog. The other is a rabid mongrel.
2015-06-30 10:04:32 UTC

Just like integration opened the door for lust crazed black men to run around raping white women.

Because claiming that a civil rights victory will lead to sexual violence of the very worst kind isn't a disgusting and reprehensible form of fearmongering.
2015-06-30 11:16:59 UTC
Nope. Marriage is a contract of commitment between consenting adults. Children, by definition, are not adults, and cannot give consent. Moreover, we can easily show that children are unable to consent.

I know this must be very hard for you to understand, but unless a person is a consenting adult, able to give informed consent, one cannot get married.
2015-06-30 18:07:56 UTC
Whenever the subject of gay marriage comes up, Christians love to demonstrate how little they understand informed consent.
2015-06-30 11:13:34 UTC
There's also proof that you're born with cystic fibrosis, that doesn't increase the likelihood of pedophilia. Nor does being born with Huntington's...
2015-06-30 10:02:06 UTC
No, a concept that will never go away in law is consent. Children are not able to give consent.

12 year olds cannot give consent!

Parents can not consent to the abuse of their children! Child protective services would come and take them away
2015-06-30 10:47:41 UTC
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but someone has to break the news. The vast majority of pedophiles are in fact heterosexuals. So you can just roll up your homophobic tent and go home becuse the premise upon which your prejudice is based, is completely false.
Freethinking Liberal
2015-06-30 10:01:08 UTC
Absolutely not. There is a vast difference between consenting adults and an adult forcing a child. And no, a 12 yo cannot give informed consent.
military supporter
2015-06-30 11:15:35 UTC
Pedophilia is a serious mental illness. It is the sexual or romantic attraction (adult male or female) for a prepubescent child ( male or female). It can be treated quite successfully, no matter what idiots pretend.
2015-06-30 13:43:23 UTC
the idea of losing their social-position and special-status is too much for the narcissistic egoism of some christians;why else would a christian use intimidation and threats against people, when they claim that prayer is all they need.

there is a difference between paraphillia and homosexuality.

homosexuality and heterosexuality are about the same, both are gender-identities and both are sex-identities; while sexual orientation is different.

for example:

Is sex and gender a black-white social-stereotype or psychological-science?

modern psychology of sex-&-gender reveals 7-types of gender-identity, 3-types of sex-identity, and 7-types of identity based on sexual-orientation. this is an observable reality, 7X3X7 equals 147-types of sex and gender identity. This is inclusive and comprehensive understanding, including heterosexual, homosexual, bi-sexual, asexual, omnisexual, transsexual, and inter-sexed as both genders and sexual-orientations.

in recent psychological studies, the reason for heterosexual-prejudice is that men have a great deal of anxiety about their gender-identity and their sexual-identity. They repress this anxiety while playing sex, gender, and sexual orientation roles. This introversion becomes a narcissistic-egoism , which is turned aggressively towards women, gay-women, and gay-men.

why is this recognized as a narcissistic defense?

The narcissist typically runs through a sequence of defenses to discharge painful feelings until he or she finds one that works:

A1. unconscious repression

A2. conscious denial

A3. distortion (including exaggeration and minimization) and lies

A4. psychological projection (blaming somebody else)

A5. enlisting the help of one or more of his or her codependent friends

who will support his or her distorted view
2015-07-01 01:17:25 UTC
'Paedophilia' , strictly 'the love of boys' (from the Greek) has nothing to do with homosexuality in general terms in its contemporary usage. For a parallel case ("are transvestites homosexuals?" I refer you to "Everything you wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid To Ask." by Woody Allen.)
2015-06-30 10:06:24 UTC
When your best argument against gay marriage involves conflating it with pedophilia you shouldn't be too surprised when you lose.
2015-07-01 08:48:09 UTC
Absolutely ridiculous assumption. Same sex marriage has been legal in Canada since 2005, and people don't marry multiple spouses, they don't marry animals and they don't marry children.
2015-06-30 10:35:50 UTC
Pedophiles are attracted to individuals who are not capable of understanding what they are getting involved in and either intellectually, age-wise, or both, cannot give consent. Homosexuality is between two consenting adults. Each one is involved knowingly and willingly.
2015-06-30 10:16:58 UTC
No, but there's nothing in that logic that would stop marriage from two brothers or two sisters, would there? There's no possibility of genetic mutations. Or a father marrying his son or a mother marrying her daughter. Disgusting, I know, but there you go.
2015-06-30 10:03:20 UTC
what consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is legal.

by conflating the argument with sexually taking advantage of a child who does not know any better, you undermine your own position.

who people want to be with and love is simply none of your business.
2015-06-30 12:35:01 UTC
No, not directly.

The moral system that says, "everything is relative, all morality is subjective, and our decisions are just the result of chemicals," might be the root cause of acceptance of sexual depravity. If, at some point for some reason, society begins to question the age of consent or the rights of a child, then there is no objective moral reason not to change the laws under this way of thinking. The ultimate moral conclusion of such a view is that there is no such thing as right and wrong that applies to two people. Each person decides for himself. There is no room in that system for one person to tell another that their actions are wrong. Eventually, someone with power will point out how arbitrary the number "18" is, and people will question their beliefs. I hope that if that happens, people in my country have enough morality left to stand firm.

It seems like those against both pedophilia and objective morality appeal to existing laws as the basis for their morals. I can only assume that if those laws were repealed or not yet in place that pedophilia would be ok by them, since no objective reason is given. There are places in the world where it is normal to sell children for sexual labor. There are places where there are no laws, yet we still cringe when we hear of pregnant 10 year olds in those places. Why? I would say because a child has inherent, objective, irrevocable dignity, humanity, and moral worth. Belief in that worth is what keeps our current laws protecting children in place. That is what put the laws there in the first place.

Edit: I'm not "slandering gay people." I'm referring only to the moral system that is commonly used to justify all behavior without objectivity. I was quite specific that homosexuality does not lead directly to pedophilia, but that similar reasoning is often used to justify both. Of course every practicing homosexual does not necessarily adhere to the same morality, but many of their supporters strongly believe in strictly subjective morality. Desire has been given a very prominent position in America.

If it makes you feel better, I think it is the same line of reasoning that leads to socially acceptable promiscuity and divorce amongst heterosexuals. I think it's even used to justify debilitating drug use. It is the "I feel it, therefore it is right," morality that I blame, not necessarily practicing homosexuals.

Edit again: Perhaps you are just accusing "?" of slander, in which case I see what you mean. The two conditions of homosexuality and pedophilia bear only some correlation and do not always go hand in hand.

However, there is something to be said for the 25:1 ratio of hetero- to homo-sexuals in the population, but a 2:1 rate of female to male victims of child molestation. Offenders identify as homosexual 1/12 times. Do what you will with the data, but there is a relationship there. I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to those who say the relationship is indirect. If that is the case, they likely share a cause. I would identify that cause as a combination of moral belief, prior abuse, mental and developmental disorder, pornographic exposure, and socialization.
2015-07-01 05:18:24 UTC
You are not talking sense....homosexual relationships have been legal for a long time.....paedophilia has never been legal and never will. If you want to compare paedophilia with anything.....make it rape or murder....non-consensual acts......Totally different. .......Mo University Lecturer Atheist Ma and Grandma
2015-06-30 10:45:20 UTC
Perhaps, but 5 people cannot make law for all of America.
2015-06-30 09:59:30 UTC
No. Children lack the legal standing to give consent to sexual activity.
2015-06-30 10:37:58 UTC
Well, lots of homosexuals are pedophiles. That's how they get children started.
2015-06-30 10:29:57 UTC
Doubtful. There will still be an age of consent law.
2015-06-30 10:05:28 UTC
Let's see, what does two men getting it on have anything to do with your funny uncle and you.
The White Rabbit
2015-06-30 10:25:34 UTC
No. That is the kind of stupid nonsense Christians come out with.
2015-06-30 09:59:54 UTC
Many thousands of homosexuals have biological children, which is proof that homosexual behavior is a CHOICE.
Atheist Frog
2015-06-30 10:00:51 UTC
The evangelical christians obviously think so.
2015-06-30 18:14:20 UTC
No sorry, you will never be allowed to become a preacher and molest little children.
Got Proof?
2015-06-30 10:01:46 UTC
Only if you're a moron. Or a Catholic priest.
Alice S
2015-06-30 14:02:58 UTC
Well, the church would know more about that than I.

Olive Garden
2015-07-02 13:42:34 UTC
If one is pedo,married or not, he is pedo forever. They even molest their own children...
2015-06-30 10:00:59 UTC
they are already planing to make a move. what will happen to our kids !
2015-06-30 09:58:51 UTC
is that wishful thinking on your part?

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