why does it seem like God isnt there when i need him?
2008-02-17 19:31:22 UTC
so for the past years (3-4 years?) ive been living without my dad because he had to go out of country, and he still hasnt returned. its been hard for my family and me, esp. for my mom, raising us ...and because we've having money problems, in short, were not the richest or well off fam.

i dont mean to sound complainign..but after my dad left ive been going thru really rough times...and im wondering why God doesnt seem to be with me when i need him alot now..
i always find myself getting depressed cause all my firends seem so happy and well off...and i feel like im not goign to have a great future. i have great friends adn a great church...i pray to God constantly.. but i never seem to find answers. i always forget ot read the bible...i try, but im so focused on school and grades. why doesnt God give me any kind of sign or help? i really need Him...and it hurts.

please, no stupid answers or blasphemy! if theres nothing nice to say, dont say it!

God Bless<3 and thank you
31 answers:
2008-02-17 20:10:16 UTC
Dear Dance:

I can tell you are really hurting, and believe it or not, God is hearing you and believe it or not, God is right here, right now, hearing you. Didn't Jesus say: "I shall never leave you?"

That means, God never "left."

Now, what you need to know is that YOU are the author of your own life. That means, you have the power to change your life and what you are experiencing and how you are choosing to react to what you are experiencing.

You, have the power, to change HOW you feel about something by choosing to feel something different. You must see this as an active process of choice. Ask yourself,

"How do I feel about this NOW?"

Then, validate the feeling, recognize it is real, and then give that feeling up to God. See yourself, with your hand outspread, with the problem in your hand, and say:

"Here God, is the problem I need solved."

Then, have the faith in yourself that God will respond and answer you. You may not think that when you are speaking to others that you are not speaking to God. But I want to remind you that God works in mysterious ways. Never underestimate the power of what you are experiencing.

If you do not like what you are experiencing, CHOOSE to experience something different. Choose to feel differently.

I know this can seem easier said than done, but God never said life was always going to be easy. God expects you to do a little work for yourself. You know that old saying, "God will not do anything for you that you can do for yourself."

Well, God does do things for you an extent that is. God, thus far, has made sure that you are ALIVE. God has provided you with a HOME. God has given you clothes to wear. God has given you good friends. God has given you your family. God has given you all the things you have.

There is nothing that you now have that did not come from God.

You say, hey, my mother gave me that! Or my friend gave me that! And I say to you, God gave the means to your mother or your friend to give it to you. So you see, whatever has already come to you has come to you from God. And the fact is, God is going to keep on giving you things.

Jesus said: Ask and ye shall receive. Now, do you believe the Master?

Jesus said: Even before you have asked it, it shall be done unto you. Now, do you believe in the Master?

Do you really believe what you say you believe? I want you to ask yourself to be truthful with YOU. If you put your entire faith in God, there is no way you can loose. No one who has ever put their entire faith in the Lord has ever lost. So if there is something in your heart that you are doubting, it can undermine you. Remove the doubt and have absolute faith!

I know it's hard, but sometimes, it takes time, for God to arrange things in just a certain way so that they happen for you. Not everything happens instantly, at least, not as you have been saying. This means you have a ways to go in your relationship with God. There is nothing wrong with that. You are perfectly ok with God. You take all the time you need to come to a fuller and more complete understanding.

I desire that you see your relationship with God in a slightly different manner. I want you to see God as REAL. This requires FAITH. For God is as real as your best friend and in fact, God IS your best friend...better than any earthly friend you now have.

You have chosen and so you are experiencing, change the choices and you change the experience.

Now, about your father. And I can see just how MUCH you love him...and how hurtful the experience for you has been.

Sometimes, in life, two people find out they are not right for each other or the two people change or there are a thousand other reasons that two people cannot stay together. Your father, did what was right for himself, and I know this is hard to accept...but every human being, has a right, to change their life if what is happening is not right for them. In fact, it is not in the highest interest of any individual to stay in a relationship that does not serve them. I am sure your father still loves you, even if...he may not admit that to himself, but if he does, then honor that love! And respect your father for being truthful with himself and you. Remember what one of the Commandments says: "Love thy Father and thy Mother."

It does not say: Love your father only if he stays with you.

I hope you can see this.

You will honor God and yourself, when you can forgive and let go and then move on with your life. Ultimately, you must forgive and let go or you will carry this hurt with you your whole life. That is NOT what God wants or expects from you.

God expects that you will learn to forgive and then blossom into the wonderful, beautiful person that you really are. God has created you like a precious ROSE which has yet to unfold. Now, your whole life sits before you and God waits for your life to unfold and blossom into a beautiful ROSE.

Just think of all those you will love and who will love you in the future. Think of all the challenges that await you in life, the career you have ahead of you, the sons and daughters you will have, the wonderful wife you will have, the home you will give them, the employers who need your skills and talents, the wonderful opportunities that lie just ahead for you to create, the love you will give to others, the roads you will build for your life, the achievements you will claim, the growth you will attain, the sharing and caring that lies just ahead for you.

All these BLESSINGS are yours, from your's truely, God!

God is always there with you, as God is here now, right at this moment, responding to your call for help! God works in mysterious ways, and mostly through others, so you see, never doubt where the help comes from. Never loose faith!

Never give up! Always, ALL WAYS, have faith in the One Supream Almighty Being who loves you!
2008-02-17 19:42:48 UTC
I'm sorry for all the problems your family is having and that you are feeling depressed. I want to recommend a book for you - 2 books actually, that will help you to understand your walk wiht Christ better. The first is Pilgrim's Progress. I don't know what your age is, but you may want to try Little Pilgrim's Progress if you're a young teen. The 2nd is Hind Feet in High Places. Both are Christian allegories. Pilgrim's progress is very easy to understand and too see the similarities to your own life. You will see that if you keep your eyes focused on Christ, and you stay on the straight path that God has planned for you, the valley that you are currently walking through, will not go on forever. And you must always keep in mind that this life is not the end - it's not even the most. It's a fleating bit of time in eternity and if you are saved, you are a child of God and will spend eternity with Him. He is your Abba Father (Abba is like saying Daddy). Cling to Him when you feel down. When you feel depressed, pray and read your bible for strength. God will grant it to you. He will not give you more than you can bear, but you need to cling to Him.

God Bless. I will pray for you.
2008-02-17 19:54:14 UTC
"..i pray to God constantly.. but i never seem to find answers. i always forget ot read the bible...i try, but im so focused on school and grades" - i think i might have found something that might have been hindering your prayers being answered.

Do you feel guilty of not having read the Bibles enough? Or have not done anything right and have not done enough?...if u say :yes:..then it is time to not look at yourself...but to behold JESUS!

Just thank HIM...for HE has done everthing for you when he was on the cross! He did not say " it is finished" for nothing! Do you know "it is finished" is such a powerful revelation? it means that whatever u need in your life, love, good grades, great future & financial blessings..JESUS has done it for u! HE has finished all your the work for you at the cross!...JUST BELIEVE and RECEIVE the blessings!..

God knows U had lead a hard life after your dad is time for u not to whine abt it but to really believe and thank HIM....that All good things will be coming your way...because JESUS CHRIST has paid the price for you to have it!!
honey cheeks
2008-02-17 19:48:09 UTC
I'm sorry that you're family is going through some very difficult times and that it seems God is distant from you.. One thing you have to remember is that there are ''storms'' that is rough patches in life, but I believe this is when God holds on to us the closest.. Just think about each day each day is a miracle, you maybe having some rough times but thank God you have a roof over your heads.. Always remember this too shall come to pass.. There are people out there who have had problems in their lives for even 15years. I hope that things will turn around for your family but if they don't all at once please don't stop praying and look upto to God for strength to get you by through the days.. God loves you and he understands your pain more than anyone, all you have to do is believe that he does understand and that he has a great plan for your life..
2008-02-17 20:32:09 UTC
God has your life planned out that's why he wants you to suffer or else maybe your not very religious and only count on God when your down,Now that your down your asking for God's help,If you want God to help you you have to worship him everyday and then he will return you favours!
2008-02-17 20:07:39 UTC
You say God is not there for you....

then who is answering this question you are posting?

Who is it that made the one reading this section stop to answer this post?

You pray for God to hear you; also pray so that you might be able to hear God respond.

God is in the bible, and in the table on which the bible rests, and the house which holds the table on which the bible rests, and the sun and air and earth that sustains the family in whose house sits a table on which a bible rests.
2008-02-17 20:04:49 UTC
If you manage to read this far, past all the fools who are telling you there is no God, past all the other stuff about relationships, etc., please remember this one thing: God's Word tells us that we can't go on feelings where He is concerned. That's where faith comes in. If you have asked Him into your heart and life, that's exactly where He is - all the time! Even when you don't "feel" His presence, he's THERE. He will never forsake you and has said so in His word, sweet girl! Believe that because it's truth!

God bless you!
Lover of my soul
2008-02-17 19:40:44 UTC
My heart goes out to you as you ask this question. God has not left you if you are His child. He is there even when we don't feel His presence. The Bible tells us that if we will draw near to Him that he will draw near to us. Do you know for certain that Jesus is your Lord and Savior? secondly, do you spend time with Him praying and seeking His guidance? we all experience hard times while walking the walk as a Christian. Faith is like a muscle that needs to be exercised to make it stronger. Go to church and find Godly friends who will support you in prayer.fellowship. Be still and know God Psalm 46:10 says. stop and listen, God is speaking and sometimes we just can't hear His voice unless we recognize it.
2008-02-17 19:38:54 UTC
What kind of sign are you looking for? Sometimes God speaks in a whisper sometimes He speaks in a roar. You have to listen for the whisper. Perhaps you need to go out with your friends and have some fun. Take sometime from focusing in school. That is important but it is also important to focus on our relationship with God. He is always with you beloved and always will be. Keep the faith and keep your heart open.

God Bless
2008-02-17 19:39:17 UTC
What answers are you looking for? Lots of theists feel the way you do, there is nothing wrong with that. You are not alone, you have your mom, your siblings, friends, and a great church. Don't make me repeat that rowboat story.
2008-02-17 19:40:16 UTC
God does see you and feel your suffering. Try to ignore these flakes who are not smart enough to recognize truth. Try to find someone in your youth group or a trusted adult to be a prayer partner. Many people keep a prayer journal to remind themselves of things they have asked for and to remember ways God has already provided for their needs. Write in the good things too, not just complaints. Try to see ways that God is already meeting your needs. I grew up poor and lost a parent. There were many times when I held God responsible and refused to even pray. God loved me and cared for me even then. I am sure HE does the same for you every day.

You are a wonderful unique creation and you were designed by the author of love. God's purpose is simply to love you. Hang in there and give Him the chance.
2008-02-17 19:41:31 UTC
Jesus felt the Father wasn’t with Him, either, as He begged in Gethsemane for the cup of wrath to pass from Him and He received no answer. But everything worked out according to God’s plan.

You need to take the initiative and draw near to God. If you don’t have time to read the Bible, then prioritize and make the time.

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. (James 4:8, KJV)

God bless.
2008-02-17 19:37:49 UTC
Try to be positive, and focus on your friends and family. All gods are manmade, so you can't expect "help" from a myth. But you can have a positive attitude and make the best of your situation for yourself and your family.
2008-02-17 19:35:45 UTC
I understand exactly what you mean. Most times I feel like I am completely alone. I hope things get better for you soon.
Jesus Is LORD!!!
2008-02-17 19:43:35 UTC
GOD is there. HE will always provide for HIS children. Sometimes, we just have to wait. For instance. I had been wanting this certain job since 1997. I applied for this job year after year after year. Finally, once I turned my life over to the LORD, everything started to fall into place. I finally got that job in 2007. But I already knew that I had the job because the LORD revealed it in my dreams. But I had to wait for HIM in order to testify about it.
2008-02-17 19:35:27 UTC
It's because God doesn't exist.

"i try, but im so focused on school and grades"

Here's the good news: you're doing the most important thing that you can do. This line is a bright light shining in your post, the clearest sign of hope for your future.

Living takes effort, and it's very hard at times. Most people go through periods in which it seems like there's no hope. I had some of those periods once upon a time, but I stuck with it, and now I've been living well for quite a few years. Of course you'll never have a life free of worries - the Buddhists really hit the nail on the head in that respect - but if you stay the course with that studying and grades stuff, you're going to find it paying off for you and your loved ones in the long run.

My best wishes.
that hot chick
2008-02-17 19:41:00 UTC
First of all, God doesnt work on your time, he know's just what you need and when you need it. God puts us through test, to strengthen our faith in him . Know that what your going through, there's someone going through worse, I could tell you whats going on in my life right now and you'd probably feel guilty about complaining about whats going on in your life. I praise God through the trials and tribulations that I go through because I know that as bad as I have it right now, someone else would trade there life for mine. Keep praying and seeking God, he's there for you and will never leave you. God Bless you and you'll be fine
bOy nExt fLoOr
2008-02-17 19:58:55 UTC
if Go don't exist, why alot of people went to church everyday & pray? God is good, all the time. theres a reason 4 everything coz God is everything. msg me & i'll tell you why. i lost my parents last 2006 coz of Him. they die in a sea accident. im serious, msg me if you got time.
2008-02-17 19:35:40 UTC
Branding Whiz

So successful are some evangelicals that they're opening up branches like so many new Home Depots (HD ) or Subways. This year, the 16.4 million-member Southern Baptist Convention plans to "plant" 1,800 new churches using by-the-book niche-marketing tactics. "We have cowboy churches for people working on ranches, country music churches, even several motorcycle churches aimed at bikers," says Martin King, a spokesman for the Southern Baptists' North American Mission Board.

Branding whizzes that they are, the new church leaders are spreading their ideas through every available outlet. A line of "Biblezines" packages the New Testament in glossy magazines aimed at different market segments -- there's a hip-hop version and one aimed at teen girls. Christian music appeals to millions of youths, some of whom otherwise might never give church a second thought, serving up everything from alternative rock to punk and even "screamo" (they scream religious lyrics). California megachurch pastor Rick Warren's 2002 book, The Purpose-Driven Life, has become the fastest-selling nonfiction book of all time, with more than 23 million copies sold, in part through a novel "pyro marketing" strategy. Then there's the Left Behind phenomenon, a series of action-packed, apocalyptic page-turners about those left on earth after Christ's second coming, selling more than 60 million copies since 1995.

Evangelicals' eager embrace of corporate-style growth strategies is giving them a tremendous advantage in the battle for religious market share, says Roger Finke, a Pennsylvania State University sociology professor and co-author of a new book, The Churching of America, 1776-2005: Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy. A new Pope has given Catholicism a burst of global publicity, but its nominal membership growth in the U.S. stems largely from the influx of Mexican immigrants. Overall, the Catholic Church's long-term decline in U.S. attendance accelerated after the recent sex-abuse scandals, there's a severe priest shortage, and parish churches and schools are closing in the wake of a financial crisis.
2008-02-17 19:46:06 UTC
I can relate to what you mean. When you need God the most God is not there. I used to feel that but now i don't. I have realized that I was the one who was pushing God away and God was always there. But i couldn't see. because of all of my negative emotions and thoughts. where there is negativity there cannot be Love. God is Love.
2008-02-17 19:38:57 UTC
Ya gotta do it on your own kiddo.... god helps those who helps themselves.... as the saying goes. he's a pretty busy guy .. can't look after all 5 billion of us.... good luck getting your dad back.... sounds like you need someone as a friend.
2008-02-17 19:38:23 UTC
Because you have to do things for yourself. You have the choice to get up out of bed and be happy or miserable its up to you. There is people going through ALOT worse than you that are still happy because they choose to be. Its up to you my friend. You can get up off your azzz and make it or you can sit in misery. whats it gonna be?
2008-02-17 19:50:21 UTC
I too am going through many spiritual agonies... but I never loose faith that God does care , he does see into our circumstances. God does not force himself on others in my family for not fulfilling their spiritual, financial,emotional and physical obligations. He gave them free choose to obey or not to.

I try to focus on what is good in my life... to see the beauty of the good people and things he has placed there. Remember Joseph in the old testament. His jealous brothers sold him into slavery. Even though they meant it for bad...God meant it for Good. He became one of the greatest servants of God and everyday he did good regardless of his circumstances. He even was thrown into prison...because of an evil women...God honored the end...not instantly... If you stay true to God and remain faithful to him , he will bless you beyond your wildest dreams. God bless you and may you feel his comfort and love everyday is my prayer..
2008-02-17 19:47:38 UTC
People commonly want the easy answer to something so they say, "There is no God."

Let me ask you this non-believers, have you ever lost someone you loved? Now prove to me you loved them.

That's the exact same thing as trying to prove there's a god.
2008-02-17 19:36:16 UTC
Like you said it 'seems' like He is not and those are the times we need to really trust Him and KNOW He Is. God bless.
David M
2008-02-17 19:34:27 UTC
Because he probably doesn't exist. And even if he did, what makes you 100% sure he is going to help you?

Stop waiting for answers to pop out of the sky. Take some action and seek the help you are looking for on your own.

The most successful and happiest people in this world are those who show initiative. Not the ones who wait for things that may never come.
2008-02-17 19:37:02 UTC
sorry, you'll get two kinds of answers. stupid answers, and blasphemy. if you exclude both, you'll get no answers.
2008-02-17 19:34:53 UTC
Because God isn't there.
2008-02-17 19:35:38 UTC
Err...because he isn't there at all.
2008-02-17 19:34:55 UTC
Cause he isn't there.

Let's get real, what do you say?
2008-02-17 19:34:19 UTC
Because he isn't.

He can't be anywhere for anybody because he doesn't exist.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.