Does the New Testament make the Old obsolete?
2007-01-11 21:35:48 UTC
#1. Many of the Christians that I know do not believe that the Old Testament is no longer viable, but they also do not believe that Christians "Must" obey the "10 Commandments" or the "Ceremonial Law".

#2 The Christians that I spoke of above believe that the "10 Commandments" are exhibited in the New Testament under different guises. (The Fruit of the Spirit, and Submission to God, and Recieving the Holy Spirit).
44 answers:
2007-01-11 22:20:59 UTC
The New Testament complements the Old Testament. TIn the Old Testament propheses or predictions are made. In the New Testament many of these propheses or predictions come full circle, come into reality, come true. A person can't pick and choose what part of the Bible they want to hold as true and believe. It's ALL true. It's the BIBLE. Some of the Old Testament is no longer relevant because the answer to the problem came into being in the New Testament. An example would be that in Old Testament times a person had to make atonement and their own means of redemption for their sins to be forgiven. Some of the sacrifices included the sacrifice of choice animals and/or the doing, or abstaining from given things. These rules and ways of atonement are no longer necessary since Jesus Christ suffered and died to take away our sins. Sacrfice is no longer needed since Jesus made Himself a sacrafice on our behalf, for the forgivness of our sins. Jesus, as the Holy, sinless, prue, Son of God was the only way a person could be fully forgiven. It takes faith, trust in Jesus to receive forgivness. Our own deeds,sacrfices, doing certain things is no longer necessary. Jesus was one of the Old Testament propheses/predictions that came true or into being in the New Testament. In this situation, Jesus, being in the New Testamont has over ridden the Old Testament and a rule or condition contained in it. As for the 10 commandments. They are as relevant, true, and need to be followed at ALL times. Old Testament, New Testament--Always. Jesus NEVER said that the commandments no longer needed to be followed. Why? Because they do! Hope this helps.
2007-01-11 22:00:27 UTC


The relationship between the old testament, new testament and gospel is extremely important. You cannot selectively believe in two and not the third. The old testament speaks of the prophesy of Jesus Christ along with historical and prophetic writings to set the stage. The new testament talks about the life of Jesus among other things. The gospel talks of the words and specific acts of Jesus. The work together to form a whole picture. As far as the 10 Commandments...God HANDED Christians the laws by which to live. What part exactly are these "Christians" confused about. I mean, HE gave IT to US.


There are many different ways to give similar examples of a few basic concepts. How many ways can you teach The Golden Rule for instance. I believe the real question is this:


While I applaud the certain new inspirationally devised ways of worshiping, let me lay it out for you: Some people make stuff up! Coming up with revolutional concepts in faith is nothing new, however you must do your homework to come up with a convincing argument. The Catholic Church for instance has had theologians studying scripture and ancient works for centuries trying to arrive at the truth, constantly working and reworking the same material under prayerful study.

What credit can you summon to someone who creates both THEIR own church and THEIR own ideology and then tries to pass it off as "The Truth"? Not much. What do you get? BS!!!!

PLEASE - PLEASE - PLEASE have these people email me who tell you this!
2007-01-11 21:41:27 UTC
The old testament is in agreement with the new testament. they do not contradict each other. There are prophecies that are told in the old testament that are fullfiled in the new. Jesus alone had i believe 39 prophecies frim his trial to his deeath and resurection. That is with out counting his 3 years of ministry and birth. It is amazing ... so many authors from diferent times and all agree upon the same thing .. it will take a billion men in a billion years to TRY to do that and they may not even succeed. The odds are ... 0.0000000001 in a 697,321,324,432,432 (that was me exagerating .. LOL) That is with out God being in the situation.

These are some of the prophcies that were told in the Old Testament and Fulfilled in the New Testament.

The Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced.

Psalm 22:16 ... Matthew 27:38

The Messiah's body would be pierced.

Zechariah 12:10 ... John 19:34-37

Lots would be cast for the Messiah's clothes.

Psalm 22:18 ... John 19:23-24

The Messiah would be offered gall and vinegar.

Psalm 69:20-21 ... Matthew 27:34

The Messiah would be sacrificed upon the same mountain

where God tested Abraham.

Genesis 22:14 ... Luke 23:33
2007-01-12 11:30:13 UTC
The Old Testament laws are not obsolete.

The team at writes:

Jesus did honor the Old Testament's laws and ordered his followers to follow the Old Testament until the day of Judgment:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"

Christians always say as an excuse that an Old Testament law does not apply to them. According to Matthew 5:17-18, we clearly see that Jesus honored the Old Testament, and forced Christians to follow the unmodified laws of it that have not been replaced by newer ones in the New Testament.

God knows best

Peace and Love
2007-01-11 21:43:53 UTC
The Old Testament is a history book. Everything changed when Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross for our sins. The two new commandments in the New Testament are how we should live our lives today.

1. Love God. 2. Love your neighbor.

Please keep in mind that if you break any of the 10 commandments in the Old Testament, you're not following the two new ones.

God Bless!
2007-01-11 21:50:35 UTC
The old testement shows God's dealings with his people and the nations around them. How his people prospered when they obeyed and how they suffered when they went thier own way. Many valuable lessons can be drawn from this history.

We are no longer under the 10 comandments which are an exerpt from the over 600 laws given to the nation of Isreal. If you want to keep 10 then you have to keep them all, like animal sacrifices. The law died with Christ (Matthew 22:36-40)

The two commandments Christ gave us embody the whole Mosaic law.

Also, 2 Timothy 3:16
David S
2007-01-11 21:47:56 UTC
O.K. Seriously now. No we can't follow the 10 commandments to get into heaven. Jesus was the 4th Covenant between God and humans. The first was Abraham, the 2nd was Noah, the 3rd was Passover, and the 4th was Jesus. Read what Jesus was really all about in Revelations. We still need the Old Testament to guide us in what is right and what is wrong. However only if we follow God's word, and for Chris tans only and other Protestant Religions, we can only get to the Father through Him.
2007-01-11 21:44:24 UTC
The OT is not made obsolete by the NT but rather the NT brings the OT in full view of what it was talking about and representing. The OT was a shadow of the real testament that was going to come under Grace and not Law but you cant separate the shadow from the person. The shadow foretells what the person is like but only when you see that person you know him or her in fullness. The OT is still relevant as much as the NT. You just have to read through everything from the OT to the NT to come up with a clearer view on all issues.
Luke Lim
2007-01-11 23:11:19 UTC
Sorry the NT does not make the OT obsolete.

You got it wrong. The covenant between God and man was 'renewed' in the NT. It's like in the OT, there is a contract between God and man. In NT, Jesus came and implement a new contract thereby make the old contract obsolete.

The law was just and good but it was like a school master to show our flaws to show us that none of us can keep the law to earn our salvation. No man can ever do it. But Jesus came to show us a way. That it is only by His righteousness that is to believe on Him and have His imputed righteousness that we can fulfill all the laws. Once you know how forgiven you are and how righteous you are and how much God love you and what Jesus went through to give you. We love because He first love us.


I don't think you read the bible with understanding. Ask God to open your eyes. Either that attend a good church.
2007-01-11 21:51:12 UTC
No. The Word of God cannot be made void. Jesus came to fulfill the Law because we couldn't. Therefore, since we live under Grace rather than Law, we basically DO have license to 'pick and choose'. Not that it's a good idea. But much of the OT was sculpted to civilize an ancient, savage version of humanity. So it's not surprising that a lot of it seems harsh. God formed the OT as a tool to mold people into a form that Jesus could deal with.

Hope that helps.
2007-01-11 21:45:54 UTC
The old testament is a lot of history, i.e. the way things were.

The new testament does not negate the 10 commandments, but Christ has freed up from 'the law'. Knowing that humans cannot spend a lifetime without breaking one or more, God sent Christ.
2007-01-12 01:26:42 UTC
I will answer this question on the ideal that I am a Christain of the ancient times. In other words, I follow the teachings of Yeshua as he said before he left this world, not after he left and some grouop of men got together and decided that this is this and taht is that.

OT vs. NT: Good question. But one that if answered in a simple "yes" or "no" lacks wisdom. I love people who say, "Oh, the OT is gone, done away with. Yeshua came and now there's only the NT!" My statement to them is this: "If that's the case, then please tell me why Yeshua constantly referred to the Torah? Why did St. Peter make such a big deal about clean and unclean people/foods? Would they be so if the OT was done away with? And, what is the NT anyways?
Tara P
2007-01-11 21:40:48 UTC
I learned in Theology (and I am not saying whether I believe it) that Christians believe that the Old Testament contains the promise which is fulfilled by the New Testament and that the New Testament should be read in light of the Old Testament. So, if you consider yourself a Christian, catholic (note the little "c") doctrine teaches that the Old Testament is not obsolete.
cirque de lune
2007-01-11 21:40:29 UTC
I don't think the new makes the old obsolete. Paul says the law is the schoolmaster that brings us into grace. In other words, the law cleans us up and points us in the right direction. There are things in the old that are not in the new.

And here's something I find hypocritical. People say the OT is old bag. But they read Psalms and Proverbs, and they preach about Job, and they teach from Isaiah all the time. So is the OT really obsolete, or do they want certain parts to be obsolete?


Northwest Womps
2007-01-11 21:42:54 UTC
No. Jesus said .."I came not to destroy the Law or the

Old Testament covenant, but to fulfill the law". By His

birth life death and resurrection, he made the old law

complete...thus the new covenant. Jesus is God and

God is Jesus..John 1:1. Both the Old and the New

Testaments are God's Word. One is incomplete without

the other. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy

Spirit were present at creation and well as

in the New Testament.
2016-10-31 01:30:48 UTC
The Bible is the call of a range of 66 smaller books. From the top of the only excellent e book of the old testomony (or, Covenant) to the writing of the first of the hot testomony books grow to be a era of a few four hundred+ years. Jewish writers persisted to write down for the period of that era and some would say certain of their books are valid. they are oftentimes known because the Apocrypha. notwithstanding, the Christian church finalised their determination of the 66 that all of us recognize immediately because the Bible. If a Christian refers noticeably to the hot testomony, the reason will be to do with who he/she is addressing. If addressing a Jewish human being, notwithstanding, they'd opt to rigidity the Hebrew scriptures. yet frequently they only say 'The Bible' because they offer concept to both elements to be both valid as holy scripture. the various (and fulsome!) solutions teach that Christians have a lot use for the O.T. In a nutshell, the N.T. does no longer make any sense with out the O.T. both are mandatory to be sure how God has steadily revealed himself to humanity, culminating in the guy of Christ, and how his Kingdom has stepped ahead to now be a blessing to all mankind.
2007-01-11 23:28:20 UTC
The old testament itself wil never be obsolete, as it is the inspired word of God.

The new covenant makes the old laws contained in the writings of the old testament obsolete.

The only lawful authority for these new testament times is the universal church that Jesus personally founded ... and certainly not the Bible.

The Catholic Church is responsible for moving the Saturday sabbath to Sunday, and for readopting and readapting the old commandments to the realities of these new covenant times.

There is no other satisfactory explanation for it.

To view the official commandments of the authentic new covenant (Catholic) church, go here:
2007-01-11 21:54:31 UTC
The word "Gospel", means "Good News". It is the good news about a new law, or new testament. The good news about the new law means that we do not have to die because of sin anymore, like the Old Testament, or old law basically was. We are not suppose to sin, but we can live forever now because of the new law.
2007-01-11 21:50:35 UTC
Look what I belive: the ten commandments are the basics of our belifs. And remember what Jesus said: "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill; for truly I say to YOU that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one particle of a letter to pass away from the Law by any means and not all things take place" [Matthew 5:17,18]. Jesus has the highest regard for God’s Law and encourages others to have such also. Far from disregarding God’s Law, Jesus condemns even the attitudes that contribute to breaking it. So you get it?
2007-01-11 21:43:25 UTC
It helps to try and understand it in context - The old testament was written by Jews and is essentially an accurate history of the Jewish people, and the Jewish faith. Therefore it continues to serve as valuable historical record of those people.

The New Testament was written by a variety of different people, and is essentially a collection of writings arising from the rise of early Christianity. Therefore it is of primary importance for Christians, while the Old Testament helps to understand where the roots of Christianity came from.
2007-01-11 21:41:19 UTC
No. The New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old. Everything in the Old Testament was a foreshadowing of Christ's coming.
Here I Am
2007-01-11 22:01:07 UTC
The bible is one book, composed of 66 little books.

Jesus fulfilled the law covenant, and the 10 commandments, but the principles are still in force and if we are truly trying to serve Jehovah will all of our hearts, our strength and our might, then we will strive to serve him the way his son Jesus taught us to do while he was here on earth setting us the example.

Next time one of Jehovah’s Witnesses comes to your door, ask for a free home bible study and learn what “truth” really is.
naz n
2007-01-11 21:59:31 UTC
i am not christian, but if i was! i would perfer the old testament. it just makes more sense to follow the old testament. I think old testament would be more accurate just because it was writing closer to the times when Jesus was alive. So I would think of its massage as more accurate in contrast to the new testament. I guess the answer would be It should not.
2007-01-11 21:40:56 UTC
# 2 is completely foreign to me. Wow - so much for my doctorate.

# 1 Jesus is clear that He came to complete the Law and Prophets and they would remain in effect. I think it is important to recognize the Bible has THE LAW as in the Commandments and a series of ceremonial/social regulations meant to bind together the Israelites as they became a people then a nation.

In every case, however, Jesus dictates we are to exhibit mercy before the requirements of the law.
2007-01-11 21:43:06 UTC
Study the history of the Cannonized Bible we have today, research what was left out, then pray and ask for Gods counsel on your question. Anyone else giving you an answer is just an opinion.
2007-01-11 21:41:09 UTC
The 10 commandments are summarized by Jesus as 2. Love God with all of your heart, mind and soul, and Love your neighbor as yourself. If you do those two things you will have done all of the things in the 10.
2007-01-11 21:39:08 UTC
No. The Old Testament is just as important. Moses, Abraham - those were important people back in the day and what they did in the old Testament matters - even if they didn't give their lives to save us.
2007-01-11 21:40:40 UTC
I have not heard of the "10 commandments", being different. I know that Jesus commented on the meanings of them and gave further advice on how to follow them, but I didn't know that they were under different guises.

That's an interesting idea.
2007-01-11 21:39:46 UTC
The epitomy of Christianity is Jesus himself. He quoted the Hebrew Scriptures. The 10 commandments are no longer valid for Christians however, everything except the Sabath is covered in the Greek Christian Scriptures.
2007-01-11 21:53:50 UTC
In the new testament,in Revelation,Jesus says blessed is he who keeps the commandments.The book stands as one book.
2007-01-11 21:39:40 UTC
I don't think so. The new, to me, is an enhancement of the old. Both are essential in the growing process of a Christian.
2007-01-11 21:40:47 UTC
Intelligence makes *both* testaments obsolete :)

Most christians VERY SELECTIVELY apply the old testament, mostly when it suits them. For example, they'll often quote the verse in Leviticus calling homosexuality an abomination as if that were god's absolute law. Yet in the same chapter in Leviticus, it says women having their periods must hide themselves away, and not be seen or touched by anyone (or it's an -- you guessed it -- abomination). Why treat the one verse as absolute law, then completely ignore the other? Neither one mentions a time limit, neither one is rescinded in the new what gives?

Hypocrisy, plain and simple.
2007-01-11 21:40:13 UTC
Jesus said yes, it does, unless you're a Jew.

I don't believe God ever EXPECTED all the Jews to convert ,

So The Law of Moses still applies to them.
2007-01-11 21:38:39 UTC
Well, I think the new testament is what we need to follow. We can't possibly obey all of the ten commandments. That is why Jesus died for us. We should still try to obey it though
GiGi (Shi Ge Tei)
2007-01-11 21:42:16 UTC
No. It still exists. Without the old, there would be no new. Where did the new come from anyway? hmmm.... Museums are the new temples! Art and love opens eyes.
2007-01-11 21:43:44 UTC
Reading The Old Testament will make you a raving maniac,YOU must kill ten thousand people And one million animals,In Heaven I hope they get revenge
2007-01-11 21:40:38 UTC
From a christian perspective, both testaments are the word of god, how could either of them become obsolete.

From a realist's perspective, they are both works of fiction and the question is irrelevant
2007-01-11 21:41:15 UTC
Both are not same but same in the characters, places of quoted..
2007-01-11 21:38:55 UTC
huh? what? you must not now any real christians, perhaps you are confused, I believe those you speak of are called jews.
The Maulvi Who Sold His Maruti
2007-01-11 21:39:11 UTC
No! It is supposed to complement each other.
Proud Muslim
2007-01-11 21:41:11 UTC
And what about the new versions coming out every year.... dont they make the old one obsolete.....

christians know the errors in bible and now every year they are trying to remove these errors... SHAME ON YOU CHRISTIANS
2007-01-11 21:38:55 UTC
No..but then again I don't believe in any of it so...
2007-01-11 21:37:51 UTC
they are both obsolete. We do not need fiction anymore to tell humanity how to organize itself morally and socially.
2007-01-11 21:37:32 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.