The old testament is in agreement with the new testament. they do not contradict each other. There are prophecies that are told in the old testament that are fullfiled in the new. Jesus alone had i believe 39 prophecies frim his trial to his deeath and resurection. That is with out counting his 3 years of ministry and birth. It is amazing ... so many authors from diferent times and all agree upon the same thing .. it will take a billion men in a billion years to TRY to do that and they may not even succeed. The odds are ... 0.0000000001 in a 697,321,324,432,432 (that was me exagerating .. LOL) That is with out God being in the situation.
These are some of the prophcies that were told in the Old Testament and Fulfilled in the New Testament.
The Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced.
Psalm 22:16 ... Matthew 27:38
The Messiah's body would be pierced.
Zechariah 12:10 ... John 19:34-37
Lots would be cast for the Messiah's clothes.
Psalm 22:18 ... John 19:23-24
The Messiah would be offered gall and vinegar.
Psalm 69:20-21 ... Matthew 27:34
The Messiah would be sacrificed upon the same mountain
where God tested Abraham.
Genesis 22:14 ... Luke 23:33