How are we supposed to know which religion is the right one?
2009-05-02 13:47:00 UTC
How are we supposed to know which religion is the right one because everyone is constantly arguing that their faith is the right one and always challenging other faiths so how am I to know? I believe in God but I am having a hard time believing any form of religion because they act like cults. What are you thoughts on this?
25 answers:
2009-05-02 14:44:52 UTC
Write down what you believe. Compare your beliefs with that of any church doctrine. That will help you decide what religion you are and what church you want to go to.
Julianus Flavius
2009-05-03 02:24:33 UTC
It depends who you ask, but Julian the Apostate, Emperor of Rome and author of "Against the Galileans", is of the belief that each pantheon of gods looks after a particular area of the world, so the Greek gods look after the greek area, including the edges of asia minor, the Egyptian gods look after the land of Egypt, and the Roman gods look after the Roman lands. Where two areas overlap, for example, the Romans expanding to cover the lands of the Greeks and Egyptians, the two pantheons 'share' governance of the region. Therefore, the Christian god only has dominance in Judea.

So, they're all right, at least in theory. Hang on. Oh, dear! Here come the catholics. Their god goes against the system that worked for so long. Their god claims governance over us all. Whether you believe in the christian god or not, you cannot claim that his influence covers the entire world, this Catholicism is wrong. By that I mean, Their doctrines are wrong, their god rules over the land of Judea.

Therefore, it would be logical to choose the religion of your ancestors, or, if you cannot trace your ancestry back that far, go with what feels right. Listen attentively for the gods trying to reach out to you, especially in dreams. sometimes it won't be the god you expect!

Sorry for being long-winded, it is a very tough and complicated subject!
2009-05-02 21:09:51 UTC
Your question is definitely not an easy one. If you are undecided, you will need to to a tremendous amount of study.

I was lucky; when I went to study Theology, my conviction that I am in the right denomination (Anglican) strengthened, although there were definitely some scary moments!

God is simply too big for any human to understand. So, we build lenses to see Him through, or boxes that we build, to put Him in. My guess is that picking one, and sticking to it, is probably okay. While I am very comfortable being Anglican; I get it, and it makes sense to me, I cannot claim to be right! Maybe so, but maybe my fellow students from other denominations were more right. We really cannot say.
2009-05-02 20:59:19 UTC
Why does there *have* to be just one "right" religion? Why can't everyone just follow the one that's right for them and allow others to do the same? :)

I don't believe in only "one true religion" or only "one true god." I think all gods exist in some way or another, and that all religions have value to those who follow them. :) The idea that only one religion is "right, true or good" and that all others must be "wrong, false or evil" has been responsible for more atrocities than any other.
2009-05-02 22:29:19 UTC
You don't have to know. God means kindness,love,air,nature,beauty...and all the nice things in the world. When we are born we "achieve" our parents religion.It is not our choice.We just try to respect the "rules".Right means to be good,kind,pleased with yourself.It doesn't matter if you call him God,Jesus,Allah or Buddha. The only thing that matters is the way you feel about Him ;)
2009-05-02 21:12:29 UTC
You should probably play it safe and worship them all. If the real god is into open relationships and stuff like that, you're all set. If, on judgement day, the god you see is a jealous god, grovel and tell him/her you can change. Also, say that you were emotionally fragile because you just broke up with another god and you weren't sure if you could handle that pain again, but you've gotten over it and are ready for commitment again. Flowers and chocolates might help, too.
2009-05-02 20:54:08 UTC
There is no such thing as a "correct religion."

It is primitive to presuppose such nonsensical categorical thinking in the 21st century.

This is tantamount to saying that cereal X is the correct cereal or that brand Z is the only true product of it's class.

Like all such products (and that is all they are, "religious products") what works for one person does not for another.
2009-05-02 21:09:12 UTC
What you do is you pray to God. God gives you feelings, and he will lead you to find the correct information on whcih religion is the correct one. If you have faith in him he will do that.
2009-05-02 21:39:21 UTC
Only one has said that He is God, sent from the Father. And that is Jesus.

Either he is a liar, or it is true.

"No one come to the Father, except throught Me." - why would he say that? he made it clear.

Man tries to reach God (religion), but He reached to man (Jesus).
2009-05-02 21:00:38 UTC
Look for these four marks. ONE: Basic doctrines are the same throughout the entire world and can never be changed since the truth can never be changed. HOLY: Founded by Jesus Christ Himself in the scripture. UNIVERSAL: No one can be excluded from membership. APOSTOLIC: One is able to trace it back to the Apostles in history.
2009-05-02 20:59:40 UTC
The principle of the unity of religion is at the center of Bahá'í teachings. Bahá'u'lláh states that humanity is engaged in a collective growth process quite similar to the growth process of an individual: just as a person begins life as a helpless infant and attains maturity in successive stages, so humankind began its collective social life in a primitive state, gradually attaining maturity. In the case of the individual, it is clear that his or her development takes place as a result of the education he or she receives from parents, teachers, and society in general. But what is the motive force in humankind's collective evolution?

The answer the Bahá'í Faith provides to this question is "revealed religion." In one of His major works, the Kitab-i-Iqan (the Book of Certitude), Bahá'u'lláh explained that God, the Creator, has intervened and will continue to intervene in human history by means of chosen Messengers. These Messengers, Whom Bahá'u'lláh called "Manifestations of God ," are principally the Founders of the major revealed religions, such as Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad, and so forth. It is the spirit released by the coming of these Manifestations, together with the influence of Their teachings and the social systems established by Their laws and precepts, that enable humankind to progress in its collective evolution. Simply put: the Manifestations of God are the chief educators of humanity.
2009-05-02 21:20:58 UTC
you just know, you follow your instinct and the inner voice inside you, and you feel comfortable practicing that religion, you feel peace of mind and love for life, you feel that faith makes you stronger and you are proud of your religion and believe that it is the right one that will lead you directly to heaven!
2009-05-02 22:57:29 UTC
i agree trust in god and pray you do not have to go to church for god to love you do unto others live a good life
2009-05-02 20:55:03 UTC
lol all religions are like cults , they are all basically the same, find the 1 that looks best and follow it :)
2009-05-02 20:52:27 UTC
What if everyone's wrong? We're not smart enough to know, no point in wasting your life trying to find the answer to the question that no one can answer (yet).
2009-05-02 20:51:08 UTC
If a God does exist it is arrogant of anyone to assume that they know what this God expects or wants from us.
2009-05-02 20:52:14 UTC
First you should ask if there's even one that is right. Just because you find two roads doesn't mean they don't both lead off cliffs.
2009-05-02 20:57:18 UTC

which religion has proof outside of their religious text?

*cough* Christianity, Jesus rose from the dead and performed miracles, people wrote about it OUTSIDE OF THE BIBLE, *cough*
2009-05-02 20:51:46 UTC
The TRUE religion is the one that says that they're right and all the others are wrong.

Oh, wait a second. They all say that. Interesting...
2009-05-02 20:53:02 UTC
The one that suits you. They are all and none of them "right".
Crazy Goat Girl
2009-05-02 20:52:38 UTC
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6. The only way to eternal life ithe though Jesus Christ. Except and believe.
2009-05-02 20:51:11 UTC
Follow your intuition.
2009-05-02 20:57:25 UTC
Short answer...they're all wrong.
2009-05-02 20:50:55 UTC
Why not just not subscribe to anything and just focus on your life (as opposed to the afterlife)?
2009-05-02 20:50:39 UTC
play spin the bottle. they're all the same.

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