Why do so many people disrespect the bible and jesus?
Amanda M
2007-06-14 19:58:09 UTC
Therefore, I just asked this question but I did not get a good enough answer. This time I am going to reword it and attempt to filter out all of the irrelevant non-sense. I want an actual relevant answer to this question, please do not post and answer that really does not answer the question.

I understand that the entire world does not agree with the bible. I do not have a problem with this particular fact. My problem is that many people (not all) who do not believe in Christianity disrespect the religion as if it is completely trash. Many people refuse to recognize that there is some wisdom in the bible. I am Christian but I do see the good in other religions. Karma is not a Christian idea but it is still a wise one. The same goes for ideas in many other religions. AS for Jesus, he was a liberal for his time. He was anti violent. (See other question for example... and no, it is not referring to Islam)
I am a liberal democrat who is by no means trying to convert society.
39 answers:
2007-06-14 20:08:11 UTC
I am a liberal democrat myself, and an Episcopalian. I have to say that I agree with everything you shared.

I think atheists/non-believers feel the Christian agenda is constantly crammed down their throats, especially since Bush became President. In addition, the type of Christianity that dominates the headlines is the more conservative type. That means when non-Christians think of Christianity, they almost certainly think of those who read the Bible as literally God's Word, and who therefore believe that all non-Christians will surely burn in hell.

This is unfortunate, because like you mentioned, the Christian message is a beautiful one: love God (Truth), love your neighbor, fight for justice, bring good news to the poor.

When non-Christians attack my beliefs, I remind myself that they are probably not attacking the idea of Jesus love. (!) They are instead rejecting a theology that seems to glorify hate while celebrating exclusivity. I might add that I reject that ideology myself.

Keep the faith. Peace be with you.
Oliver K
2007-06-14 20:48:46 UTC
Christianity is a Medieval religion which is not any better than those it replaced. The Christian god is as human-like as Zeus. He is cruel, ill-tempered and non-forgiving. The Christians may think the Noah's flood story is great and showed God's power. To me, killing all the animals and plants in the whole world except one family and a pair of each species is not what a kind god should have done.

The Christian god could not forgive Adam and Eve, and instead he sent his only son to die for us. I can not accept this kind of logic, especially when the Christians said God did remove the original sin from Virgin Mary, so that Jesus could be born without the original sin.

No wonder Mohammed modified Christianity to create a new religion called Islam.
2007-06-14 20:32:55 UTC
What is the statement love the sinner, hate the sin. How can a person respect a religion and its deity when so many of that religion's followers will not have an open mind. I used to have a bumper sticker that read, "Jesus, save me from your followers"

I take one person at a time and if they treat me fair, I treat them fair. Don't you realize that it is the radical extremes in all beliefs who are the problem. So not all people who are non-Christians disrespect the Christian religion or God. The Creationist non-sense really gets my goat. This world can be billions of years old and still only have a religious history of 5000 years. It just means that like all cultures the Christian one has a creation myth that not everyone accepts.
2007-06-14 20:11:43 UTC
The thing is the way you see many people of the religion acting, for instance on here you see Christians not all but a very small amount just being downright nasty to people that disagree with their beliefs, now I'm not saying its Christian exclusive, I mean I've seen plenty Atheists, of which I am one myself act no better but to many just these little comments is enough for a whole religion to be ridiculed.

It's in our natural instinct from when we were evolving that the strong survive and that idea stays strong through every generation and as we evolved our abilities to express the idea have changed as well, It is no longer using rudimentary tools to kill each other, we are now using the Internet to kill the beliefs of others.

I'm not saying its a good thing that we attack each other the way we do but i think its lack of information brought on by this frame of mind that has caused all this anger and downright bullying towards one another.
2016-09-05 21:04:03 UTC
I feel in that illustration it might be disrespectful due to the fact the which means at the back of the phrase forsaken is so most important to the historical past and tradition of in which Jesus got here from. If there's an additional option to say anything then simply use that.
2007-06-14 20:18:46 UTC
Personally, I believe the problem is when people take a good idea and try force it into a believe structure, and worse yet, force other people to believe it. Like most religions.. it's all the same basic idea.. Respect..

All and all, Jesus tried to teach respect. Respect for your fellow man (and Woman). Respect for life, respect for nature. No matter HOW you classify it with names like Baptist, Catholic, or even Pagan.

Somewhere the idea of respect has been lost with people reading the the words of the Bible and still not understanding

the ideas the cannon was trying to convey.

As for people trashing it. Most people are so close minded and so caught up in there 'ways' that they lose any respect and thought for other peoples ideas and believes. There's a reason there's stereotypical names like 'Biblethumper' in the English language. If people didn't act stereotypical.. we wouldn't need the words. =)
2007-06-14 20:07:48 UTC
This forum is an outlet for people who cannot otherwise voice their opinions in the real world. If I were to walk up to a stranger and say Jesus sucks, I'm sure I'd get some sort of pummeling. It can be done here with relatively little consequence. This doesn't mean I knock Jesus or the bible.. Well, I do the bible because it's one big book of fairytales, inadequate history lessons and a few okay life lessons.. outdated life lessons I'd say. It's written for a time long ago and is pretty invalid today.

Does saying that Jesus didn't exist really disrespecting him? If one believes he is a myth, does whatever that person says actually qualify as a putdown? I don't think so.

You have your beliefs. When you post them here, they are fair game for others to chop them down, ridicule and argue. As long as they don't violate the TOS, it's okay. If you don't like what's being said, you certainly need not participate.

My .02
2007-06-14 20:04:58 UTC
Most people here will admit that, yes, there are plenty of decent Christians, or Muslims, or Jews, or Buddhists, or Wiccans, or what have you; Christians, however, tend to get targeted more here in the R&S forum because other, less tolerant Christians deliberate come here and rile everyone up with the fire-and-brimstone thing, or hating gays thing, or "evolution is a lie and Earth is 6,000 years old" thing... the list goes on. Over and over and over. This tends to somewhat sour everyone else's view of Christianity, and understandably so; but that doesn't necessarily invalidate ALL Christians, nor does it mean that there aren't good things in the Bible. There are plenty of good things in the Quran, too. It's when you try to define everything and everyone in the world (read: "judge") by the tenets in one of those kinds of books, including those who DON'T FOLLOW it, is when you kind of step out of your bounds and onto people's nerves.

It all comes down to simple consideration, and respect for others and their beliefs. If you display those things, you generally are more well-received.
2007-06-14 20:04:27 UTC
I don't understand why this bothers you so much? You stated that you respect other religions. Let it be then? Not everyone is going to agree with the bible. I agree with you however, that there are some wise words in there. And I believe everyone takes something different from it. There could be so many different reasons why people think the bible is trash. Not everyone is as open minded as you seem, with their beliefs. Which is very cool. I try to be that way as well.
2015-07-13 10:48:35 UTC
It is because it is too easy to accept as truth and too hard to continue to pray every day despite ill fortunes and stay connected to the only true source of life, Jesus Christ. The bible defies logic on some of its most poignant points so when it admonishes us to "love our enemies," we default to an incredulous expression replete with raised eyebrows and squinting. The part that is often overlooked is this is not to be obeyed as an ode to our enemies but rather to ourselves for our enemies can obliterate us if we return to them what they offer us. How? Through bitterness and even hatred that can evolve from a back and forth of ill will. Strength comes from joy and there is no joy in bitterness and hatred. The loving your enemies and the other beatitudes that seem to favor your foe are actually apothecaries to keep you healed from them. People disrespect this frame of thinking and living for the human heart aims for immediate justice as long as the justice isn't issued to them. Revenge is their motto whereas Forgiveness to keep yourself free is Jesus' motto and this is not bosomed in our society. It is actually despised and as you referred in your inquiry--disrespected.
2007-06-14 20:18:44 UTC
Every so often, I engage in mudslinging on the forums. Some of this is trivial, and some of it comes from my dissatisfaction with religion and the use of Christianity in the world today.

I am an atheist. I do not believe that any religion is founded in reality. But my particular issue with Christianity is how its followers are using it to advance personal agendas that interfere with the freedom of others.

I do not have much of a problem with the character portrayal of Jesus, who was compassionate for the time the NT was created. But I also think that modern followers of Christianity are using the Bible to validate their intrusion of religion in government, restrictions on stem cell research and personal medical choices (abortion), denial of modern scientific theories (evolution), and bigotry against those who do not subscribe to their personal views (anti co-habitation laws, anti gay-marriage amendment and anti-civil union laws, funding of faith based groups, the list goes on).

I personally think that religion should be a personal affair, and not financed by government funds or forced onto others. This would include my atheism, of course. I generally follow a policy of "live and let live" to others. But many believers have not respected this idea of tolerance. In the past two weeks, two Mormons and a fundamentalist cab driver attempted to convert me to Christianity, while inferring that my atheism is immoral, nihilistic, and materialistic. In one recent sermon, Tony Evans called atheists the "children of Lucifer." The fundamentalist branches of Christianity are frightening.

These are the kind of folks who have representation in the American government and who do not see value in the separation between church and state. Their policies are often exclusive to homosexuals or whoever does not fit into their paradigm of "godly" behavior.

I feel that if I do not speak up, I will lose my privilege to live in a secular government and to avoid discrimination. I am also concerned about bigotry, prejudice, and anti-science, which are often the products of religious belief.

I think we can disagree and should debate our views, but agree to treat others with respect. My behavior in YA! is a fluke, simply because an anonymous forums bring out people's worst (and often humorous) qualities. Hope this helps.
2007-06-14 20:11:59 UTC
Most of the Bible is pretty worthless. Very little of the content that purports to be fact is likely true. And much of the content that is advice is pure bunk.

Some examples:

God tells a guy to kill his son and the guy starts to do it. That's insane!

Another guy supposedly builds a boat, picks up 2 each of every species, hauls them around for a while, then drops them off. The logistics alone make that absolutely impossible.

A woman looks over her shoulder to see what's happening and gets turned to salt. How incredibly cruel and stupid is that? It's the death penalty for curiosity.

About 1% of the advice-type content makes sense (be peaceful, don't kill, etc.) but none of that originated with the Bible.

So I have a hard time seeing where the Bible is deserving of respect. It is at best mediocre (albeit mostly plagarized) fiction.
2007-06-14 20:07:28 UTC
I think it depends on there belief's as well. For example.

Atheist- don't believe in much of anything and do not care ether way.

Agnostics- Are more-anti christian, they also don't believe in christ and think we are all wasting our time. These are the more vocal and disagreeing people who add uneducated answer to a simple discussion.

I myself an a born again christian and my husband is an agnostic, he always puts thing down that he knows nothing about.
2007-06-14 20:06:01 UTC
I wish I had the exact verse but I apologize I do not. If you will search your Bible you will find that your question is answered, in Biblical prophecy. In the end times there will be a great falling away, and people will have a form of Godlyness but deny the power. I did not use quotations because I dont know the verses verbatum. They are close but like I said they are not a direct quote, however if you use your concordence in the back you will find exactly where they are.

Hold strong to the faith and may God richly bless you and yours.

2007-06-14 20:09:38 UTC
i only read your question and let me tell you that people disrespect jesus and the bible for they believe that there religion is correct,why bother respeting a simple human who died just like lot of men across the nation have died..the bible,well,why should respect something that is full of bologna?Im a catholic,and i know my religion is the right religion,not perfect,but the best for ME.why,oh why? would i read a santeria's priest bible and believe it?or,why would i respect them worshiping the devil?hum?we ALL do it,its called being hard headed or afraid to learn th truth OR knowing what is right and not falling into tramps.....for many its both..that is why people disrespect jesus and the holy bible..but how about an even bigger one,WHY DO THEY DIRESECT THE VIRGIN??????the mother of most of this planets so called is full of sinners,angry people,and those who will drown in there own denial,hopefully some day we shall all give him the respect he deserves

2007-06-14 20:08:11 UTC
It is not disrespecting Jesus and the Bible to say that he was only a man and it is only a book.

Wisdom can be found in both men and books.

But the fact that Jesus and the Bible can both teach wisdom is not proof that they are divine or that everything they say is truly wise.
2007-06-14 21:52:10 UTC
Because we are taught in the words of our Lord ,that their will come a day when all will not no me cant here about me when spoken of, We are in those days, Satan's followers are trying to miss lead and conceive.Trying to convince All what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong, Using Hate as a cop out , from what is right and what is wrong. Christan's don't hate the unbelievers, we just don't like the wrong that they are doing...Wrong, not Hate. Everyone has a choice to chose , We as Christan's are not to judge, But we are to pray for those who are blinded and can not see, Pray for those that can not hear. and pray for those who can not speak the truth. Not condemn them but pray silent and leave their Judgment,up to God.and If we all pray it will change things, The Lord promises that if 2 or more come together with the same prayer it will be done, So don't let such discourage you and have you to fill angered, just pray, I do daily for the Lost and confuse....Silent prayer gets it done...Prayer gets it done..God bless you And never let nothing or nobody ever doubt your faith ..God Bless All. Karma is used in many different saying.Like in the Bible you reap what you sow.Same meaning as karma..Cause and effect, same saying as you reap what you sow...And none of us are trying to convert we are what you call planting a seed it is up to each indauals to grow that seed, It is one of our duties to our Lord to plant that seed. not to grow it...But trust me their will come a day when that seed that we planted will call out for water ....Because we all have to die...Just pray for all each day of your life,,,for the Lost and confused...
2007-06-14 21:10:23 UTC
You assume that many people disrespect the bible and jesus. This may or may not be true. If they do disrespect the bible and jesus, it's probably because they are fed up with self-righteous, holier-than-thou christians who insist their beliefs are the only true ones.
2007-06-14 20:22:09 UTC
their hearts are dark (they don't have the SPIRIT of God living in them.) They can't recieve His word and the truth is a Christian can't really explain the Spirit, it is an experience, it is life and non-Christian will never understand, because the message of the cross is foolishness to non-believers. they fight against the truth and ridicule it, not looking at the depth/message of what is really being said. they claim there is no proof of God but they can't disprove Him. they claim we evolved from animals or microbs, but fail to realize that the information (scientific/logical) is obtained through the efforts of men and that contrary to popular belief that too can be manipulated. they would rather throw stones at religion because of the lusts of their bodies, minds, souls. furthermore, they try to place all bad things that "some" Christians do into one big melting pot, but if you try to categorize them they start trippin and start saying that religion is the down fall of society, when the truth is MAN is the downfall of society, with his/her hatred, jealousy, envy, lust, greed ect...peace Soulsista
2007-06-14 20:04:41 UTC
Simple--too many vocal, obnoxious, hard-working people want to inflict a particular version of Christianity on the rest of us. It breeds anger and resentment. I would love to see more Christians like you speak out, though of course the mainstream media is more interested in wildly polarized debates.
2007-06-14 20:23:08 UTC
the only thing I can come up with is Jesus isn't the in thing these days.

homosexuality is in,being a atheist is in, getting divorced is in,

and so on and so on. the world cant be into every thing that stands agents what Jesus stands for and still respect Jesus and what the Bible says
2007-06-14 20:05:55 UTC
These are two symbols of Christianity and therefore the easiest to target. Consider that according to this religion, Falwell will go to heaven because he accepts Jesus.

However, though I have donated a kidney, work at a homeless shelter, teach inner city school (which I love to do), give food to random homeless people, hold the door for the person behind me, help those in need, volunteer my time for the greater good, I am told that I will go to hell as punishment because I don't believe that JHC is the savior.

Well. If Falwell is in heaven, maybe Hell is the reward!
Buying is Voting
2007-06-14 20:05:58 UTC
The people who disrespect Jesus and the Bible are the ones who use them to pass judgment, start wars, hate their neighbors (but justify it by calling it "harsh love"), and defend their own immoral, or at least inconsiderate, lifestyles.
2007-06-14 20:09:31 UTC
Maybe some people disrepect the bible and Jesus due to the incessant preaching, witnessing, and lecturing inflicted upon them by some christians. Maybe these witnessing christians could not provide enough evidence to these people to convince them to believe.

Maybe these people do not want to be preached to anymore.
2007-06-14 20:20:37 UTC
because its easier that way . if someone doesnt believe in anything there s nothing stopping them from doing what they want .. they can take your things .. lie to you . and eat breakfast using your heart earned pay . and never feel like they r e going to throw up . as long as they can just keep that nagging bible and jesus stuff out of sight out of mind. just like taking down the ten commandments from the lawns of court buildings claiming their religious rather then rules for being human . makes it easier to get away with murder .. ...
2007-06-14 20:08:04 UTC
Why do you even bother asking this question? I've attempted many times myself to try and get a decent, fair discussion going as to why non-Christians just don't believe and all they spew is hate. Viciousness and anger is all they know. And, I believe, it's because they just walk in darkness. They've been deceived and frightened by the lies and lash out when you try to show them way out of their "safe place" and ino the light. Let them be. We know where we're going. Let them deal with what comes on their own and in the end it doesn't matter to us what they believe - only our own souls.
2007-06-14 20:06:52 UTC
I think all religions have their good and bad points.This world would be a peaceful place if we could all accept everyones beliefs or non beliefs.
2007-06-14 20:03:38 UTC
because they dont believe Jesus is Lord and they believe us Christians are fools in believing in a book without actualy seeing and they also claim he is just another man,,,,God Bless

2007-06-14 20:00:55 UTC
Theists, especially christians, try to control and restrict us based on their views. If all christians stop crusading against science, culture, art, sex and sexuality, religious freedom and such, and stop telling everybody else they're going to be tortured throughout eternity unless they join you, I assure you that you won't encounter nearly as much hostility.

Nobody can prove any gods, much less a specific god, exist; many people will tell you their god exists but no others, but will never be able to prove it, even if they think so. Some will threaten you with eternal pain or promise eternal joy to get you to believe in their god; these are all stories, created for people who were scared long before we understood the universe. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.

How terrible the bible in particular is:

What's the origin of the Jesus stories?

How silly and horrible religion in general is:

The alternative:
2007-06-14 20:03:29 UTC
Most of the good things are just rehashes of older ideas.
~Heathen Princess~
2007-06-14 20:01:36 UTC
Well, I feel like Christianity attacks and disrespects my faith every time they tell me my gods are "false". There is as much proof of mine as there is of theirs. I don' t mine most Christians. They are really nice, reasonable people. Its the fanatic fundamentalist that are really ruining it for you guys.
2007-06-14 20:00:54 UTC

( The Author of a Book Advocating DEATH for ALL Xians would be Hung, Drawn and Quartered. This is Pure Hate. )

The ‘Holy’ Bible advocates the KILLING of 2/3s of ALL HUMANITY – me, just because I accept tons of scientific evidence over zero evidence of any of humanity’s “Gods.”

BIBLICAL DEATH PENALTY: KILL UNBELIEVERS - Acts 3:23 … "And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear the prophet, shall be destroyed."

BIBLICAL DEATH PENALTY: KILL UNBELIEVERS - Chronicles 15:12-13 (NIV) … They entered into a covenant to seek the LORD, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul. All who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman.

Re YOUR: "noone is answering my question" ... I AM! . CAN YOU NOT SEE THIS ANSWER... IT'S THE SECOND ONE!
2007-06-14 20:04:07 UTC
Why do so many people disrespect Zeus?
2007-06-14 20:14:44 UTC
I think the teachings of Bible and Jesus Christ are full **** and I think they're garbage and full of lies its all fairy tales.
2007-06-14 20:02:34 UTC
i think people fear what they don't understand and yes its hard to understand religions.
2007-06-14 20:05:22 UTC
I don't respect the bible, I just disrespect jesus.
2007-06-14 20:00:30 UTC
Why do so many people disrespect Harry Potter? Why don't they realize that I worship him as my savior, and they just have to accept that and respect my stupid views and maybe fund them with tax money once in a while?
2007-06-14 20:19:41 UTC
Please read II Thessalonians, especially chapters 2 and 3.
2007-06-14 20:02:15 UTC
They do it simply to irritate you!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.