How can I start believing in God again?
2015-02-15 12:06:36 UTC
I was raised as a Roman Catholic and I became an atheist in my early teens. My high school years were absolutely terrible, most of my friends moved to other cities or changed schools and I had to deal with bullying. I graduated last year and now in university I have friends and everything is a lot better. Plus something weird happened to me recently that made rethink the whole religion thing.

I just want to be able to believe in God again, I want to feel that I am not alone and I have someone to help me but I can't, I still doubt his existence even though I am a lot more open to it now (I even tried praying after all these years). And I don't think I am ever going back to Christianity. I think that IF God exists, then it's one God, he never had a son to send to earth or anything like that, Jesus wasn't the Messiah. I want to return to God but I don't know how. Of course I will never ever be a young earth creationist or anything like that, even what I am studying at university is totally against it, I just want to have faith and hope and become more optimistic. I am such a pessimist (because my life totally sucked) that's it's destroying me, I always assume the worst and expect the worst.

By the way, I'd appreciate it if my fellow atheists didn't come here just to call me stupid. Please keep your beliefs to yourself, and I hope you can be happy with them. Unfortunately I wasn't.
212 answers:
2015-02-17 02:29:31 UTC
girly girl
2015-02-19 13:35:52 UTC
Cant say I can help much but I can honestly say that I'm happy to know of I die right now I know where I'm going. And I worried about that for years sometimes I feel like a monster from the things I've done. And I don't deserve such a thing but he forgave me no sin is different from the other its all the same in his eyes. Plus for some reason I've always had a place to stay no matter what some how I have a roof over my head and I don't have a job. Right now but some how I feel like god is like a real father someone who's always had my back no matter what. And I can't say I've lived a Christian life and he still has my back I would never want to loose that feeling I hope this helps. With love kirika
Dee D
2015-02-17 15:09:26 UTC
Read John 3:16-19 and read Romans 7. The Word of God must be the first thing you desire (The Milk of the Word) 1 Peter 2:1-3 says, Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, 2) as newborn babies (Born Again), desire the pure milk of The Word that you may grow thereby. 3) if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.

It's not based on what you think, or the world think, but "Thus says The Lord". Read also 1 Corinthians 1, and that will start you off. Get into a Bible (The Word of God) teaching Church and you will grow thereby the teachings of the Truth of The Gospel.

I wish you all of God's blessings, and know that God do not change (Malachi 3:6), we do with all the false doctrine that is out there in the world today!
2015-02-16 15:25:03 UTC
an overwhelming THANK YOU to the positive people. this sounds just like many of us. I was raised in a strict Christian home that I rejected. my life went to the crapper. I felt so empty and had so many questions. so I educated my self on spiritualism rather than religion. I read and went to lectures. I spoke with a great many educated people. Mostly they all said the same thing. God, or what ever higher power you are seeking will come to you once you decide for your self that you are ready. It sounds like you are. I cannot tell you to "pray" so much as to advise you to meditate. Think deep. This might not sound too helpful but my life got a ton better by going by this. You know that feeling in your gut that you get when you need to make a decision ? FOLLOW IT. We all know that there is a right and a wrong way to live. We all see the good and the bad. The best thing is to follow your own personal feelings on the matter and to just be a good person. Do the right thing. Don't be a lemming. Goodness is within us all and we all have the power to spread it. I do hope that you figure it out.
2015-02-17 09:26:45 UTC
Wanting something to be true isn't reason to believe it is. There are certainly formulations of god(s) that I find appealing, but that doesn't mean they're real. I'm sorry that you're feeling depressed right now, but reality is sometimes not comforting. Sometimes our experiences in life suck. And I would caution a former drug addict from relapsing the same way I would caution against delusion.

Once the proverbial veil has been lifted, I do not know how one starts making believe again and actually believe. So I don't actually have an answer for your question. Optimism isn't guaranteed with religiosity. (Just additional stress from letting yourself or others down for your religiosity not making you more optimistic). My personal experiences have been the opposite, abandoning 'faith' made me much happier. And no, I don't think you're stupid. I think you're unhappy and giving into wishful thinking. All you've mentioned is your unhappiness and pessimism and loneliness, so clearly it's what's the most important. Only a passing, unspecific weird thing that happened, possibly something you've misunderstood in one or more ways. Or want to misunderstand.
2015-02-15 12:53:39 UTC
I am a Christian but I think I understand what you are trying to say. You can start by praying to God and ask Him to reveal Himself to you, but be sincere. Simply reading about God (the Bible as other people here suggest) won't help at all if you don't feel His presence first. You need to trust Him, you will understand in the end that you are not alone.

And when you overcome your doubts, you can probably search for a religion that represents your beliefs. You said " I think that IF God exists, then it's one God, he never had a son to send to earth or anything like that, Jesus wasn't the Messiah", maybe you can search for a religion that agrees with you on that. As I said before I am a Christian but if you don't believe in Jesus you can always look for something else, you have the right to do so and don't let anyone tell you what to believe, this is only YOUR choice. If Christianity doesn't work for you it's okay. Go with whatever makes you feel better.

Good luck, I hope you find what you are looking for.
2015-02-17 12:23:47 UTC
You just broke God's law by rejecting the only true God. However if you had a bad experience in your church as a youngster it probably not helped your faith in God. If you associate your experience as a false God then you might be correct. However what you fail to see is just because you had a bad thing that was not God happen to you does not mean that the religion was at fault. There many wolves in hseep clothing in today's church world. Faith is individual. so the first step in believing is decide what do you believe is true about the God you think is possible real. Then consider why is not your world always perfect I God is perfect being. If perfect why is his creation not so perfect? If God's imperfect creation causes chaos then it explains why something just never make sense.

So let start with the God of the Old Testament creating a imperfect world that was perfect at the beginning.
2015-02-15 16:29:40 UTC
You sound so much like me...I really didn't think there was anyone else who felt the way I had. Well my beloved friend, you are not alone. Don't let things in this world tear you from what you know deep down inside of you. I hope I'm not sounding pushy, but I am a biologist, and I can honestly tell you that science, mathematics, and physics actually point to a higher being. Here are some examples I found out while I was searching for answers: Everywhere in the bible, there is a knowledge of how this world works. For example, science has discovered that life began in the water. Stated in Genesis, God created the fish of the sea and all the creatures in the sea before any other creature. My beloved friend, stay on the path and don't let things of this world deceive you. I am a brother, and am here for you and anyone that needs anything. My email is Though I don't deserve them, my creator has given me full wisdom and knowledge of his word. I am but a humble servant, however, keep your head up, email me. That goes for anyone who needs anything...even if anyone wants to talk, I'll be there to listen. Interesting fact that still amazes me?? If Jupiter wasn't where it was at, earth would be bombarded by meteorites and asteroids so much, no life could exist. Its funny, if the planet Jupiter were 1 degree off from where its at in the solar system, we would all be destroyed. We have just an amazing God. God bless my beloved friend, and remember, I am here for you.
2015-02-16 21:09:11 UTC
This takes effort. You can't just wait to be inspired. Read. Read the scriptures. If you don't want to read the New Testament, the read the Old Testament which is the Jewish Bible.

It is a very reasonable thing to believe in God. 90% of Americans do so. If you think about it, you will see that it is atheism that is the illogical and irrational position.

A lack of evidence that God exists, is not evidence that the opposite is true. A person saying they are an atheist due to a lack of evidence, is being illogical, and irrational, because they should be undecided. But an atheist has decided there is no God, when there is no evidence for that belief. This supports the position that a lack of evidence has nothing to do with atheism. Atheism is an emotional decision that a person makes and uses their intellect to try to support and defend. If it were rational, they would be agnostics, not atheists. This explains why so many atheists don't recognize, near death experiences, and born again experiences of people seeing God, as evidence. Atheists don't see the Bible as evidence, medical miracles as evidence, reports of religious visions, or prophetic dreams, as evidence. They have already made up their minds there is no God, for emotional reasons, and their rationale that there is no evidence, stands, no matter what evidence is presented. That evidence does not count, for some reason.

Anything with a beginning has a cause, and the universe has a beginning. This has been shown by astrophysics, therefore the existence of a Big Bang is evidence that there is a God, because there had to be something to cause the Big Bang to occur. God does not have a beginning because he is an eternal being that exists outside of time. In the first moments of the Big Bang, energy, space, time, and matter came into existence. God, on the other hand, is an eternal being, and the creator of time, space, matter, and energy. God does not and cannot have a creator, because God is "before" time itself.

The order, complexity and stability of the universe infers a grand design. If every house has a builder, certainly something as complex and ordered as the physical universe has a builder. The order, stability, and complexity of the universe is evidence of an intelligent design, and therefore, God.

Life cannot come from non-living matter. The existence of life necessitates an eternal living God to create life, so is evidence that God exists.

Too many weird things happen for there not to be a God. Not just documented miracles, but bizarre coincidences that should never happen. This is evidence for a purpose behind seemingly random events. God is the origin of the design and purpose of human life in the universe. There appears to be intrinsic meaning and purpose in life. That life has meaning and purpose is evidence of God.

Concepts come from our experiences. Human beings should not have the concept of a perfect, pure, eternal, omnipotent being, yet over 85% of the human race does. These religious concepts serve no evolutionary purpose. Since everything we know and conceive is derived from our experience, the existence of the God concept is evidence that some such being actually exists. This is not just idealization, conceiving of the greatest of all. God is outside the box, in the sense of not just the oldest or the first, but eternal, outside the time space continuum., perfect and pure. In a similar vein, the fact that the vast majority of human beings believe they can communicate with such a being and that being can communicate with them, is evidence that something exists. Millions upon millions, a majority of the human race, testify to having a direct, supernatural, experience, in one form or another, with the divine. This eye-witness testimony is evidence that a supernatural being exists. The only thing left to speculate on is which version or concept of God is the correct one. Since God is beyond the physical universe, it stands to reason that none of the human versions are likely accurate. So this leaves us only to wonder which religion is the closest to the truth.
2015-02-16 21:42:39 UTC
I suggest that you read the Bible to see if you are a Christian. But especially focus on the Christian platform. What do they believe. If you find yourself believing in 80-100%, Christianity is probably for you. Also, find a reason to why you believe in God. Back up your Yes answer when someone asks if you believe in God. Faith in God is very personal, and only you can ultimately decide if you do or not.

Attend a few churches to see if there's a community that's right for you. It can be helpful to have friends who believe in what you believe. I'm a former agnostic who has an ancestry of Roman Catholic, Episcopalians, and Orthodox Christians, but became a Christian in my own rite in High School through the Episcopal Church. I will say though I have also attended Lutheran services a few times, and it's very nice.

If your Christianity search doesn't work out, maybe the Jewish faith (probably Reformed or Conservative, I don't reccomend Orthodox) could work for you. They believe in God too, but don't believe Jesus is the messiah. I suggest it because I do know of Christian converts to Judaism.
2015-02-15 12:47:07 UTC
You are starting on a great journey. I can tell from your question that you are interested in the truth. Sometimes on a journey like this, it is helpful to read about the journeys of others. I recently read a book called "Something Other Than God," a memoir by Jennifer Fulwiler. She was a lifelong atheist who... well, read the book. :) It is really good, hard to put down. Here is a shorter, online version of her story:

You could try praying some more. Think of it as a sort of experiment. If there is no God, then it won't HURT you, and nobody even has to know. If there IS a God, then you may be amazed at the results. You don't really have anything to lose, at any rate.

Many Christians feel doubts from time to time, even committed Christians. It can be very hard at times. Mother Theresa felt this, as did other people of great faith throughout history. It is sometimes called "spiritual dryness" or the "dark night of the soul," but working through it can actually bring us CLOSER to God in the long run. (Which is why it is found in people now known to have had great faith.)

Christians believe that Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matt 7:7–8). To the person who is sincerely seeking truth, God will reveal the truth. I sincerely believe that. I have read lots of conversion stories, and have learned that God often does miraculous things when seekers ask for faith.
Alice S
2015-02-16 14:37:31 UTC
The problem might not be God, but the religion. Here is something to ponder. According to string theory, the universe has at least 12 dimensions. This being the case we assume that, in an egocentric universe, that all of this will have been done to create us. However, this may not be the case and the fact is that we are just a cog in the machine, where we may not be the end product. God is ineffable. Whatever the big plan is, we are not in the know. It therefore follows that, if the big plan is beyond our limited knowledge, in the same way that gold fish may not be able to comprehend the world outside of the fishtank, it follows that anybody, or religion, that tells you that they know what Gods plans are, are either deluded or frauds.

People and, by definition, religions, view the universe through their own, egocentric view. The images and stories that you were told when you were growing up, are wrapped up with politics and power plays dating back to the Roman empire. These are not gods words, but mans interpretation of them.

So don't beat yourself up about not believing in mans interpretation of a creator. Believe in God, or don't. But make up your own mind about the nature of any devine being.

2015-02-15 12:49:32 UTC
I don't think you stopped believing in God. Maybe you just did other things that until now you realized you might need God in your life again. The fact you question "I start believing in God again" is proof you never stopped. I can't speak for all but I certainly have a hard time staying on track. The cares of this world are hard to ignore when it seems everyone I know is involved in some degree to the cares of the world including myself. I don't know if this will help, very day say the Lord's Prayer. THen I upon awakening say say satan get thee hence for it is written you shall obey every word of God, and the word of god cannot be broken. I say this in my children's rooms before they awaken and I also add Father please place an hedge about my children like you did Job until they become strong enough in your word. It is a daily struggle to do what is right. So may God bless you and yours and this helps.
2015-02-18 09:42:51 UTC
Man, this is a whole lot of answers. If you read this, thank you for taking the time.

It sounds like you are molding a religion into what you want it to be. Give the attributes you like to a God you made up and feel better about your situation. If that really is the case, I suppose the long list of answers is perfect for you. Take what you like and leave the rest. I, however, would prefer not to deceive myself. I want to see what is true and extract the facts from the evidence. I'm not going to give up on an idea without a good reason, and I'm going to listen to both sides of the argument before I make my decision. If you're with me, read on.

God can reveal who He is to anyone He wants to. If you humble yourself, He's a lot more likely to show Himself to you. The way I started is that I looked at the major world religions first. I rejected Buddhism because life does not suck (at least for me). I rejected Hinduism because they are basically a modified version of ancient Paganism. What is left is spiritism / New Age, and the three (Islam, Christianity, Judaism). Spirits and ghosts can easily be explained by the three by calling them devils and angels. And as you get deeper into those religions, you begin to see that they have an aspect of truth in them. But they only bow down to one God. There's nothing quite like casting out a demon in Jesus' name and seeing it leave. People who have been abducted by "aliens" have also ceased their tortures when the victim called on Jesus.

I know you have a problem with the doctrine of the trinity, but there's plenty written about that. It makes sense once you understand it. And by makes sense, I mean that it will not make sense, but it isn't disturbing when you think about it. John 1 does say that Jesus is God, so you'd have to reject that apostle if you didn't want to believe the trinity. God wants our faith, so there have to be some leaps you take or it won't be possible to please him. If someone tried to explain ice to someone who had never seen it, it would make no sense. The body of a man is both body and soul - which makes no sense either. But not being able to wrap my mind around a concept doesn't mean that the concept isn't true. It just means that I'm too dumb to understand. Remember what I said about humility. And if you think Creationists believe what they do because they don't understand the evidence, you're worse than a Creationist when you reject Jesus because of the trinity.


This is an NDE that might help you with the trinity. He said that he was in Jesus and Jesus was in him. They were the same yet distinct.
2015-02-15 19:10:16 UTC
You can't force belief. You either believe, or you do not. You stopped believing in Santa Claus as a kid, do you think you can ever believe in the Jolly Old Elf ever again? Or the Easter Bunny? Once the genie is out of the jar (acceptance that there is no supreme being) it's really hard to recondition yourself back into believing in a fairy tale.

As a 45-year-old lifelong atheist who finds meaning and in simply helping others, and in appreciating the joys in life, from sunsets to a baby's smile, there can be happiness in atheism. I know a lot of atheists who are completely happy by finding secular ways of contributing and finding meaning in community. However, I often find that life would simply be easier if I could find a way to believe. However, I just can't find any evidence strong enough to give me a reason to think there is any kind of supreme being, and a lot of evidence that all gods were created by mankind. We even have the written records of such creations.
2015-02-16 07:38:26 UTC
Well first Roman Catholic isn't the best way to find God because they really don't teach you the true Christianity or explain much of anything, it is more of a religious thing with much tradition and some rules that do not follow the Bible (God's word). I myself was raised that way, but soon learned more on my own and from other Bible Scholars and teachers.

The very fact we are here and alive is proof enough of God the creator, compared to the athiest idea that something can come from nothing and organize itself beyond completely impossible odds for life to to be possible, then again against impossible odds life came from non-life, I could go on for pages, but you get the point.

I would recommend a book called "Jesus among other Gods" by Ravi Zacharias, or watch some of his videos on Youtbue, he was raised in India but became a follower of Christ. He does a great job of explaining why Christ Jesus stands apart from all others.
2015-02-16 15:13:29 UTC
Why don't you just start believing in god how you think god should be. I Understand how your feeling a few days ago I was feeling that way too, I'm not an atheist, I just started questioning if God (who's real name is Yahweh) and when I started talking to him (not really praying, just talking to him like a friend) I started to feel better. Also tell him how you feel about him and tell him that you want to believe in him again. Ask him how to believe in him again. I'm still getting to know and love him, my family doesn't really have a religion, it's just God (Yahweh) we believe in. And I'm not saying to join our religion, I'm just saying believe in God (Yahweh) the way YOU believe in him.

(Not sure how much of this helps but, yeah)

I hope this helps.
2015-02-18 00:24:00 UTC
I too was raised in a Christian household and I will be honest it's quite hard living in a world where we are taught that seeing is believing.. The most amazing part of life is the things that we can't see, think about it! I can't see tomorrow, cus I might not be here, yet I have faith I will wake up the next day. We cant see air, But we have faith that the moment I take a breath that my lungs will fill. That's really what God is like we cant see him, but we have faith that he is there for us. It's impossible to know God without faith. (Hebrews 11:6) The only thing is that I see in your comment is your trying to walk with your shoes tied. If we believe in God we also must believe in Gods word. (The bible) Which in his word he sent his son Jesus to take the blame for all. (John 3:16-17) The bible even says the Jesus is the word made into flesh. (John 1:14) but most of all Jesus is our only way to God. (John 14:6) All we have to do is except him into our lives and be changed forever!
2015-02-17 22:34:39 UTC
Wanting to return to God after so many years without Him, I understand. From Catholic to Quaker, to Pagan to Nothing at all, I've been there. But, after breaking my rosary apart out of anger, spending years building my case against God, rolling my eyes at the churches I'd pass, I finally remembered one thing: I'm still thinking about him. Despite my anger and ceaseless rebellion against God, I still thought about him. And through that, a tiny seed of Hope was found within me. I am not Born Again. I have no church. But I do have hope. And no matter how small it is, it's still there. And no matter how frustrated I get, or how isolated I feel in a sea of Atheists and rational reasons to not believe in God, I still do. For what reason? I don't know. But it's there. Read the Bible if you want, go to confessional, pray everyday, but remember: Keeping the faith takes time and willingness. And if you wanted to return to God in the first place, that means that seed of Hope was still in you. That means He was still with you. I think He might be welcoming you home.
2015-02-16 07:03:40 UTC
YOUR SINCERETY & honesty is to be commended! If I might take the liberty to reference this about the true Christ in history:

*** gt The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived ***

The historian H. G. Wells said that a man’s greatness can be measured by ‘what he leaves to grow, and whether he started others to think along fresh lines with a vigor that persisted after him.’ Wells, although not claiming to be a Christian, acknowledged: “By this test Jesus stands first"

A Historical Person

Yet, strangely, some say that Jesus never lived—that he is, in effect, a creation of some first-century men. Answering such skeptics, the respected historian Will Durant argued: “That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an ethic and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels.”

WITH THE above in mind IF in fact Christ Jesus is the "Greatest Man" & the true Messiah in all history would it not be sad for us to deny him? Note please what his apostles & disciples wanted of him:

(Luke 11:1) “11 Now he was in a certain place praying, and when he stopped, one of his disciples said to him: “Lord, teach us how to pray, just as John also taught his disciples.””

He answered with the "Lords' Prayer " with the most important matters to keep in mind. Soon after he recommended this vital matter:

(Luke 11:11-13) “. . .Indeed, which father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will hand him a serpent instead of a fish? 12 Or if he also asks for an egg, will hand him a scorpion? 13 Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him!””

Such thoughts above are powerful ideas & may help your concern This important 4 min .video will describe the importance of Bible truths
2015-02-17 12:08:18 UTC
You haven't need to believe in God. I am Atheist and i am very very happy and peaceful.

The conviction that we have need the God is only a manner that use the religion for not lose the believers. When you realize that the people don't have need to god, the world will make a small step towards the freedom.

I am very sorry having say this, but i can't send a person in the prison of religion.
2015-02-18 16:51:21 UTC
First, I would like to make perfectly clear that Jesus is real and did historically exist. There is plenty of proof of that. (You might want to read Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard's book, Killing Jesus. This was VERY carefully researched.) When I went to Catholic school, we learned religion by memorization (rote), but it did not really sink in until I studied with Protestants (Baptist, Presbyterian, and finally Lutheran). I did not have an easy life. Sickly and neglected as a child, put in foster care, lived in poverty, I never gave up on God, and now that I am a senior, my faith is stronger than ever. I notice you start many of your statements with "I want", but you never really consider what God wants or may have in store for you. I learned to Let Go and Let God. Finally, looking back, God has rewarded me and I have had a wonderful life with all the bad things chalked up to a "learning experience", but once you give in to the bad stuff, you might as well shake the Devil's hand.
2015-02-15 20:43:42 UTC
Hey good bless all of us and is so greatful to always accept us no matter what.

In my opinion God is really calling you. . You have rejected him and he still wants to save you. What's better than having a lovely God that loves us no matter what near us? Okay to start off ask yourself ... If god doesn't exist why do I still think about his existence?/ why do I still want to become a believer again after all those years ?? What made you come back to God ?? Dont say its just a coincidence?? It's God calling you. Now its your decision. If you want God then dont go after religion. Religion wasn't made by God. God all he wants is to believe him and follow his will. Pray to God and he will help you. I'm gonna warn you..... It might be a long journey to become a believer but God is gonna be right next you. Wish you all to come close to our God that loves us. God surely loves us ❤
2015-02-17 08:47:54 UTC
It's either you believe in God or not.

Take what you got in life and ask your self...

Are we alone?

People may say I do not see, touch, hear God but I say look around what do you see?

Oceans, desert, forests all magnificent creations of God.

Planets, stars, the sun and the moon all spectacular creations of God. This is how I see God through his creations.

A baby born into life or another loved one passes on.

Sadness, happiness, love and joy is how I feel God.

I hear God when a baby laughs or cries or when the prayer calls to us on the streets when we pass by mosques or churches.

If you can feel fear or sadness or happiness and dream and love, but have no scientific proof of it. Then you can surely believe in God.

Just because God took something from you or didn't give you something that you desired doesn't give you a reason to stop believing. He is testing our faith. He is testing your faith.
2015-02-19 08:56:00 UTC
I think that for now you do not have to commit to any religion. I think just know there is an ultimate creator. Go into nature, see the beauty of god out there. Look into space meditate. and then when you get comfortable with this idea you can start researching other religions. don't let the media affect your decision. look into all of them. look again into christianity, see if it is right for you, look into judaism and see if its right for you, even give islam a shot, even if you don't think it will help. and If you don't like those religions than simply keep doing you, pray when you want to, and find comfort in nature and such. U can also look into other forms of belief if you would like. What i would suggest is to just learn about other religions. from good sources and unbiased sources as they can often be misleading.

God bless you in your search. Remain openminded.

2015-02-16 13:41:19 UTC
As a fellow atheist i too question my life sometimes, i a teen (pretty young) but i know my right and wrong, as an atheist i see things that happends all around me with more clarity, now im not telling you to stay an atheiest, i'm telling you to believe whatever you what to believe, anyways does religian even matter? if you think about it, it really doesn't. The truth is, nobody knows if they are right or wrong, i just go with what is more logical, if you are feeling lonely i recommend reading 'the secret' it is a great book, and it helped me a lot. the point is do what makes you happy and if people don't like that then screw them :)
2015-02-16 13:39:21 UTC
This is not that complex. There are two different subjects here. One is the established religion and somewhat ridiculous Catholic dogma and the other is the concept of "believing" in something. Add the changes in your life as to high school friends, the home city, a new environment, new challenges of being an university student and the exposure to new ideas, people with other religions, etc. The conflicting ideas and knowledge can upset anyone. Science tells us facts as to our evolution, biology and the progress our race has achieved. The "beauty" of religion is that to be effective a person has to surrender, so to speak, to a concept generated by others that we cannot challenge. For the Jews, for example, it is the Old Testament, the Jewish Bible. They do not deviate and the concepts of this "race" is that the religious believe control all aspects of life. The government of Israel is Tora based, not a political arrangement. When you mention atheism that is the extreme opposite as in the refusal to believe in any "god" as presented by any formalized religion. What is middle? To me the middle is to accept the concept of a higher power but one not associated with any man. So you can believe in whatever you may consider as "god." In the words of a "scientist" it is best to believe in a god and after life. Why? Because if you do not and there is, you lose, so to speak. However, if you do believe and there is no after live, nothing has been risked. But in closing, I think you are in a phase of life that is naturally one of conflict as you transition into adulthood. The brain is changing. If you are 18 years of age by the time you turn 25 or so you shall be a completely different person. Count on that. Do your studies, stay neutral just absorbing what others believe or postulate. Use your education as a positive value. Remember, people all have values and opinions and that changes. What is valued in one place is not in another. Look at our own culture. All of this technology has changed people. In the past people aspired to be movie stars. Now, it seems they aspire to be porn stars or super vulgar. Not to worry. Enjoy life for this is the only one we get.
Groove doctor
2015-02-18 06:52:46 UTC
You are at an interesting crossroad - on one path is spiritual regression (to go back to placebo-based dependence on a figure of comfort), and on the other is spiritual growth. I can hear you're conflicted. As you're willing to put in effort either way, do you want to step backwards or forwards?

This idea, to some, is the metaphorical interpretation of the tenets of Christianity.

There is a thing called spirituality without religion, and I DON'T mean the likes of crystal healing, horoscopes & homeopathy. The central idea revolves around suffering as contingent upon the illusion of the 'self', the 'I' which seems to think thoughts. This is something that affects everyone, who hasn't trained themselves to a state of transcending it, which means the vast majority of the planet. But, in reality, through meditation, if you begin to realise that the thinker doesn't exist, that the thoughts arise by themselves, you may walk through the figurative gates to a new perception of the world and your 'self', alleviated of your current suffering.

This awakening is god. The 'I' is sin, separation from god's kingdom. Jesus is not god, but a god (a mix up of translation), as we all are beneath many layers of the sin that naturally and inevitably manifests from birth until we awaken to god.

I would recommend reading Sam Harris's very rational 'Waking Up' book, the most accessible of them all.
Special EPhex
2015-02-17 19:55:54 UTC
You are right in assuming you don't need a religion to believe in God. Just earnestly ask if there is a God, to reveal himself to you in a way that you will know for certain without question, and leave it alone after that. Don't have any expectations or preconceived notions, because this is what keeps us from recognizing God's Presence, which is always available to us within and outside ourselves, as omnipresence implies.
2015-02-16 12:32:55 UTC
It might help if you went of some Christian forums & just talked to other Christians & read some of their own stories. There are some that have sub-forums that are just there to talk & joke & play games. This is a good way to start. Many people of ALL walks of life want to preach TOO much that does include atheists as well as Christians or other faiths. sometimes 1 kind word helps a lot more than a entire page of instructions or preaching.

I believe it is that has the large variety including debates, non-Christian & even telling Jokes & games on it.

Good way to get on track is with things that make you smile.
Gussage P Ussage
2015-02-22 00:40:02 UTC
Ask God Prayer is nothing more or less than talking to Him. Thank Him you are not blind, can read all the answers you get, live long enough to do that, have your basics, food clothing, shelter etc etc. I don't believe God gives us all we want, (Probably a good thing) yet, I know He gives us all we need. I will talk to Him and ask Him to show you the way. You may want to think about this. " I felt sorry for the man with no shoes, until I met a man with no feet".
2015-02-16 09:01:43 UTC
One way to start believing in Jehovah again is to read His word the Bible, and applying the principles within. While it's true that men physically wrote the Bible, it was Jehovah who inspired it and told them what to write. (2 Tim.3:16 & 17, 2 Pet.1:20 & 21) The principles in the Bible are ALL for your personal benefit(Isa.48:17 & 18), and once you apply yourself to them you'll get to see just how true Jehovah is, and how important it is to follow Him. You also mentioned you started praying again, which is very good. Be sure to continue praying to him earnestly and with a clean heart, and if you seek to do His will, He'll answer your prayer for a certainty. (1 John 5:14 & 15)

Also, to learn what else the Bible teaches, visit the site below in the 'Sources' section.
2015-02-16 17:33:50 UTC
Forget what everyone is telling you about praying to God and all that. You're question was not about asking God to reveal himself to you. However, I do ask that you just use your common sense. Recently, I have been doubting religion and whether God really gave us religious books. I was too brought up as a Roman Catholic. And although I find my self doubting religion my faith is at times just too strong. Anyways, back your question. Whether or not God gave us religious books doesn't matter because he gave you common sense. I believe God does exist 100% because when I look at the world I see him and I see purpose.

For example: At night, look up at the moon and you will see why it's up there. It provides us with light during the night.. We have trees for shade from the sun. We have water which our bodies NEED in order to live. Fruits for a healthy body.. Just the fact that our bodies are living and breathing is a sign of a higher power. Who else could have created something like that? Atheists say nothing. Get the f*** out of here. Someone had to have created this world. It's God.
2015-02-17 05:05:38 UTC
Faith—at least in some measure—is an important part of our lives. We accept employment, expecting that we will get paid. We plant crops with the assurance that the seeds will sprout. We trust our friends. And we have confidence in the laws that govern the universe. This is an informed faith, for it is based on evidence. Likewise, faith that God exists rests on evidence.

We cannot see God because he does not have a human form. Yet, God wants us to get to know him. One way we can become acquainted with him is by observing his extraordinary works—the “paintings” and “sculptures” of creation. At Romans 1:20, the Bible states: “[God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship.” Yes, just as studying a painting or a sculpture can help you gain insight into the personality of the artist, meditating on God’s marvelous works can help you become better acquainted with his personality.

Of course, we cannot answer all of life’s nagging questions merely by looking at God’s creative works. But we can find answers to such questions by searching God’s Word, the Bible. It was by reading the Bible with an open mind you will come to the conclusion that God exists and that he cares about what happens to us.

An honest heart and a thirst for truth should move you to examine the evidence fairly and let that evidence lead you in the right direction. What evidence

For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source below for free downloads, publications or read on line.
2015-02-15 15:32:38 UTC
I used to be where you are years ago. You'll just end up feeling sad, empty, lost, angry, and like the demons and Satan are eating you like chicken tenders. Just do the research on it, on the archaeology, anthropology, history, what science they had to find proof of Ruth, Esther, The Shroud of Turin. Please, don't give up on God, Christ, Holy Spirit, The Holy Angels, or Christians. I will keep you in my prayers. True, the church does have hypocrites and these days they want married couples, old couples, and young nuclear families, and that isn't how God wants it to be. If you study the actual New Testament and Old Testament, the truth is a whole other story, God loves all of us. But people have free will and choose to sin. Please, give it on more chance, I even pray for my friends who have betrayed and hate me in the past. I may be trying to move on, but I will still pray for them and I won't let con-artists run my life and protect people whom love and need me. But most Christians truly are trying to live a good life, more often than not the ones teased these days and bullied out of the church and single women are now more than ever.
2015-02-16 12:38:47 UTC
You're going to get a lot of posts, but to answer one particular part you posted,'I think that IF God exists, then it's one God, he never had a son to send to earth or anything like that, Jesus wasn't the Messiah. I want to return to God but I don't know how."

Jesus says "the only way to the Father is through Him." Jesus also says that "if you reject Him, you reject the Father."

Why? Because Jesus IS God. Jesus is not a "Jehovah Jr." as some teach, but He is the eternal God made flesh and bone. When you call on the name of Jesus, you call on the name of God.

Revelation 21:6

6 He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.

My answer: Pray about this. Talk to Jesus. Get alone and simply start talking to Him. Ask and He will show you.
The Inquisitor
2015-02-16 07:41:01 UTC
There are a billion issues in relation to the normal relationship between humanity (good people) and the arrogant, impatient, self amusing (fakes) relationship with our duty (study, gain wisdom, live virtuously, work hard, defend the vulnerable) and our footprint (geography, dilemmas, what is the nature of time, nature and the universe) it's, if you start going down the road of general depth (depth consists of three groups, clinical depth (such as you'd find in the periodic table), general depth (staring at a plastic bag for a number of hours to establish its historical composition, rejecting time for poetry and travel (longitude, latitude, elevation, poetry and travel replacing the four (known?) dimensions for five)) and cusp depth (beginning with staring at a pair of scissors, I jest not, discovered the God particle (aka capitalism, yep some particle physicists wondered if capitalism exists so ripped the taxpayer off to investigate at enormous cost) using the same scientific discipline that makes you a logical person) so does God exist, logically you have to say good humanity exists but what of our footprint?
2015-02-16 15:26:48 UTC
I believe that you are well on your way. My husband went through what you're going through. Mark said he's praying for you. And that's what you need to do, just sit down alone somewhere and start talking to GOD! He will listen and only He Knows, but He might even answer you! And please know that I myself will be praying for you. One thing for sure, Mark is no longer a Catholic! Today our Pastor calls Mark, a Son of GOD! Jesus IS! John 10:38. Peace Be Unto You and GOD Bless! Jane.
2015-02-16 06:28:32 UTC
First you have to try and understand that 'existence' is just a temporary stage.

Then accept the fact that over here we are meant to exercise 'love' and strive towards 'perfection'.

After that it would become obvious that reaching such ideal standard is not within our grasp, and so we would need help.

This is were God comes in and you would understand better why Jesus had risen from the death i.e. to open the gates of heaven for us all!
2015-02-19 12:22:21 UTC
I don't have a lot to tell you, you seem to have a lot of answers already, but maybe, by chance, I will stand out. I believe that whatever higher power there is, I think he's open to our interpretation. With that said, I think God is everything you, and only you, want him to be, and everything you don't want him to be. If you want him, in the fabrics of your soul, to be a God who lets anyone who does good, acts good, and is good, into heaven, or where ever your desired afterlife you want, he will. If you want God to be a chick, then she is. The only thing God does not have control over is our interpretation of him. So what ever any organized religion that wants to tell you how it is, it's their interpretation. Don't limit yourself to what is possible. Make your God someone who you believe in. Who you can love so strongly no one else can take that away. I wrote a few blog posts about my beliefs, or at least my perception of what a higher power could be. You don't have to read them, You don't even have to read this, but maybe you could relate and find some kind reassurance you're not the only questioning everything you have believed in.

If you feel like the link is any help, or if you like what I am saying is helpful, or you just need someone to sort out your emotions, please feel free to email me at:

Good luck on your journey, where ever it may take you. =)

andy muso
2015-02-17 09:31:11 UTC
Common sense dictates that you should only believe something if there is evidence to support it. No religion can provide true evidence. It sounds like you are trying to find yourself rather than 'god'. I suggest that you investigate Buddhism, which is not a religion in the normal sense of the word as they do not have a deity - Buddha being a wise man who came up with a certain way of life. Best of luck - I hope you find your way in life.
2015-02-16 08:31:48 UTC
Believing in God doesn't mean you have to be a particular religion. Take a look at some of the works or Emerson and Thoreau. They believed in God but were not strongly affiliated with a religion. Emerson even said "God builds up temples in the heart on the ruins of churches and religions."
Texas Czech Chick
2015-02-17 10:09:37 UTC
I don't think you ever stopped believing. You just put God on the shelf for awhile.

The fact that you are even asking this question makes me think you do believe.

God is all-knowing, He knew before you ever did it that you would come to a point

and say you didn't believe, but He never, ever left you or stopped loving you.

He also knew you would come back. So Faithful is our Father in heaven. It is

sad that so many people do horrible things in His name.
nanny ogg
2015-02-15 14:55:45 UTC
I understand totally what you are going through,I presume you are searching like most people for the truth. You feel there is something more to life, and there is. You are starting your true spiritual journey and in my opinion you can do all of this without religion. You can still find God, the creator, but religion will take you down a different road. I suggest you watch the movie Conversations with God, a true story by Neale Donald Walsh. I read his books and they blew me away, then I watch the film on youtube. It may help you to understand who God is.

It may help you to understand who you are.

And most certainly you will know that you are never alone.

I had spent many many years in different religions, then I left them all alone. Felt much better, connected to my spiritual self and my whole life changed....Then I found this book by accident, but nothing is ever an accident, it was just my time and I was ready to understand who God truly is.

I hope you read it or watch the film, however the books are more informed and will help you further.

We are all spiritual beings and when you feel this you will find many doors are opened for you.

Enjoy your journey..
2015-02-18 06:52:38 UTC
Confidence in Jehovah’s promises: Paul said: “He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (Hebrews 11:6) If we doubt that Jehovah will fulfill his promises, it might seem logical to ‘use this world to the full.’ (1 Corinthians 7:31) On the other hand, if our belief is strong, we will be determined to seek the Kingdom first. How can a strong belief be developed? By drawing close to Jehovah in constant, heartfelt prayer and through regular personal study. (Psalm 1:1-3; Philippians 4:6, 7; James 4:8) Like King David, we can pray: “In you I have put my trust, O Jehovah. I have said: ‘You are my God.’ How abundant your goodness is!”—Psalm 31:14, 19.
2015-02-18 18:11:00 UTC
If you don't believe in God when you look at your body, you don't want to believe in God. That's all there is to it. It's like sitting inside a house and asking 'how do I believe the wind exists' all the while trees are being blown by the wind right outside your window.
2015-02-18 20:43:53 UTC
Stop taking your looney pills. and read a bible if you have nothing to do in your life. You could also seek one of the 'all too friendly' Christians that are constantly trying to force young and impressionable athirst into something they know nothing about. They'll help you. If you want god. Be your own god. Dont let noone tell you what to do because of a stupid bookj
2015-02-18 07:29:41 UTC
Some years ago, a twenty-something young guy, named Lorne, told me a fascinating story. It's not long.

When he was at the age of 10, Lorne lived in a big city. His background wasn't the best. His dad had been shot and killed while trying to rob a bank.

He noticed that at his school, there were a few kids who stood out from everyone else. At recess time they always seem to associate as a group. Always neatly dressed, always hyper respectful, very pleasant to talk to, never used bad language, would not let themselves get involved with the party crowd, no tobacco, no sex, no drugs.

Lorne said to himself, "I want to be like that, because those kids are going somewhere in life."

So he went and asked them what made them different. They told him that they were Jehovah's Witnesses, and he decided then and there that he wanted that lifestyle for himself.

He got it!

Agape and very best wishes. Eug.
John S
2015-02-16 08:19:37 UTC
There, there. You are a recovering Catholic. There are millions out there. You will never really

"feel God" because you have pierced the vail, and there is nothing behind the curtain. I would

suggest that you read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, or Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan.

Skepticism is one of the most powerful tools in our mental arsenal.

As to all of the propagandized Protestants and Bible bangers who have written trying to

"save you" they are deluded.

Go with rational thought, skeptical thinking, put aside belief in the supernatural and your life will be 100% better. You are feeling bad now because you don't think there is a community of people like you, when, in

fact there are millions.
2015-02-15 15:42:56 UTC
It is impossible without Christ's assistance literaly, to have strong faith is a gift, belief is Nothing whatsoever of itself because Satan and the Fallen Angels have more than believed for the longest time they Know that he is Real, and yet they cannot partake of his peace, it is this Pece that you seek along with belief, if anyone does Not Believe themselves to be beyond repair even useless to Almighty God, then they are proud even arrogant, Only Christ can Change us and make us feel of worth with his forgiveness and Grace, the Roman Catholic Church doctrines are false and you were only doing what countless numbers of people have done for centuries, ie discovering the Holes and contradiction in that Church leading to doubts and apostacy, seek the Scriptures for yourself in Prayeful Repentance, because we all of ourselves are no use to Almighty God, very many do Not recover from discovering the Horrors of their Churches past! some find that it was an adulteration of Real Christianity for the Control of the people, check out he came from Catholicism he is controversial but on the money. I Truly wish you well in your quest, even though you "had" hidden me.
2015-02-15 17:17:46 UTC
I am a Christian inclusivist . Why not look into it. Inclusivism says that as long as you are honestly and sincerely seeking God out with all your heart because God doesn't judge you fir what you innocently don't know

Here is a great link on inclusivism and it's what almost all the earliest Christians believed

I can show you so many evidences for God it would make ur head spin. Just email me at

Most atheists get very uncomfortable when I mention the most scientifically studied relic on earth , the shroud of turin which I believe is the burial shroud of Christ and that image I believe was caused as Christ went through the resurrection process . No scientist on earth can replicate this image .

Here is a very good scientifically presentation on the shroud , the. Ost hated objected in all of atheism .

If your still looking for what u can a religion that believes in one God then maybe universal theism is for you.

Here is a good website for this

If that's not for you then try the skeptiko site . A site that believe in a force of lights nde goodness but doesn't specify who he is. They are vry knowledgable in the evidences for the afterlife from near death experiences and mediums.
2015-02-15 16:45:31 UTC
What are some features that distinguish true worship?

True worshippers respect the Bible as God’s Word. They strive to live by its principles. So true religion differs from religion based on men’s ideas. (Matthew 15:7-9) True worshippers do not preach one thing and practice another.—Read John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

The true religion honors God’s name, Jehovah. Jesus made God’s name known. He helped people to know God and taught them to pray that God’s name be sanctified. (Matthew 6:9) Where you live, which religion promotes the use of God’s name?—Read John 17:26; Romans 10:13, 14.

4. How can you recognize true worshippers?

True Christians preach about God’s Kingdom. God sent Jesus to preach about the Kingdom. God’s Kingdom is the only hope for mankind. Jesus continued speaking about it until his dying day. (Luke 4:43; 8:1; 23:42, 43) He told his followers to preach about God’s Kingdom. If someone approaches you to speak about God’s Kingdom, to which religion does he likely belong?—Read Matthew 10:7; 24:14.
robert p
2015-02-15 17:33:54 UTC
It appears you are seeking God. From what I am gathering from your post the Holy Spirit of God wants a reponse

from you. If you want someone to help then I am offering all the help I can. Keep praying. Read the bible. I can only help by saying truly seek God with all your heart. Truly seek God in prayer and reading the scriptures. Truly repent of ALL sins. Please read these scriptures (as you pray) as a start.( Reading the bible with prayer and trust is important.):

1 & 2 Thes

Romans ( 1,3,6,10)

Matt 5,24-25

Job 19

Daniel 12

John (3,10)

Eph 2

2 Tim

2 Peter

Rev 1,3,7,13,18-22




Reading the whole bible is important.

You asked for someone to help. I am offering the help.
2015-02-17 20:57:07 UTC
As far as Jesus not being the Messiah, that is purely your belief, but you aren't going to find another religion 'like' Christianity that doesn't have some little quirk or other that you may not agree with. My advice is, is to explore and decide what you believe.

But, also don't try to find a faith to mold to what you want to do. Having some limits and morals are good, they help keep ourselves contained and healthy. I'm a Christian, and if it were me, I would want a clearer aspect of the Bible, and I would try to read and understand it. :)
2015-02-17 06:03:08 UTC
There is only one way to believe in God.. the bible.. if you deny it , you will Never get close to God.. you may say I don't Believe that Jesus is the Messiah or that He is God but God's word tell us this...John 14:6

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 11:25

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;

Ephesians 2:18

For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

1 John 5:20

We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.

Matthew 10:32 "Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. 33"But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.

you cannot in any way come to Know God without acknowledging Christ, no matter how much you try and no matter what religion you follow and the reason you cannot find God is because you don't know Jesus.Acts 4:12

Salvation is found in no one else, for THERE IS NO OTHER NAME under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved."

John 14:6

6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. 7 If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is.From now on, you do know him and have seen him!”

8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.”

9 Jesus replied, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking me to show him to you? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. 11 Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.

I suggest you read the New testament and then and only then make a decision whether you believe in Christ or not... forget about religion.. religion is man made and only teaches what man believes.. any religion (Catholicism, buddhism, islam, mormonism, Jehovah witness, hindu, and so many others are just man made beliefs and will never bring you to God.. even Christianity is very misunderstood because many people call themselves Christians but don't really know what true Christianity is.. God does not want religion.. He wants true love and thats all... read the bible.. then you will find God..
2015-02-16 07:08:16 UTC
You cannot have God the Father without Jesus the Son of God. God set all the laws and all the orders. I am not saying to go back to Catholicism, because I do not believe in a Pope. Read the King James Bible and begin in the Book of John the Apostle in the New Testament. John is a young man who walked with Jesus and John knew and told what he saw. John will help you open your eyes to Jesus. Now, remember I said the King James Bible and the Book of John in the New Testament. Not the Catholic Bible.
Cpt. Sanchez
2015-02-18 13:17:22 UTC
Why not try heading down to your local Applebees and reevaluating how you feel? Applebees offers a fun, friendly atmosphere, as well as fantastic food at competitive prices. Weather your in the mood for delicious entrees, exciting appetizers, or decadent desserts, Applebees has you covered. Are you celebrating a special event? Applebees is a great place for the whole family, or somewhere to unwind with friends after work.




2015-02-17 16:27:51 UTC
either you believe or you won't believe no amount of proof for or against will convince you otherwise...

Not even if God floated down to earth with trumpets blasting and ***** slapped you and screamed "Here I am!" could change your or anyone's opinion...

When we all die and IF we are standing before God for judgement would we all know for sure so I'll believe in him and be as good and honest as i can just in case....
2015-02-20 04:33:28 UTC

I still remember my first ever prayer. I was pretty anti religion but my parents asked me to pray and ask for myself. I agreed so that I could go back to them and say see, it's a big lie, there is nothing there but air to pray to.

I simply asked, "God, are you there? Are you real? Do you love me?"

My life has never been the same since. I still remember how strong that love felt, more than any person can make you feel. I was brought to tears and felt like he wrapped his arms around me and told me everything is just fine. Trust in me.

God is there, he does love you. Kneel and ask with real desire to know the truth and he will tell you.

If he isn't real, what does it hurt to get on your knees and ask? So what, you talked to the air.

But if you will humble yourself enough to kneel down and honestly seek an answer, he will answer you.
2015-02-16 12:13:02 UTC
It appears that your focus is on a religious institution. God is interested in relationships. In the beginning, He put man on earth, to fellowship with him. Then God created the woman because He saw man needed help and companionship, to increase generations to glorify him.

Before there was a Bible, priest, preacher , church, government,etc., there were relationships. God wants A Personal, permanent, intimate, spiritual relationship where a person allows God's spirit to dwell in the human spirit. It Only comes through His son, Jesus Christ, who said no one comes to the Father but through the Son.

If you want God in your life, you must totally surrender to Him and truly repent from all sin. We don't set conditions for how He works. He must be in charge over all in your life or not at all. If you want his favor, seek, obey, pray for His will and divine purpose. Connect with a bible-believing church to get teaching according to God's Word and make new Christian friends.
sandy d
2015-02-16 04:35:20 UTC
No actual gods or devils exist anywhere outside of any ones religiously inculcated minds!!! New American polls are showing that most theists change to atheist after graduating from college even if they were religious since inception so there must be something in higher education that clues them in to the brainwashing and the fact that they are never able to ask questions when a preacher is preaching his inculcated stories into ones heads!!!
2015-02-15 17:36:22 UTC
You want to start believing in God again. Well, just believing in

God would just put you in a class with every devil and demon

there is because they all believe in God. Now, if you want to

have a relationship with God, you'll have to do it the way God

himself set it up, and that is through his Son, Jesus Christ.

Since you don't want to believe that Jesus is his Son, you

have a problem. No one comes to God on their own terms.

Any worthwhile association comes with some type of rules.

A marriage, a job, a friendship, a family, or whatever has

boundries, spoken or unspoken.

Since you are a sinner like we all are, God made the rule

that all sin have consequences to them. That is why he

sent his Son, Jesus to earth to pay for everyone's sins,

by dying and God raising him up after 3 days.

The stipulation was made that anyone that accepted

what Jesus did on their behalf, God would forgive their

sins and open the door to fellowship with him. Jesus

said, "I am the man comes to the Father but

by me."

All of those that do not want to accept the plan that God

has laid out, are free to pay the penalty for their sins

themselves with no relationship with God whatsoever.

Now, you can try to get to God your way or you can do

it God's way. The choice is yours.
2015-02-18 14:36:05 UTC
Believing in God is not something you force. You either believe or you dont. God's ways are so far beyond our own and the concept of the Holy trinity is hard to grasp, but its reality. You are either willing to trust God to take the reigns of your life through his son Jesus's redemptive death on the cross or you dont. There's no wax on or wax off to it. Im not trying to sound sarcastic or unattached, but its really that simple. Jesus is waiting for you with arms wide open. He will not turn away anyone who comes to him with a sincere and repentant heart. God bless you and I hope you find the answers you are seeking through Christ.
2015-02-16 05:25:51 UTC
I think you have made up your mind Islam is out of question but Islam beleives in only one eternal omnipotent God.

It is ok if you dont want Islam but it will be God if you know what Islam stands for and not what is depicted on the media. If you go to youtube you can get a lot of information even if it is not your choice at least you will have proper information.

Good luck
2015-02-15 16:52:05 UTC
There is absolutely no doubt about the existence about a loving and merciful, almighty God. And you're right, Jesus wasn't the messiah or the son of God, but a prophet of God. God created Adam from clay, and then made him a prophet later on. God sent down a total of 124,000 prophets from Adam to Muhammad, being his last prophet for the whole of humanity, people be upon them all. It's not very hard believe in God, just look around, His creations and mercy is everywhere. He's omnipresent and all knowing. Just because you don't see air doesn't mean you stop breathing, just because you don't see God doesn't mean you stop breathing. The Torah, the Bible and the Qu'ran are all true words of God, with the Qu'ran being the only text that has stayed in its true form, unchanged up until now. God says in the Qu'ran, "which of the blessings of your Lord will you deny?" The truth is right here in front of us, There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Allah isn't some different God, but Allah is only the Arabic word for 'God', as there's only one true Lord. May Allah guide you to the truth and grant you his blessings :) peace!
Simply Roses
2015-02-16 20:22:53 UTC
Sweetie, maybe you are looking at all this "religion" conversation from a more complicated place then it actually is. Sounds like you just want to connect with your higher light source. Personally, I begin my day with prayer and meditation and this grounds me. I do Believe in God. I respect whichever "religion" a person wishes to utilize to connect with God. I am a catholic because my heart calls me there but let your heart lead you back to him through reflection. What does that mean? Just talk to God from your heart. In a quiet space talk to God and ask him to send people in your life that can supply the answers you seek. I know that this sounds so simple but that's because it really is. Out of nowhere you will begin to meet people that will share thoughts and words that bring you comfort. God did not make us puppets, he gave us free will so all you have to do is ask him to lead you back to him because you need him in your life. I really hope that this helps you. I wish you well.
2015-02-16 21:04:06 UTC
Do you know why it's so common for teenagers who grew up with religion to start questioning it? Because at 16 you have a better idea about abstractions like death and fate than you did at 3, when you were first told about jesus. It is normal because at that age people start becoming able to think for themselves. Please don't relapse on religion. You just kicked the stuff!
2015-02-17 03:50:43 UTC
You can start believing in God whenever you want. Whether you chose to believe in him or not, it's your choice.

I go to a Catholic school but i was never raised up in a religious environment. My mum is Argentine and we live in England so she thought when we move back here after 8 years abroad she would send us to a Catholic private school as i was baptised Catholic. I think that after one year in this school, my views on God had changed-not that i didn't believe in him before but i never really thought about it.
2015-02-16 04:31:10 UTC
Update your existing knowledge and expertise periodically.

During your spare time, start praying. Pray at least for few minutes daily. Pray honestly, sincerely and earnestly with implicit faith, unshakable belief and unflinching devotion. During such prayers, you should try to forget your own ego and pride and merge in the glory of the Lord Almighty.

Thus prayer does lot of wonders in life like a miracle and you will start believing.
E. Albert Biederman
2015-02-15 16:14:57 UTC
The sanctity of unselfish love determines

man's nearness to God.. All there is to

evil is the fear of it. The Lord is in His Place.

Treat every evil the same way you treat

2+2=5. Apply your Principle. Divine Love

is your Principle. Always have a clear and

abiding sense of your power to do good.

Good is the Light and it is impossible for

darkness to snuff out a candle Light. The

Sun never sets.
2015-02-17 05:29:34 UTC
You need time to get to know God and the teachings of his son Jesus Christ. This knowledge is not acquired with no effort. Proverbs 2:1-9 talks about searching for God knowledge as you would be searching for silver or gold. You can strength your Faith on our creator by reading his word the Bible. Ask Jehovah God for guidance, you can do that by praying.
2015-02-18 12:46:58 UTC
Why bother believing in God if it's just to make you feel better and not take it seiously.

The Bible states it is: "better to not have believed then to believe and not have done".

I don't blame you for rejecting Christianity, its a mockery of the true God of Aburam, they are the epitomy of the Bible verse:

"You sing praise unto me but your heart is far from me" and "you ate lukewarm and I will spew you out of my mouth".

In otherwords Christisnity is a faux front of lost "want-a-be" believers.

They have no heart for anything of the true God and is the reason for their gross hipocracy.

I am not a Christian but you need not be to believe in the true God - this I day for others reading and not you for as Christians you have no taste for the Biblical God, his ways, and his truths which lead to a obedient Biblical life.

So unless you want to know and worship the only TRUE God, the God of Aburam, don't bother it will go easier on you when in hell.

Better to have none then the wrong one.
2015-02-21 08:53:13 UTC
there's no way to start believing again . there's no formula ! just do it . just believe . and this business about you don't believe he sent his son Jesus, don't shoot that down until you give him a try . don't plan on playing just do it . Jesus/god is your father/friend and he loves you even if you hate him and always will forgive you and accept you and long as you ask . also cheer up !! things will get better .
2015-02-18 12:53:09 UTC
it's not necessary for you to believe in god at all times, see gods are considered to be the guiding light in darkness, so whatever guides u in darkness is considered to be your god now that doesn't mean you have to follow any religion or something just believe in yourself and a single light form of light like a tourch could be your god...

it doesn't matter what your problem is, the solution is in what perspective you look at it, n try trusing others maybe then you'll start trusting youself someday. n when you start trusting yourself, you start believing in god!!!
2015-02-18 23:44:30 UTC
You need to do that which will give you actual evidence. In the Book of Revelation (3:14) it speaks of "the witness," meaning evidence. It speaks of the "Amen." That is a direct reference to "OM" or "AUM," the sound heard in the deepest levels of meditation. Revelation refers to it as "the faithful and true witness" (evidence), and refers to "the beginning of the creation of God." Meaning that everything comes from that "word," the "OM." Anyone who wants to find God has a lot of work to do. Any church that tells you that "all you have to do is believe" is wrong. As for Roman Catholicism, it was largely invented by the Vatican. That is, they kept 'tweaking' the ancient teachings until they got it the way they wanted it. The results have been that many, many people have walked away from that tradition because it offers nothing but beliefs. Beliefs do not constitute religion. The Vatican didn't like reincarnation ("transmigration of the soul") so they called it "anathema," and condemned it. But that won't make it go away. If you want to find God, then you have to look beyond the Western traditions, because they're all artificial. The "priests" are nothing more than men in costumes, and to be fair, many of them may be very dedicated, but they are not acquainted with the original teachings and practices, such as meditation and "pranayama" (life-force control) through which one may reach high spiritual levels. Forget about "believing." You need the actual knowledge which is gained only through direct experience ...
2015-02-15 16:56:01 UTC
You're like that Sifer guy from the Matrix, the Matrix was better than the reality. Except for you my friend, you're in a double layered dream. You think by leaving Christianity you've woken up to the reality but this is again another illusion.
Ari Kotler
2015-02-18 08:25:36 UTC
Why would you believe in God?

Theres no evidence, at all. Wanting something to be true doesn't make it so.

We have a unique gift as human beings to give purpose to our lives. Find people that you love, do things that make you happy, and enjoy the incredible life that we are all so lucky to be able to experience.

Religion is not good, and honestly, why would you ever want to believe that there is a God who watches your every move, who listens to your every thought, who can control life and death as he wishes, who treats humanity like trash, who possibly condemns people to eternal pain and suffering after death, and who, if you are good, possibly keeps you up in his fun heavenly theme park forever. That sounds disgusting and terrifying. No thank you.
2015-02-18 00:58:00 UTC
Why limit yourself to a Christian god? There's so many to pick from! Why not choose to believe in Ra, the Egyptian sun god? I'm being serious.
2015-02-18 07:35:32 UTC
Belief begins with a desire, which turns to faith which if nurtured with prayer and study and a sincere heart AND when you adjust your life to following the eternal principles of goodness, holiness, love and service that are God's eternal principles - YOU will find God again.

"But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words."
2015-02-17 11:17:30 UTC
Only you have the answer, you just need to look a little deeper into yourself. Christians don't need to believe in everything in the bible, after all, God himself gave us minds to thin for ourselves. The bible isn't a book of rules, it's a book of guidelines. If you don't want to believe everything, then believe in something. Take the Lord Jesus Christ as your saviour and you will be saved.

And by the way, Messiah is a reference to Judaism.
2015-02-15 14:44:13 UTC
I was also raised Catholic. I went to Catholic school for 9 years. However, I never got confirmed in 8th grade because I did not feel that I was ready to make that decision.

Religion has always interested me. I have spent so many years researching and trying to find my way.

At one point I considered myself an atheist. During that time period I have never felt more separated from God. Also, my drinking became a huge problem. I was desperate and prayed, just hoping for some direction.

Now, I must say that I read your whole post and your updates.. And I know that you won't consider this, I am just sharing my story...

There are Christians who are amazing people. I have met plenty in my life. I also have met just as many (if not more) of those who were hypocrites. I did not want to associate myself with people who went to church on Sunday morning and then were barbecuing and getting drunk a couple hours later.

I grew up in a Muslim community. I have many mosques around me and one day I just went in to talk to someone. They were so welcoming and gave me free books and information to look over. Honestly, they are some on the most genuinely good people I've ever met.

I took my shahada (converted to Islam) and I believe it was the best decision I made in my life. I'm sober now and surrounded by positive brothers and sisters. I still talk to some of my best friends from the military, but I cut out all my friends who are drunks.
2015-02-18 22:54:49 UTC
There are many religions.

Just do research

You could read parts of the bible or Torah or Quran not to convert but to learn about it.

Will you get your answer from religious book? Maybe and maybe not.

Other religion to look for maybe is for for you.

This is something I can't decide for you.

The real reason why many people believe in God because they feel a connection they can't explain deep inside them.

I strongly believe in the intelligent design not because of the bible or religious book but because I had strange experienced I could not explain.Also because of observing the world around me. Everything is programmed even our DNA is coded and everything energy. Maybe reality is just like a video game :) and everything was programmed from scratch in another dimension.
2015-02-16 03:20:07 UTC
Why not a Christ to prove Himself to you? If your truly seeking God it seems like you already have terms made up that have to meet what you want, God isn't going to bend to your will, not yours, mine or any ones. To know God is real is simple, look at nature, look at biology, heck, look at science for crying out loud... I found it funny to be in physics and learning the foundations of theory when I was posed with the scientific law that DNA Cannot co exist outside itself......OK, well that in itself showed me that DNA being life needs a life giver and that tells me that life had to have been designed by some supernatural being that is so far beyond human understanding that trying to claim we understand Him or say that because we cannot understand Him then that is reason for doubting His existence....You get the point. All these children making fun of you, name calling, ranting on and on, just remember one thing. They are most likely where you are or if not, they will be. Every single person will come to a point in life where they realize that trying to fill that void in their heart will never be filled because they will have exhausted every single option they can think of, money, job, family, friends, relationships, sex, drugs, booze, etc....This is when God wants to step in, when we are at our lowest in life because what happens is we come to God with a broken heart and He is a master at fixing that brokenness and also, when we are at that broken state, our pride is down, we do not hide behind anything. We cry out to God and tell Him, her I am, I am broken, I have very little to give you except a broke, hurt, lost heart and boy.........when that happens......just stand by. I have tried many religions in life and I'm not just saying this. I have tired everything from Wicca to Buddhist and I'm going to tel you right now, I don't care what anyone says or how "arrogant" people think only one way to heaven is but Christ is the only real way. You knew it at one time, or at least you participated in the religiousness of so called Christianity. Anyhow, I can bet that if you honestly ask the Lord to prove Himself to you, He will not have a problem doing so.
Lady of the Lake
2015-02-16 07:08:31 UTC
Well, I think you should read some of C S Lewis' books and you should come back to Christianity again. Just look on amazon for some of his books like Mere Christianity, the Problem of Pain or his other ones.
2015-02-19 08:57:24 UTC
You wan to start believing in God again. Some good advice would be to not go back to a Catholic church but instead try going to a Christian church and attend a bible study.
2015-02-17 15:34:07 UTC
OK.You want to know how to believe in God but don't want to know anything that would point to Jesus Christ.

Well, you could become a Jew. but if you were not born a Jew, then that would mean you hanging on the fringe of Judaism.

So you could worship yourself and be your own God. How about that?
2015-02-16 13:27:13 UTC
Honestly, what I think is that if you don't believe in God you shouldn't push yourself to try and believe in him if you don't feel that way.Try to find peace within yourself and try not to freak out about the unknown, life is difficult I understand,but don't push a religion upon yourself. Maybe you should look around and find a religion you like. That's just my opinion but choose your own life path because it's your life.
2015-02-15 18:51:53 UTC
the truth is, we don't know if he's real or not, but there's evidence that he is! There's certain evidence about Jesus Christ. I mean, I believe in him. Just because you can't see something, it doesn't mean it's not there. Maybe God doesn't want us to follow him, he wants us to follow what he tried to teach, like kindness, caring, giving, and selflessness. What happens if he HAPPENS to be real, but the thing is, we don't have to hang on to God to solve out problems. Sometimes we have to fix them ourselves. Maybe God can't really do anything about it. MAYBE. It takes motivation to follow your dreams, willpower to overcome certain predicaments. It's your life and future, it's up to you to shape it. You are who you choose to be. We are living beings, and we have free will. With free will, there comes choice, it's very important. YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. To enjoy life, you need to find happiness, not always let it come to you. Find friends, like I have online in games, I do parkour, I play games, I do well in school, it's that feeling that you're free. Depending on your strength, you can either let society and religion control you and put you in a glass box, or fly towards the sun. Life isn't easy, the world is a cruel place, but it's beautiful with all the sights and marvels you can see with your own eyes. It's okay to be who you are.
2015-02-15 12:57:06 UTC
Why would you want to? If you have given your reasons for wanting to as wanting to "feel that I am not alone and I have someone to help me" then it's already obvious to you that you're just using belief in a deity as a safety net. To properly believe in god you kind of have to be ignorant of the fact that it's just a lie to make you feel better.
great knight
2015-02-15 16:41:47 UTC
It's no wonder your lost. Jesus Christ is the truth. Are you afraid that you mean so much, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."- The Word of God.

" For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."- The Word of God.

You've already decided to believe a lie and you wonder why you are confused. Islam is the same as you now who denies the truth. Jesus Christ is the truth. Get a kjversion Bible and believe. You need the Word of God. Here are some interesting videos, "" and "" and "" and "" and so on in terms of science, " "Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance." Sir I. Newton, I'm sure your university teacher told you science started under the idea that God established laws for us to discover? Oh, he didn't? What a surprise. Or did they mention "bulletproof" George Washington in history class? Of course not. They dare not. Mankind only progresses under the Word. And that doesn't even touch on the prophecies fulfilled or the thosands of years of testimony that isn't disproven, they just want to ignore it all, "" and part 2 and so on. I can keep going all day. There is no need for you to be deceived. Jesus loves you.
2015-02-15 21:46:38 UTC
I invite you in a very neutral way of "How can I start believing in God again?"

Research every scripture.. Compare contrast.. The real God will help you..
The Whistling Gypsy
2015-02-15 13:59:22 UTC
You don t sound stupid. You sound like someone with a very low self-opinion and a whimsical notion that having an imaginary invisible friend will somehow make your life complete. I don t believe that you were an atheist. You would not be making a statement like "If you can be comfortable in your belief" if you were. You seem very confused to say the least. If you re not a troll, I hope you will give some consideration to just HOW believing in an invisible monster will make things better, as opposed to getting off your butt and finding a hobby or a job or friends that are a positive influence for you. Good luck.
2015-02-15 13:23:48 UTC
The very basis of all suffering, is poor health and right nutrition. Eat vegetarian food - handful rice, lot of plant -proteins and veggies, yogurt as probiotic. Read about living simple, peaceful life, just live by what you need for safe, secure and peaceful living than gradiose, unwanted desires, greed and fashions. Read Bhagavad Gita, for developing further, Read Vishishta-advaita -Diferentiated oneness - that matter and living are part/body of that Great Supreme Omniscient Being. We got this body (unique form) due to our ignorance - avidya and desires - karma. We got this life and body, to enrich our life and learn and realize, but not to get lost in this magnificient universe of matter (mAyA).

"He for whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anxiety, who is steady in happiness and distress, is very dear to Me." -Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita. Thus, who is balanced, calm, serene, conscious of that inner-Self and its well-being (great qualities) will be lead by HIM to perceive the HIGHER GOAL/SELF/Lord Krishna.

2015-02-16 06:14:14 UTC
You are telling God you will only accept him on your own terms. He must not be what you don't want him to be? If you wanted a particular person to be your friend, would you do that to them? Tell them what they mustn't be. Of course you could keep searching for a friend who will tick all your boxes.

You can't do that because there is only one of him. He's ready to be your friend. But he wants your attitude towards him to change. You aren't giving him a chance. He's so much better than how you perceive him to be.

But that's hard for you, because your attitudes come as a result of you being a sinner. Now God has done everything for you to bring you to himself. He died for you. Your attitudes

tell you that he didn't and you didn't need him to.

When you recognise your dilemma, why not just talk to him and ask him to help you to change your mind. He loves you.
2015-02-16 14:03:36 UTC
I loved your question and commentary. The only way to get to know God is to read his word the Bible. There is no other book that claims inspiration from God but it. No other holy book anywhere that claims to be inspired of God. Here is a website where you can get questions answered and even have someone come to your home to discuss things with you.
Lloyd Harmon
2015-02-18 08:12:23 UTC
hey I now you have many people who have answer your question. but I just want to add, you feel like you need a faith, or something to believe in, you have to seek it, because you have been away from God for a long time that does not mean that God is not with you. There must be something in your life that you have to change or get away from, you see that you are struggling to come to God, there is something holding you back my friend. in your heart you know that God will welcome you anytime, but whatever is holding you back, you need to find it and fight it, ask God to help you, because clearly you are not strong enough to fight it by yourself. pray and never stop praying, even if it seem hopeless, praying is a very powerful weapon, never stop praying.
2015-02-16 15:24:33 UTC
Simply, Start Slow.

1, Read the Bible. - Book Of Matthew.

2, Attend a Church - Go to a modern young church.

3, Pray - Ask someone to pray for you.

4, Simply ask god to give you a small miracle in your life as a assurance.

5, Give me the Best Answer for my Courage!
2015-02-15 15:26:13 UTC
I'm sorry for the plight you find yourself in. However, I wouldn't beat yourself up about your recent problems with your faith. This is one of the problems with faith, you believe.

On the other hand I have no belief of any kind in some divine being.

Please think hard about this, you may not care to listen: The only true road to freedom is through the renunciation of ALL religions.

Please try to think for yourself and forget the notions that were forced upon you before you had the power of logical reasoning.

Create and journey well, my friend.
Bow Before Zardoz!
2015-02-17 14:23:45 UTC
You don't need religion to have a personal journey and to define it your own way. Thats what we are all doing, honestly. To live is to fly rather low or high, you just have to make the best of it. Anyway thats how I think and it has worked out pretty well so far
2015-02-17 11:40:57 UTC
Opening your heart in prayer is a fantastic start! Pray Lord help my unbelief! God is Great and he does hear your prayers. Today I will start praying for you and I want you to receive the amazing grace that comes with Christ Jesus! Listen to Matt Mahers songs on you tube. ps The holy Mass is the greatest prayer!!
2015-02-16 07:47:38 UTC
I dont think a rational person can force themself to believe or not believe. I reccomend you research and learn all you can. Look to othersfor ideas but demand proof and evidence. Your belief or disbelief is a mixture of your feelings, knowledge, life experience and your heart. Just be patient. Im not religous but we constantly learn and experience. That could easily change...
2015-02-18 10:07:57 UTC
I apologise if I offend anyone who believe in God.

But is this what you really want? Do you wish to do this or are you being forced to?

Only believe what you want to believe! <3
2015-02-15 15:47:53 UTC
Forget all religions. They are all man made and run by men.

Just know and believe that your creator made you and will be with you all through your life. He will be with you at the end of life and take you to be with him.Faith is all you need not doctrines of men. Just trust in God always and he will guide you. Love always.
2015-02-15 21:54:33 UTC
try gnosticism. non faith based. anti-athiest. philosophic model detailing infinite's connection to the finite (cosmology to cosmogeny), alongside a more utilitarian liberation philosophy of how to break free from the cycle of rebirth into the material world. the esoteric heart of all spiritual systems.

it details how there are essentially 3 different ways in which the term "God" is used (hence all the semantic disagreements and fighting and all that): monisitic, heno/monotheistic and via redeemer. you are leaning towards Monism.


valentinus (valentinianism aka esoteric christianity)

kaballah (particularly the sephiroth, jewish gnosticism)

hinduism (mahabharata, kundalini chakra system, yoga)

provides a good basis....then you can branch out...unlocks worlds of understanding on all sorts of levels.

seeking these answers is the first step....catch the gnosis ;)
2015-02-17 03:10:45 UTC
My wife was an atheist for many years before we met, but she came to the same point you have. Her initial step was to believe that there is a God and that his essence and being is good. She sincerely sought to find out about who God was and how He was willing to manifest Himself to her. God did in the end.

The only advice which will be of benefit to you at this point is that you be as sincere and open in your quest for God as you can. God has made this statement in the bible: "If you seek me, you will find me, if you truly seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 . If you truly seek God, with all your heart, meaning that you approach him with all sincerity and take whatever path He leads you toward Himself, He will allow Himself to be found by you. But if you are not sincere and you want to form a God of your own for your own purpose, then He will not allow himself to be found by you. I hope this doesn't sound harsh but it is as truthful as I can make it without being pretentious.

For me, then end of the road was the cross, as was my wife's. It was there that I had to leave my own burden of the fall. Our own destiny is a heavy burden to carry.
2015-02-16 10:00:26 UTC
We all know what you are going through. Even Pope Francis has said that "God isn't a wizard with a magic wand; the Big Bang theory is correct."

Since you are Roman Catholic, have you tried praying to any of the saints? You should. They helped me A TON, more than any of those times I tried praying to "the wizard with the magic wand."
2015-02-16 18:26:17 UTC
Jesus is ready to give you a brand new life! Congratulations! Just see if you can eventually believe in him again and you will have new life. God always forgives and forgets, and accepts.
2015-02-18 20:14:51 UTC
God is a loving, merciful God. Just ask him into your heart and he WILL show himself to you. Also, God and Jesus (His son), and the Holy Spirit are one, the trinity, but also individual. Like the human body. It's one body but many parts with different functions. Also like water, ice, water, boil, but all the same substance. God sent Jesus to earth to save His people and die for their sins. Anyway, just start reading your Bible, stay focused on God, and remember you are NOT alone. God will never leave you. "As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Your rod and staff, they comfort me."
Vincent G
2015-02-16 15:42:48 UTC
Most of us atheists would love to believe in a god.

But there is one big problem: god does not exist.

Reality is kind of getting in the way...
2015-02-18 03:11:17 UTC
I would reccomend you reading "God s true religion" book by doctor bilal philips, it would very fit to as an answer to ur situation, islam is also a solution in ur case, because that what islam is about - BELIEF IN ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD. Even in every prayer we recite this - Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One, Allah , the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent." Chapter Sincerity, arabic - Surah Al Ikhlas.

To ur belief in just one God i see no other solution than judaism or islam, they are true monotheistic and authentic religions. Again the best thing for u is to read the book i mentioned above, its really good. And I understand the medias influence about how they portrate islam,and how it makes it look un attractive , but, atleast try, going to the masjid, speaking with muslims about islam and its principle.. Atleast try, and see, therre is no such thing - as - islam is not for me, islam fits everyone, everywhere... the best example is Umar bin Khattab, one of the best companions of prophet Muhammad PBUH, he was in his way to kill him (Muhammad PBUH) , but he ended up accepting this beautiful religion. As God mentions in Quran.. Light upon light... i believe belief in oneness of God is a part of our nature, but the devils makes ur go astray.. Atleast try, and read the book, God willing u will like it, best regards and good luck
2015-02-20 11:27:55 UTC
to begin let me commend for wanted to return to God!! that is very important. the main way to do that is to start a study of the bible and take your time. If you have question, you can go to when you get there scroll down to the bottom and on the right hand side you will see in black capital letters " CONTACT US" and click on" Request a Bible Study", and follow direction. I know you said in your information that you do not want to return to Christianity. I respect your wishes. studying with Jehovah's Witnesses does not mean that you have to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. they just want to help you to understand the bible. this will help you to draw close to God, as its says in James 4:8 " draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones." And also read Act 17:27 says " so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really fid him, all thought, if fact, he is not far off from each one of us." I hope you will fid your way back to God.
2015-02-15 21:38:57 UTC
I'll invite you to read Maria Valtorta's The Poem of The Man†God.

You find PDFs on the internet. Also in:
2015-02-16 14:41:35 UTC
Between the Man Made ideology of Atheism and the man made ideology of Catholicism..YOU are truly screwed up.....YOU never believed in God to start with, what you have done is follow man made ideologies....Jesus IS start with...HE has NEVER been among Man made religious ideologies. the Catholic church is NOT of God at all and never has been.

What YOU need to do is ASK GOD HIMSELF....He knows your Heart, IF you are Sincere and really want to learn of Him and receive Him in your life HE WILL reveal Himself to you. YOU have to start by reading and Believing in HIS WORD and Stop wanting it to be YOUR so many do. they want God but only on their terms...YOU have to cease so He can increase,,,in other words It has to be HIS WAY 100% and your way 0% ..Period !!
2015-02-18 09:37:58 UTC
what ur showing now is a way of believing in God... because you want to let Him be again in your life... :) youre remembering all about Him.. and that is also a good characteristic of being a catholic.
2015-02-19 10:17:35 UTC

The same way you stopped believing; free choice. You freely chose to stop believing. You can freely choose to start believing again.

< a lot better.>>

Yeah, that's 'everyone's' school experience.

One of the reasons it gets better in college is because your all adults and, hopefully, most of you are behaving as such.

< but I can't,>>

No - you CAN. Don't start the -I-am-going-to-do-whatever-it-takes-to-avoid-accountability dance!

< back to Christianity.>>

What's the point of believing, if you're not going back to Christianity?

< expect the worst.>>

Here's the problem. You want to "return" to a "god" that exists ONLY in your mind - not the real One True God that Exists. You're unhappy because you're not able to find what you're looking for, because what you're looking for simply doesn't exist. You're trying to pass off your frustration on your past, but that's as simply as just "getting over it"; 'letting go' in other words.

Don't make the mistake of dwelling on the past, otherwise you will not be able to grow into the future.
Billy G-Man
2015-02-16 03:14:32 UTC
There is one emotion that can only come from God and this is "Joy" ... To me joy comes in knowing that I have spent a day with people who are less fortunate than me. Giving them a place to meet with others with Christians who work in common to talk about God and his promise for a better life, an everlasting life.

Learn as much as you can about God and what he teaches us and walk in the path that God sets for us. As you do this you will find yourself getting closer to God and this level of confidence will bring you a new awareness and you'll notice you thanking him for the good things that are happening around you. He teaches us to give our worries to him and he will give us rest. Because he knows and we all know now that stress can kill us by tearing down our immune system.

Do you believe in the Bible as being the written word of God? This i critical because if you don't believe in the Bible than you cannot believe in God as that is the evidence and documentation of his existence and message to us. This will help you...

Without God there can not be a moral compass, something that is final word on what is right and wrong. Atheists will say that God is not needed because they can feel it in their hearts when something is right or wrong. But is this good enough? In some countries it feels right to eat other humans, so does that make it right?

Who gave us the laws like thou shalt not kill or steal? If we throw that out the window then it could fell alright for me to steal your car because you make more money than me and you can afford another one... Who or what will abjudicate the differences in our opinions on what is right or wrong? Without God than there is only Chaos.... You see it on TV now... a crook can point a gun at a policeman so he gets shot but then everyone is backing up the crook with the gun?

Know that many claim to be Christians and want to spread the word, but don't realize that its is better to walk the talk then to try to make people believe you are a Christian by what they say.... To me the testimony of one's faith is by what he does, not what he says. God Bless you and keep in touch...
2015-02-15 13:45:02 UTC
Sometimes just a leap in faith and hope God is there is needed to clear ones own sense of what is and what isn't. A dive into the dark region of hope God is there to help us because we sure don't have it clear ourselves all that well helps us as individuals find what is and what isn't on that subject.
2015-02-17 11:37:57 UTC
Belief in anything is a conscious choice. No person can tell you "how", it's a decision. God does not need belief to be, He is. It's like any belief, a free choice.
2015-02-15 20:49:56 UTC
Sounds like you are already believing in God again. Good luck to you. L.labor, U under, C correct K knowledge.
2015-02-19 03:05:14 UTC
Believing that there is a god is just wishful thinking.
2015-02-18 15:35:53 UTC
You are not going back to Christianity? Christianity is the only way.

Watch this documentary, then continue watching the series. You will eventually start to realize that all our world leaders are Satan worshippers. That is no coincidence. Even the Vatican is paganism wrapped in Christian clothes.

When you see that this is true, and you start putting Bible verses in the earthly context, things will start to become very, very clear.
2015-02-16 02:11:11 UTC
If you are really serious about this, I sincerely suggest you wake up 3-4 hours before sun rise, wash your face and make an honest and sincere prayer to God that he guide you toward him and his true path if he does exist, you can say something as simple as:

"God if you do exist and your out there someone guide me and open my heart toward you"
2015-02-15 19:12:03 UTC
Try praying and asking God to help you do it, or pretend to believe. Go to the church you once did, or any local church, and just worship. Pretending to believe often makes you believe again. I pray it works out.
2015-02-17 10:37:44 UTC
I think you need to start researching about religions. Visit places of worship, e.g. Synagogues, Mosques, Temples. You need to make the decision and you also need to read some of the translations yourself and not go off what the news or other people say about these religions.
brother trucker
2015-02-16 07:54:46 UTC
I have been following you since you began on this site and during that time you have claimed to be everything from atheist to Muslim. Today you again deny both. You will never find God as long as you refuse to be honest with yourself and stop answering your own questions.

Any person who gives advice on YA to themselves as you have done twice to this question alone cannot be seen as honest or even logical. Although communicating with ourselves is helpful to raising consciousness we can talk to ourself without the use of this site or any other site.

If you are that lonely I certainly sympathize with you. You will discover you have a need to start associating occurences in your life in meaningful ways. For this you will need professional help, not internet help and I wish you well in finding who you need at this time.

Do you think that some of your bullying was connected to your own totally illogical actions. People don't appreciate it when someone both seeks advice for themselves and gives advice to themselves. We answer these questions in the hope that they will be helpful to you. We are not on here to waste our time and I hope you begin to appreciate that.

If you want to find the real God you have to find Him yourself and to do that you have to start by being honest with yourself, your research and everyone else, especially God. If you ask God to reveal Himself to you or ask Him for wisdom He will do it. I have asked Him these questions and He certainly has not failed me. He wants to reveal Himself to us in unmistakable ways. You would have heard from Him by now if you were serious in your search and refused to accept anything false as your God.

God will not play your games. Start being honest and you will find Him. If you are back on this site in a few hours claiming to be atheist or something like that as you have done so often in the past we will understand that this search was not genuine or you have been involved in this reuse to attract attention for so long that the Holy Spirit no longer communicates with you. These are both possibilities you must search out and find answers for. Ill be praying for you.
2015-02-15 14:12:14 UTC
You can't,the biggest hypocrites of all believe in god. Just the fact you ask this questions shows that you don't.
2015-02-15 23:22:45 UTC
(1) Be humble yourself ... b/c your knowledge cannot be greater than Jesus

(2) Donate your soul 100% to Jesus ... b/c Jesus, for love, will receive and clean it. If your patience in suffering must be tested, accept this test and consider suffering as a special test on earth.

(3) Enjoy your life until death ... b/c your soul was in Jesus's hand already, of course, Jesus would not throw it to Satan's mouth in hell.

Rely on Jesus' promise with His Father in heaven... although other funny people said Jesus was a dead man only... You can save yourself and do not pay any cent to anyone.
2015-02-17 04:11:51 UTC
i am from a believing and a religious family.i am an atheist now.still i have to go to the church to maintain family harmony.if there is a god,then he will have to show me or give signs of his existence or else i will continue to believe that religion is man made,i have sincerity in me.
2015-02-17 17:03:05 UTC
Big list, huh? To me it doesn't matter whether God exists or not because either way he is useless. Nothing more convinces one of this than unanswered prayer. Get rid of him. He is just another tyrant.
2015-02-15 12:31:20 UTC
Start by praying sincerely to our creator. Explain to Him just how confused you feel and you need Him to help make sense of your life .Ask this in Yeshuas name. Please forget about "mainstream religion" , dont even think about attending a church at this stage. Just keep praying and speaking privately on a daily basis to our Creator and pour your heart out to Him You need to build up a strong relationship with him which you can do by reading your Bible on a daily basis.
2015-02-17 16:55:45 UTC
It is called brainwashing and hand holding, it is amazing how many people need this dumbing down of their independence to be able to survive in this world. Religion is a man made fictional mythological craze.
2015-02-15 13:08:51 UTC
The best thing you can do is avail yourself of a free home bible study.

Start with this and all subjects regarding scripture is discussed:

Many people have changed from being Catholic after finding out contradictions with their faith and the bible, so, seriously look into it.
2015-02-15 18:59:38 UTC
how do you think you wake up in the morning? why do some people die from diseases and others don't? how are creatures created? what formed all the continents? who created animals? just sit and think how life and everything around it is created. If you do not come up with God, then think whoever or however they were created, science, man or whatever... who created that
2015-02-15 13:27:08 UTC
I'm Muslim, it it would be great for you to convert to Islam. But if you do stick to your previous religion, re-familiarize yourself with the basics and move on from there. Don't of think, just do it! Good Luck!
2015-02-17 17:45:43 UTC
We are not alone - God is within, you're praying to yourself when you pray, it's not worthless. BUT, why would you WANT to believe in something you think / know is b'sht?
2015-02-18 11:18:44 UTC
By having faith, trust and believing in God's son, Jesus Christ.
2015-02-16 13:31:05 UTC
You know what, you don't. For me churches/religions and the politics involved make me sick. It's about money and control on how you should think. Nothing else...But think for yourself like people who believe think for themselves. And watch the thumbs down on this comment and you will see my choice for what I believe is not exceptionable. I don't care. Good luck on making your own choice.
2015-02-17 17:41:15 UTC
By going 100 points down your current IQ
2015-02-15 15:42:26 UTC
Just order the bible in Cd foremat. Listen to it every day including the gospels of Jesus Christ.

Say some simple prayers to God in the name of Jesus Christ..

Like Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins and arose after 3 days. Forgive me my trespasses and receive again . In the name of Jesus Christ I ask you and thank you..
trocar pusher
2015-02-21 15:00:48 UTC
God is ALWAYS THE ANSWER, but NEVER THE SOLUTION. God is NEVER there when you NEED him. But...... always on time. In church when you pray, with you head bowed and eyes closed, does a MONEY plate go around? Does your church tell you to pray for financial blessings while collecting your money. Use your head.
2015-02-18 07:54:35 UTC
1. Study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. 2. Study Creation around you. 3. Meditate on what you learn.This is what helped me.
2015-02-16 02:05:53 UTC
Start with prayer and asking God to open your heart and your mind to be open to truth.
2015-02-16 16:20:39 UTC
if you want to go down the evidence root then i'm afraid there is little hope. however, if you want to start believing based on lack of evidence then you can begin immediately
2015-02-17 21:19:41 UTC
Believing god mean to believe yourself. Because our heart always true. I f we believe ourselves that is enough to believe god.
2015-02-20 08:22:41 UTC
You have to find your own path of you don't want Christianity find another way, Buddhism, Taoism, Paganism...etc good luck
2015-02-15 12:48:17 UTC
By lying to yourself and pretending religion makes sense. Just ignore the fact that science disproves most of the claims made by Theists.
2015-02-15 13:43:19 UTC
Why do you doubt his existence? Look around you, everything around us testifies about God's existence. We just are so comfortable with this world and our lives now to the point where we don't even think of the simple things anymore, we just live. Mainly thinking about our own lives and trying to be successful so that we may show off and be praised by Man. We seek after earthly riches and the approval of Men instead of seeking after the One who created the world. I know that you said you've tried praying all these years, but what I would suggest to you is to just go in your room, close the door and just talk to God right now. Talk about all the things you just posted, don't make it a quick conversation just speak from your heart. Tell him you want to believe in him again, and ask him to help you believe. You have to be willing to want the truth whatever it is or else you simply won't accept it.

"since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened." – Romans 1:19-21. Surround yourself with good things, godly things, so that you won't be wrongly influenced. Me and you both know, there is terrible and ungodly influence in this world today. If you are surrounded by that stuff, how can you be inspired to want anything to do with God? If you listen to a sad song, your mood will suddenly reflect that song. If you listen to a happy song, your mood will suddenly reflect that song. So stay surrounded by what is good.

"No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known." – John 1:18. God does have a Son, and this verse tells us that no one has seen God (the Father), it is the Son (who is also God himself) that has made him known. So it was the Son who was speaking to Moses, Abraham, and the prophets in the Old Testament. That's how Jesus was able to say "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." – John 8:56. My friend, it's all about receiving the right knowledge and being fed the Truth. So ask God for the truth no matter what it is. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." – John 14:6. I testify that he really is who he claims to be. I myself have been through a lot and have been traveling many paths in search for the truth, but they all led to a dead end. It wasn't until God showed me the right way that my heart was truly changed, and Jesus is always the light at the end of the tunnel. I sincerely called out to him in a serious time of trouble, and he stretched out his arm and saved me. Now I forever live for Christ. I share this not to exalt myself, for I am nothing, but he is everything and he is indeed real.

The very reason you, me, or anyone else right now is alive is because of God. The very breaths we are taking right now are from God. Life didn't create itself, and neither did this world. Anytime you see something that exists that shows signs of intelligence, there is always a creator behind it. This computer you're on right now, you know it was designed by someone because it shows signs of intelligence and design. You wouldn't dare say it created itself, therefore if thats simply a computer and the world we live in is far greater than a computer, who would dare say that the world created itself??? Or came into existence on its own?

Study the Bible (Old and New Testament) and believe in his Word, he will bless you and strengthen you. Not only that but your name will be written in heaven and you will have eternal life. Not a life such as this, but an eternal life filled with peace and bliss in the presence of your very creator. No more of the problems that you struggle with in this life, to God be the glory. And God Bless you!
2015-02-17 11:59:01 UTC
its normal like even great saints had been doubtful in their journey to discover god...u wanna believe in god...u read & hear great saints & devotee's incidents...u will find god does all management to the way towards him & he is full of love,he becomes slave to the ones who become his & hear,have doubts but be serious as many just make paradox open to all religions...whichever u like u follow,i a devotee dunno how to say but wanted to answer this question..when u feel to approach god just take his name,names u him Jehovah,Allah,Raam,Ahoora mazda he's the same...god bless u...i have a friend who can present Christianity at its best to u...i can help if any questions...God bless:)
Ernest S
2015-02-15 12:32:44 UTC
The Roman Catholic Church produces the greatest number of Atheists of all false religions.

It is opposed to the true knowledge of God and of Christ and His Gospel and seeks to replace with itself, deceitfully using His name. It desperately wants to be known as Christian in order to propser its deceit but in all its principal doctrines and practices contradicts Christ.

It is responsible for gross distortion of God and for promoting false teachings and obvious lies, obvious now that the Bible is widely and freely available. Most of its teachings were formulated while it suppressed the Bible on pain of death and it has been responsible for the shedding of untold blood of those who would follow the Bible. It still claims direct authority to those responsible.

All are separated from God by reason of sin and repentance precedes faith, the faith that God gives.

This is why God commands all to repentance. "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."

Whilst all can know that God is, none can know Him without revelation. Then you and any must seek Him according to the revelation that He has given, His word, the Bible.

Not what men or churches say. It should be axiomatic that only God can reveal God.

If you are serious you need to seek God for repentance and according to His word that He has given for that purpose. You need to deal with God and not man.
2015-02-17 16:43:27 UTC
Never write a I'm a born again christian story and not expect a munch of crazy *** christian people to write a munch of long *** ****
Marc Iscool
2015-02-17 00:27:16 UTC
I always thought you could believe in whatever you wanted to believe. Like Nike says "Just Do It!"
2015-02-16 08:37:41 UTC
2015-02-16 15:17:28 UTC
you cant cuz god has no dank left so he had to trade snoop doge the ownership of heaven for some dank and shizzles and in doing so god does no longer exist - exodus 1337
2015-02-17 20:59:00 UTC
First I would like to say that Im very sorry for the bullying you've went through and that the Lord God says, "vengeance is mine , I shall repay" so whatever you went through with the people who picked on you the Lord will see that they pay for it either through something that happens to them or to their child. I see your logo all the time trying to pick at peoples brains and thats okay. I believe that just maybe my message might have reached you.

The Lord wants you to come back to him. Its as simple as making a mistake with a parent and you saying "Im sorry mom or dad...I didnt mean to do it". It doesnt mean they stop loving you. God knows you exist. He created you. You were "fearfully and wonderfully made".This is not about being catholic or religious or fitting in. You can never be good enough to enter heaven nor could I but I know for a fact that there is a God the Father, there is his son Jesus Christ who (and be prepared) in the book of john says ALL AUTHORITY AND JUDGMENT HAVE BEEN HANDED OVER TO ME. It is Jesus who will call you from the grave. It is him who intervenes for you and me when we sin against others, go through hard times, when people pick on us, mistreat us, talk about us. It is Jesus who intervenes on our behalf to his father and says I claim this child. He is good and he wants to know me. Many times people back slide, once saved and then not. You can go back and know God but you must accept Jesus Christ as YOUR Lord and Savior. Dont say no. He is the one who you are looking for. In the privacy of your room just say Lord Jesus Im sorry for trying to do things my way. I believe that you died on the cross for me. Wash me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness and come into my heart. Be my Lord and Savior in Jesus name Amen. If you said this then everything is going to be alright. I have been to heaven and its awesome. I had a problem with my heart, and I also died again when I gave birth to my son and bled all over my bed. Jesus is tall, Powerful and he loves you or else he would not have sent e to your question. He never stopped loving you ever and God never stopped loving you. Accept Christ now if you havent. Dont take that chance of going to hell (yes hell is real) and give your life to christ tonite. Read the bible, go to the book of John so that you may know who this loving father is. remember the scripture where Jesus says, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIGHT, NO MAN CAN COME TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME". So you cannot approach God except through his son. Hope this helped you. God Bless you.
2015-02-18 05:51:03 UTC
You can believe in whatever you choose to believe. Your belief in anything does not make that thing true.
2015-02-16 14:37:16 UTC
You need to read 'The Purpose driven life' by Rick warren. and you will find the God your seeking and your purpose
2015-02-15 12:07:44 UTC
Get back into the Holy Bible word of God - and stay there. You will be judged by it. We all will.

A test WILL be given

Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Jas 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.
2015-02-16 14:14:13 UTC
Don't stop believing. He believes in you.
2015-02-16 03:10:26 UTC
Everyone has periods of doubt - even Jesus said so himself.

There is growing evidence of the afterlife which can no longer simply be dismissed, not even by those among us who call themselves atheists.

The first of the Classical Hellenic philosophers to turn his attention to the afterlife, was Aristotle. I doubt there is a living soul who could win a debate with him, let alone an atheist unbeliever.

The idea of life after death came from God to Aristotle. We must not suppose just because there were twelve gods and goddesses in the Olympian Pantheon that the Greeks did not believe in God, because they very much did so and they called him Zeus - God of Olympia in the heavens above.

Thinks of it like this. In the Olympian Pantheon there are twelve gods and goddesses. There are twelve months in a year, each originally with the name of a Greek God or Goddess. Jesus Christ had twelve disciples.

Thus, if you focus upon the magic number twelve, you'll be taken back to the fold by the Good Shepherd.

Allow me to explain in brief from an Hellenistic point of view. The life we have after this life is the one we believe in. Thus if we believe in nothing, then nothing is what we get. Just bear that in mind.

Evidence of Life After Death

There are even people who have been to the next life and returned to tell their story.

People are not making it up. The evidence for the life hereafter is overwhelming.

Get ready for the day. Stand with Jesus at his final day here on Earth and his Resurrection to be among us in spirit for all time - to guide and protect us from sin and doubt.

Do not look away. This next is from the Holy Coptic Church of Egypt. Be with Jesus understand his suffering is for us.

Sung in a mix of Hebrew, Ancient Egyptian and Arabic

Soon the great day of the Resurrection.

I am not a Catholic - instead I am a Puritan Protestant - and like all of my faith, we believe that the people have the right to worship any God or none that they choose. We believe in he life hereafter and pray for those sinners who do not believe.

Repent of your sins and be with Jesus in this life and the next.

Oliver Cromwell
2015-02-15 20:56:17 UTC
I would recommending looking at Buddhism, Taoism, or any of the legitimate forms of Yoga. Meditate on what troubles you. When you are ready, the path will reveal itself.
Morton L.
2015-02-15 12:08:00 UTC
You could always go to jail I suppose. Pretty much everyone who goes to prison in the US becomes a born again christian in jail.
2015-02-16 18:53:28 UTC
BRENDA I BEGAN SEARCHING FOR GOD IN 1980,and I found him. When he came to me great joy flooded my body.I THEN ASK FOR WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE BUT ONLY IN HIM.! Not wisdom of the world but only in him..Everyone who is serious about god should have the same experience that I have had !GOD said AFTER YOU HAVE SEARCHED FOR ME WITH YOUR HEART,YOUR SOUL AND MIND THEN YOU SHALL FIND ME
2015-02-17 20:59:38 UTC
This book claims that interdimensional beings have the technology and knowledge to make us alive again.

I wonder.
2015-02-17 13:00:51 UTC
God is real
One America
2015-02-15 22:28:19 UTC
God does exist and Islam proves so.... Look up Islamic miracles and you will convert.
Alan H
2015-02-15 12:33:52 UTC
Why not link up with the Christian Union at Uni?

You will find others who are also seeking

You are in my prayers
Steve B
2015-02-18 11:23:42 UTC
I'm waiting for the first deity to show up in my townhome and justify its need for worship.
2015-02-17 03:28:47 UTC
Make an imaginary friend and name him God.
2015-02-16 07:36:42 UTC
Out of interest have you researched Islam? as i hope you are not just going by what the media says about it.
2015-02-18 06:45:34 UTC
By reading His Word - the bible. Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
2015-02-16 07:59:57 UTC
hi am hindu. Even i have the same problem in the begining. i won't belive god. there is no specific think called divine. i have heard lot of stories about god helping only few people and make others to suffer. i feel that he is showing partiality. and i started hating god. if you keep on thing this definitely you won't get a solution. let me guide you clearly. check this steps and this will give you a clear solution for your problem.

1. belive that there is no god and there is no external power above you.

2. belive that in our world it is surronded by vibration. belive in scientific and your own make it clear when i was alone i was full of emotions that i even hate god. i was sitting in a park and i saw a dog staring at me and it feel afraid to come near. but it wave its tail and it show all type of mischeif dance which divert my mind and concentrate on it and i started laughing at that dog. now it came near to me and show it kindness to me.

(Note: i doesn't know its lanuage and vice versa. but it tries to impresses me and i can able to understand that it try to impress me. i can understand its wave length of friendship i.e; vibration)

3. jesus is not god but his kindness, love and patience (vibration) make him god. i heard about his stories. that even his enemy feel for his death. jesus might have used his power to prove him that he is a god. but he won't. he try to prove to the world that the waves around us to be pure and kind . you know even tress can able to understand our feelings. i can confirm that there is no god "only love is god". please dont research on god it is mear waste, we don't have that much knowledge. think what made him to feel as god.

4. show to others what god doesnot showed to you. in hindu there is a belief that in each one there is a god called good vibration. feel that you are god. show kind and love to everyone. help other as much as you can. avoid gossip and try to feel for others.

5. if you do all this you don't want to feel for god. everyone will feel you as god.
2015-02-18 21:09:18 UTC
God loves you, he loves all of us, u have and always will beleive in god, and thats way to always live is to always have god in your heart, everyone makes mistakes and god is a dad that we will always have and u can always trust him
2015-02-16 18:15:03 UTC
to CONFIRM God's existence, answer this question: What other explanation is there that one cell from your mother and one cell from your father created the person you are today ?
2015-02-21 19:02:55 UTC
Dont know believe
2015-02-16 17:08:15 UTC
believe in love, its the right hand of god
2015-02-16 21:27:32 UTC
There is Buddhism. But suffice to say, whatever faith you chose, may you have the peace and happiness that you seek. Goodwill to all.
2015-02-18 07:54:46 UTC
find the reason you first started to believe in Him... Go back to basics, Go back to the start
2015-02-16 13:40:57 UTC
You need to be patient, seek for him everyday. Medidate, pray and sacrifice something small for the lord. Your faith will be rewarded
2015-02-16 14:09:29 UTC
Just go to a church and talk to a priest he'll help you.
2015-02-19 23:00:34 UTC
Have a near death experience that's not as cowardly as suicide.
2015-02-15 12:18:58 UTC
To reject Jesus because of what you can't believe is almost the explanation for WHY you can't believe.
2015-02-15 19:04:51 UTC
To believe in God and to have saving faith you need the Holy Spirit The bible gives the parable of the prodigal son and James 5 says that if you err from the truth and some one save you it covers a multitude of sins

Jesus Christ love you so much that he died for your sins for those who believe

The reason that Jesus is the Christ

Isaiah 53 King James Version (KJV)

53 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
2015-02-16 12:24:01 UTC
If you are agnostic, you are atheist by definition. Religion requires unquestioning belief.
2015-02-17 18:40:28 UTC
It is your choice to accept Jesus or not accept Jesus, Father God and his Son Jesus Christ gives us free will to accept Jesus in our hearts or not.

God bless all in Jesus name Amen.
Chinese-Americans for a FREE TIBET
2015-02-15 17:30:05 UTC
2015-02-16 03:14:22 UTC
You can't. But who cares.
Invisible spiritman
2015-02-15 14:19:57 UTC
Stop doubting, only believe !
2015-02-22 08:11:45 UTC
Go to a prayer fest.
2015-02-18 02:30:21 UTC
Look diligently for God.He always find you.
2015-02-15 12:09:36 UTC
check out lots of things are explained
2015-02-22 10:04:36 UTC
Meditate. You get closer to him
2015-02-15 17:55:31 UTC
Yes you can and have a great journey.
2015-02-16 02:39:31 UTC
believe in yourself
2015-02-18 15:46:56 UTC
It sounds like you used to feel a lot closer to God than you do now for sure. I have investigated things for years as to God's existence and the things in the Bible (the King James version- the others are fakes but that is a whole 'nother can of worms) and if they really could be. What I found through all of this is that there is actually all kinds of archaelogical evidence that the events in the Bible really happened. Also, I also went to University and everything I learned there about God and the Bible was not true. Please remember that the universities are run by atheists. I am not sure why you are so convinced that Jesus is not God. Yes there is only one God. This God has three forms, just like water can be a solid, liquid, or gas. There is God the father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but these three are one. (1 John 5:7:

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.) It is explained very clearly in John chapter 1 that "the Word" here refers to Jesus. I am a Christian and have been for years and I can tell you for sure nothing could be further from the truth. God came here as a man to make the ultimate sacrifice (by suffering and dying on the cross) to save us from Hell, and yes Hell is a real literal place. God does not want anyone to go to Hell, but we have free will as rational creatures with spirits. I have found so much evidence that Jesus is God that I could write books about it. Don't let professors or even other people claiming to be people of faith sway you against God. I have compared everything I read in the Bible with what I have learned from the world and discovered in life and God never ceases to amaze me with his mercy, his blessings, his power and his protection on others and in my own life. I have experienced his miraculous healing as well as had answers to prayer more times than I can even count. Praying will definitely help you to start believing in God again. Ask him to reveal himself to you more and more in your life and to give you wisdom to understand the Bible. Start reading the Bible and look up anything you don't understand here online. Here is a website for any words you don't know the meaning of Be very careful who you listen to because there are so many people who will lead you the wrong direction with misinformation. Always compare what they say to God's Word. There was a man whose son was possessed by a demon. He brought his son (who was unable to speak) to Jesus and asked for his help. The man was torn with grief for his son and crying. Here is one verse telling of this: "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9:24 KJV (Holy Bible) (Read Mark 9 in the King James Bible to read the rest of this account.) This is what you need to do. Pray to God and ask him to help your unbelief and to strenghthen your faith. Jesus came to Earth to die for our sins because the only thing that can pay for sin is death (here I mean what is called the 'second death'" of spending forever in Hell.) Since God loves us and does not want us to go to Hell, he made a way for us to not have to pay that horrible price. All you have to do is accept the gift Jesus gave us all when he died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for us all. If you do this, you are going to Heaven and no one can ever take it away from you nor anything you do from now on can make you lose it. (John 3:16, John 5:24 written out at the end as well) Ask for wisom for you to understand why he came to Earth in human form as Jesus and died for our sins. I have explained it to you, but until God opens your understanding you wont get it. Pray to him that can open your eyes and let your ears fully understand and not just hear. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation (go to Hell); but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24 (definition mine)
2015-02-18 02:48:20 UTC
if you dont want to then dont come join satans side witth me
Md. Shahidul Islam
2015-02-20 22:04:15 UTC
Look around.

who is the creator of this?

I hope, you will find the answer.
2015-02-18 21:37:30 UTC
truthfully, you don't have to. create your reason not to.
Fee Nix
2015-02-16 06:46:49 UTC
pray to him and ask for him to show himself and help you
Kelly Lamear
2015-02-15 20:54:09 UTC
Just curious ... can you elaborate on your issue with Jesus / Messiah? Is it the whole trinity thing with the Catholic church? For the record, I don't believe in the trinity doctrine.

I was raised in a Christian household. My parents became Jehovah's Witnesses when I was young. My father had been Catholic and my mother attended whatever church was closest to whenever her family moved when she was growing up. As a teenager I believed that there was a God, but I felt very strongly that there were way too many religions in the world to ever know which, if any, was true. Unlike the opinions of so many people who will say bad things about Witnesses, my childhood was wonderful. My parents are wonderful, caring people. They will be married for 50 years this August, so my family life was stable. Growing up without holidays didn't scar me for life the way people try to say that it does. Just the opposite actually. I don't appreciate being lied to, knowing that my parents cared enough about me not to lie to me made me feel loved and secure.

I have never felt that a person should simply inherit the religion of their parents. So when you think of Jesus' mother, Mary, you automatically think of a Jewish woman, don't you? Admit it, you do. Yet in the end, she became a Christian. She changed her faith from that of her parents...and that was a HUGE thing back then. I find it amazing that no one ever thinks about that.

I dabbled with a variety of spiritual paths. I looked into things that most people would say I probably shouldn't have just out of curiosity. My sister looked into becoming Wiccan, but back in our day (the 80's) small towns didn't really have a variety of alternative spiritual paths to choose from.

I am a researcher by nature and a paralegal, thus also a researcher by profession. In my mid-twenties I went to visit my parents and my mother was studying with someone. I sat quietly waiting for her to finish. I could hear the woman's questions and I became curious about religion again myself. I went home that day and thought about it. I decided that I would do my own research. If I could figure out which religion was "true" then great. If I couldn't, then that was fine too. I'm not one to waste time, and going to church was something I would definitely consider a waste of time if there is even the slightest bit of doubt.

I spent 2 years researching world religions ... their origins, belief systems, etc. Everything ... Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Shintoism, Judaism, you name it. I had charts, documents, spreadsheets, etc. In the end I narrowed it down to Judaism and Christianity. Ultimately, the big difference between the two came down to the Messiah.

I know, I know...not what you want to hear. Bear with me though. There is a reason for everything, and keep in mind that I honestly did do my research. If you don't believe me, I challenge you to do the same...BUT...and this is a serious but...KEEP AN OPEN MIND WHILE YOU'RE DOING IT! That means no automatically crossing out Christianity because it has a Messiah/Jesus that you don't want to acknowledge because something happened or someone did something in your past. Back to the facts.

Judaism was still waiting for the Messiah, Christianity had claimed to have found him.

The problem which could not be resolved with Judaism is that the Messiah must come from the Davidic line. At this point, there is no way to prove that. When Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 C.E., all of the genealogical records were destroyed as well. Thus, there is no accurate way for anyone to confirm, should someone come along claiming Messiahship, that he is or is not said Messiah.

On the other hand, Jesus met every qualification and fulfilled every prophecy of the Messiah.

I was a little worried with regard to the numerous denominations of Christianity. But once I began to look at it, it really wasn't all that hard. An apostasy was foretold in the Bible. That apostasy started immediately after the death of the last apostles.

In Jesus' parable about the wheat and the weeds, he said the wheat and the weeds would be allowed to grow together until the harvest because until that time there would be no way to know which was which. But the closer the harvest gets, the clearer the distinction between the two would be.

One identifying factor of true Christians is found at John 13:35 - Jesus said his true followers would have love among themselves. This was one of the ways that I was able to narrow down a huge section of denominations of Christianity. How can an entire "Christian" denomination claim to be followers of Christ if they go to war and kill their own members? Catholics going to war against other Catholics ... Baptists killing Baptists ... Lutherans killing Lutherans ... etc.? They can't. That isn't love. In fact, according to the scriptures, you're supposed to love even your enemies.

For those denominations that speak in tongues, apparently they never read 1 Corinthians 13:8 which says that speaking in tongues would be done away with. Its purpose had been served. In fact, if people today realized what was actually happening they would be scared to death...and rightly so.

Regarding Catholics, I've always been amazed at the utter disregard for scripture. They go completely against it and no one ever questions it. I've never been able to figure out whether it's simply that Catholics don't read their Bibles or that know it but they just don't care. For instance, how do you reconcile the following:

Catholics call their priests Father, yet when Jesus was talking to the crowds and his disciples concerning the scribes and Pharisees concerning their haughtiness, at Matthew 23:9 he told them: "Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly one."

Another factor that I considered was the fact that in the Hebrew scriptures, God was ALWAYS extremely clear with His people that they were never to mix their worship with the worship of the neighboring nations. With this in mind, any denominations that have teachings that run contrary to what was taught by Jesus and the first century disciples cannot be true. So viewing certain doctrinal teachings, when they became doctrine, where they originated, etc., was helpful.

Some of the very things that I grew up with my parents teaching me about were actually pretty helpful. Like Christmas, Easter, etc. The origin of each of these holidays have their roots in pagan festivals. Most people say, what does it matter? Its just a fun time to get together with family? It doesn't mean that now. How about asking God what HE thinks. He may not see it that way. He didn't back when the Israelites said the same thing when they dedicated a festival to Him. It's disrespectful and wrong. You may not see it that way, but it's not a matter of how you see it. It's a matter of how GOD sees it.

An additional prophecy that Jesus spoke of at Matthew 24:14 helps to identify his true followers as well. Matthew was responding to his disciples when asked what would be the sign of his presence and the conclusion of the system of things (before Armageddon). He spoke of a work that would be performed concerning the Kingdom of God. He said: "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." There is only one group doing this work today ... Jehovah's Witnesses.

So to sum up, I found what I was looking for. I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My parents had it right when they found what they were looking for. I could have trusted them to begin with, but then it wouldn't have been my journey.

I know you didn't ask for a book and I'm sorry. I can be pretty wordy sometimes. I just know that if you sincerely wanting to believe in God, then you've got to start somewhere and sometimes when lost we all have a tendency to think that where we were is the last place we want to go back to. Christianity and Catholicism are two separate things...please don't confuse the two. If you're going to look for God, then look for Him with an open mind and heart.

I'm sure there will be a ton of thumbs down and probably some negative comments about JWs. I don't care about that. Negativity toward Jesus' followers is part of the territory ... there are scriptures about that too! :)

May Jehovah bless your efforts!
2015-02-15 15:32:18 UTC
repeatedly lie to yourself until you can comfortably abandon your humanity....then lie to yourself some more......
2015-02-15 17:24:20 UTC
If you are serious than Islam is the only choice.

Please do watch some of these:

Especially this:
2016-04-17 06:33:23 UTC
you don't. god isn't real.
2015-02-16 10:25:19 UTC
2015-02-17 02:56:41 UTC
Are you seeking the One True God or are you seeking a god you can be happy with? This is an important question because you've already placed such restrictions on your quest that you make it nearly impossible to find the truth. So you risk finding a false god that may temporarily make you happy but bring you even more misery long term than you experienced in the past.

You say you're not going back to Christianity, yet God says that once you're there you can't leave. He won't let you! If you think Roman Catholicism is Christianity then you're very much mistaken. Catholicism is a religion and like all religions, it's a man-made attempt to explain how we can please God or a god and achieve eternal life. So man creates a set of rules to live by, tenets and practices to follow, rituals to perform and creeds to accept.

But God never intended to establish a religion. The Jews created one of the most expansive, and in many ways repressive, religions known to man. And Islam isn't much different. Jesus came to re-establish the relationship man had with God before it was lost to disobedience. He gave His life as payment in full for our sins to reconcile man to God.

It's a love story written in blood on a cross of wood. All you have to do to please God is believe it. Being a Christian means completely identifying yourself with the person of Jesus Christ. It means that Jesus means more to your heart than any person or institution on earth.

Listen to this and you'll have a much better understanding:

Of course, before you can appreciate any of this your logical mind has to accept that God is real. The quickest way to prove His existence is to begin studying Bible prophecy.

There are over 100 historically verified, fulfilled prophecies in the first 35 verses of Daniel chapter 11 alone.

See for yourself:

God called King Cyrus of Persia by name in Isaiah 44:24-45:6 as His agent for freeing the Israelites from Babylon 150 years before Cyrus was even born. Daniel 9:25 prophesied Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, on what would be the first Palm Sunday, to follow a decree to rebuild Jerusalem. The prophecy was given in 535BC. The decree was given 90 years later by King Artaxerxes Longimanus of Persia. The prophecy was fulfilled 483 years later, to the very day. You just can't make this stuff up.

Josephus recorded a supernaturally ordained meeting between Alexander the Great and Jeduah, the reigning High Priest of Israel at the time. Alexander was making his way south toward Egypt, conquering nation after nation as he did. When he came to Jerusalem, the High Priest and his retinue, in their finest robes, opened the gates and met him outside the city, as God had told them to do. Alexander had previously seen this exact event in a dream and took its fulfillment as a sign from God. He spared the city and offered sacrifices in the Temple. When Jeduah opened the scroll of Daniel and read to Alexander portions of what we know as Daniel 8, written 200 years earlier, Alexander correctly interpreted it as referring to him (Antiquities of the Jews, Book XI, chapter 8, paragraphs 4 and 5).

Or just take a handful of Old Testament prophecies concerning the first coming of Jesus. In Psalm 22 David described a crucifixion hundreds of years before it was used as a method of execution including what it feels like, the words Jesus spoke from the cross, and what the soldiers did with His clothing. In Isaiah 53 His life and death were described in detail right down to His burial place. In Micah 5:2 the place of His birth was revealed. In Daniel 9:24-26 the day of His execution was given. In Zechariah 9:9 His entry into Jerusalem was described, and Zechariah 11:12-13 tells us how much the priests paid for His betrayal and who the money ultimately went to. There are many more examples, and all of them were part of the public record hundreds of years before the fact.

Apply any legitimate standard you want: forensic logic, statistical analysis, rules of evidence, you name it. Even a person of modest intellect will quickly be persuaded. God exists, He is Who He says He is, and He has done all that He claims to have done. No blind faith is required, no rush of emotion, no hocus-pocus; just cold hard logic. In fact it takes a whole lot more blind faith and a stubborn willingness to believe in spite of the facts, that the Big Bang or evolution constitute the beginning of life.

Prophecy is the way God validates His word. No other so-called holy writings offer this proof. Only God has consistently told His people what He was going to do and then did it to prove Himself to them. The problem ages ago is the same today. The world doesn't believe in biblical prophecies, doesn’t know what they say, and won’t know what to look for.

But once you see that God's track record for fulfilling prophecy is without error or blemish, you’ll know beyond all shadow of doubt that you can trust Him. Trust Him to save you from the penalty due you for your sins; trust Him to return like He promised to take you to be with Him forever, and trust Him to guide you through the remainder of your uncertain and undefined life on earth in the meantime.

Here are some additional thoughts worth considering …

God hates religion:

To understand God:

To understand mankind:

To understand God's Law:

To understand God's grace:

Putting it all together:
2015-02-17 09:56:04 UTC
stay away from that posion
2015-02-15 15:14:44 UTC
Scarborough Fair
2015-02-16 11:50:40 UTC
Come home.
2015-02-18 08:47:32 UTC
Why would you want to??.
2015-02-20 10:12:01 UTC
Read the bible it helps. ALOT!!!
2015-02-16 11:54:08 UTC
2015-02-17 15:19:19 UTC
Jesus is the only way, so until you are willing to come to God through faith Jesus you will never find him.

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.

3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.

Faith at the Dawn of History

4 By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.

5 By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; [a] for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God. 6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

7 By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.

Faithful Abraham

8 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; 10 for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

11 By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child[b] when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. 12 Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born as many as the stars of the sky in multitude—innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore.

The Heavenly Hope

13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them,[c] embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14 For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. 15 And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.

The Faith of the Patriarchs

17 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 of whom it was said, “In Isaac your seed shall be called,”[d] 19 concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense.

20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.

21 By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff.

22 By faith Joseph, when he was dying, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave instructions concerning his bones.

The Faith of Moses

23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command.

24 By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, 26 esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in[e] Egypt; for he looked to the reward.

27 By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible. 28 By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, lest he who destroyed the firstborn should touch them.

29 By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land, whereas the Egyptians, attempting to do so, were drowned.

By Faith They Overcame

30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days. 31 By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace.

32 And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: 33 who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. 35 Women received their dead raised to life again.

Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. 36 Still others had trial of mockings and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. 37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, were tempted,[f] were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented— 38 of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.

39 And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, 40 God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.
2015-02-16 11:43:05 UTC
we are not faith is

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.