Listen to your HEART or BRAIN ?
2006-03-21 01:49:51 UTC
28 answers:
2006-03-21 02:02:31 UTC
Two roads well traveled in my experiance, i say that you should try to listen to your heart first, try your best with the situation... If it doesnt help, if it begins to hurt to much then its time to think with the mind. Sometimes no matter what you do it will not be enough but atleast you can have the satisfaction knowing that you tried your all. In reality you cannot tell you heart what to feel and for who, and sometimes no matter what the other does it may not change how you feel for them but you must love and respect yourself enough to know when is enough heartache over someone, and when to draw the line. If your heart wont open the door, your mind will bar it shut. goodluck.
2006-03-21 02:17:02 UTC
To reply to this question which is from your brain - it needs a brain to answer that it is the heart one would listen to in this particular context. The brain can be used for calculating things like jobs,work,earning money,buying property,educating the one you love etc etc. But for love - it is the heart and thats that. So if you love then hell with the brain and everything else. Love and love and THATS ALL!!!!
2006-03-21 01:50:58 UTC
Both. And I really like the remake by DHT, especially the unplugged version!
2006-03-21 03:02:04 UTC
I think the heart doesn't contradict with the brain except in few cases such as:

1- if your brain tends to do something bad or our conscious doesnt agree with it.. in this case it is better to listen to your heart.

2- if your heart have emotions,Love for example, and this feeling will lead you to make a mistake or gets you a trouble in this way it is better to follow your brain not your hearts
2006-03-21 02:15:46 UTC
When I was young, I listened to my brain. I now listen to my heart. They both ask."hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaawhatwhat?"
2006-03-21 02:23:25 UTC
if u wanna a logical decision listen 2 ur brain but if u wanna an emotional aspect go for ur heart
2006-03-21 04:34:21 UTC
The heart is treacherous listen to your fully functioning brain.
jeffrey' s lil angel
2006-03-21 01:59:14 UTC
both trust me if i had listen to my brain a long time before i finally did i would done be married and happy instead of always hurting back then now that listend to my brain i m happy and fixin to get married sometime well not sure we ant set the date yet lol
Orion Quest
2006-03-21 01:57:35 UTC
Brain, heart always finds trouble.
Ms Unavailability
2006-03-21 01:53:34 UTC
I say pay more attention to your brain. Your heart will tell you what feels right, but your brain will tell you what is best for you, all things considered.
2006-03-21 02:11:32 UTC
I listen to my heart a lot.Which is not allways the best thing to do,it often causes me trouble.Better to do a bit of both,I guess..if thats possible
2006-03-21 02:03:18 UTC
Use yur Brain but also rely on yur Intuition or Gut Feeling!
Satan's avatar
2006-03-21 02:15:06 UTC
brain, the heart always seems to lead people into pretty awkward situations and makes them make too many mistakes.
2006-03-21 01:51:22 UTC
Both. If you use just ur brain, ur heart may ache and if u use ur heart always, u may just end up looking stupid..but it depends on what situation ur in..
2006-03-21 02:02:16 UTC
i'd go with heart and brain. .....being honest i listen to my heart most of the time....well always
rx8 slotcar
2006-03-21 01:59:14 UTC
you have to listen to your brain, cuss your heart will only hurt your brain,
2006-03-21 02:17:24 UTC
Listen to your brain, and you'll be the lonely, unhappy and intellectual you.
2006-03-21 01:50:50 UTC
2006-03-21 04:38:48 UTC
both but i listen to my heart more i think.
2006-03-21 02:20:37 UTC
Some people dont have either. So figure that one out.
2006-03-21 02:20:02 UTC

plesae listen your heart,heart is like a god...........

this is my personal experience.
2006-03-21 02:37:55 UTC
We were given both!
2006-03-21 01:54:31 UTC
i guess u shud go wid ur heart .... i mean if u really luv her whatz there to think about ...
2006-03-21 02:14:00 UTC
i always follow my heart.
2006-03-21 02:05:23 UTC
depends on the question
2006-03-21 01:58:08 UTC
it depends on d situation
2006-03-21 02:02:32 UTC
bad gal
2006-03-21 01:58:44 UTC

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