Creation in accordance to Scientology:
Scientology is a religious applied philosophy.
Scientology states that man is a Spiritual being and to represent this life force it selected the Greek symbol for though: “Theta”.
A sane man plans for the future.
A neurotic worries about the present.
An insane is stuck in the past.
A sane man Differentiates, he values each datum by itself.
A neurotic Associates irreverent data, two datum’s are never alike, each datum should be weighted by itself. All criminals justify their crimes by using logic or associating irreverent data. Two apples might look alike but the true observer knows that each apple is unique in form and color. Full knowingness is Differentiation, Logic is a step down.
The insane identifies, it believes that this equals that. Nurse = Vietcong, Bed = bunker, cup = grenade
The analytical mind is clear; it doesn’t have any hidden influences and is fully accessible by the Thetan. This is the mind that Theta uses to store memory and make decisions.
The reactive mind is collection of bad mental image picture that include pain, unconsciousness and command value. The reactive mind is the hidden influence that aberrates reason. The reactive mind is the cause for all human aberration, insanity or evil purpose.
Scientology’s approach to solve human aberration: Auditing.
- “Communication is the Universal Solvent.”
- “All problems of the mind are created by the mind.”
- “The mind can solve all the problems of the mind”
Auditing is a verbal therapy that uses questions to help the individual address what is bothering him. So the person by his own volition can solve his own problems. The big difference between Auditing and Psychoanalysis is that the Psychoanalyst evaluates for the person and tells him what to think. In Auditing you just ask and listen and let the person make his own mind about things.
There are no suggestions involved in Auditing, all conclusion are done by you by your own intelligence. Auditors are bound the Auditor’s Code to never evaluate for the preclear (preclear is a person receiving Scientology processing). Never get in a relationship with the preclear. All information released during auditing is protected by law and not even the police can gain access to that information. Enforcing this code of conduct is the Scientology Ethics Officer and Scientology law. Any violation to the Auditors code is considered a high crime in Scientology and will result removal of any Auditing Certificates and/or expulsion from the church. I have seen this happen and is a very serious matter.
Any friend or family member can audit you for free. Or you can take the courses and get your Auditing with other students. Taking Scientology courses is no more expensive than taking courses at your community college. Scientology also offers correspondence courses for a little as $30.00.
Professional auditing is also offered by highly trained specialists. An auditing team is composed of the Auditor, Ethics Officer, Quality Assurance (the person that tells the Auditor what to do), Corrections (the people that constantly train the Auditor on how to do the process) and the rest of the administration of a Church of Scientology. These are not one on one services, these are a whole team working to better you. It is expensive because is expensive to create, train and maintain the team.
How Scientology evolved?
Scientology evolved from Dianetics when it was discovered that man is a spiritual being. Scientology differs from Dianetics in that Dianetics deals with the mind and the rehabilitation of mental image pictures and Scientology deals with the rehabilitation of the human spirit itself.
We don’t ask for your faith in Scientology. There is no faith needed, when you can observe and experience it working by your self.
“Self confidence alone is security. Your ability is your security. There is no security but you. Let's make the best possible you." L Ron Hubbard
Cult status?
All great religions have been misunderstood, persecuted and attacked. Jesus was sentenced to death by a lynching crowd; his only crime: to teach Love and forgiveness. Christians were KILLED for centuries for their beliefs and they were accused of performing cannibalistic rituals (didn’t they ate and drink the body of Jesus?).
Scientology is a worldwide religion that claims 10 millions of members. It has centers in almost every mayor capital in the world: Washington, London, Berlin, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Sydney, Tel Aviv Israel and Moscow to name a few. And for a church that is barely 40 years old this is great. Scientology is not a small sect based in a small town in Texas isolated from the rest of the world. Scientology thrives in the center of mayor cities, its member are community leaders, doctors, teachers and workers from all sectors of society. The fact most Scientologists have a college education says a lot.
Scientologists are involved in all kinds of community improvement programs. The “drug free marshals” promote a drug free life style: The Scientology volunteer minister have helped in every mayor disaster area in the last 5 years: The New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project has helped over 800 9/11 rescue workers to live healthier lives: The way to happiness foundation promotes integrity, ethics and morals. Narconon is the biggest drug rehabilitation network word wide and runs the biggest drug rehabilitation center in the U.S. Criminon work with government agencies to rehabilitate inmates. Applied Scholastics promotes the use of smart study and educational techniques on a failed national educational system. Scientology is committed to solve all mayor social problems including lack of morals, illiteracy, drugs and criminality.
So those failed institutions that created these problems in the first place are calling foul and calling Scientology a cult. Who cares they are dying dinosaurs that failed to better society. Just a bunch of fakes with their “man is a soulless biological machine” ideology. To think that this is what passes for Social Sciences in today’s colleges is just mind boggling. Even they admit it in their own texts that Social Sciences are not a precise science. So if it is not a precise Science it is an ideology. America has been indoctrinated into this soulless false believe system not more scientific than other religion.
The truth is that you are a spiritual being not an animal. Man is a highly moral and sane spiritual being that has been driven into madness by force, drugs and electro shock. The good news is that now Scientology brings the tools to bring man back into sanity and anyone, even you can do it. Of courses this will put the mental health industry and big Pharma out of job. That’s exactly what they fear.