2010-01-24 15:09:50 UTC
LDS here are saying,
"The LDS church, in and of itself, did not donate much to funding proposition 8. The"members" did."
There was a satellite podcast (broadcast over 5 states) that sent a message to pass prop 8, and explained how the needed the members time and money.
The first satellite simulcast was on October 8, 2008 and was beamed to 5 Western states. Apostle Robert D. Hales led this broadcast on various aspects of the campaign, including how to deal with the issues telling the members how to conduct themselves.
Another satellite broadcast took place at a later date, and was led by Church Elders M. Russell Ballard, Quentin L. Cook and L. Whitney Clayton. It addressed the Church’s doctrine of marriage and participation in the Protect Marriage Coalition.
Below are some of their more activities done directly to communicate with California voters:
a LDS Church organized phone banks from Utah and Idaho
Sending direct mail to voters
Transported people to California over several weekends
Used the LDS Press Office to send out multiple News Releases to promote their activities to nonmembers.
Walked precincts
Ran a speakers bureau
Distributed thousands of lawn signs and other campaign material
Organized a “surge to election day”
Church leaders travel to California
Set up of very elaborate web sites.
This web page on PreservingMarriage.com has 13 very professionally made commercials and videos: http://www.preservingmarriage.org/videos.html .
Produced at least 9 commercials and 4 other video broadcasts all in support of Prop 8.
Conducted at least 2 satellite simulcasts over 5 Western states. (listed above)
All of these unreported contributions by the Mormon Church were on top of its massive fund-raising effort; the largest ever undertaken on a social issue ballot initiative.
2. By not reporting any of these non monetary contributions, did the Mormon Church violated the Political Reform Act? Dealing with tax exempt status)
And should more be investigated? It does seem that the LDS leadership did make quite a effort to sway votes, with money.
Can you address 1 and 2?