Desperately need prayer right now?
2009-06-04 19:30:48 UTC
Almost homless. Out of my antidepressants .... no job. No car. no family and like one friend. Im not a drug user nor am i a crimminal. I just need prayer that i will have a place to live by tomorrow evening. And a job asap. I fallen away from god many times and i feel like god is tired of giving me chances and right now i truly need his help or else i feel my only other option is suicide. I cant take anymore of this. I have never been homless and i have a dog that counts on me.... i cant find work to save my life. i need god's help right now. and its not that i dont want to follow im .....its just that when i do i feel like sometimes he takes his time replying to me... or maybe he isnt even listening. im in a very dark place and i need some light to be shed on me. prayers from everyone tonight. My name is daniel and my dog's name is sadie. Im 28 male from SoCal.
53 answers:
2009-06-04 19:39:06 UTC
Father, we come to you tonight in honor and prayer. We are so grateful for all you do for us. Humble our hearts to meditate upon your words. Father, Daniel really needs you now. He is crying out in desperation. He needs to feel your touch and forgiveness. He admits he's been wrong and I know your grace covers all boundaries. Father, guide and direct his path. Help him find a good place that he can rest his head tomorrow. Guide him in a career path that will use the talents you have given him. But most of all, I call upon the Holy Spirit to come to him in power and show him the peace that he desires to walk daily in his life. Have mercy on him and his dog, Sadie. We thank you for all the provisions you have given him and all the provisions you will continue to grant him. We pray this in Jesus' holy name, Amen.
TOS Violation ? (ex Spaced Out)
2009-06-04 19:57:15 UTC
Youre not well enough yet to take a job. You dont need a car but need to find a church. Not a building but a group.

There is where you will find a massive family.

Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name there the Holy Spirit is present.

The power is in the group within a church. From there you will get healing and recovery. For a certainty.

You have one of the best friends a man can ask for in the dog. I once lived for a year like a hermit in a caravan with just a dog and a guitar for most of my company.

I had a huge amount of spiritual awakenings during that time and lived very simply.

A dog is an excellent companion because of unconditional love and loyalty. The dog will pick up on your anguish and fret so get a focus get up and fight back by walking into a church group and introducing yourself and your best friend.

You must find a church and be open about your immediate needs.

Dont be afraid. I've seen them work wonders. Nobody can climb out of that darkness alone nor needs to be alone.

The Christian church is the place to begin.

God Bless brother ! Dont despair. Do it !
2016-05-24 12:07:47 UTC
Math is the downfall of many an otherwise brilliant student. Just get through it any way you can. You do need further education if you want to really do a good job of homeschooling--I homeschooled for five years, and it's great, but challenging. There's nothing wrong with wanting to work in a funeral home--not enough people know how to actually do something useful. You could be a great help to people who are grieving just by meeting their needs at such a time. I'd keep taking some kind of classes and work on the funeral home stuff. Don't compare yourself to your best friend or anybody else. They have their own lives to answer for, and you have yours.
2009-06-04 19:39:50 UTC
I am so, so sorry Daniel.

Don't lose faith in God. I know it seems hard to keep following, when you feel all he does is let you down, but in reality, he's not. Sometimes God doesn't always give you what you ask for, or what you want. It's what you NEED that he gives you! You may think "well, I NEED a house, a job, and to be happy..but he still hasn't given me that!" Think of what you do have, think of the good, not that bad. Try that for me, please. See if it makes a difference. Notice the tiny good things in your life, and dwell on those instead of all the bad.

You may not get the best job, but anything is good for right now, right? See if there's any openings at wal-mart, or a fast food restaurant. Check bulliten boards for people wanting a roommate, call your parents, see if you can come stay with them.

And a big, BIG thing you should deffinatly do--go to your local church, see the priest and TALK to him. Don't cowar away and feel you aren't good enough. God ALWAYS takes everyone back, no matter what they've done, as long as they ASK him to. Go to confession, talk to the priest about your problems..are you Catholic? If not, I'd go to a Catholic church and talk to the priests there--I'm not trying to sell my faith, but I think it's the only one, and you should start there.

Pray to Mary also--she interceds prayers and directly gives them to her Son, Jesus.

Also, check out this site... if you go there, pray the rosary, things will start to change. It'll make you feel better. :]

The best of luck, I'll be praying for you!
2009-06-04 19:46:26 UTC
Call the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association free at 1-877-247-2426.

They are there at night some too, but you might need to press "1" to get someone to pray with then. They don't do counseling, but they do real, and strong prayer. Definitely call them as often as needed, as it's toll-free. Also, you could call some local Christian churches, like Baptist ones especially, and see if they help the poor. Maybe if you tell them you need medication, they will help you. Ask if they have any jobs too. Get to a Salvation Army or similar place where you can get info about getting into a shelter and getting food. God bless.
Heather-Rose D
2009-06-04 19:40:57 UTC
I had a vision/revelation a little over 2 years ago. I saw a beautiful forest. Then all of a sudden it was on fire and burnt to the ground, the next image was a bigger, healthier, stronger forest. Life is like the forest. Sometimes it had to be burnt to the ground and nearly destroyed to be built up tp a bigger and better place. Just because you have wondered from God doesn't mean that he has left you. I had to learn all of this the hard way. When you think things are at there worst God will make a way. You are in my prayers.
2009-06-04 19:38:38 UTC
Yes. Daniel I prayed. I guess you aren't with any church because they may be able to also help besides praying. Hang on to the Lord and don't choose suicide as your option. It is not really an option.

Edit: btw, to all the people who said how can he have a computer etc. Daniel just asked ALOT of people to pray for Him. Just prayers! You can't even spare your breath for a prayer??! God will know if Daniel is lying or not so what does it matter to you? Just pray!

Daniel, I will continue to pray for you throughout the next week. You need more prayers come back and ask again. Plenty of us are happy to pray for you. May God bless you!
2009-06-04 19:42:38 UTC
My heart goes out to you. May you find peace and a good job. If you have sin in your life, repent and turn your life over to God and make up your mind to follow him where ever he leads you. Do not hold anything back. If you feel under any condemnation, it will hinder your faith.

Pray and ask God to give you the faith you need. Start reading the Word of God sincerely seeking his truth and make up your mind to obey him. Else you will not find the help you desire.

Wait on God and do not attempt anything foolish. God will help you, but you will have to meet him on his terms. Learn to pray and trust God. Seek for his faith.

How are you on a computer? Just wondering. Will it be available to you if you are out? I hope you can read the answers.

Lord Jesus, I ask right now that you will move for this man and help him with all these problems. Help him to find faith and a good job. I ask you comfort him and take away any thoughts of suicide as this will not give him what he needs, but only damnation.

Open a good door for this man as he now needs it. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
2009-06-06 18:09:43 UTC
Dear Daniel,

My prayers for you and Sadie have already been lifted. God bless you. Please remember that only God knows the timing of our lives. He tells us He will forgive us seventy times seven. He is faithful to answer our prayers - sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes no and sometimes wait. I'm going through a very difficult time myself right now and I have pets who depend on me so I completely understand but I think sometimes He allows the hard times because I am so independent. He WANTS us to lean on Him. I believe He finds a way to bring us to our knees and to Him. His blessings await you. Don't do anything that would cause you to miss out.

God bless.x.
2009-06-06 18:07:11 UTC
I will pray, but first understand this: God is not responsible for our choices or our predicaments. He gave us will power and dominion over these things such as finances, etc.

Father God Almighty,

I lift up this child of God in prayer to You for Your Mercy and Grace upon his life. He has no where to turn in his hour of need O' God, and he is leaning on Your Wisdom and Understanding. Father, i pray that you will have Mercy and make a way for this man to survive and find work, as well as meet his needs. Lord I ask these things in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.
2009-06-04 21:43:24 UTC
Dear Lord,

You are a God of love and mercy. I bring before you Daniel. Right now he is in a very dark place and he needs Your light--Your presence. Lord, He feels all alone and helpless. He needs Your help. He feels as if You are tired of giving him chances. Please let him know that You are never tired of giving people who seek You as many chances as they need. Please, Lord, let him see Your face and let him know how much his life means to You. Your love for him is so great that You sent Your Son to die for him.

You said in Your word that we should not worry because You know our needs and that You will take care of us. Your Word tells us not to be anxious about anything but to bring our requests to You in prayer. We are bringing Daniel's requests to You. He needs to find a place to live. He needs a job. We know that the economy is hard right now but Lord, please find a job for Daniel so that he can take care of himself and his dog Sadie. Please come through for him, Lord. Do not delay Your answer.

We thank You for hearing and answering this prayer in the mighty and wonderful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Daniel, go to God in prayer and pray hard, with all your heart and He will hear you. And have faith. Remember a little faith can go a long way.
2009-06-04 20:04:49 UTC
Daniel, you are in my prayers this evening and I will also pray for your friend and your dog, Sadie. Some of these people say things that may sound a little mean. Don't pay attention to them. You said you are ALMOST homeless, and they didn't get that, and are asking how you have a computer. C'mon, people. Give him a break.

Daniel, don't give up on God. I was in the mirey pit of alcoholism, and drug use. I fell away from God many times myself, and I can understand where you are. Please don't give up, though, because there is hope in the Lord. Ask Jesus back into your heart. He is waiting. You have come here, because you are desperate, and in need of friends and support. I'm here for you, and I know the Lord is watching over you. The very fact that you are asking for prayer is an indication that you are a believer. Daniel, sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we look up. It happened to me, and maybe that's what has happened to you. We all need to be broken to come to the Lord in the utmost humility. Don't give up. Jesus loves you still! And we, brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus love you also. As a matter of fact, you can find brothers and sisters where you are right now. Just go to a church and ask for help. If they don't help you there (which is pretty unlikely) then try another church or another until someone does. I'm pretty sure you won't have to try more than one, though. Just do it. There must be a church around you somewhere, Daniel. If you need food, you will get it, and a place to stay, they can help you with that. Don't be afraid to ask. God works through His people, so just remember that. And there are a lot of God's people all over the place. Times are so hard right now, I know. My family is suffering, too. And I'm sure we all know someone who is. Don't feel ashamed to ask for help, ok? I'm going to pray for you right now. It is 9:51p.m. Where I am. I live in the northern U.S. You are most likely 2 hours behind my time. I just wanted you to know what time I am praying.

Heavenly Father, I come to You this evening in prayer for Daniel. Daniel has asked your people to pray for him this evening. Daniel is in a bad way right now. Lord, I can't see him, but You can. You know who he is. Lord, I ask that you have mercy on him tonight. I ask that you be with him, and make Yourself known to him. He is crying out, and needs help. He has come to You, Lord, with the utmost humility, and broken. Lord we ask that you place your loving arms around him right now, so that he can feel Your presence. Lord, direct his path so that he may find his way back to You, and may know the joy of being a child of Yours. You promise us that You won't let us endure anything we can't handle. We know that it is because You are with us, Lord. I ask that You be with Daniel. I ask that you help him in any way he needs help. Please bless Him Father, and bless his little dog, Sadie, and also Daniel's friend. May You guide him to a place where he will find many friends he can trust and that will lead him to You. In our Lord Jesus' precious name I ask this of You. Thank You, Father for hearing my prayer this evening for Daniel. Amen.

God Bless, and don't give up on Him. He will lift you up!
2009-06-04 19:43:37 UTC
God is waiting on you but you need to come to him truthfully and faithfully. He's waiting on you to truly surrender to Him so that he can be a part of your life. Suicide is one thing you shouldn't be thinking of at this moment. You will still have to answer to God. Prayers will be offered up for you but you must not lose hope. If you can find someone to talk to like a pastor or preacher at your church you ought to do so as well. God does things on his own time. All we have to do is wait patiently. But yes, he does answer prayers.
2009-06-04 19:51:18 UTC
I believe He is already helping you right now. Through the prayers of these good Christian people your prayers will be answered. God Bless
2009-06-04 19:39:36 UTC
I'm a firm believer that God never gives us more than we can handle. However, if you need prayer; here is a good one to help try to get you through. :)

Heavenly Father,

in my present need,

help me to believe that you are a wave

of my anxiety and will do what is best for me.

Give me the strength to trust you

and put the present and future in your hands.

Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
2009-06-04 19:46:39 UTC
A gear has ups and downs, highs and lows. but we've gotta keep moving forward.

I hope you find peace in your low, and always strive for the top.

You have my prayers Daniel, you and Sadie both.. good luck
2009-06-04 19:38:31 UTC
Get to a good Christian church right now and ask for prayer and guidance from the church elders. You need your friends and family right now. Do not allow satan to make decisions for you at a time like this. You will solve nothing by terminating your life. Only satan wins then. Get back to friends and family right now.
2009-06-04 19:33:43 UTC
I will pray for you. I'm from NorCal and the economy here is extremely bad right now. It seems like there are no jobs. Don't think of suicide, because the entire country is going through the same hardships... myself included. When your down, the only way to go is up, right?

I will keep you and Sadie in my prayers! It's sad that atheist will give you a thumbs down for offering a prayer... grow up people!
2009-06-04 19:37:04 UTC
I will pray for you. Please dont commit suicude. Also, maybe you could find a day-labor place which pays by the day. Ours where I live is called labor finders. May you find a place to live very soon. I'm sorry you are going through this horrible time. You will get through it. I promise. You now have half of the yahoo answers community praying for you.
2009-06-06 17:13:55 UTC
Dear Father in Heaven,

I am lifting up Daniel tonight to you. I know that you love him and I ask that you will bless him. Please send your angels to surround comfort and protect him. I ask that you will somehow provide him with an income to where he can have food and shelter. God please be especially close to him right now as he is feeling his need for you. Please help him to always put you first when things are bad...and when they are good. Please put the right people that you can use to help his pathway. I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer tonight. I pray this in Jesus' precious name...amen!

† On-Call Prayer Warrior †
2009-06-04 19:37:15 UTC
Hang in there, God has a plan for you, and all things will work out in the end. It may seem like there's no reason for your suffering, but it will make you stronger, and it is bringing you closer to god. I'll pray for you.
2009-06-04 19:45:56 UTC
wow.. what a life. that is the question you have now.

you trying to blame God for it and your trying to end your life ..

what is in your mind if you end you life and what is going to happen in the next life if after you died ,,, if you believe in God

God is never forget a bit to His people..

God is always there for us...

And God is Always remember of us when ever we need His Help.

First of all is.

if you want help from God and you to try get His help.

Than please try get close to Him

1.pray more to him.. or visit more of him in His House... Church , Mosque or Temple maybe.

if you go to His house more than God will close to you..but if you never visit Him or worship Him than when you need His help..God will ignore you . a good the people make more friends..becouse you good to God people than God will be good to you

Don't worry about job.. but when you get close to God ..He ill lead you to the great job.

Wish you luck and God Bless you
Lady of Liberty
2009-06-06 17:34:02 UTC
im so sorry for Your many are feeling this way..i suggest you go in talk to Him and really pour Your heart out but i would love to give you a prayer now

Father..Thank You that we know You are a merciful Father..we ask You to come and knock on his door that he will invite you in deep in his heart..We ask for comfort and provisions for this man..He loves his dog and needs a job..We ask You to furnish this for him and He give You praise..This economy is bad right now but we know You like to shine in the darkness..We ask that he dont give up on You because You will send his spirit on him..Father we are humbly asking You to not make this man homeless and give him the strength to love others in the mist of his hard times..Cuz we know the world will let us down but we must endure in love anyhow..We know You wont let us down if we invite You and You wont let us down if we ask in Your Powerful and Precious name of Jesus..Amen
Lilli is Silli
2009-06-04 19:34:50 UTC
You are in my prayers. I wish you and Sadie a wonderful life from here on out. God bless! I hope u know someone out there cares
Daddys_girl 67
2009-06-05 19:02:21 UTC
Dear; I would be honored to pray for you;

Dear Heavenly Father I come to you to ask that you help this young man. I ask that you please find him a place to live, and a job to support himself and his precious dog. I know you answer prayers so Lord I ask that you please answer this one for him. He feels like he has let you down. but I know you will never forsake him. Please Lord let him feel your love and comfort. I ask these things according to your will. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.

† Concerned Prayer Warrior †
2009-06-04 19:35:52 UTC
When YOU give up it feels like God leaves you, but in REALITY you are the one that LEFT.

No matter what keep calling to him. You will be in my thoughts and I pray God blesses you with shelter and helps you on your way. (and your dog too)

PS. What part of So. Cal.?
Linda J
2009-06-04 19:34:44 UTC
I pray that God opens the heart of a good friend of your land lets you stay with them until you are on your feet.

I've been through EXACTLY what you are about to face, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me! I know it sounds unbelievable but that's a fact.

God bless, and trust Him, you'll do fine.
2009-06-04 19:35:34 UTC
ill be sayin a prayer for u, u must have some family somewhere.

contact your church, see if you can get a loan from your bank or try to sell as much you have. i mean you obviosuly have a computer, u have to start somehere.

Dont give up, Miracles happen for those who believe.

"Troubled soul don't lose your heart"
2009-06-04 19:37:27 UTC
Go to a church and ask for help. Go now.....I do not care which church well I do care but ask for help. I would recommend a Catholic Church or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints. They have the most awesome set up in which to help people.
2009-06-04 19:35:13 UTC
You poor thing. All these horrible things running through your thoughts are Satan's demons trying to get you to commit suicide. Okay, now that's said....

I'll gladly pray for you.

And you don't have to have only one friend. I'll be your friend =)
2009-06-04 19:37:43 UTC
You're in mine right know: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and give you peace and hope.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
2009-06-04 19:34:09 UTC
Prayers are on the way and I know-- your prayers will be answered and He has it all worked out for you -- you no longer need those meds because by His stripes we are healed ... let me know what I can do I'm also in Southern CA -- So KIT !!
2009-06-04 19:35:06 UTC
I will say a prayer for you and your best friend. May the lord bless you this evening.
2009-06-04 19:35:58 UTC
i will pray for you. God hasn't abandoned you nor will he ever. leave your problems at the cross and he will take care of you it might get rocky but don't give up your faith in him. He will take care of you. I hope this gives you hope for now. It will get better
A love story baby just say yes.
2009-06-04 19:35:14 UTC
OK! I will pray for you! :] and if you could say a prayer for me once in a while, my name is Lauren. Im sure he will know who you are talking about! :]
2009-06-04 19:34:26 UTC
Go to a homeless shelter or a local church for now

When you get back on your feet you can then help others
2009-06-04 19:34:29 UTC
go to church an prey for what u feel ill prey for u in church also im only 14 so ill have my mom prey too just remeber god loves u and u can get through this
2009-06-04 19:33:47 UTC
You and Sadie will be in my blessings tonight. I hope that you are able to find what you need so that you may get what you want.
2009-06-06 18:06:33 UTC
My prayers are with you.
2009-06-04 19:36:29 UTC
If your homless with no family members, only one friend, and stuff the how in the world do you have a freakin computer?!!?!!?!!!?!??!! And since you don't have a job, how do you feed yourself and your dog??????? That's what I'd like to know!
2009-06-04 19:34:51 UTC
try praying the rosary

or just talking to god in your head

i would go to any church and talk to a priest

they give the best advice
2009-06-04 19:34:26 UTC
My child, my father provides many chances for one to get back on one's feet, all you have to do is keep your eyes open.

and may I ask how you are so desperate and poor, yet you have the Internet?
2009-06-04 19:35:10 UTC
I'll definitely pray for you - good luck :)
2009-06-04 19:37:31 UTC
With all due respect, maybe it's your attitude. I don't know you or your history but, my own brother's situation is similar to yours. And his attitude and acts of desperation are very unsavory to all that know him.
2009-06-04 19:36:03 UTC

I really hope everything works out for you.

I'll definitely pray for you.
2009-06-04 19:34:04 UTC
kk! I'll be happy 2 pray for u! =) gud luck Dani!
2009-06-04 19:34:23 UTC
You have prayer from me.
2009-06-04 19:33:51 UTC
Ok so join the military. Free food, benefits, a paycheck, and a roof.
2009-06-04 19:33:47 UTC
I will pray for you. I'm so sorry for your situation...
2009-06-04 19:39:26 UTC
i'm calling shenanigans. how do you have a computer and pay for internet? and judging by your other questions I am not convinced.
2009-06-04 19:35:12 UTC
Don't use drugs.
2009-06-04 19:35:28 UTC
forsure =]
Athєist's Nightmarє
2009-06-04 19:34:32 UTC
You don't need a prayer. You need a rational approach to deal with life's problems. Sell your dog to a testing laboratory.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.